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Indybay Feature

Public Outcry against San Jose Police Brutality

by we are watching (eastside6defense [at]
People who deal with the SJPD on a daily basis gathered to share their experiences with each other and the Chief of Police, bringing the horrors of police brutality out into public view.
San Jose Police Accountability Forum

More than one hundred community members came to the second of two public forums hosted by the San Jose Independent Police Auditor's office last night. The Police Chief and members of the City administration listenned to two hours of stories of the experiences of people who are targetted by the police every day. Racism, racial profiling, police brutality, and the arrogance of the SJPD were hammered home by dozens of speakers of all ages and races. The concreted demands were for the police to be held accountable by a community run police review board, firing of police who disrespect and brutalize the people of San Jose, an ongoing community tribunal to investigate police abuse, the banning of tasers, and anger management and cultural awareness instruction for all police.

The stories of the people were horrific. Here are some examples:

by we are watching
A 65 year old Mexicano man who pulled his taco vending truck over to bear witness when he saw someone being beaten on the street by police was himself cuffed, thrown face down onto the street, had his head slammed on the ground many times with a night stick held across the back of his neck, and suffered permanent damage to his right arm. He said that "when you see someone beating a dog, you tell them to stop, but nobody told the police to stop, so I guess I am not even a dog to them." His son (pictured below) spoke with eloquent fury of the need to hold the police accountable for their brutalization of his father and his community.
by we are watching
A 17 year old Yerba Buena High School student was asked by his Math Analysis teacher to remove his grey sweatshirt. When he asked why and was reluctant to do so, the teacher called security, a police officer arrived in the classroom, grabbed for the young man's arm, and when the young man pulled away and asked what was going on the police officer placed him under arrest against the protests of the teacher and cited the 17 year old with attempted assault on an officer with a deadly weapon (apparently the student had a pencil in his hand).
by we are watching
A young Mexicano man and his friends were pulled over, beaten and arrested after leaving a club in Downtown San Jose.
by we are watching
The Mexicano mother of a teenaged daughter told of how her daughter had been the victim of a sexual assault and when the police responded to the complaint, they discounted her daughter's story and called it a "party gone bad" which humiliated the mother and daughter, who had to leave the public program where she had been assaulted.
by we are watching
Arrestees from the 2006 Cinco de Mayo celebration and Copwatch at Story and King (calling themselves the Eastside 6) spoke about their ordeal. The Cinco de Mayo celebration and Copwatch was attacked by riot cops who targetted the people with cameras and arrested 6 people, including a local hip-hop artist and his companion plus 4 Copwatch participants.
by we are watching
by we are watching

A Licensed Vocational Nurse has treated mentally ill prisoners in the jails of Santa Clara County who are routinely beaten, restrained, put in solitary confinement, and administered powerful tranquilizers, worsenning their mental health and their psyches when they really need treatment.
by we are watching

An advocate against tasers told the Police Chief that tasers have killed more than 160 people in the U.S. and that the police departments of Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Scottsdale have prohibited the use of tasers on police cadets during training due to burns and permanent injuries which have led to very expensive lawsuits.
by we are watching
by we are watching
A middle aged Mexicano man was threatenned and had his car trashed by a police search party of several police which cost $6000.00 to repair.
by we are watching
A middle aged white man spoke about how his home was broken into by police several times, the first time surprising his wife in the shower and then interrogating her while calling her names and humiliating her.
by we are watching
Members of the Eastside 6 and their supporters are organizing to defend the right to observe and record the behavior of the San Jose police in order to hold them accountable, as well as to protect the arrestees themselves. If you want to hear updates on the case, provide support, or get involved, please contact us at:
eastside6defense [at]
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by this is good
fuck da police.
by El Voz
Forum alleges police abuse
By Sandra Gonzales
Mercury News

With chilling complaints of beatings, verbal abuse and racial profiling by San Jose police officers, residents from the East Side on Thursday night lashed out at the department's practices and urged more accountability.

The emotionally charged community forum at the East Side Union High School District office drew about 200 people -- the second such meeting sponsored by the city's human rights commission and the city's independent police auditor in the past three months. The meetings -- attended by Police Chief Rob Davis -- were sparked by a Santa Clara County civil grand jury report last May that raised questions about the conduct of some officers.

For more than two hours, dozens of speakers -- many of whom have filed complaints -- painted a dismal portrait of racist, renegade officers who are quick to target Latinos, blacks and Muslims and stop them for little or no reason.

``Police officers are still the same, they go by color and mostly after blacks and Mexicans,'' said Rachel Perez. ``All they look at is your color, what you're wearing and what you're driving. When are police going to be accountable? Some things have to change.''

Speaking in Spanish, 15-year-old Armando Castro said he was charged with robbery at Independence High School by an officer who arrested him for sitting on a golf cart and then later verbally and physically assaulted him.

Neither Davis nor Barbara Attard, the city's independent police auditor, addressed Thursday's complaints, which will be presented to the city council and Mayor Chuck Reed.

But in an interview with the Mercury News after the meeting, Davis said he plans to share the information with his command staff and offer suggestions -- including increasing crisis intervention training and educating the public on police policies -- to help cut down on any problems.

``It's important to listen to this and hear the comments. It doesn't fall on deaf ears. We follow themes,'' Davis said. ``There are 1,800 people in the San Jose Police Department and they are human beings. There are officers who have issues.''

Davis said discipline cases have gone forward, but state law prevents the department from discussing any punishment that may have been meted out.

That was little solace to those like Concepcion Calderon, 65, who described a July beating he said he endured after he stopped to question officers who had stopped his nephew. Calderon, a longtime San Jose resident, recounted how officers slammed his head against a police car even after he retreated.

Others, like Carlos Padilla, urged the crowd to organize a citizen tribunal. Angel Luna, 22, also called for greater accountability.

``We don't need more cowboys. The police need to understand our community,'' Luna said.

Contact Sandra Gonzales at sgonzales [at] or (408) 920-5778.
by Justice
Wow, Im sorry that I missed this event. My family was unarmed and shot and killed by the SJPD.
by Justice

*family member
"fuck da police" .. Nice this is the typical un-educated response and attitude that is what the police have to deal with on a day to day basis. Its not normal citizens that have bad encounters with the police, those are very few and far between. Its the people that have generations of family members that have been in and out of the criminal justice system. The liberal activists that just want to hate the establishment. We live in a society that listens to music, tv, and movies that promote hating police. It would be nice if people would just accept responsibility for their actions. Police don't go out of their way to "harass" people. They dont want to deal with the scum of society, but that is their job. You listen to comments like, "My family member was shot and killed by San Jose Police." Well, there has not been any incidents of San Jose Police Shooting un-armed people. I think you are referring to the BNE agent, which does not work for San Jose Police. Get your facts straight before you cast blame. That only proves how ignorant you are!
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