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State Blames APPO for Brad Will's Death

by danielsan
As the official investigation into the killing of Brad Will goes on, legitimate questions are being asked but it is increasingly obvious that the state government is not acting as impartial investigator, but rather as 'judge and jury,' in the words of APPO spokespeople. This week, the PGJE (Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado: roughly equivilent to the state attorney general's office) has attempted to blame APPO and its supporters for the killing, saying that they executed him at close range after he was taken away from the scene of the first shot.
The investigation into Brad Will's murder is underway, and it looks like we'll all need to stay vigilant if anything resembling justice is to be found. Initial reports focused on the local police and local PRIista officials who were filmed (by Brad and by others) shooting at a crowd of APPO supporters and neighbors. Two of them were arrested, but they have not been located in any jail in Oaxaca City and no further information has been forthcoming. Two others apparently fled, but I talked to someone here in Oaxaca City who said they were still in the neighborhood, business as usual. Democracy Now! is a source for some of these earlier reports ( about the whereabouts of the men who indisputably shot directly at the crowd of people with whom Brad Will was standing. A witness, in fact, says he felt and heard the bullet whiz by his head before he turned and saw Brad fall. He was crouched in front of the camera and is clearly visible in Brad’s footage.

But this week the office of the Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado and its PRIista chief Lizbeth Caña released several statements that blame APPO for Will's death.

Local daily 'El Imparcial' and the national TV outlet 'Televisa' both reported that Will had been killed by the second shot, delivered from close range after Will had been moved from the scene of the first shot, presumably in the second car that tried to carry him to a hospital. According to many Oaxacans, both of these news outlets are little more than mouthpieces for the government. The evidence given is that forensic experts viewed Brad's final video (, and determined somehow that the two shots came from the same gun.

There are a lot of questions, and a lot of suspicious gaps in several of the various theories being given for what happened and when on October 27th. I should state now that I was not at the scene that day, nor even in Oaxaca City, and do not intend to offer this article as proof of any one version. I have simply heard some important and strange facts about the ‘investigation’ into Brad’s death: The US Consul was not present at the autopsy, and human rights observers were *not* permitted to film the autopsy. Brad himself had filmed the autopsies of two murdered APPO sympathizers in the week before his own death. The two bullets extracted from his body (initially reported to be AR-15 bullets) were turned over to the state. The autopsy doctor said that the first shot killed Brad, that he was shot from the front in the center of his chest and that the bullet severed his aorta and lodged in his spine. The government hired a specialist who followed up the initial autopsy by refuting its claims. Bradley’s body had already been cremated when this second expert opinion surfaced, claiming that the second shot came fifteen minutes later, delivered by the men who tried to bring him to a hospital or clinic before he died. Again, the only evidence given for this theory is what you yourself can see on the video, and that you can hear some of the people in the crowd saying to ‘turn off your cameras.’ Apparently, that’s the motive for killing a so-called ‘sympathetic’ journalist, even though there are at least three video cameras visible in the footage, a big TV camera among them, and countless cameras, cell phone and otherwise.

A second shot

The second shot is the subject of all this speculation. Watching Brad’s final film, a group of APPO sympathizers are under heavy fire from the end of the block (where the implicated PRIistas are shooting) and from a house on the right side of the street. It seems clear enough that the first shot comes from the end of the block. But the second? The second bullet lodged in the right side of his body. It could have come from the same gun and hit him as he fell to the ground. It could have come from the house. The government is saying that it came inside one of the two cars that tried to bring Brad to the hospital.

Brad was initially taken away folded up into a VW Bug, which promptly ran out of gas. ‘El Imparcial’ printed the license plate number and name of the driver who picked him up and brought him to the Red Cross clinic, which as you will hear below had refused to treat APPO sympathizers in the past and who refused to send an ambulance to the scene of his murder that October afternoon. Today a report in the daily 'Noticias' (photo below) mentions several photos taken at the scene of the initial shooting that cleary show the second bullet wound, disputing the government-line and demonstrating that the second shot came soon after the first.

