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9/17 9-11 a.m. Larry Bensky attacks 9/11 Truth Movement on KPFA

by (
Larry Bensky, the host of Sunday Salon on KPFA, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., proudly announced on a tape on 9/15 at 7 a.m. that he will attack the "so-called 9/11 Truth Movement" on his show on 9/17, proving beyond all doubt that he is utterly reactionary and has no business being at KPFA at all.
Larry Bensky, the host of Sunday Salon on KPFA, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., proudly announced on a tape on 9/15 at 7 a.m. that he will attack the "so-called 9/11 Truth Movement" on his show on 9/17, proving beyond all doubt that he is utterly reactionary and has no business being at KPFA at all.

He plans to spend the first hour on the Democrat-Republican Parties' prison-industrial complex (and both parties and their governors support the death penalty) and the second hour singing the company tune. If he is not paid by the US government for that hour, he should be. He certainly should not be paid by the KPFA subscribers for that. In fact, Guns & Butter, the 1 p.m. program on Wednesdays that exposes te 9/11 Inside Job, should be Sunday mornings from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. KPFA is online at

If he takes call-ins, you should know that he is notorious for cutting people off on any subject, and that cannot be an accident as one cannot be deaf and be a radio host. This is a man who proudly defends and promotes the Democratic Party and does not hesitate, now clearly with malice aforethought, to preempt programs for which we pay so he can host government hearings all day long, which government hearings are summarized on the evening news, and that is all they are ever worth. We do not pay for government hearings; we, the subscribers who are the employers of the paid staff at KPFA, pay for the programs at KPFA. Larry Bensky should be fired immediately.

The government's conspiracy theory is that 19 Arab hijackers somehow boarded 4 planes, for which the government states it has no evidence, under the command of a pre-arranged fall guy, member of a family that is a long-time business associate of the Bushes and long-time CIA agent on a kidney dialysis machine in a tent in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, and somehow did all kinds of fancy maneuvers that even skilled pilots could not do and crashed planes into buildings on 9/11/01. There is no evidence for any of this at all and the government not only does not provide any evidence, has stated that bin Laden is not being sought, but delayed doing any investigation, and then pretended to do so by setting up a commission that was filled with hand-picked lackeys of the government, who provided a phony cover-up report that was just as despicable as the Warren Commission Report, covering up the CIA's assasination of Pres. Kennedy on November 22, 1963., not by the admitted fall guy, Lee Harvey Oswald.

There is lots of evidence for what we saw as it happened, namely no air defense. No air defense means it was an Inside Job. There is no getting around that fact and that fact cannot and has not been denied. In fact, as we learned soon afterword, there were 4 war games taking place at exactly the same time, thereby making it impossible to distinguish the real from the fake, and removing lots of our excellent air defense from New York and Washington, DC. 9 of the so-called hijackers were alive on 9/12/01. Clearly, the planes were on automatic pilot, guided by the US Air Force, a bastion of reaction, with its infamous scandals at the Air Force Academy concerning women and anti-Semitism (against Jews). The Twin Towers, and Building 7, which was not hit by a plane, were brought down by demolition explosives and bombs, in a few seconds, in their own footprint, in small enough pieces to be carted away immediately, thus illegally destroying evidence. The South Tower,which was hit second, fell first. The Pentagon was hit by a US Air Force missile and bombs inside and the side that was hit was under construction. The plane that supposedly flew over Pennsylvania ended at the Cleveland Airport and another plane was shot down by the US Air Force over Pennsylvania.

