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UCSY,Miami:Israeli President Katsav pardons Rabin assassin insider,aids Mohamed Hadid !

by Tony Ryals (endofscam [at]
I'm sure they,(the ' Islamic charity folk'), have been quite impressed that Palestinian-American Mohamed Hadid and British-Israeli Michael Zwebner have been able to use not only Katsav's as well as IFA founder Gal Lusky's name in 'pump and dump' fraud using worthless U.S. penny stock shares but also with Moshe Katsav's willingness to..............

Israeli President Katsav pardons Rabin assassin insider,aids fraud of Mohamed Hadid !

I'm sure they,(the ' Islamic charity folk'), have been quite impressed that Palestinian-American Mohamed Hadid and British-Israeli Michael Zwebner have been able to use not only Katsav's as well as IFA founder Gal Lusky's name in 'pump and dump' fraud using worthless U.S. penny stock shares but also with Moshe Katsav's willingness to pretend he doesn't notice they also 'drafted' Israeli soldiers and the whole of the Israeli army into their scammy press releases claiming the Israeli army would buy 'UCSY's' or Universal Communications Systems' non-existent 'air-water machines', (sometimes supposedly manufactured in Israel itself or sometimes in Brazil or sometimes in China, etc.,etc.).

Israeli President Katsav pardons Rabin assassin insider,aids fraud of Mohamed Hadid !

Although born to Jewish parents in Iran, Israeli President Moshe Katsav immigrated to Israel as a child and has spent many years climbing the Isreali social ladder which admitedly is a harder climb for Jews of Middle Eastern origen than it is for the
Eastern European Jews,or Ashkenazi,who founded the modern Israeli state.

Perhaps had Israeli politicians not adopted a strategy of importing masses of Russian Jews into Israel in order to load the deck in that often corrupt system we call or let pass for 'democracy' ,Israel would have an Arab President today representing all Israelis, Arabs and Jews alike.Unfortunately in their rabid fear and even hatred of other semitic language speakers the
Israeli Jewish state establisment,knowing a more educated Israeli Jewish population was also more aware of birth control and slowing their population growth,cheated by importing Jews to vote Jewish.

So urbanization and its corresponding problems of water and land use have grown.But that is not the topic of this writing ..........

Israeli President Katsav pardons Rabin assassin insider,makes deal with islamic Mohamed Hadid, terrorist money laundering suspect

I previously reported that Israeli President Moshe Katsav was in bed with known British Israeli penny stock fraudster and money launderer Michael Zwebner.And that Zwebner is in bed with Islamic terrorist money laundering suspect Mohamed Hadid.Both Zwebner and Hadid are cheap penny stock and cyber fraud operators as it is. So what does that make Israeli President Katsav for aiding and abetting them ?

Actually I may be underestimating Mr.Mohamed Hadid's influence in Saudi and Islamic extremist
circles.Mr.Hadid has bought substantial real estate holdings for his Saudi friends and allies in the Washington D.C. area and was once even able to 'out trump' Donald Trump and obtain substantial funds overnight to buy coveted Vail,Colorado property before Mr.Trump could raise the cash for the purchase himself.Hadid and his Saudi and 'Islamic charities' colleagues have also bought real estate in South America including some of the largest apple orchard holdings there and have one of the largest poultry operations in America in the state of Georgia.

It may also be precisely because of those Saudi connections that Mohamed Hadid and others tied to the Herndon,Virginia Islamic charity money laundering investigation were let go scott free by the W Bush regime that along with his father George W 'Poppy' Bush has strong ties to Saudi Arabian royaly and thus Saudi Arabia where the 9/11 terrorists mainly came from anyway - NOT IRAQ !

The cynical,and some might say mad,Bush family,has no interest in 'democracy' whatsoever and overthrew one of the few secular governments in the Middle East.Under Saddam Hussein women could walk safely in the streets of Baghdad without need even of chadors,unlike the Saudi Arabia of the Bushes' allies.
Christians could go to church in safety in Saddam's Iraq and even hold government positions.

