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Cynthia McKinney's Speech at the March 17th Anti-War rally at the Pentagon

by Cynthia McKinney (repost and links)
Here is the text and a link to a video of former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's address in front of the Pentagon yesterday.
Cynthia addresses March 17th Anti-War rally at Pentagon

Cynthia McKinney
Remarks in front of the Pentagon
March 17, 2007

Well, it seems that George Bush and Democratic Leaders were right.

They confidently told us that not only would Democrats fund the surge, but that the Democrats would not stop action in Iran, too.

Now, we are not surprised when the unelected, illegitimate Administration of George Bush ignores us, but we are shocked that the Democratic majority in Congress chose war over us as we say Bring our troops home now!

The answer is clear: Our country has been hijacked.

What about a livable wage for America's workers?

What about the right of return for Katrina survivors?

What about repealing the Patriot Act, the Secret Evidence Act, and the Military Tribunals Act?

Why is impeachment "off the table"?

Our country is bankrupt yet this institution has "lost" 2.3 trillion dollars!

I want that money back . . .

For jobs . . . for health care . . . for education . . . for our veterans!

The Democrats have become so timid they won't even repeal the Bush tax cuts as a strategy to deal with a bankrupt nation.

Seems the story is the same: more money for war, but we can't feed the poor.

It's hard to believe, but now the Democrats are full partners in George Bush's wars.

And by funding his wars, the Democratic Congress is explicitly complicit.

Complicit in war crimes! Complicit in torture! Complicit in crimes against humanity! Complicit in crimes against peace!

The FBI spied on us; Condoleezza, Dick, and George lied to us.

In 1957, Dr. King observed that "Both political parties have betrayed the cause of justice."

And so it must be repeated today.

Our beloved America is dividing again into two Americas. Our struggle is for nothing less than the soul of our country.

We want an America that is respected in the commonwealth of man; we want our values to shine like a beacon throughout the world.

As an American of conscience, I hereby declare my independence from every bomb dropped, every threat leveled, every civil liberties rollback, every child killed, every veteran maimed, every man tortured.

And I sadly declare my independence from the leaders who let it happen.

We will not stop. We will win. We will get our country back!
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by tim
Cynthia McKinney's speech good and to the point. Now in the issue present remains the huge work of re-tooling the entire industrial revolution to wind, tidal, and solar power out of the pollution of the first industrial revolution motivated by coal, gas, oil, and atomic energy. To bring those hi-jacked, lied to troops home and give them something productive to do paying union living wages so the non-pollution solution can take place and America can begin to believe in itself again. No amount of Imperial troopers can save the situation whereby to win, would lose the very air we breathe, as it is already 35% less of oxygen then before the first industrial revolution. That carbon dioxide resulting from burning off fossil fuels is not livable to plants and animals. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that only a very few more percentage points could start a demise that we may never recover from. Greenpeace says that the co2 ought to have been stopped in the late eighties. Pollution of the air, land and water ought to be recongnized as a modern war crime and a stop must be made soon , not later as we are already late. High crimes and misdemeanors and wars for pollution money are deep and correct reasons to impeach those who mislead the people and war to wreck the planet. End war, not endless pollution wars Bushco style.
by tim
Cynthia McKinney's speech good and to the point.

Now in the issue present remains the huge work of re-tooling the entire industrial revolution to wind, tidal, and solar power out of the pollution of the first industrial revolution motivated by coal, gas, oil, and atomic energy. To bring those hi-jacked, lied to troops home and give them something productive to do paying union living wages so the non-pollution solution can take place and America can begin to believe in itself again. No amount of Imperial troopers can save the situation whereby to win, would lose the very air we breathe, as it is already 35% less of oxygen then before the first industrial revolution. That carbon dioxide resulting from burning off fossil fuels is not livable to people and animals. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that only a very few more percentage points could start a demise that we may never recover from. Greenpeace says that the co2 ought to have been stopped in the late eighties. Pollution of the air, land and water ought to be recongnized as a modern war crime and a stop must be made soon , not later as we are already late. High crimes and misdemeanors and wars for pollution money are deep and correct reasons to impeach those who mislead the people and war to wreck the planet. End war, not endless pollution wars Bushco style.
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