There is absolutely no excuse for anyone who supports the peace and civil liberties movements to support the government's Reichstag Fire lie at all. We all know that the government must assumed to be lying until proven otherwise, and the government is certainly lying about the 9/11 Inside Job. Just like the Nazis, the 9/11 Reichstag Fire was perpetrated by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Giuliani to promote fascism at home and war abroad. Cheney was in control at the White House bunker, communicating with Mayor Giuliani in Building 7 at New York, where the mayor had a bunker in that miltiary building, which housed offices of the US military, Secret Service, CIA, Securities & Exchange Commission (then investigating Enron) and much more. The security at the WTC was under the control of Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker, III, the president's brother and cousin respectively, which evacuated the WTC mamy times before 9/11/01, including the weekend before, which is when the demolition charges were set and bombs planted. Thermate was used, and that substance comes from the military. Rumsfeld sat in his office at the Pentagon, on the side that was not hit, and later stated that the Pentagon was hit by a missile. The lack of air defense is directly his responsibility. Bush sat in his brother's Florida fiefdom reading a goat story to schoolchildren, after he stated he saw on (closed circuit) TV, the first plane hit the WTC, further evidence that this was staged, and he knew it, as did the Secret Service, which did not remove him immediately from the school, and when he finally got on Air Force 1, was not given an armed escort. Condolezza Rice stated on CNN, and this was reported on Pacifica (of which KPFA is a part) on May 17, 2002, that she warned then organized crime election frauding Democratic then mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown to stay off planes 8 hours before 9/11/01. Ms. Standard Oil, aka Condi Rice, clearly knew all about the 9/11 Inside Job, planned to increase oil profits from the Caspian Sea (near Afghanistan) to Iraq.

For further information, see the outstanding, DVD,
and read the following books immediately:
1. Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert
2. The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions & Distortions by David Griffin
3. The New Pearl Harbor by David Griffin
4. Painful Questions by Eric Hufschmid
5. 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions by Rowland Morgan & Ian Henshall
6. Waking Up From Our Nightmare by Don Paul and Jim Hoffman
7. 9/11 Facing Our Fascist State by Don Paul
8. 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA by Webster Tarpley
9. Body of Secrets by James Bamford
10. The War on Truth by Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed
11. The Terror Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
12. Towers of Deception by Barrie Zwicker
13. 9/11 and American Empire edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott
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by reality check
Maybe you are right and Bensky shouldn't waste air time attcking the 9-11 hoax movement as you have already shown here that the arguments made by the 9-11 hoax movement are absurd.

As Aelxander Cockburn pointed out in a column in The Nation, some in the 9-11 hoax movement believe the US military is competent and efficient and should have intercepted the jetliners that hit the towers (and whose burning jet fuel caused the collapse). Here you write that ".... there were 4 war games taking place at exactly the same time, thereby making it impossible to distinguish the real from the fake, and removing lots of our excellent air defense from New York and Washington, DC." Is this the same 'excellent air defense' that fired a missle into the Pentagon?

9-11 may have been an inside job with Bush Cheney complicit and part of the plot, but absurd claims about planned demolition and the jet that hit the pentagon disappearing in Cleveland don't help make the case. Bensky has a right to question the claims of the 9-11 hoaxers.
by reality check for real

It's the morning of Sept 11th, 2001 and you hear about the atrocity in NYC, PA, and DC. You are an educated person, so you know that:

-The Spanish did not sink the USS Maine, and yet the sinking was used as a pretext for war
-The Japanese were lured into the attack on Pearl Harbor purposefully by the FDR administration (this has been conclusively proven with the govt's own realease of the Mccollum Memo) and yet, the attack was used as a pretext for war.
-The Gold of Tonkin incident was manufactured by the US to create support for an escalation in Vietnam.
-The US govt hired liars to tell Congress that Iraqi forces had smashed occupied baby incubators and used those lies to create a pretext for war.
-The US govt spent half a BILLION dollars creating and promoting 'islamic fundamentalism' (as revealed by former NSC Zbigniev Brzinski).

And, being that you are an educated person, you know that those are jsut a handful of examples of how the US has lied repeatedly to start and escalate wars. You are also aware that elements of th US military have in the past planned to murder Americans as a pretext for war (Operation Northwoods, for example).

So, naturally, when the planes hit the towers and the towers fell, you took the story that was fed to you even though it was full of holes and completely illogical.

And you believed it - magic floating passport and all.


That's irrational. And that irrationality is what the planners of this event counted on; they knew that there was little difference in the racial attitudes of the avergage Texas shitkicker and a San Francisco liberal - both have no problem murdering Iraqis by the thousands or millions if necessary (by sanctions or by bombs) - so why would their deeply held racial feeling be any differerent.

Let's review: every time it has happened before, it's been a deception. It happened again and you belived the official story - WHY?

by reality check for real

While Bill Clinton reigned, 1.5 MILLION Iraqis died due to US/UN sanctions. Half of them were under the age of 16.

Clinton's sec'y of state Madeleine Albright went on the TV programme 60 Minutes and was asked what she thought of the death of half a million children. She replied, "WE THINK THE PRICE IS WORTH IT."