The evidence that could clear all this up is no where to be found. Brad’s T-shirt (‘Make Media, Make Trouble’) has not been located, and the bullets are in the custody of the PGJE. It is possible, then, that he was shot twice by the PRIistas at the end of the block. It is also possible that the second shot came either from the house where a shooter was hiding, from an APPO member in the crowd, from an infiltrator in the crowd, or later in the second car. But there is no evidence that makes any of these possibilities fact, nor at this point any legitimate reason to implicate APPO or those who tried to save Brad’s life.

It seems to many to be a desperate attempt by the (essentially ousted) state government to deflect attention from the PRIistas and to blame APPO. An essential part of this line has been to discredit Bradley and his work. Radio Mapuche, the PRIsta radio station in Oaxaca City, has called Bradley an armed terrorist, claiming that he was shooting that day and that patriots loyal to the government should attack other foreigners with cameras, since APPO is run by foreigners anyway. The PGJE claims to have searched the apartment in which Brad was living at the time of his death and found notes and maps of the barricades, inferring that he was in deep with APPO. This is absolutely not the case. Such maps do not exist, and no one ever searched the apartment where he was living. The government has said that indymedia reporters are taking orders directly from APPO. Corporate media (and some friends and family) have called him reckless, said that he crossed a line, that he was not objective. Basically, they say that he’s at the same time both directing APPO and taking orders from it, that he’s both an APPO sympathizer who compromised his journalistic integrity and that he was executed by APPO members in order to internationalize the conflict.

Or that APPO shot him point blank because they wanted him to stop filming.

As the Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution approaches (this Monday November 20th), the 7th MegaMarcha takes to the streets (Nov. 25th), and people protest yet another inauguration of a fraudulently selected president, keep vigilant. November 20th is a national and international day of action in support of justice for Oaxaca. There are legitimate questions about Brad’s death, still unanswered, and those in power are actively deflecting blame from their supporters (those most obviously culpable) and instead manufacturing evidence to make a case against APPO. Friends of Brad Will: keep organizing! This is not over, for the people of Oaxaca nor for Bradley Roland Will.
§boletin 1
by danielsan
§boletin 2
by danielsan
APPO responded to the accusations by holding a press conference on November 16th 2006, with the statement on the two pages above (in Spanish). Six MP3 audio files follow (also in Spanish).
§mensaje de barricada
by danielsan
The neighbors who make up Barricade 3 (now named Barricada Brad Will) also released a statement in response and held a march and rally (photos below). Here is an English translation of the above text:

November 2006
Message from the Calicanto Barricade of Santa Lucia del Camino, Oaxaca

To the Media
To the Community in general

Regarding the terrible and lamentable events of October 27th 2006 in Santa Lucia del Camino, Oaxaca, and having been close witnesses of the facts, we’d like to state:

At about 4 PM on the 27th of this past October there were about 30 citizens
at the barricade located on the corner of Calicato and Avenida Ferrocarril, in Santa Lucia del Camino, the majority of them youths no older than 25, some women and no more than half a dozen men. They were attacked by about 60 people coming from Santa Lucia, who went up Avenida Juarez armed with guns and rocks, and who surprise attacked, shooting their fire-arms and throwing stones. Later some of the men who saw the attack stated that they recognized some of them, confirming them to be members of the CROC, a criminal PRIista organization. They arrived and were shooting at the people of the barricade, who fled to save their lives.

Radio Universidad broadcast an alarm at this moment, soliciting the support of citizen/neighbors, who arrived to form a group of about 1,000 people within the hour. A little later, some reporters arrived on the scene and were directed to the center of Santa Lucia, following a group of citizens who had been congregating on Avenida Ferrocarril. At this point, the Local President of Santa Lucia, Manuel Martínez Veria, had brought together the employees of the Municipal Government, telling them that they were about to be attacked and invaded by members of the APPO. Nothing could be further from the truth!! He never informed them of the criminal attack which had taken place earlier, against the barricade with elements of the CROC.

