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Latest News from Neptune

by Intelligent News Commentary in Free Audio
News from Neptune is a radio program about the news of the week and its coverage by the media. News from Neptune is hosted by C. G. Estabrook and P. Mueth and produced by J. B. Nicholson-Owens at the studios of WEFT, 90.1 FM, in Champaign, Illinois USA. The show is named in honor of Noam Chomsky, who said, "Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune."

Latest News from Neptune

2007-01-13 Citations

Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran - Sunday Times - Times Online
From Rupert Murdoch's TimesOnLine (January 7, 2007): Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear “bunker-busters”, according to several Israeli military sources. The attack would be the first with nuclear weapons since 1945, when the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Giant Human "IMPEACH!" Sign
Over 1,000 people converged at San Francisco's Ocean Beach this morning to form a giant human "IMPEACH!" sign--a message from the people to Bush and Cheney. People converged on ocean beach to spell out the word “IMPEACH!” with their bodies in huge letters as a helicopter flew overhead.
U.S. Strike Targets al-Qaida in Somalia | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited
CNN, NBC and CBS first reported the military action. Citing Pentagon officials, CBS said the targets included the senior al-Qaida leader in East Africa and an al-Qaida operative wanted for his involvement in the 1998 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
BREITBART.COM - U.S.-Led Forces Detain 6 Iranian Workers
U.S.-led multinational forces detained six Iranians Thursday at Tehran's diplomatic mission in the northern city of Irbil, Iraqi officials said, as President Bush accused Iran and Syria of aiding militants and promised to "interrupt" the flow of support as part of his new war strategy. The U.S. military said it had taken six people into custody in the Irbil region but made no mention of a raid on the Iranian consulate.
Eat The Press | Jon Stewart In Talks With Washington Post To Cover 2008 Campaign | The Huffington Post
The Washingtonian's online edition brings word that Daily Show host Jon Stewart is in talks to join The Washington Post's web site as a correspondent during the 2008 presidential campaign.
William S. Lind: Less Than Zero
No conceivable action would be more foolish than adding war with Iran to the war we have already lost in Iraq. Regrettably, it is impossible to read Mr. Bush's dispatch of a carrier and Patriot batteries any other way than as harbingers of just such an action.
Christopher Brauchli: Show and Tell at the IRS
Acting under the authority granted it by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, the IRS is starting to farm out collections to private collection agencies. Instead of phone calls from the feared IRS agent, those owing taxes can look forward to hearing from friendly private collection agencies such as the law firm, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson of Austin, Texas.
The President's Intentions Towards Iran Need Much More Attention by Glenn Greenwald
Iraq continues to receive the overwhelming bulk of attention in the media and among political analysts. But the fate of Iraq, tragically, is all but sealed – the President will send more troops and order them to be increasingly brutal and indiscriminate, and they will stay through at least the end of his presidency. That is just a fact. The far more attention-demanding issue now is what the President's intentions are with regard to Iran. / In depth - Bush stands alone with ‘new way forward’
“The president could find himself so isolated so quickly that he would be forced to fundamentally revise his strategy in Iraq, which he has not done,” said Zbigniew Brzezinski, a national security adviser under former president Jimmy Carter. “My real fear is that a president who is backed into a corner and prone to demagoguery will listen to the neoconservatives and expand this war to Iran or Syria.”
Freespeech: Democratic Party response
The official Democratic Party response, delivered by Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois, was just as reactionary and dishonest as Bush's own address, and if possible, even cruder, verging on outright racism. According to Durbin, the US government has proceeded on the purest of motives. "We have protected Iraq when no one else would," he exclaimed, describing an American intervention which has shattered Iraq as a functioning society and reduced much of the country to primitive conditions. ... Asked whether voters opposed the war had a right to expect action, not just words, to bring the war to an end, Durbin replied, "The thought that we could stop this in its tracks is not practical."
ZNet "Without Question"? On Growing Military Opposition to the Invasion of Iraq
What about the troops charged with actual prosecution of Washington's illegal, racist and imperialist oil occupation, currently poised for a deadly escalation (a so-called "Surge")? How do they feal about the ongoing invasion? Their resistance to Bush's terrible Iraq policy could become a major factor leading to the end of the war before untold thousands more GIs and Iraqis die.
Senator Obama Statement on President's Call for Troop Escalation in Iraq - Congress
"I opposed giving the President the broad, open-ended authority to wage this war in 2002 partly because I feared we would arrive at this point - a point where the ideological pursuit of an ill-defined victory would overwhelm the reality of the facts on the ground. / In depth - Gates denies US forces will enter Iran
Mr Gates on Friday said the US planned only to disrupt Iranian activities within Iraq. “It refers strictly to operations inside the territory of Iraq, not crossing the border,” Mr Gates said in his first appearance as Pentagon chief before the Senate armed services committee.
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