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Green Party Candidates Gather to Challenge Torture, War, Lies, to Revive Democracy
Green Party Candidates running for Federal, State, and local offices, gather in Mountain View, to mobilize voters and support for their campaigns that challenge entrenched corporate interests. They will speak to offer hope and alternatives to the endless war, institutionalized torture, the current fastrack towards oblivion, embraced by the corporate parties.
Tuesday, October 3, 2006, from 6:45 pm to 9:30 pm. at the Historic Adobe House, 157 Moffett Boulevard, in Mountain View, the Green Party of Santa Clara County is sponsoring a “Meet and Greet the Candidates” forum with state, national and local candidates.
The Green Party which champions social justice, grassroots democracy, peace has come out strongly against the PATRIOT Act, torture, and in favor of impeachment, immigrants rights, electoral reform, and an end to War on Iraq. The candidates who will be speaking include- Todd Chretien for U.S. Senator, Peter Miguel Camejo for Governor, Forrest Hill for Secretary of State, Methul Thakker for Treasurer, Michael Wyman for Attorney General, Laura Wells for Controller, Larry Cafiero for Insurance Commissioner, Carol Brouillet for the 14th District U.S. House of Representatives, Tian Harter for the Mountain View City Council (nonpartisan).
Local Green Party congressional candidate said:
“Today, Congress failed in its duty to protect the Constitution, the American people, any pretense of justice or moral high ground, by passing a law denying habeas corpus to “terror suspects,” especially in light the fact that the U.S. government has employed, trained, and assisted terrorists for years, including Bin Laden, and top Al Qaeda operative, Mohammed the American, who was involved with the ’93 WTC bombing, the African Embassy bombings, and 9/11. ‘Fighting terrorism’ is a mask for extending U.S. power abroad and curtailing our liberties at home. We must rein in the terrorists, occupying the White House, who are the real threat to our liberties, and a threat to all those who stand in the path of their global domination project.”
A reception begins at 6:45 pm., at 7:30 the candidates will speak. From 9 pm to 9:30 pm, there will be Q&A and Discussion. The Mountain View H istoric Adobe Building, is on the northeast corner of Moffett Blvd. and Central Expressway - directly across from the Mountain View CalTrain and VTA Light Rail Station. Parking is available in the parking lot across Moffett, and along the east side of Moffett Blvd.
The Green Party which champions social justice, grassroots democracy, peace has come out strongly against the PATRIOT Act, torture, and in favor of impeachment, immigrants rights, electoral reform, and an end to War on Iraq. The candidates who will be speaking include- Todd Chretien for U.S. Senator, Peter Miguel Camejo for Governor, Forrest Hill for Secretary of State, Methul Thakker for Treasurer, Michael Wyman for Attorney General, Laura Wells for Controller, Larry Cafiero for Insurance Commissioner, Carol Brouillet for the 14th District U.S. House of Representatives, Tian Harter for the Mountain View City Council (nonpartisan).
Local Green Party congressional candidate said:
“Today, Congress failed in its duty to protect the Constitution, the American people, any pretense of justice or moral high ground, by passing a law denying habeas corpus to “terror suspects,” especially in light the fact that the U.S. government has employed, trained, and assisted terrorists for years, including Bin Laden, and top Al Qaeda operative, Mohammed the American, who was involved with the ’93 WTC bombing, the African Embassy bombings, and 9/11. ‘Fighting terrorism’ is a mask for extending U.S. power abroad and curtailing our liberties at home. We must rein in the terrorists, occupying the White House, who are the real threat to our liberties, and a threat to all those who stand in the path of their global domination project.”
A reception begins at 6:45 pm., at 7:30 the candidates will speak. From 9 pm to 9:30 pm, there will be Q&A and Discussion. The Mountain View H istoric Adobe Building, is on the northeast corner of Moffett Blvd. and Central Expressway - directly across from the Mountain View CalTrain and VTA Light Rail Station. Parking is available in the parking lot across Moffett, and along the east side of Moffett Blvd.
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It is time to elect the best people-- Carol's List of Greens ARE the best people-- And Carol is one of the best!
If you don't know much about these candidates-- go to their websites and check them out.
Something good is happening-- please help support them!
More on Carol Broillet:
If you don't know much about these candidates-- go to their websites and check them out.
Something good is happening-- please help support them!
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