Naturally, being that you are a thinking, feeling person who is completely opposed to policies of genocide, you immediately withdrew your support for the Democratic party.

by Larry Fan
Larry rules, you suck!
by reality check for real

if you've got nothing to say but "u suck" it's clear your back is up against a rhetorical wall. you can't fight with fact, logic, or reason, so that's all you've got.

bensky is a member of a criminal, genocidal organisation known as the Democratic Party. THAT is why he is all about keeping the lid on the truth about 9-11.

fire bensky - now!
by reality check
dear reality check for real: your unreal response to my post misrepresents and obscures the points. i indicated that the 9-11 attacks could be, probably are, an inside job. i'm fully aware of the history of official U.S. lies and felt from the beginning that the attack was an inside job; you don't know anything about my opinions. my point is that hyperbole and wild claims, and attacks on bensky, don't help the cause.

of course the democrats are purveyors of genocide; that has nothing to do with the fact that the 9-11 hoax movement makes wild and unproven claims, as bizarre as the claims of GW Bush.

Stick to the point and prove that it was an inside job with provable facts so we can prosecute the criminals. attacking folks who take issue with the 9-11 hoax movement just shows there is little substance behind the bizarre claims.
by Myra M. Jackson (someoftheabovenews [at]
POLL: 42% SAY 9/11 COVERUP!!! "The next time the media marginalizes 9/11 skeptics - remind them that 42% of the American public believe there is a 9/11 coverup, then refer them to the older zogby poll from 2004 which found that "Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and 'Consciously Failed' To Act", and finally point out that over half of the country thinks they have done a bad job covering 9/11 questions and related issues.

"What does this poll do for us? Well, nothing if you don't get out there and pressure the media to cover it. The results of this poll show that over 40% of the American public believe there is an ongoing cover up of 9/11 - if that isn't news then I don't know what is.

"Note: These are just a few things I thought stood out, check out the other images and the final report linked above for more detail. [click on "blog"]
Big thanks to for sponsoring this poll"

Five Years On, 9/11 Truth Movement Reaches Critical Mass

- Near Majority Support, Powerful New Tools, and Energized Activism Promise Endgame Soon

September 11 Press Release

Escalating mainstream mistrust of "official 9/11 story" driven by important new films, books and activist campaigns; promises new openings for insurgent candidacies and radical reform initiatives.

September 11, 2006 (PRWEB) -- The year leading up to the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks has been marked by an unprecedented upsurge in public mistrust of the official story portrayed in the 9/11 Commission Report. Respected national polling firms Zogby and Scripps Howard have shown that less than half the public believes in the conclusions or integrity of the 9/11 Commission, and 36% of Americans now think the administration was actively complicit in the attacks to advance its preplanned Mideast war agenda.

This outburst of popular skepticism has come in spite of five years of lockstep support for the official 9/11 narrative by the national press, broadcast media, and both major political parties. The mounting distrust spans the political, religious and ethnic spectrums, and has been largely driven by compelling new films, books, whistleblower reports, and escalating grassroots activism. Collectively these resources and constituencies not only offer the country hope for a fresh and truly honest 9/11 probe, but also a potent new base for radical political reform....

...."Overall, however, the real message of 9/11 truth has now reached a critical mass of citizens, and ruthless defamation tactics may prolong the 'media controversy' but are ultimately doomed to fail. Truth has an inherent strange attractor force that cannot be dispelled, not by cynical propaganda nor overwhelming media power. It is in that lust for truth and justice that our democracy once began, and 9/11 truth now offers Americans the chance to feel that thrill again."



[Tennis anyone?]


Have a Nice Deja Vu All Over Again
by Walter Karp


Neonazicons Hunker in The Bunker]

2 US Reports Seek to Counter
Conspiracy Theories About 9/11

By Jim Dwyer
New York Times
September 2, 2006

[As 9/11's fifth anniversary nears and 9/11 skeptics approach majority status, the official story disinfo industry swings into high gear. Since the "no WTC demolitions" proponents are now largely relying on the "inconceivable logistic difficulties" of such a scheme, it's time for our research community to present a brief telling synopsis of the reported security lockdowns in various towers in the weeks before the attacks, Neil Bush's ties to the WTC security company, the call-off of the WTC dog patrols, etc. Jones, Ryan, Hoffman, et al. have helped elucidate the motives and means. We now need to document the opportunities. - Ed. ]

