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Mike Malloy Fired from Air America Radio (post from Sacramento For Democracy)

by Dan Bacher
Here's the terrrible news about the firing of Mike Malloy by Air America Radio, with an urgent action alert posted on the Sacramento For Democracy website. I urge everybody to sign the petition and demand that the management of AAR rehire him.

submitted by billl on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 9:26pm PST

Air America fired Mike Malloy today. I was concerned when Thom Hartmann mentioned that he might have to fill in for Mike, who was filling in for Randi Rhodes.

This is from Mike's website:
There will be no Mike Malloy program today - or any day - on Air America Radio as we have been terminated. We are told its a financial decision.
We are as shocked as you are, especially since as recently as last Tuesday we were told we had the go-ahead to announce our return to NY airwaves and that our contract was "on the way."
We are told its a financial decision.
More details to follow as we hear them ourselves.
If you are like me and think that Mike was one of the few radio hosts that spoke Truth to Power, please sign this petition:
Mike Malloy Air America Petition

For you MySpace fans, you can vent here:

You can also post comments on the Mike Malloy Show message board:
Kathy Bay Malloy (Mike's wife and producer) posted this on Democratic Underground. There are already over 450 comments:

Here's the contact info for Air America if you want to give them a piece of your mind:
AAR general line: 1 866 303 2270
AAR programming line (voice mail): 1 212 871 8290
Direct email: comments [at]
JHORN [at]

This is what Sam Seder had to say about it today:
Speaking of insanity, uh, (long pause) on mike, Kathy Malloy has announced that Mike malloy hase been fired from AAR.
That's what I've heard. Mike was not on filling in for Randi today, he was scheduled to, he was sceduled to fill in for Randi tomorrow, and frankly I'm pissed off about it. I have made it clear to anybody here that would listen to me that I'm pissed off about it. I think it's a huge mistake. I don't know if it's definitive, because AAR to my knowledge has not made any official announcement. My hope is that it's not.
My understanding is that alot of people have been calling here, and emailing here, and I've noticed that people have phone numbers and emails posted in the comment section of our blog at As I was trolling the web I noticed it at the Democratic underground and I noticed it stuff at Mike Certainly I have other avenues to express my frustration at this thing, but I imagine those who don't will probably go to those addresses. I think it's stupid. A bunch of horse crap....
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by kevkev
Every Air America Affiliate Should Do What Air America in Phoenix is doing!
Mike Malloy Helped get Air America Back On the Air in Phoenix.
Now KPHX 1480-am Is Helping Malloy get back on the Air!
Please contact your Air America Station and have them Link to:
And Follow The Example Being set by Air America Phoenix
And Help Mike Malloy!
please copy and Paste to Other Websights and Blogs.
P.S. Who Stole The Kishka?
by No mas hot Air America
The neoliberal establishment is obviously calling the shots on this one, sorry Steve and others who thought that free speech could operate freely under free market capitalism. Any serious critique of Israeli government actions and US taxpayer support of Israeli military will be deleted on neoliberal establishment sites like hot Air America. Any wonder why Micheal Moore omitted any mention of Israeli/Palestinian conflict in his "Fahrenheit 9/11" movie??

"The Saudis are crucial in that system, but not alone. Egypt, Jordan and the other Gulf emirates have played a role, as did Iran under the Shah. As does, crucially, Israel. But there is no mention of Israel in the film. To raise questions about U.S. policy in the Middle East without addressing the role of Israel as a U.S. proxy is, to say the least, a significant omission. It's unclear whether Moore actually backs Israeli crimes and U.S. support for them, or simply doesn't understand the issue."


Certain edited versions of dissent are allowed to enter mainstream media culture to 'disprove' serious accusations of creeping fascism in the US. Neo-liberal establishment media mirrors and parallels the neo-conservative propaganda wing of the Bush regime in ensuring that dissent only goes so far, any crossing of the line will be subject to censorship if using a neo-liberal method of delivery (ie. Air America, Fahrenheit 9/11, etc..)..

Another example in questioning the liberal/conservative false dichotomy are the "black helicopter" conspiracy theorists ignored by neo-cons and villified by neo-libs as "right-wing gun nuts". Many of these so-called conspiracy theorists are questioning the official version of 9/11 and the increase of FEMA detention camps, the loss of community voter voice under WTO/NAFTA global free trade agreements, the "one-world" corporation-state that is rearing it's ugly head with the help of the imperialist-in-chief GW bush..

"The government's response comes in response to accusations and suspicions of increasing numbers of Americans that the official explanation of the events of Sept. 11, 2001 – that 19 Muslim terrorists hijacked four U.S. jetliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, with a fourth being downed in rural Pennsylvania – are wrong. In fact, a shocking new Scripps Howard poll shows a third of Americans believe the U.S. government was complicit in the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

This is no joke, folks. That's an astounding figure for believing - not merely negligence on the part of the government - but COMPLICITY. The emergence of this government fact sheet is a sure sign that the government FEARS us. It's a last ditch effort to appease the masses. But, a miserable one at that."


If we always settle for second best, lesser evilism in either politics (Kerry vs. Bush) or media (Air America vs. CNN) than we will always be disappointed when out celebrity heroes either fall short of expectations or are outright given the boot when they do effectively challenge imperialism on it's own turf..

That is why many other commit their time and energy to worthy non-capitalist causes like indymedia and other community based actions. Since the anti-war pro-Palestinian protests @ 16th and J do not receive corporate sponsorship, they are not stifled as easily (other than our favorite routine protest warrior goon squad), thus maintaining free speech atmosphere..

Let's get busy with some mobile pirate radio, where free speech can once again become a reality. Forget the pro-Israeli corporate advertisers and their threats of censorship. The radio air-waves belong to the people, let's reclaim the air!!

As predicted by the anarchists, so it will come to pass;

"No Surrender, No Retreat!

FCC! We don't need your stinkin' permission to broadcast!

There will soon come a time when it will be hard to find a commercial radio station on the airwaves. This will be a time when radio stations can play anything they like and say whatever they like. These stations won't care about ratings, demographics, marketing, or focus groups. They won't be owned in groups of 100 by huge corporations. This era has just begun. The beginning of this era is being brought to you by Pirate Radio!

Anarchists and many others feel that governments DON'T have the right to regulate the airwaves. Governments argue that regulation is necessary to prevent chaos on the airwaves. We don't want chaos on the airwaves, but we feel that ordinary people, through global cooperation, are the best people to decide things about the airwaves. The current system awards "official access" to the airwaves only to those with money. This has to stop and it will. The airwaves belong to all of us!"

more on reclaiming airwaves @;
by Sacto
Mike Malloy will be on AM1320 in Sacramento this morning at 7am PDT with Scott & Sims. This is the Air America affiliate in town.
This is a very sad day for lovers of America who want to take it back from this Bush coup. Repukes have done everything they can to silence the truth and now our very own liberal flagship network helps them do so by canning one of our best voices.

This is a suicide move by AAR, as Malloy was their very best. They have no idea how many listeners they will lose over this bone-headed move.

by asnet2
Malloy is a shrill, vituperative screamer.
I always turned off Air America when he was on.
He should have been canned long ago.
He is a minus to everyone but the far left 2-minute haters.
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