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Indybay Feature

Susan Leal from SFPUC falters into a cesspool of a series of inept decisions

by Francisco Da Costa
Susan Leal is NO engineer but she heads the SF Public Utilities Commission and is paid over $300,000 a year plus perks. Under her ineptness, the Hetch Hetchy project that had four major pipes bringing water from Hetch Hetchy near Yosemite has been reduced to 3 pipes. We have yet to attend to the 900 miles of sewer pipes and over 1900 miles of clean water pipes - all over 70 years old and leaking, all over San Francisco. How can the SFPUC drinking water be clean when the pipes that bring it to you are filthy? Is this really a Health and Safety issue?
There is no doubt the Waters at the source of Hetch Hetchy are the purest ever. The First People to whom the water belongs, and from whom the waters was stolen consider the water Sacred.

San Francisco went to Congress and with the Raiker Act in the early 1900s, stole the land and the waters.

Today, along the way - other waters are added further polluting the Sacred waters from the Hetch Hetchy source.

By the time we get the drinking water in San Francisco we have to be very concerned about the leaking pipes, very unkempt Reservoirs, and a host of other poor maintenance issues - that deliver very poor drinking water to San Franciscans.

The adding of Chloromine to the drinking water has further caused serious problems - adversely impacting many customers - some 2.4 million in the Bay Area.

Susan Leal is pushing for Fossil Fuel Combustion Turbines in the Bayview. She keeps talking about Climate Change and Global warming - without comprehending that she is contributing to Climate Change with poor decisions. Typical of some that speak from both sides of their mouths.

The fossil fuel Combustion Turbines - small power plants will spew dangerous particulates - 2.5 and harm mostly innocent children. The Bayview already has its share of pollution but Susan Leal and her cronies Barbara Hale, Karen Kubbick, and other do not care.

Susan Leal and her her cronies, are set out to contribute to Global Warming and Climate Change, by placing dangerous fossil fuel Combustion Turbines in the Bayview. No Main Media reporters care to report about this fact. And all this in San Francisco.

It is just a matter of time before the sewer infrastructure situated along the San Francisco coast fail. The weirs that act and perform an important role will be flooded with salt water - back up into the operations and bring the process to a striking halt.

Global warming will see an increase in the rise of the tides and it is just a matter of time - before this fiasco hits SFPUC but Susan Leal, ignorant as she is does not fully understand the consequences.

Susan Leal has been working with the San Francisco Department of the Environment (DOE). Both the DOE and the SFPUC do not tap money from the General Fund - but they use different ploys to make money for their agencies from grants and ploys.

Both agencies have been audited by the SF Controller Office and found to have major flaws. Spending thousands without proper accounting.

Recently, the DOE took a trip to London and spent over $20,000 to study tidal-wave energy. This type of trip that makes no sense when the issue has been discussed in San Francisco and found to be very expensive - makes no sense.

But, some folks will not give up - using public money and wasting it without Accountability and Transparency.

The SFPUC has been bombarding the Southeast Sector of San Francisco - that includes the Bayview with flares that contain dangerous particulates - from the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - that is operating in the middle of a residential area.

The SFPUC is responsible for polluting the Bay - logs that are available from previous years - clearly indicate that many time half-teated sewage was dumped into the Bay.

The Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant takes in eighty percent of the San Francisco's sewage, but one hundred percent from Colma, Daly City, Brisbane, Burlingame - that is a lot of sewage. Under Susan Leal - she keeps getting sewage from the outside San Francisco.

Time out, for a moratorium - sending millions of gallons of raw sewage to a treatment plant that cannot process the sewage and is very old - the last time some upgrade was done to the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant was in the early 70s.

Daily the SF Watershed is polluted and Susan Leal is not addressing this pertinent situation.

Daily the Bay is polluted by the SFPUC.

Daily, thousands in San Francisco get inferior drinking water and are told lies that they are drinking the pure water form Hetch Hetchy.

Daily we hear lies from Susan Leal and the SFPUC.

When requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act to submit document available to the public - Susan Leal refuses to submit the documents. Time will tell.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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by Yosemite Indian
Some of us Paiutes went to Hetch Hetchy and there is a sign there with Tuolumne Me-wuks and Southern Sierra Miwuks and Mono Lake Paiutes, but no mention of Bridgeport and Owens Valley Paiutes. Yosemite National Park service seperated the Tuolumne Me-wuks and the Southern Sierra Miwuks, but combined the Paiutes, who are from three different groups with different dialects, under the Mono Lake Paiutes.

The park service is erasing Paiute history out of Hetch Hetchy Valley and Yosemite. There is also no proof that the Southern Sierra Miwuks ever entered Hetch Hetchy. They lived in the lower southern foothills.

The problem is that some of the current and former Indian Yosemite National Park workers are going for federal recognition by taking our Paiute history and changing it to their own. They are erasing or changing Paiutes into Miwoks for their own agenda.
by Yosemite Indian
Some of us Paiutes went to Hetch Hetchy and there is a sign there with Tuolumne Me-wuks and Southern Sierra Miwuks and Mono Lake Paiutes, but no mention of Bridgeport and Owens Valley Paiutes. Yosemite National Park service seperated the Tuolumne Me-wuks and the Southern Sierra Miwuks, but combined the Paiutes, who are from three different groups with different dialects, under the Mono Lake Paiutes.

The park service is erasing Paiute history out of Hetch Hetchy Valley and Yosemite. There is also no proof that the Southern Sierra Miwuks ever entered Hetch Hetchy. They lived in the lower southern foothills.

The problem is that some of the current and former Indian Yosemite National Park workers are going for federal recognition by taking our Paiute history and changing it to their own. They are erasing or changing Paiutes into Miwoks for their own agenda.
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