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Indybay Feature

Santa Cruz Homeless crack down in full selective force

by Tim Rumford
Rise in Homeless harassment
The rise in measures to drive out the homeless is in full force in Santa Cruz. The Sentinel printed an article about an attack on an officer by a “Homeless Man” during the first day of the crack down. First, he was not homeless. He has a low income room which makes him legally housed. Of course, the Sentinel wants headlines -- fear always makes for a good one.

Today I walked the mall to see what was happening. First thing I noticed was an absence of many people I normally see. I stopped and talked to the few people I could find. They were moving around allot, fearful to even stay in one place too long.

Sgt. Flippo noticed a young man sitting against the wall across from the bus station. The young man was alone, sober and not causing any problems. Sgt. Flippo was also on a bicycle and immediately did a U-turn when he saw the young man escaping the unusual hot weather. He demanded to see Id and the young man gave it to him. (Remember you do not have to show ID in California) At this point I turned on my camera and began taking pictures of the officer and recording the event. Sgt. Flippo took notice of me as the young man said “What could I possibly be doing wrong?” Sgt. Flippo replied, “Your sitting against the wall. The young man seemed confused, unfamiliar with our strange laws. He was run against warrants and came out clean. Sgt. Flippo looked back at me and paused and said “I am going to write and official warning, if you’re caught again by any officer, you will receive a ticket.” Ironically, the young man had a shirt on that said “My Lucky Day.”

The homeless are concerned, and many feel they are being selectively sought out and they are correct. They also feel that they are being blamed and punished for the actions of others, bar drunks, people from out of town that come here to sell drugs and then leave.

As I continued my walk I counted 10 people who were not homeless, did not have long hair, or carrying around backpacks; they were all sitting against the walls of the mall to escape the heat with complete immunity from the treatment the young man received, who may or may not have been homeless. I watched a few tickets being given for dogs to the homeless while tourists seem to walk by the police with complete immunity to this ordinance as well.

I think we need to form our own COP WATCH. We have one or two people a day with a decent digital camera and a cell phone to watch the police and record their actions. This idea needs much more thought, but, I think it could be useful. People being cited or arrested could know to shout for a COP WATCHER to witness the event. Cop Watchers could also be there to make sure these laws are enforced on the tourists as well as the poor.
§SCPD "Clean Up Pacific"
by ~Bradley (bradley [at]
While walking down Pacific Avenue on February 18th, 2007, I came across three Santa Cruz Police Department officers (one police squad car and one police SUV) facing a man who was seated on a bench near the Metro Center. I am not sure why the police were questioning the man. I did not see any victim(s) of a crime around.
§Cop Takes My Photo
by ~Bradley (bradley [at]
Not only was I interested in taking photos of the cops as they were "cleaning up Pacific," but the cop above on the left wanted to be sure to capture a shot of me with his cellphone. "Smile, it's a Police State."
§Blue Gloves
by ~Bradley
These Santa Cruz police officers did not appreciate having me observe and photograph while they worked to "clean up Pacific."
§"Stand Up and Turn Around"
by ~Bradley
The man was searched.
§SCPD Courtesy Shuttle
by ~Bradley
Service with a Smile. Come to Santa Cruz, we know how to show you a great time! The SCPD Courtesy Shuttle is just one of the many ways of providing our visitors with topnotch service from the time you arrive in our lovely Surf City, USA until the time you leave. Dress Codes are strictly enforced for riding in the Courtesy Shuttle.
§Pictures from above bust
by Tim Rumford
Having tech issues posting video or pics. Hope this works!
§More pictures
by Tim Rumford
From 2:30 bust at bus station on 2/18/07
§Here is an attempt at uploading the small 3 min video
by Tim Rumford
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
Notice its the same cop taking pictures of me as in the pics above from Bradley.
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Have you seen the City Council members, Mayor Reilly and Ryan Coonerty fall all over themselves claiming they are targeting "behavior" rather than homeless status?