This incident resulted in the death of Bradley Roland Will, one of the reporters present who had gone towards Calle Siracuza to film and photograph the members of the local government who had continued advancing towards Calle de Árboles, firing guns of different calibres, pointed not in the air but directly in front of the crowd, shooting with the intent to kill. Said journalist was fatally wounded, as was shown in photos published in the daily paper ‘Noticias’ on October 28th. With these facts we condemn the irresponsible acts of the PRIista Municipal President, using deceit to drag people into a stupid conflict that he himself provoked, by instruction of his boss, Ulises Ruiz. But this isn’t the only time he’s ordered shots on the barricade at Ave. Ferrocarril and Camino Nacional

Similarly, its implausible that since these ‘authorities’ charged with serving the citizenry continue with this shameful act by mercenaries at the service of their beloved URO, to whom they owe unconditional loyalty and contemptible submission, independently of this incident will interpret it as one of many criminal acts implemented systematically by URO in order to kill citizens who protest and also to provoke and justify the entrance of Federal troops.

We want only to make a clear call to our fellow citizens in the municipal government of Santa Lucia that you consider—that you should know—that our position is not nor has even been against you, but rather against the repressive tyrant URO. Since while you disgracefully allowed yourselves to be misled and manipulated by your president Manuel Martínez, soon you’ll have to accept the great deception by your ill-fated occupations (just like what happened with the sadly famous Nicolás Olivera recently). We repeat, we have nothing against the citizens of the local government because we’re all neighbors in this town, since we’re only trying to defend ourselves against the corrupt ‘authorities.’

We believe that justice, although sometimes late, will come.

‘Respect for the rights of the people is peace’
The citizens of Santa Lucia
Members of the Barricada de Calicanto
by danielsan
The APPO Press Release was read by Florentino Lopez Martinez (right) with further statements by Augustin Sosa Ortega (left)
§Augustin Sosa
by danielsan
by danielsan
Jesus Lopez Rodriguez made further comments
§FLM con ASO y CLP
by danielsan
Castro Lopez Pacheco also spoke (far right)
by danielsan
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Florentino Lopez Martinez reads the APPO press release
by danielsan
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Augustin Sosa states that the investigation blaming APPO is controlled by the same system that committed the crimes, in order to damage the reputation of APPO and 'give a breath' to the government of Ulises Ruiz. He is being blamed for the death of 'his own comrade Bradley.' 'This case has not been closed' he says 'because the judge is not objective, and the killers remain free.'
by danielsan
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Jesus Lopez Rodriguez states that the government doctor, Mendoza Canseco, contradicts the medical autopsy in saying that the second shot and not the first killed Brad. 'The same people that killed Brad are not trying to blame APPO for his death.' He calls on international human rights groups to take another look at this case.
by danielsan
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Florentino Lopez Martinez calls the government's announcements a 'smokescreen.'
by danielsan
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A reporter asks about one of the suspicious elements of the story, the transport of injured Will. Sr. Lopez again reiterates that neighbors from the barricades did their best to get him medical care, but that the Red Cross has refused to care for APPO members in the past, that they refused to send an ambulance in this case, and just as when Alejandro died (an APPO member killed last month) the lack of medical care was again culpable.
by danielsan
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Jesus Lopez Rodriguez deliveres an impassioned statement regarding the imbalance in injuries and deaths in the Oaxacan movement--saying 'this movement has already endured 14 or 15 deaths, with not one dead police or PRIista politician... Who, then, are the assassins?' he asks. He also asks for an imparcial and independent international investigation into the death of Bradley Will, a murder which he is being accused of.
by danielsan
The community of Santa Lucia del Camino responded to the accusations by staging a march throught the neighborhood, passing by Barricada Brad Will and near the spot where he was killed.
§circle a
by danielsan
§3 generaciones
by danielsan
Despite the rain, fear of repression, and the late hour (every day is a long day in Oaxaca!), hundreds of people marched against the attempt to blame APPO for the death of Brad Will.
§cruz y fire
by danielsan
This cross was erected after the Dia de los Muertos altar dedicated to Brad was taken down.
§'estan comiendo'
by danielsan
The press love fire, let me tell you. A friend and photographer next to me saw me laugh at the frenzied shutter snapping fixated on anyone with a mask or a flame and said 'They're feeding.'
by danielsan
Today's daily paper 'Noticias' has an article about the contradictions between the autopsy report and the PGJE's specialists, highlighting the fact the the second bullet wound can be seen in several photos published in the Excelsior magazine before Brad was moved from the scene.
§English Translation of APPO Press Release
by danielsan
Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca

