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Indybay Feature

State Wide Peace&Freedom Party Labor Conference

Saturday, October 21, 2006
8:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Event Type:
Peace and Freedom Party Labor Committee
Location Details:
455 Golden Gate Avenue/Polk St in San Francisco

Peace and Freedom Party State Wide Labor Conference
How Unions & Workers
Can Go On The Offensive
Why Are SEIU President Andy Stern, UBC President Doug McCarron and other union officials helping Schwartzenneger?
Why Have The Trade Unions Dropped Efforts To Repeal Taft-Hartley?
How have labor-management "partnerships" and "business unionism" undermined the strength of working people and how can we win our battles?
Why democracy is key to rebuild our unions and defeat union busting politicans & the bosses?
Saturday October 21, 2006 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Free
California State Building 455 Golden Gate St. San Francisco
8:30 AM To 9:00 AM Registration Introductions:
Immigration, Labor and Justice (9:00 AM to 9:50 AM)
Lessons of the May Day Demonstrations
Al Rojas- Nancy Keiler
Union Democracy, SEIU/Change To Win and Fighting Business Unionism
(10:00 AM to 10:50 AM)
CT Weber, Retired member SEIU 1000 Sacramento
Healthcare, Injured Workers, Single Payer Health Care, Unions, The Insurance Industry & Democrats
(11:00 AM to 11:50 AM)
Dina Padilla- Injured worker and past member SEIU UHW
12:00 -12:50 Lunch
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Peace and Freedom Party's role in the Labor Movement- Panel
2:00 PM to 2:50 PM
Labor And The War-What Our Unions Can Do To Stop The War
Steve Zeltzer, IUOE Local 39, Albert Dragstat, Professor St. Mary's College
3:00 to 3:50 PM
The Role of the Democratic Party in Undermining Union Rights & How To Fight Back
Jack Heyman, ILWU Local 10 member and Chair Transport Workers Solidarity Committee
4:00 PM to 4:50 PM
Plenary Session: Bringing it all together and which way forward
For Information call (415)867-0628 (916)916-725-2673 (510)531-0416 or Peace_and_Freedom_Labor_Committee-subscribe [at]
Peace & Freedom Party Labor Committee
-labor donated-
Peace and Freedom Labor Party Platform

Labor and Full Employment
* We demand a socially useful job at union pay levels or a
guaranteed dignified income for everyone.
* We support the establishment of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) to
alleviate poverty and homelessness.
* We call for a 30-hour work week for 40 hours' pay and abolition of forced overtime.
* We demand a legally mandated annual paid vacation of at least 4 weeks.
* We demand expansion and enforcement of job health and safety laws.
We call for the restoration of all labor rights previously won by
women and their extension to men as well.
* We demand paid parental leaves and time off work for childcare.
* No prison labor for private profit. Living wage and full union rights for any prison labor.
* Defend workers' rights to organize, form union caucuses, strike, and boycott.
* No replacement of striking workers.
* Federally-funded public works programs to rebuild the nation's infrastructure and restore the environment.
* International solidarity of workers against international capitalist schemes such as NAFTA and WTO in defense of jobs, wages, working conditions and environmental laws.
* International trade agreements must guarantee the protection of workers and democratic rights in all participating countries.
* A rank and file socialist-oriented labor movement to mobilize working-class people to assume ownership and control of the economy.
Undocumented Workers
Immigrant workers are hounded by government authorities, worked and housed in substandard conditions by unscrupulous bosses, and blamed by Republican and Democratic demagogues for society's problems.
* We call for open borders.
* We demand an end to deportations of immigrants.
* We demand full political, social and economic rights for resident non-citizens.
People With Disabilities
People with disabilities are entitled to equal rights to education, housing, health care, recreation and transportation. Attendant care and other services or adaptations must be provided to enable fuller participation in all aspects of society.
Retired Workers
Retired workers must be guaranteed a decent living at union wage levels.
We demand:
Immediate improvements in economic benefits and social services.
Free, quality, multi-lingual and multi-cultural medical and home health care.
Accessible transportation.
An end to all forced retirement.
Stop the segregation and isolation of senior citizens.

Added to the calendar on Thu, Oct 19, 2006 6:58AM
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