They are bold-faced liars.

What kind of "behavior" is Sleeping at night? What kind of "behavior" is asking for food after dark?

The laws are designed to entrap poor people. And other laws are selectively enforced.

Remember Emily Reilly was the one who axed the Citizens Police Review Board right AFTER they had passed a resolution calling for an official city policy dis-allowing selective enforcement and BEFORE they had a chance to present it to the City Council.

Coincidence? I think not.

My Free Radio Santa Cruz show Bathrobespierre's Broadsides regularly airs street interviews and has recently covered some of the victims of the crackdown. Download and spin through the last two shows (at & brb070214.mp3) to check out some first-hand accounts. There will be more on Thursday 2-22 6-8 PM, assuming the station is back on air.

Please phone in your own accounts at 423-4833 for broadcast or for the record. Or write them up here.
by Tim Rumford
On 2/18 at about 2:30 I witnessed this bust next to the Bus Station. The young man was already in the car. He was screaming he did not do anything. I have know idea what he did. The three officers took notice of me snapping pictures. Watch the small 3 min video of the camera standoff. One officer got upset I was filming. He mad a quick call into the station and began to film me as I filmed him.

The Young Man had a bike. It was checked if it was stolen and it was not. It was a beater. One officer asked the man, "Do you have a job?" The young man replied "no", he also screamed he did not do anything throughout the bust. "How can you afford a bike?" the officer asked.

About this time the officer got upset at me and came over to ask what I had in the bag. I said nothing. He asked what I was doing and I replied "My job" the officer asked "What is that? I replied " To make sure4 your doing yours." I asked if I was free to go and they said yes but I stayed for the end.

At the end an officer suddenly produced a perfectly rolled joint cupped in his hand. He went to the car the young man was in and yelled " Now we have you for possession!"

I am not saying this was a setup, I could not tell for sure. My big mistake was not videoing the entire event. They took his bike and him away.
by Tim Rumford
Sorry folks just woke up and realized Bradley's photos are of the same bust, I think...
He must of left as I showed. Good work. Lets keep it up! Bradley did you see if they put any of his belongings in the back of the SUV? I ask because the joint that suddenly appeared either came from the back of the SUV or the picture taking officer's pocket. I am wondering if this guy had a backpack or something confiscated and put in the SUV?
by Tim Rumford
The first bust at the top of this thread is for sitting against the wall to escape the sun.
Here is a photo of many tourists doing the same, sitting against the wall, with immunity. Here are many tourists sitting illegally after two officers walked by as well as one down town host. Laws are for everyone or no one.
by Tim Rumford
Again, having tech problems with some photos not posting. One more try!
by not a techie
Tim, reduce the size of the images. They do not need to be wider than 640 pixles.
by I dont dare
Stepped out of my office door today, down on Pacific.

Stepped out, that is, after I had to forcibly shove it open thanks to the two bums who were sitting against it.

It's an outward-swinging door, so I couldnt open it inward. I even pushed it open 2 inches first and said "EXCUSE ME?!" - their response? None. I had to physically slide his scraggily ass 3 ft to the side while pushing the door open!

It was middle of the afternoon. He was awake. Irritated, I pointed out the very obvious fact that this was a DOOR WAY. I told him I didnt have a problem with his kind in general, but Christ man it's my OFFICE DOOR!

He just stared, then shouted something rude and angry as I walked away.

I could have called the cops. I thought about it. I decided not to, because I dont want the guy getting fucked with just cuz he has a joint in his pocket or an unpaid "sleeping ban" ticket; both of which are fascist crap. He was old and relatively harmless, so I just scared him away. It would have been pathetic to have to actually hurt him.

Fortunately he left before I got back. I doubt he'll block my doorway again, but he'll probably block someone else's tomorrow. Pacific Ave is getting bad. The gang bangers are getting bad, the cops are getting bad, and the bums are getting bad. Seems everyone is very keen to watch everyone else's behavior, but people aren't watching their own.

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