The Christian Tariq Aziz,Iraq's former U.N. representative ,is now rotting in a cell somewhhere under the Islamic police state brought to power by George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Donald Rumsfeld,


I'm sure they,(the ' Islamic charity folk') have been quite impressed that Mohamed Hadid and Michael Zwebner have been able to use not only Katsav's name in 'pump and dump' fraud using worthless U.S. penny stock shares but also his willingness to pretend he doesn't notice they also 'drafted' Israeli soldiers and the whole of the Israeli army into their scammy press releases claiming the Israeli army would buy 'UCSY'S' or Universal Communications Systems' non-existent 'air-water machines',
sometimes supposedly manufactured in Israel itself or sometimes in Brazil or sometimes in China, etc.,etc..

And sometimes the press releases claim these non existent 'air-water machines' are being shipped to Israel or to the U.S. military in occupied Iraq or to the tsunami victims in Sri Lanka using Gal Lusky's IFA,and apparently with her permission,IsraAid,in their fraudulent press releases. Sometimes a hundred or so 'air-water machines' are being shipped to Texas or Australia or South Africa,etc.,etc..The corrupt SEC of the corrupt Bush regime does notthing.Fraud and money laundering with worthless U.S. penny stocks at home or abroad is good for the W Bush 'economy'.

But no one has seen these supposed 'air-water machines' regardless of the President of Israel's lying claims to the contrary of having drank the water and liked it ! Mr.Moshe Katsav,President of Israel, had already been reduced to a lowly penny stock tout, lower than a used car salesman in some circles and a bad joke around the world,long before rumors of the sex scandal !

Accusations of offshore bank accounts for receiving pardons just increases the odds that Katsav has been bribed also for aiding such cheap and demeaning scams with penny stock criminals and money launderers such as Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid.Michael Zwebner was already exposed for phone card fraud and scams in his native England in the 1990's and American mafia,etc. connections in America as well as being connected to 'Islamic charity' money laundering suspect,with all his known Saudi,etc. connections,Mohamed Hadid !

Since that time a potential sex scandal has broken which,if Israeli Attorney General Menachem Mazuz 's office does its job,may reveal just who all contributes to that offshore account or offshore accounts that Moshe Katsav is rumored to have. At least one of the supposed 5 female complainants against Moshe Katsav claims she has an account number where bribes for pardons are sent.

Perhaps Gal Lusky, founder of IFA,if she really cares about Israelis,or non-Isrealis she presumes to help
in times of crisis,will finally come forward herself and expose the sinister and criminal relationship between Moshe Katsav and Michael Zwebner and their illegal UCSY or Universal Communication Systems penny stock 'pump and dump' fraud and possible money laundering through those millions upon millions of worthless U.S. penny stock shares they have dumped around the world over the years.

Certainly our corrupt U.S. SEC under the rule of the lying war criminal Christopher 'WMDS' Cox won't even though this penny stock fraud with worthless U.S. shares is also operating in Kuala Lumpur,Saudi Arabia,Dubai,UAE among other places and profits and laundered money with this U.S. government assisted fraud and money laundering operations may very well come back to haunt Israelis in the form of cash to fund attacks and terrorist actions by religious and Islamis extremists upon them ! Or upon Americans,etc..

You see nothing that Gal Lusky does or has done in her international tsunami and other relief efforts can undo the stain of aiding and abetting Mohamed Hadid and Michael Zwebner's frauds against investors in general and Americans in particular.

Nothing that Israeli President Moshe Katsav does can undo the fact that he aided them and both he and Lusky allowed their names and positions in Israeli society to be used for criminal and perhaps terrorist activities by British-Israeli Michael Zwebner and his Palestinian-American partner in fraud,Mohamed Hadid, with all his ties to Saudi funding and a Herdon,Virginia Islamic charity suspected of money laundering for that suspect Islamic charity.