Faced with an angry minority of people who believe the Sept. 11 attacks were part of a shadowy and sprawling plot run by Americans, separate reports were published this week by the State Department and a federal science agency insisting that the catastrophes were caused by hijackers who used commercial airliners as weapons.
The official narrative of the attacks has been attacked as little more than a cover story by an assortment of radio hosts, academics, amateur filmmakers and others who have spread their arguments on the Internet and cable television in America and abroad. As a motive, they suggest that the Bush administration wanted to use the attacks to justify military action in the Middle East....




the "no Boeing" theories discredit 9/11 skepticism and distract from proven evidence of complicity

the fake debate between no plane and no complicity gets the Bush regime off the hook
there is zero evidence for any of the "no plane" claims - hundreds of people saw Flight 77, none saw a cruise missile, Global Hawk robot plane, smaller plane or flying saucer piloted by giant lizards
the physical evidence shows that a large twin engine jet hit the nearly empty part of the Pentagon, the "Black Boxes" were found, cleanup crews found remains of the passengers, the "hole was too small" claim was a hoax making 9/11 complicity dependent on the no-plane claim was a brilliant tactic to discredit the real evidence for people inside the Beltway, both for the majority who vote against Bush and the political / military elites (especially the military officers who saw the plane crash or the plane debris)
the material on this page and all of the websites that are linked here should finally extinguish the "no plane" hoax -- except for those who have staked their credibility on these claims and cannot admit a mistake, and those who intentionally promote the hoax. Every claim for the "no plane" hoaxes is refuted here or at a page linked from this page....
[This site will help clarify the Karl Rovian smoke&mirrors designed to confuse 911 hoax investigators and inquiring citizens, by setting up "straw man," decoy sites and theories, etc. They then "debunk" these, thus casting doubt on the GENUINE parts of the 911 truth investigations.

Check out Alexander Cockburn's most recent use of this nasty little trick in his nasty little "Beat The Devil" column in the September 2006 Nation magazine online, predictably titled "911 Conspiracy Nuts."]

See also: The purpose of "no planes" is to protect the plotters:

"Lots of military people saw the plane and wreckage, and making the conspiracy dependent on the "no plane hoax" gets Bush and Cheney off the hook. The issue is not what the peons (us) think about these issues -- the real issue is what the military and civilian leadership in DC think about these issues. No plane speculations and hoaxes steer people away from real evidence of complicity such as how the plane was steered into the nearly empty part of the Pentagon and the role of the wargames in paralyzing the defense of Washington. Cui bono - who benefits? How long would Cheney and Bush be in office if the rest of the military thought that the PNAC gang allowed 9/11 to happen -- or deliberately flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon via some form of remote control?

"The fact that "No Plane" is the cudgel being used against the 9/11 truth movement proves it is a counterproductive strategy for exposing real evidence of complicity. Whether these hoaxes are coming from deliberate disinformation agents, the aggressively naive, the gullible or the sloppy is not relevant, since the ONLY evidence for "no plane" is altered and misleading perspective photos. There is NO evidence that even comes close to the standard of proof needed to convince a newspaper editor or a judge.
"Sandia test shows what happens in high speed plane crashes...."



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We have an exciting opportunity before us -- the opportunity to help restore credibility in our elections by supporting Clint Curtis for Congress in Florida's District 24.

For those not familiar with his story, computer programmer Clint Curtis testified to Congress that he had been requested by Tom Feeney, an elected US official, to build a software program that could flip the votes in an electronic voting machine without detection. This computer hack would allow a person or political party to secretly control that machine, thereby deciding the winner, regardless of the actual votes cast.

Much more is at stake than a single Florida House seat....

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NIST's World Trade Center FAQ

A REPLY to the National Institute for Standards and Technology's Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
by Jim Hoffman


On August 30, 2006, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) posted on their website a list of fourteen frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers to them. NIST should be commended for at least addressing a number of the serious questions that have been raised with regard to its investigation. However, NIST's new FAQ avoids answering the central charges of its most visible critique, Building a Better Mirage....


GOP Candidate Says 9/11 Attacks Were a Hoax

A Republican candidate for this area's congressional seat said Wednesday that the U.S. government was complicit in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

by Albert McKeon
The Nashua Telegraph
24 August 2006

[A courageous stand in the "Live Free or Die" state by a GOP challenger, no less, who has also called for Cheney's resignation and quotes Dr. David Ray Griffin on her site, We encourage all truth advocates to check out her campaign and perhaps lend a hand in whatever way they can. - 911Truth Ed.]