Press Release November 16th 2006

Regarding the Plan of Action from the Constitutive Congress of APPO:

Our Constitutive Congress defined continuing our path of struggle until the fall of the tyrant Ulises Ruiz Ortiz by resolving to continue to take the offensive in our mobilizations in our community, with the following activities:

*The Reactivation of the mobile brigades to close once again the offices of the state government
*Bringing in motor Caravans from all over the state to come to Oaxaca City
*The 20th of November we mobilize to greet these caravans and mobilize in general to declare this date (which is the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution) the BEGINNING OF THE REVOLUTION OF THE 21st CENTURY.
*On November 25th, a state-wide MegaMarcha starting at 10 AM from the Casa de Gobierno, with the objective to encircle completely the PFP in the Central Zócalo for an indefinite time.
*On November 30th we initiate a large state-wide, national, and international movement to demand the removal of Ulises Ruiz and to stop to taking of power of Felipe Calderón as president of the Republic.
*Within the next days we will fortify the blockade in front of the Senate and mobilize against the embassies of other countries.
*Within the next few days we will put forth our legal case against URO.


Today more than fifteen days after the killing of northamerican journalist Brad Will, after international and national public opinion remains clear that it was government thugs in service of URO who killed him, now the government intends to create a smokescreen, changing the facts of the case, including to the point of implicating members of APPO in his death, which we totally reject, for the following reasons:

*The character of our struggle is pacifist and at every moment we are living with the aggression of the ministerial police and the thugs of URO who create fear and terror in the streets of Oaxaca each night with the objective of frightening people out of the movement for the ouster of Ulises Ruiz, adding to the aggressions we’ve suffered even before the arrival of the PFP.
*On the 14th of June, APPO made a call to the national and international press to come to Oaxaca, to communicate to the public the true situation of our struggle for justice, and together with other organizations in defense of human rights, to act as shields for the movement and since then the presence of the national and international press has grown, breaking the silence that our own government had implemented in the case of Oaxaca’s popular movement.
*Just like other members of the national and international press, Bradley Roland Will came to Oaxaca with the same idea of breaking the silence and informing the world about what was happening in Oaxaca via the website New York City indymedia.
*With the arrival of national and international press as a diverse solidarity brigade from all over the country and the world, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz began a campaign of terror against them, in some cases accusing them of being advisors to the Oaxacan movement, and opening files on many of them over the course of time.
*Before Bradley’s death, at many points in our path of resistance local, national and international press had been threatened, assaulted, even injured by fire-arms, by hired thugs, provocateurs, in all cases because they were doing their job with honesty and objectivity.
*When URO was at his most desperate, he organized a plan for the invasion by Federal troops, to get a breath, for his earlier solicitations for intervention had gone nowhere due to differences between his group (the PRI) and that of Pres. Fox (PAN). On October 27th, as APPO`s strategy of shutting down developed, URO and his thugs organized provocations at more than fifteen points in the city. This aggression began with the shots fired at Radio Universidad and a fire in an office on the campus of the Ciudad Universidad at 10 AM, followed by shots fired at the barricade at Cinco Señores, and at 4 PM attacks on Coyotepec, and at the PGJE. In said places we saw disappearances, arrests, and killings, at the same time as the group of thugs headed by the municipal police of Santa Lucia del Camino and sent by the Municipal President began its attack on the Barricade at Calicanto and Av. Ferrocarril, in which they fired various guns at the barricade. At this place there were many members of the press, among them Bradley Roland Will, who was shot and killed. Other members of the press also were shot as well as members of the barricade.
*This killing was totally planned with the object of getting international pressure on Fox to send federal troops to Oaxaca, and it was successful, since after the death of Will the US government ordered the Mexican Government to send federal forces to violently occupy Oaxaca.
*For these reasons APPO totally rejects the perverse accusation that members of APPO were involved in the killing.
*We hold responsible Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, Helidoro Diaz Escarraga, Lino Celaya Luria, and Manuel Martines Feria as the intellectual authors of this killing, just as the head of Public Security of Santa Lucia del Camino Abel Santiago Zarate, the personnel boss of the same PRIista outfit, Manuel Aguilar, who is the cousin of the CROC director David Aguilar Robles, who is also local representative of the PRI, municipal police officer Juan Carlos Soriano Velasco, alias El Chapulín, and Pedro Carmona, ex president of the neighborhood Felipe Carrillo Puerto of Santa Lucia, as the material authors.

