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Street Battle Oaxaca: The Revolution of the 21st Century

by danielsan
November 20th marks the anniversary of the 1910 Revolution in México, observed today in the streets of Oaxaca City and beyond.
The grafitti above reads: 'We don't recognize the government'

The day began with a march from the Cuarteles outside of town (the army base and recruiting station) in comemmoration of the Revolutionary anniversary, in response to a sexual assault on a local woman by the PFP (listen to audio below), and with the stated goal (according to the APPO website) of encircling the PFP in the Zócalo and taking back the Palacio del Gobierno (the capitol building, of sorts).

Almost as soon as the march arrived in the city center, marchers confronting the PFP lines were met with tear gas, and a street battle ensued lasting the entire afternoon. Countless canisters of gas were fired; the fancy pants hotel where URO and the PFP bosses like to stay came under attack when marchers below were hit by rocks thrown from the roof.

Photos and MP3 files follow.
by danielsan
The march started out from Los Cuarteles, the military base outside of town with its own bank (Bancercito) and a military recruiting station.
§en cola
by danielsan
by danielsan
§no es burdel
by danielsan
Led by women, the marchers responded to a sexual assault perpetrated against a Oaxaca City woman by the PFP. The woman above speaks about this escalating gender war in the MP3 file below.
§gender war mp3
by danielsan
Listen now:
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§fusil de madera
by danielsan
The march also commemorated the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, traditionally symbolized by wooden rifles on sale this week in the market. This woman and her compañera explain the significance of the rifle and the anniversary in the MP3 file below.
§fusil mp3
by danielsan
Listen now:
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§jovenes en escuela
by danielsan
§niñas mirando
by danielsan
We passed a school on the way, now in session. The kids looked on as the march passed. School has only recently begun in Oaxaca. I talked to a parent who supports the teachers, saying that she's happy that they are both teachers her daughter *and* continuing to fight for the removal of Ulises Ruiz. She was adamant that she will continue to support the teachers. MP3 file below:
§madre en apoyo
by danielsan
Listen now:
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by danielsan
This is what some Oaxaca City schools looks like
§1 in 1 out
by danielsan
These two youths appear to be from different worlds, one back in school and the other still out, still marching. One way or another, these kids have learned a lot in these past five months!
by danielsan
We passed a large McDonald's on the way--it didn't fail to attract the attention of some painters.
§este apoyo
by danielsan
§Zapata Bus
by danielsan
§niños bus
by danielsan
by danielsan
We arrived at the PFP barricades and the enfrentamiento began
§press chaos
by danielsan
Between the PFP lines and the protesters, the press filmed tear gas going one way and cohetes (fireworks) going the other. Both sides have been making use of slingshots as well, including a PFP soldier who was shooting from a rooftop with his.
§Santo Domingo
by danielsan
Santo Domingo was not attacked, but the PFP lines came close, advancing up Avenida Alcala towards la Plaza de las Virgenes. As the tear gas fell and vendors fled their stalls, new barricades went up. Nearby, a bus burned and the sky blackened, but a friendly breeze kept the smoke and tear gas blowing away. Our numbers dropped as large groups organized caravans over to the University to defend the radio station, although it is still blocked in large parts of the city (by--yes--the same song, still).

From the streets of Oaxaca City
11.20.06 (cough*cough)
§The Eyes and Ears of the PFP?
by danielsan
This guy was videotaping the march the whole time--wearing pressed slacks and shined shoes, a nice watch and raybans, all green.
§The Eyes and Ears of the PFP
by danielsan
This guy was talking on his cell phone (under his hand), standing on the corner between the PFP lines and the protesters, reporting on a line of protesters who were moving forward to fire cohetes at the soldiers. At just that very moment a line of PFP tear-gas shooters broke rank and fired canisters up the street, dispersing the group that had advanced.
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