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PFP, Stewart Alexander Represents America's Left

by Stewart A. Alexander (stewartalexander4paf [at]
For years America perceived the Democratic Party as the party for working class people and protecting American jobs; today this party is no friend to working class people. The party has joined the Republican Party to suppress wages; the party has supported foreign trade affecting the income of millions of Americans and the ranks of the unemployed are fueling crime, poverty and misery.

PFP, Stewart Alexander Represents America’s Left

Stewart A. Alexander
2006 Candidate
California Lieutenant Governor
Peace and Freedom Party

The population of the United States has just eclipsed 300 million and today over 90 percent of all Americans are under represented and are voiceless in Washington and state governments. Within recent years America’s Democratic Party has moved toward the right leaving millions under represented; the poor, the middle class and working people.

Today more than 265 million Americans are not represented on important issues in government; issues that were defended by the Democratic Party within the past decade. These issues include America’s military involvements, affordable housing, affordable health care, economic issues, employment and our freedom as Americans.

On the most important issues of today the Democrats have sided with the Republican Party to prolong the Iraq War; a war that has claimed over 3,000 American lives. Americans were paying over $3.55 for gasoline and the Democrats failed to take action. American jobs are being exported abroad and the Democratic Party is helping to speed up the process. On the important issue of immigration the Democrats were the first party to label immigrants as felons.

For years America perceived the Democratic Party as the party for working class people and protecting American jobs; today this party is no friend to working class people. The party has joined the Republican Party to suppress wages; the party has supported foreign trade affecting the income of millions of Americans and the ranks of the unemployed are fueling crime, poverty and misery.

For over fifty years the Democratic Party supported policies to provide Americans with good health care; now this party stands with the Republican Party to oppose universal health care while the health of over 43 million Americans go unprotected.

The Democratic Party has resisted changes that will clean our environment and have not supported the advancement of new technologies to develop alternative energies to reduce global warming. Instead this party has chosen to protect the profits of the oil rich giants and support the Middle East conflicts.

Next year, in 2007, the Peace and Freedom Party will celebrate their 40th anniversary and Stewart Alexander says the PFP is emerging as the left party to represent the millions of Americans that have been left behind.

The PFP is presenting an agenda during changing and challenging times that will protect American rights and privileges, and will offer hope and opportunities to people worldwide. Most importantly the Peace and Freedom Party is offering Americans a voice in government.

Stewart Alexander says, “We need to set goals for the 21st Century and these goals will help us to advance for the next 300 years. We need to provide universal health care; we need a universal basic income to alleviate poverty and homelessness, and we need to provide a guaranteed income for those that can not mentally or physically work. Full employment is a reality that we can all make possible for everyone that is able to work.”

Stewart Alexander is a Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor and he has introduced plans to create jobs by designing and manufacturing electric cars, hydrogen vehicles and light rail systems. Alexander also believes we should cut government waste, supporting special interest projects, and use taxpayer dollars wisely to rebuild California, state governments and America’s infrastructure.

In the 21st Century the Democratic Party has taken the low road and is now the voice of the Republican Party. It is unfortunate that the new rights are wrong for America.

The Peace and Freedom Party is prepared to meet the challenges facing California, America and the world for the next three centuries and the journey begins by giving America back to the people.

For more information search the Web for Stewart A. Alexander for California Lieutenant Governor.
stewartalexander4paf [at]

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by and not going to vote for him
I am going to consider a person of color or a green candidate (or a woman) for this position, rather than Stuart Alexander. I want to know who else is out there (obviously it's good that his campaign posts to indybay, but they post too much, in my opinion)
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