In an editorial board interview with The Telegraph on Wednesday, the candidate, Mary Maxwell, said the U.S. government had a role in killing nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, so it could make Americans hate Arabs and allow the military to bomb Muslim nations such as Iraq....
Article at:


9/11 And Demonic Consciousness

David Ray Griffin is presenting a workshop on the theme of 9/11 and Demonic Consciousness as part of The Eighth International Conference on Science and Consciousness, Santa Fe, NM.

My thesis is that the attacks of 9/11 were products of demonic consciousness, with "the demonic" understood as an emergent reality that is diametrically opposed to the creative power of the universe and strong enough to threaten its purposes. To explain how demonic power can arise in a monotheistic universe. I use the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, with some help from Carl Jung. Then to explain how demonic evil arose historically, I employ ideas from Andrew Bard Schmookler's Parable of the Tribes. Finally, arguing that this demonic consciousness now exists most powerfully in the USA, I suggest that a preeminent manifestation of it in our time was 9/11, orchestrated by the Bush-Cheney administration. In making this latter argument, I will draw on my two books on the subject: The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.
Goal: To show the possibility of a view of demonic evil that is realistic — doing justice to the way in which our collective lives are dominated by values that can only be called demonic — without being mythological.

Learning Objectives:

To develop a basic understanding of how Whitehead's version of theism allows for the rise of demonic evil,
to develop a sense of how the ideas of Schmookler and Jung can explain the historical rise of demonic evil, and to develop a deeper appreciation of the relation between 9/11 and the American Empire.


From a childhood friend's comments on Some of The Above News's campaign for the truth about 9/11:

"....That is without a doubt the biggest bunch of drivel. How do you explain the planes that went down in Pennsylvania or into the Pentagon? And why should the government be responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center when that is so crucial to American capitalism? They could have achieved the same effect with a lesser target. But the far left is doing its damage because I heard that a third of the American people believe this crap. What has always amazed me is that you believe it. You're far too bright for that, I thought. But it strikes me that maybe you don't believe it, but that it's a useful tool.
Well, after that cheery note, I'll say TTFN (ta-ta for now)."
Shirley (not real name)


Thank you for the opportunity to enlighten you (and at the same time many of the slower members of the Some of The Above News subscriber family). As you know our motto is: "There are no dumb questions; only dumb questioners."
Your right-wingnut talking points suggest that you are probably an avid fan of the talking haircuts of the TeeVee News. While I don't have time today to answer all these points, I will link you to some sites which will answer them, and most others you might come up with in your journey back to good old USofA reality.
Give the soaps a rest, Dearie! Loosen up with the Loose Change crowd. Spend some quality time with and your brain.
Synchronistically enough, this very day I ran across the article excerpted below. I call your attention especially to this quote from it:
"....After spending the better part of the last five years treating these theories with utmost skepticism, I have devoted serious time to actually studying them in recent months, and have also carefully watched several videos that are available on the subject. I have come to believe that significant parts of the 9/11 theories are true, and that therefore significant parts of the "official story" put out by the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission are false...."
You should take great comfort in the fact that this truth-seeker, a former CIA official, was also bamboozled by the corporate media for five years.
Yours truly spent only about one and one-half years in the dark, probably mostly because I have not watched television since 1994, and because my reading and experiences had already made me skeptical of the government/media complex. Thus I was already more inclined to question government/media claims.
You seem to believe that it is the "far left" that is convincing people, but one of 9/11 truth-seekers' main frustrations is the EXTREME timidity, the church-mouse silence on the matter, of NEARLY ALL of the "left" "progressive" publications, pundits, websites, blogs, talk show hosts, etc. They have come to be called "the left gate-keepers." Like the proverbial dog in the manger they not only neglect the vital information they have access to, but also keep it from everybody else. Fear is the main factor here: fear of losing their grants, being black-balled by colleagues and sources, being called "conspiracy theorists," irresponsible, irrelevant, etc. And fear of being targeted for career and/or physical harassment or termination. Actually some of the most courageous and eloquent 9/11 "detectives" are conservatives, like Paul Craig Roberts, who was a high official in the Reagan administration, Wall Street Journal writer, etc.
Thus your "useful tool" hypothesis don't hunt.