In fact far right Israeli and Arab connections should be investigated by the Israeli attorney general's office if the corrupt colluding U.S. 'government' of the Gearge W Bush regime won't.And it won't because apparently
the criminal George W Bush regime and the CIA and DEA,etc. that it has taken over and purged in order to 'privitize' supposedly non-political bureaucracies for personal gain of the rulling Republican Party and thus the Bushes,not only plays the American people for suckers and divides them for its own criminal agenda but does the same with Israelis and Arabs in the countries it has influence in.Keeping Israel at war with neighbors apparently appears to be in the interests of the Bush crime family.

Below are links to of Daniel Hopsicker,the only journalist to investigate 9/11 from Venice,Florida where Mohamed Atta trained or partied while waiting to play his role,whatever that really was,
in the WTC and Pentagon attacks of 9/11.You will note yet more right wing Israeli and Arab connections and cooperation in criminal activity here including Kach Party and Gaza settlements supporter Michael Farkas with his scammy business deals with Ramy Al Batrawi,(of Iran Contra days and pal of Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi,)as well as Israel's Mossad and Israel Aircraft Industries,etc.,connections.

Read some of Hopsicker's writing below with corresponding links or go directly to his website. What I see in this is not only far right fascist connections between Israeli and Arab criminal minds and elites but also a U.S. Republican Party and CIA link to both.

Even the head of the Kuwait National Guard,Al Ali Al Sabah,'royalty',has now been found in a 'business' deal with far right Jew and Kach Party subscriber Michael Farkas.Small world.And they all have ties to that DC-9 confiscated by the Mexican Army in Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico on April 10 ! I wonder why none of these brave souls steps forth to claim it !?

After all the Kuwaiti and Saudi investors,including Al Ali Al Sabah,are in a court fight with Skyway Communications,Michael Farkas,Brent Kovar,,(whose DC-9 was captured around April 10 in Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche,Mexico with over 5.5 tons of cocaine on board !),over the bankrupt Skyway Communications assets and this DC-9 is about the only thing of value unless you count the over 5 tons of coke that was found in it.

Tony Ryals

Michael Farkas connections to right wing Israeli political parties, and to Israeli Mossad, have already been ably covered by others. Farkas was listed in 2005 as president of Manhigut USA. This is the US branch of the Israeli Manhigut Yehudit, involved in fundraising for the radical settlers who were trying to resist the Gaza withdrawal.

Suffice it to say that he serves as the American representative of an ultra-nationalist Zionist party in Israel; he is also the American sales agent for anti-missile technology developed by Israel Aircraft Industries, and is a Director of spy technology company CCS, along with individuals with histories so colorful that,were we to start,we could go on about them all day. ....

Daniel Hopsicker ,

More below :

Homeland Security Inc Scandal Off And Running

And fraudulent U.S. penny stocks that are off the radar of most people appears to be one important vehicle for uniting and contolling some far right Israelis and far right Arabs.

As described in a previous story, the 'Cocaine One' DC9 had a twin, whose records we have been able to pry out of the hands of the FAA. And we retailed the long list of CIA front companies which owned the this plane before SkyWay, including the owner just before SkyWay, Adnan Khashoggi lieutenant Ramy El-Batrawi.

This association is no accident. SkyWay founder Farkas is a major investor in one of El-Batrawi's other front companies, Genesis Realty.

SkyWay Aircraft was a phony company which lost $40 million of shareholders money before going bankrupt. But that was okay: the companys reason for being wasn't to enhance the well-being of stockholders.

They never even bothered to develop a product.

- Daniel Hopsicker



AUGUST 8, 2006--Venice,FL.
by Daniel Hopsicker

Rogue U.S. defense contractor Titan Corp in San Diego; CIA proprietary airlines; 'fugitive' Saudi billionaires, Gulf States Sheiks and financiers; the Israeli Mossad and right wing Israeli political parties identified with Jewish settler interests; 'retired' officers of the CIA and U.S. military intelligence; Texas Republican kingmakers and private investment banks; member of U.S. organized crime...