For all of these reasons we demand punishment for the authors as much planning as executing, the killing of Bradley Roland Will, and we state that it is not possible that the PGJE can investigate this crime, as it is acting as judge and jury in this investigation, resulting in error.


Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca
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by Steven Argue
Besides lacking any evidence, as you point out in your report Danielson, the government’s accusation that APPO killed Brad Will is nothing short of absurd.

Thanks for this report that once again proves the state Oaxacan and national Mexican governments lack any legitimacy.

At the beginning you state:

"The investigation into Brad Will's murder is underway, and it looks like we'll all need to stay vigilant if anything resembling justice is to be found."

Yet at this point justice will only be achieved through the arming of the people and a revolutionary struggle for power. Not only will there be no justice under the current government, the current government and its death squads will only continue to murder and disappear teachers, students and other revolutionary activists as long as it is left standing.

Yet APPO states in their response to the government’s absurd accusations in Brad Will’s death that, “The character of our struggle is PACIFIST [my emphasis] and at every moment we are living with the aggression of the ministerial police and the thugs of URO who create fear and terror in the streets of Oaxaca each night with the objective of frightening people out of the movement for the ouster of Ulises Ruiz, adding to the aggressions we’ve suffered even before the arrival of the PFP.”

The APPO leadership, with such pacifist illusions have sat on their hands in Oaxaca, and let the Federal Police, Mexican Army, Oaxaca State Police and the local death squads begin their deadly counterrevolutionary counteroffensive of rape, murder, and disappearances.

For the people of Oaxaca the current bourgeois government is so despised that its representatives cannot even meet to make decisions. Liberation News has been clear through publishing translations of individuals and groups to the left of APPO that what we see is needed in Oaxaca is for the APPO to adopt a revolutionary program, to use their militia to seize power, to take over the property of the bosses of Oaxaca and then go on the offensive against the whole Mexican capitalist class (that is, an armed march on Mexico City and the overthrow of the government of Mexico).

As part of this APPO must develop a clearer program to address the critical issues the working class faces: poverty, unemployment, under-funded schools, under-funded social services, oppression, and proletarian power. The struggle to remove the tyrant Ruiz from power would take on real meaning within such a context.

All Power To The People!
This is not a direct reply to Steve (Liberation News), but points are relevent.

"Maybe rather than placing judgement on the movement from afar, one should be asking what can be learned from Oaxaca, whether you argree with it or not."

I am going to weigh in on this discussion about what happened on Nov. 25th, who threw the first stone, whether or not the APPO "qualifies" as non-violent, etc.

I wasn't going to chime in, cause there are enough troubling things happening in Oaxaca right now, that the more important thing seems to be to get the information out as much as possible. But I saw one too many emails commenting on what the APPO "should or shouldn't do."

1) I personally have seen, with my own eyes, on at least three occasions (Seattle '99, Washington DC '2000, and Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2005), young kids who were throwing rocks and molotovs, enter and emerge from police vehicles in a fresh change of clothes. And I've seen it in video footage from other places (Genoa, Prague). Infiltration and the presence of provocadores are a GIVEN in any large mobilization.

I'm not saying that people who associate themselves with the movement in Oaxaca didn't also throw rocks and launch cohetes on Nov. 25th. I don't doubt that some of the kids from the barricades came ready to fight with the PFP. I'm saying that even had they not been there, the state would have made sure that "someone" on the side of the protestors threw the first stone. It's an age-old strategy for justifying repression that, in the case of Oaxaca, had been in the works for sometime...all they needed was a justification.

