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Visitation Valley in the Southeast East IN for a very BIG surprise by SF Planning

by Francisco Da Costa
Visitation Valley in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco is being coveted by SF Planning with little meaningful dialog with the Public at Large. Working closely with the some vested interests - are folks like Fran Martin who is total sell out. Fran has been recruited by Sophie Maxwell who has adversely impacted the Executive Park development - a plan, that has been worked on for the last 30 years. Now, suddenly Fran Martin and others want Executive Park to pay for Community Benefits in Visitation Valley. In the mean time SF Redevelopment Agency has its sights on Visitation Valley.
San Francisco has always had a process where the Neigborhood comes first and some vested crooks come second.

SF Planning for years did allow the neighbors to participate actively to develop their neighborhood so that the majority would benefit. Now suddenly SF Planning is working with SF Redevelopment Agency to adversely impact large areas.

It has done so with Bayview Hunters Point and now it wants to do the same with Visitation Valley.

Sophie Maxwell, the District 10 Supervisor, has now decided to adversely affect the lives of many not only with Chris Daly's Project linked to Trinity Plaza but now with innocent folks at Executive Park and more at Visitation Valley.

It is good that the 49ers are moving out because if they did stay thousands would have been impacted.

One had just to listen to the plans that Lennar had for the stadium without in any way consulting the people from Little Hollywood and Visitation Valley that would have been impacted.

Hand in glove with Lennar were some House Negros, sell outs and one Fran Martin and others that have no consideration for the neighbors that live at Little Hollywood and Visitation Valley.

It all started by Fran Martin pretending that she would do good by joining the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) linked to Executive Park. For years the Executive Park project focused on building facilties for Commercial Office Space at Executive Park.

Some housing was built. With the bust Executive Park has now decided with the blessing of SF Planning to change its plans - and build homes. The process has been slow.

Fran Martin did not help but brought obstacles after obstacles in the process that should have been made at Executive Park.

Then the CAC found out that Fran Martin's purpose at the CAC was to learn how a CAC works so that she could form a CAC at Visitation Valley.

Visitation Valley now has a Project Area Committee (PAC) less a CAC but acts like a PAC to interface and work with some vested crooks to push for development without due process like the Schlage Lock Company at Visitation Valley.

The Schlage Lock Company is a very pollluted area - not as polluted as the Hunters Point Shipyard but polluted all the same. The area has to be cleaned. This will take huge sum of money.

Very near the Schlage Lock Company are the petroleum tanks situated at Brisbane. Air Quality samples taken from around the area show - very high concentration of hazardous particulates.

Fran Martin and others want the area to be taken over by SF Redevelopment so that the Schlage Lock Company and the neighboring area can be taken over by Eminent Domain and housing built.

SF Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) has a habit of building homes on Toxic Land. They will use High Density and Tax Increment to make huge sum of money that mostly is NOT invested in the Project Area. SFRA is about DEBT and very dubious in nature.

Fran Martin will be compensated as she always is seeking for money from vested interests. The same with Sophie Maxwell who has been on the take. No one should do this at the expense of the community but these two are famous for being on the take.

The 49er Stadium plan under Lennar would have affected a whole area and thousands of people without anyone knowing it.

It is good that the 49ers are leaving - because many innocent people now know how Fran Martin, Sophie Maxwell, and some others would have done them in.

Fran Martin thinks nothing of Executive Park which is in another area paying for Community Benefits in her area Visitation Valley - when there is NO connection what so ever. Executive Park is closer to Bayview and further away from Visitation Valley with no direct connection.

Public Libarary, Swimming Pools , Super Markets all should be built and encouraged by San Francisco Planning with the City and County of San Francisco - playing an important role.

Since when has it become fashionable to MANDATE developers to pay for Community Benefits far away from the area of developement and in area that has really has no connection?

Only an idiot like Sophie Maxwell would encourage such nonsense.

Sophie Maxwell recently joined Jake McGoldrick to stab Chris Daly in the back and slow down the progress that was linked with the Trinity Plaza development.

The good think that happened is that the world found out how corrupt Sophie Maxwell is. Some of the nonsense has been reported here. Chris now knows about the snakes - so watch out for the fire works!

In the mean time we all should watch out for Fran Martin and her dubious ploy. Always, pretending to work for the community while all the time focusing on money that should go in her pocket.

Planning is not easy but Neighborhood Planning demands the participation of the people in the neighborhood. It is wrong for one or two crooks to try to speak for the neighborhood.

It is good to allow those that have difficulty speaking English to allow them an opportunity to speak in their language - Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Samoan, and so forth.

There is a sizable population that is Philipino and they have been left out. So, have the Samoans. Time for these communities to come together and check the crooks that are about to take the neighborhood to the cleaners.

Visitation Valley has the best weather and for years it has been a nice small community.

It sure lacks some needed facilities that the City and County has FAILED to deliver.

The City and County of San Francisco has been quick to collect taxes but very, very slow to give back what should be given to Visitation Valley.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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