Also... stock swindlers in Vancouver, Canada responsible for multi-billion dollar financial fraud; officials from the party of Mexican President Vicente Fox; Colombian and Mexican drug cartels; Florida air charter companies which enjoy,as did the Florida aviation companies associated with the terrorist hijackers,apparent official immunity from prosecution; and Lebanese 'industrialists' in Mexico known to the Mexican press as the 'Narco-Pederastas,' for their penchant for molesting children, with apparent immunity from prosecution, both boys and girls, as young as four.................

Six degrees of deviated septums
But none of this does anything to explain Ramy El-Batrawi and Adnan Khashoggi's other major connection with the founder of SkyWay Aircraft, Miami attorney Michael Farkas. Their hidden connections may reveal a larger, previously secret organization.

Last month the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Khashoggi and Ramy Al Batrawi, his lieutenant for the past 20 years, with stock fraud in U.S. District Court for Central California. Both men are both currently on the lam after being accused of orchestrating a $130 million fraud, called the
'Stockwalk case,'involving the stock price of another firm headed by el-Batrawi called GenesisIntermedia. .....................................................

How to make a billion dollars without hardly trying
Along with GenesisIntermedia, the stock of two other companies was used to generate fraudulent loans in the Stockwalk scam. One was a company called Holiday RV. Stores. The other was Imperial Credit Industries.

Michael Farkas is involved with both firms.

Holiday R.V. Stores was owned and controlled by Michael Farkas, through a holding company he founded called Atlas Recreational Holdings.

Michael Farkas and Adnan Khashoggi were partners in a $300 million scam. It was called 'the largest brokerage industry failure in more than 30 years.'

Michael Farkas, is also on the board of Genesis Realty, founded by Ramy El-Batrawi, a man who is clearly no piker when it comes to pilfering money from a public company.

His GenesisIntermedia exploits put Glenn and Brent Kovar's $40 million theft at SkyWay in the shade.

'Just three months after GenesisIntermedia's Initial Public Offering (IPO), the nearly $17 million raised in the offering was gone,'read one wire service story.

'The creative dealings of defendant El-Batrawi partly explains how this money disappeared so quickly,' reported the AP

Board meeting on Tuesday at the Spearmint Rhino
While we can detain ourselves only a moment longer with the colorful Stockwalk Scandal, a brief mention of a few of the other stalwarts involved would include:

Kenneth D'Angelo, a New Jersey stock finder with a criminal and civil record Richard Evangelista, an employee at a New Jersey brokerage and President of Local 18 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; and Bradford Keiller, a Las Vegas Strip club entrepreneur with a tastefully named string of strip clubs in London, Moscow, Las Vegas and Los Angeles, all called The Spearmint Rhino.

A recent headline about Keiller's business in Las Vegas may have said it all: "FULL FRONTAL BATTLE OF THE BOOBS AS THE WORLD'S GAMBLING CAPITAL GOES BACK TO SLEAZE.''

Before leaving the ties between Michael Farkas and Ramy El-Batrawi and Adnan Khashoggi, we discovered a story from the St Paul Pioneer Press (where the fraud bankrupted one of that city's biggest firms) that may help explain our contention that what we are witnessing is the daily workaday transactions of a very large but still-invisible organization:

'SEC filings show ties among Imperial, Holiday and Genesis,' reported the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on April 22 2002.

The Israeli Connection, Pt. 1
'For example, El-Batrawi owns a private company called Genesis Diversified Investments, which is an investor in a company called Aviation Group that in 2001 merged with a British Columbia company called Travelbyus.'

'Lee Sanders, the chairman of Travelbyus is a director of Holiday. Riley is a former chief executive of Holiday and its largest shareholder. Riley also is among the largest shareholders of Imperial.'

Michael Farkas' connections to right wing Israeli political parties, and to Israeli Mossad, have already been ably covered by others. Farkas was listed in 2005 as president of Manhigut USA. This is the US branch of the Israeli Manhigut Yehudit, involved in fundraising for the radical settlers who were trying to resist the Gaza withdrawal.