Excerpt from:

Another Ex-CIA Official Speaks Out for 9/11 Truth

Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11

by Bill Christison
August 14, 2006

....Let's address the real issues here. Why is it important that we not let the so-called conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 be drowned out? After spending the better part of the last five years treating these theories with utmost skepticism, I have devoted serious time to actually studying them in recent months, and have also carefully watched several videos that are available on the subject. I have come to believe that significant parts of the 9/11 theories are true, and that therefore significant parts of the "official story" put out by the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission are false. I now think there is persuasive evidence that the events of September did not unfold as the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe. The items below highlight the major questions surrounding 9/11 but do not constitute a detailed recounting of the evidence available....

....This should be worked on at two different levels. At the first level, the objective should be long-term, centered on making a maximum effort to find out who the individuals and groups are that carried out the attacks in New York and Washington. Then, these people should be tried in an international court and, if possible, convicted and punished for causing so many deaths. Such a trial, accompanied by actual change in U.S. policies, would show that some people on this globe are at least trying to move closer to more just and decent behavior in human relationships around the world.

At the second level, the short term, the task should be to immediately set to work as hard as is humanly possible to defeat in this year's congressional election any candidate who refuses to support a no-holds-barred investigation of 9/11 by the Congress or a high-level international court. No more evidence than is now available is needed in order to begin this process.

A manageable volume of carefully collected and analyzed evidence is already at hand on both items ONE and TWO above. Such evidence should be used right now to buttress charges that elements within the Bush administration, as well as possibly other groups foreign or domestic, were involved in a massive fraud against the American people, a fraud that has led to many thousands of deaths....

[Bill Christison is a former senior official of the CIA. He was a National Intelligence Officer and the Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis before his retirement in 1979. Since then he has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies. He can be reached at: kathy.bill [at] ]


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Editor: Myra M. Jackson
by Observer
I suppose you also want to ban Amy Goodman from the KPFA airwaves since she has also had several shows refuting the conspiracy theorists including an excellent one this Sept 11.
Because some one question the conspiracy theories, they are 'utterly reactionary' ? give me a break, those theories have gotten far more than their fair share of blind unquestioning coverage on KPFA. If they can't stand up to some hard scrutiny, they deserve to be discarded. Denouncing Larry is just a show of fear over how flimsy, those 'theories' actually are. It's the hypocrite that demands truth and investigation and yet seeks to silence people who seek to investigate your claims.

I would add one more item to your list
The book Debunking 9/11 Myths by David Dunbar and Brad Reagan.
It dismantles the arguments in the items you have mentioned and it has one thing, none of those other items have: REFERENCES!.
For every claim they make, they include a reference, so you don't need to take their word for it, you can look it up yourself.

I find it interesting that the conspiracy theorists have mainly chosen either film or books with little to substantiate them. The statements come fast and furious with no chance to think about or challenge them, there's no wahy to check them,the graphic images play on your emotions and strike an indignant tone of "how dare you question of accuracy, in the face of all this horror!!". Such nerve! The author's intention to use the enormous tradgedy of 9/11 to fatten their own fame and checkbook is as sickening as the Bush's administration attempt to do the exact same thing !

If believed even half way in truth, you wouldn't be calling for the firing of a man who dared to question your views. You'd welcome it as an opportunity to prove you are right.
by reality check for real

as demonstrated above, and agreed with by others, the Democratic Party is an agent of GENOCIDE.

membership in the party constitutes complicity in GENOCIDE.

why does KPFA have on the air persons who are complicit in GENOCIDE?

why does KPFA have people on the air who urge people to vote for people who are in a party which is an agent of GENOCIDE?

Goodman, Bensky, and Cockburn are NOT about questioning the claims made by disinforamtion agents ("no plane hit the pentagon" "ufos" "pod people" etc) ... they ARE about casting doubt on real, honest inquiry. In this they reveal themselves for who they truly are, people so deeply racist that despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, they still believe that evil Arabs did it.

EACH AND EVERY TIME SUCH AN EVENT HAS OCCURED IT HAS BEEN REVEALED AS A DECEPTION... whether we are talking about the USS MAine, Pearl Harbor (the McCollum memo proves this), the Gulf of Tonkin, or Kuwaiti baby incubators, IT IS A SOLID FACT THAT THE USA LIES TO MAKE WAR.