2) One of the remarkable things about the movement in Oaxaca is how it somehow created a space for anyone and everyone. It has been a huge strength and a huge weakness. The fact that Stalinists and anarchists and perredistas and housewives and indigenous authorities and schoolteachers and taxi drivers all found an expression in the same movement is, to me, remarkable. Not everyone who has participated in this movement has considered themselves part of the APPO. I can't count the number of times I've had conversations with people in Oaxaca who have said, "I'm not APPO, but I support the people, and that's why I'm out in the streets." I've gotten the sense that a lot of people think that "being APPO" means going to the assemblies or belonging to an organization. Lots of folks haven't participated at that level, but they have guarded barricades, fed plantonistas, participated in marches, etc.

And more recently, the APPO became a space where street kids found an expression as well. Street kids who don't see themselves as having much of a future. Some of them are probably not too worried about dying. And for sure they ALL hate the police, after years of being kicked around by them. I'm guessing most of them haven't spent a alot of time studying academic texts about social movement history or the different definitions of non-violence, etc. But those kids were the only ones with the guts to guard the last barricade between Radio Universidad and several thousand federal police and plain-clothed paramilitaries. So they found a space in the movement. And the "APPO couldn't control them." The APPO has never "controlled" anyone.

3) Anyone who was in the streets on Nov 25th knows that what went down, at least in the first moments of the confrontation, couldn't really be defined as auto-defensa (self-defense). But in six months of conflict, it was one of the only times where that was the case. The use of rocks, bottle rockets, molotov cocktails, etc. has almost always been in the context of self-defense. Now, a lot of folks who subscribe to a Ghandian idea of non-violence don't really get the idea of self-defense in the context of social movements. I suppose the idea is that, when paramilitaries start shooting at your barricade, you should lie down in the street and sing kumbaya.

I believe that non-violent movements, like the civil-rights movement in the US and India's independence movement, had the impact they did, in part, because of the role the media played. In those moments, the whole world saw thousands of dignified, non-violent people being attacked. And the world empathized with them and rejected the violence being used against them. When was the last time you saw a non-violent social movement depicted on the evening news? For those of you who watched the news coverage of Seattle rejecting the presence of the World Trade Organization, in 1999, how many of you saw 80,000 people put their bodies on the line, non-violently, before a brutal police attack? And how many of you saw the same image played over and over of some kids breaking windows? The media has changed the way it depicts social movements. Period.

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is listening, does it make a sound? If the police break the skull of a campesino and no one is watching, does it make a difference that the campesino praticed non-violence? Communities in Mexico, especially rural communities, get that. They understand that if the federal police or army enter their community at dawn to beat the shit out of people, rape women, raid homes, etc. they are screwed whether they lay down in the streets and sing kumbaya or pick up a rock and fight back. And they also know that, regardless of how they respond to the police violence, if the media is there, they will paint the community members as violent criminals and the police / army as protectors of the peace. (any doubts about that, pick up a copy of the video Romper el Cerco about last May's police attack in San Salvador Atenco).

Mexican communities, in general, also have a real clear understanding of the difference between self-defense and armed uprising. They are not the same thing AT ALL. Armed groups have been threatening to join the fray in Oaxaca for months, and the APPO has been real clear about it's position on that, telling the armed groups to keep a lid on it and not screw things up.

So in the context of Oaxaca, for the movement to claim it is non-violent makes sense in the context of self-defense. Images of people guarding barricades with sticks and bottle rockets appear violent, until you put them in the context of who is on the other side of the barricade and the kinds of weapons THEY have; until you put them in the context of who has died in the last six months of conflict in Oaxaca.

So, while Nov 25th might not be an example of self-defense, for those of you who have been saying that the APPO has practiced violence all along and never should have called itself a non-violent movement, you are making those statements outside of a local context, and it doesn't fly.

4) So back to the confrontation on Nov 25th. This wasn't really a case of self-defense. Some folks arrived with the tools of self-defense, but with the intention of using them to start a fight. Does that make the social movement in Oaxaca a violent one? Maybe the question people should be asking themselves is not - is the APPO violent, but instead - what went wrong on Nov 25th.