Suffice it to say that he serves as the American representative of an ultra-nationalist Zionist party in Israel; he is also the American sales agent for anti-missile technology developed by Israel Aircraft Industries, and is a Director of spy technology company CCS, along with individuals with histories so colorful that,were we to start,we could go on about them all day.

Oh, maybe just one example: CCS International's Latin American sales manager, Menachem Cohen, who was convicted in 2002 for illegally exporting passive phone interception equipment to individuals in Colombia conversant with the drug trade.

Titan Corp was thinking ahead, Pt 1
CCS commercializes and brings to market trinkets said to have been invented by innovative minds at the CIA and Israeli Mossad.

If you're looking for sunglasses fitted with a fiber-optic video camera, or have need of an umbrella that is bullet proof, a baseball cap that is strong enough to repel a hatchet blow, or a surveillance microphone that looks for all the world like a shirt button, Mr. Farkas and his partners can oblige.

Of particular interest for our purposes at least, is the early interest shown in Mr. Farkas by The Titan Corporation, who made an early investment in his obvious potential, in 2000.

SkyWay Aircraft was presumably still a gleam in Mr. Farkas' eye when Titan put up $72,386 for 1,113,627 restricted shares of the Company which became SkyWay.

Are they forward thinking, or what?

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud

Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

DFW Airport,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton Cocaine Bust In Mexico

Israeli President Katsav pardons Rabin assassin insider,aids fraud of Mohamed Hadid

Israeli President Katsav pardons Rabin assassin insider,makes deal with islamic Mohamed Hadid, terrorist money laundering suspect

Pardon of Rabin assassin's friend sparks firestorm
By Ellis Shuman July 19, 2001

07/19 Katsav commutes Har-Shefi's sentence
Jerusalem Post

07/18 Rabin murder plot woman pardoned

11/17/99 The burning questions about Avishai Raviv
Dei'ah veDibur

After President Katsav shortened her sentence, Margalit Har-Shefi will be released from prison on August 10.

Rabin's granddaughter: "The stain has not been erased"

Who else knew and didn't prevent Rabin's assassination?

Har-Shefi to begin sentence amidst public outcry

Margalit Har-Shefi

Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies
President Moshe Katsav's decision yesterday to commute the sentence of Margalit Har-Shefi raised a political storm in Israel, with outrage and disappointment from members of the left and praise and gratitude expressed on the right. As Katsav defended his actions, saying that they were necessary to "unite the nation," MK Eitan Cabel (Labor) petitioned Israel's High Court to overturn the decision.
Katsav decided to reduce Har-Shefi's jail sentence by one-third, allowing her release on August 10 after serving 6 months of a nine-month sentence. Har-Shefi, who was convicted of failing to report Yigal Amir's plans to assassinate Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, has always contended her innocence. A public outcry from the right accompanied her case, and supporters and family had appealed to Katsav to pardon her.

"She is guilty and she remains guilty," Katsav told Israel

"Har-Shefi has paid her debt to society and has been punished."
- President Moshe Katsav

Radio in an interview, after he commuted Har-Shefi's sentence. Katsav defended his decision by saying that he was convinced that "Har-Shefi has paid her debt to society, has been punished, and is pained by the horrible assassination and has denounced it."

Katsav was influenced by the difficulties Har-Shefi experienced attempting to maintain Jewish rituals because her prison did not have a religious section. Katsav also took into account that Har-Shefi had suffered for over five years between the time the allegations first arose and the time she went to prison.

In explaining his decision, Katsav said that he was releasing Har-Shefi on the date recommended by the State Attorney's Office, that he had consulted with former General Security Service heads Ami Ayalon and Carmi Gillon, and that the GSS had not opposed the early release.

Katsav expressed his hope that Har-Shefi's release would "unify the nation around condemnation of [Rabin's] murder." Perhaps the most controversial reason Katsav used to justify his decision was when he said that Har-Shefi "expressed sincere regret that she failed and erred in perceiving reality."