So, when the plane hit the towers, what did YOU think? Arabs? Well, if that's what you thought then you are a complete fucking racist, because EACH AND EVERYTIME IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE it wasnt evil foreigners, it was your own leaders.
by duh.
Larry Bensky is doing his 911 show next weekend, not today. If this is an example of fact-checking among the conspiracy "researchers" no wonder they have problems being taken seriously. Good for Larry. Of course he must be aware that he'll come under vicious attack from the usual cadre of KPFA haters that populate these threads.
by Observer
Posts like yours show the tragic flaws. Extremists who yell for the dismissall of those they don't like , turn a community based, people oriented movement into a fascist twisted image of the radical left. Anything positive and worthwhile is lost is the screeching online howls for censorship. Yours is a clique of one.

The Democratic party has a blanket large enough for many different people to attend it's picnic of ideas.
by Mr. Science
Anyone who knows anything about criminal law knows that prior record does not condemn an accused criminal by itself. Listing a bunch of times the government lied does not prove a 9-11 conspiracy. That is a logical leap over the moon.

Not one. I repeat, not one structural engineer, forensics expert, building demolition expert or anyone from any related field has come out endorsing the 9-11 conspiracy theories.

Any educated person knows that real knowledge doesn't come from idle speculation, but from carefully gathered proof and evidence. All the conspiracy theories fall apart under a moment's scrutiny. Most of the conspiracies I've read are deceitful and dishonest. They quote people out of context, they build the most elaborate theories without one shred of documentable evidence. If a missile hit the Pentagon, prove it. Where are the missile fragments? where are the witnesses? Where are the men who fired it? You mean nobody has leaked anything? Nobody saw anything like that with a major freeway right nearby? Hundreds of people did see a plane slam into the building. Are they all liers? Come on! Human nature is such that secrets are never kept for long, especially one of the magnitude the conspiracists claim. Where is the proof?
by reality check for real
"The Democratic party has a blanket large enough for many different people to attend it's picnic of ideas."

it is completely amazing that this is your response to a charge of GENOCIDE. let us review, your leaders, the ones YOU voted for, the Democrats, go on TV and proclaim that the murder of HALF A MILLION CHILRDREN is "WORTH THE PRICE" ... and your response is to say that your party is big enough for you AND the genocidal maniacs?

Please. Once again, you reveal that Democrats do not consider Iraqis to be human beings. You toss out open admissions of genocide with 'big tent' arguments.

Tell me, what steps did you take to oust the genocidal manicas from your party? Far from it, I am quite sure you voted for them again and again and again even after they openly admitted on national television to acts of genocide.

"Not one. I repeat, not one structural engineer, forensics expert, building demolition expert or anyone from any related field has come out endorsing the 9-11 conspiracy theories."

You, sir, are either a liar or are willfully ignorant of the facts. Fire Engineering magazine - the paper of record for the firefighting community - has publicly questioned the collapse. So has Steven Jones, a professor of physics (yes, a related fieled) at BYU. So have several EYEWITNESS firefighters. So has Kevin Ryan, the Underwriters Laboratory scientist who questions the fire-collapse theory.

"Anyone who knows anything about criminal law knows that prior record does not condemn an accused criminal by itself. Listing a bunch of times the government lied does not prove a 9-11 conspiracy. That is a logical leap over the moon."

A common definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If a neighbor's dog poops on your porch 10 times in a row, and then you wake up to find poop on your porch for the 11th time, do you suspect your neighbor's dog FIRST? Or do you suspect the evil, foreign dog down the road?

When you woke up on 9/11 and you heard the news and YOU KNEW that the government and the media lies to you and YOU KNEW thet EACH AND EVERY TIME IS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE IT HAS BEEN A DECEPTION and YOU KNEW that almost a BILLION of our tax dollars had been used to create 'islamic fundamentalism' ...

... but naturally you accepted what the TV (and Amy Goodman) told you, that evil foreigners had done it, because ... why? The only explanation that makes sense to me is that you are deeply, deeply racist... watching your leaders do the same thing over and over again and then believing them when they blame evil, foregin, brown people.

by Mr. Science
You only deal in leaps of logic and not in facts. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution and other occurences where the government lied, doesn't mean they lied this time, especially with the overwhelming mass of evidence showing that it was Al Qaeda linked individuals who committed that crime. So far I've seen nothing compelling enough to make me believe it was anyone else but Middle Eastern based groups who flew those planes into those buildings.