A few days after the PFP arrived in town, several marches converged in the center of town to establish a planton in Santo Domingo. There was no confrontation between police and marchers. A few days later, quite a large number of people (estimates ranging between 30,000 and 500,000) walked straight into the center of town and there was no confrontation. In both of those marches there were people who were mad enough about the presence of the PFP that they wanted to go straight to the zocalo and have it out right there and then. But it didn't happen. It didn't happen because, from what I saw, the marches were damn well organized. Big teacher-types, with arms linked, placed themselves between marchers and police. People who acted aggressively were immediately removed from the march. In my opinion, leading that many people to within two blocks of several thousand federal police, without any confrontation, is a remarkable act of organization and...non-violence.

So why didn't it happen that way on Nov 25th? Knowing that the state was itching for an excuse to smackdown on the movement, was it tactically a good idea to try and create a human chain around the PFP? Having seen what happened on Nov 20th (a smaller, "lite" version of what happened on Nov 25th), was it a good idea to go ahead with the plans for Nov 25th? I don't know the answer to that, and furthermore, I think our role as foreigners isn't really to judge the tactical decisions of a social movement operating in a context that's real different from that in which most of us live.

I do know that saturday's march and human chain action lacked organization. Once the human chain was established there was a notable absence of people at each entrance to the zocalo who could monitor aggressive behavior. When young fellas rolled their grocery cart full of rocks and molotovs up to the police lines, there was no one there to pull them back, or to put themselves betweewn the rock throwers and the police.

Maybe the march lacked organization because of the absence of a large number of teachers. Despite all the contradictions and weaknesses of the teachers' movement in Oaxaca, one thing they know how to do is push their luck with the police without entering into an actual confrontation. They've learned over 26 years that powerful actions have to be carried out very carefully in order to have an impact without bringing down the wrath of the state on everyone involved.

Maybe the march lacked organization or tactical foresight because the state's plan was working: wear people out with a constant presence of federal police and paramilitary action; divide teachers from the rest of the movement so as to paint everyone else as "ultras" or "radicals;" push people to a point of desperation by carrying out daily disappearances of friends and family members; get the PFP worked into a real frenzy with four weeks of standing in the sun being insulted by passersby.

Whatever the reason for Saturday's apparent lack of organization and/or tactics, I think it has a lot more to do with that, and very little to do with the question of whether or not the movement in Oaxaca fits into some historic notion of non-violence. And the conversations I have heard, amongst movement participants, since Saturday, have had to do with that question (where did we go wrong organizationally) and not with the question of who threw the first stone, nor how to define non-violence. It was a big topic of conversation at the two-day indigenous forum this past week.

5) Finally, the truth is... if the PFP had really only wanted to control a few hot-headed kids with rocks and molotovs, they could have done it easily, without carrying out a massive repression against the people of Oaxaca. They have the tanks, shields, gas, guns, etc. What the PFP wanted to do (in collaboration with local PRI elements and local police, cause they were there, with guns, shooting at people too, saw it with my own eyes) was carry out a wide-scale repression that would send the movement into the mode it's in now...waiting to see what Calderon and Acua do, and in the meantime, hiding out.

And counting on their friends in the mainstream media, just as they did in Atenco, the feds and state know that, even if Ulisesdeparture has already been negotiated, he can now leave without creating the appearance that the APPO and the teachers won. As far as mainstream public opinion is concerned, the APPO has been defeated.

So lets get back to focusing on whats happening right now. Massive human rights violations, both in Oaxaca, and in the prisons of Nayarit and Tamaulipas, and no amount of rock-throwing or tactical error justifies that. I believe this current situation would have unfolded as it has whether or not a few kids from the barricades threw the first stone; whether or not the APPO fits your text-book definition of non-violence. The state had a plan for Oaxaca and didn't just spontaneously decide to smackdown on a massive scale cause a few youngsters got out of hand. Maybe rather than placing judgement on the movement from afar, one should be asking what can be learned from Oaxaca, whether you argree with it or not.

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