If you can't prove otherwise, why don't you move on to working on something real and useful.
by reality check for real

Let's get one thing clear. You do not know with full certainty what occured on 9/11. Neither do I.

What we have to go on is history, logic, facts, and reason.

You do not have a smoking gun (The FBI does NOT even consider OBL a suspect of the 9/11 bombs. Call the FBI in DC yourself and ask for their PR person Rex Tomb and he will tell you that there is NO HARD EVIDENCE connecting OBL to 9/11 - none), and neither do I.

Therefore what both you and I are left with is what is MOST LIKELY to have occured, again, based on history, facts, logic, and reason.

History I have already covered. As I have submitted earlier, knowing what you (should) know, when you woke up on 9/11 and heard the news, you should have immedialtely SUSPECTED a deception. But, since you are (IMHO) deeply racist, you accepted the official version - again without a smoking gun.

Facts are numerous, but perhaps the most important is that 'islamic fundamentalism' is a re-creation of the US government. The former NSC Zbigniev Bryzinski has published this openly - almost a billion dollars spent to revive it - OBL was at one point so favored that he was given personal tours of US military bases. OBL was in fact in business wtih the Bushes on various occasions.

So again, you woke up on 9/11 and were told (by a goverment that you ALREADY KNOW tells lies) that a man (WHOM THEY THEMSELVES DO NOT SUSPECT - see above) who was friends with the President, who coordinated a billion dollars of US spending, was behind the attack. The next day the BBC tells us that several of the "hijackers" are actually alive and well - a story the BBC has never retracted or corrected.

So you see, all your talk about numerous "al-queda" stories is not incompatible with what I am saying, since it is a known fact that al-queda was basically formed and funded with YOUR tax dollars. In fact, I would not be surprised if it turned out that actual arabs were at the flight controls that day - give me a billion dollars and I can find some crazies to do bad shit too.

So, Mr. Science - where the fuck is YOUR PROOF? The FBI does not consider OBL a suspect, and you rely on something called "Al-queda" which you bought and paid for yourself.

Since neither you nor I am in possesion of the one-and-only Truth(tm), what we are left with here is Occam's Razor to find out what is MOST LIKELY to have occured. When you figure in the history and the facts, you must conjure up far fewer assumptions to make the story complete than you do with your story (a man that the FBI does not even suspect and who was paid for by you and me did it!), while far FEWER assumptions are required to fit the hypothesis that it was an inside job.

Occam's Razor cuts towards the inside job theory, not the governemnt and media lies that racists like you gleefully swallow up.
by Mr. Science
No amount of proof will convince a person like you. Because you're not interested in proof. You're only interested in things that fit your own political biases. I feel the need to repeat that political rhetoric isn't proof. In criminal law, only positive physical evidence linking someone to a crime matters. A suspects character and prior record come out in the trial to determine a motive, but they are not used to prove the actual crime for which they are accused. You have provided not one shred of concrete indisputable proof of anything like "an inside job." The conspiracy theories melt away under the slightest scrutiny. Give me the name of one credible structural engineer, forensics investigator, military or civilian security or aviation expert who buys into this rubbish. You can't because there are none.

Thousands of people civilian and military government and non-government have been over this issue for years. Not one of these people believes in a conspiracy, or inside job.

People like you, who aren't very intelligent, like to think of the world in simple black and white terms with easily explainable theories for everything. The world isn't like that and it's time you grew up.

It's possible that the U.S. government does rotten things around the world and that Islamist extremists flew planes into buildings on 9-11. It's possible that the U.S. overthrows governments it doesn't like and attacks foreign states and that religious extremist organizations commit acts of mass murder. The two things can exist together. You need to realize that.

By the way, you're the one who's racist because you make Arabs out to be other than human. By that I mean Arabs have the same capacity for good and evil as everyone else. They can be victims of oppression and oppressors. They can do great things and they can do evil things. That makes them human like the rest of us. You're refusal to grant them that is the definition of racism. But, I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
by reality check for real

i doubt that anyone is still reading this article or this series of comments. but if you are, i ask you to look at who has utilized facts, logic, history, and reason to make an arguement, and who has used ad hominem attacks exclusively.
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