Opposition leader Yossi Sarid (Meretz) noted that three courts and the prison parole board did not support Katsav's arguments in favor of Har-Shefi's release. "These panels did not identify any signs of regret by Har-Shefi, and apparently only our president was able to distinguish her undetectable remorse," he said.

Deputy Defense Minister Dalia Rabin-Pelossof (Labor), the murdered prime minister's daughter, said Katsav's decision "pains us all. All the legal processes that dealt with her case unequivocally ruled her guilty of not acting to prevent the horrible murder." Rabin-Pelossof added that the decision " sent a negative message to youth that the president will be merciful toward those who don't prevent crime."

Law Committee chairman Ophir Pines-Paz (Labor) called Katsav's decision "political," and said it was a result of pressure from the right.

This morning MK Eitan Cabel (Labor) petitioned Israel's High Court to overturn Katsav's decision. "The president acted with disregard to three legal opinions," Cabel said, expressing the fear that Yigal Amir might one day have his sentence commuted.

Katsav's decision was warmly welcomed on the right. Har-Shefi's father told Israeli television that "the community in Beit-El is convinced, 100 percent, that Margalit is innocent of any crime." MK Benny Elon (National Union), who is Har-Shefi's uncle, said he is sorry that an "innocent girl sat in jail for such a long time."

MK Michael Kleiner (Herut) said Katsav's decision was "brave and correct." Kleiner said it was unacceptable that Har-Shefi had served an unjust sentence, while Avishai Raviv and his operators were still evading trial.

Justice Minister Meir Sheetrit (Likud), who had previously opposed requests for Har-Shefi's early release, said he would sign the necessary documents in "respect to the President and his decision."

In commentary published today in Ha'aretz, Gideon Alon notes that President Katsav "did not actually pardon Har-Shefi; he merely reduced her sentence." As Alon explained, a "pardon means that the convict's criminal record is erased. In Har-Shefi's case, the conviction will remain on her record."

Israeli President Moshe Katzav laid low in spiraling sex scandal
By Israel Insider staff and partners August 18, 2006

In a meeting with Katsav, she also threatened to disclose the number of an overseas bank account allegedly set up to collect money the president received in exchange for presidential pardons, the television report said. The employee demanded hush money, it added.

The Maariv newspaper reported in July that a second woman has since come forward with similar accusations.

"Katsav sexually harassed me," the headline blared. The newspaper did not reveal her identity.

Katsav Questioned in Sex Harassment Case
By STEVE WEIZMAN , 08.23.2006, 03:02 PM

President Moshe Katsav was questioned by detectives at his official residence here for five hours Wednesday over allegations against him of sexual harassment and his claim that the case is an extortion attempt by a former staffer.

Police plan to talk to him again Thursday, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.

They have been looking into accusations by two former employees that Katsav sexually harassed them. One of the women reportedly also has accused Katsav of selling presidential pardons.

Last update - 14:46 12/07/2006

Five more women accuse President Katsav of sexual harassment

By Esti Aharonovitch and Roni Singer-Heruti, Haaretz Correspondents

At least five women who worked with President Moshe Katsav before he became president said he sexually harassed them, Haaretz has learned. The accusations - all by women who refuse to be publicly identified - came amid reports aired over the weekend that Katsav sexually harassed a former employee at the President's Residence.

After reports about the former employee, identified only as A., Katsav indicated that she had attempted to blackmail him, and Attorney General Menachem Mazuz opened an investigation into the matter Wednesday.

The testimonies of the five women, both firsthand and indirect, indicate a pattern in which Katsav took advantage of his position to sexually harass them, turning from a boss with a pleasant manner into one who makes comments with sexual overtones, and then moves on to attempt sexual contact. The women said that when they refused his overtures, they encountered a cold and patronizing attitude to the point where they felt compelled to quit.

"When I came to the minister's office, they told me: 'We'll see if you get through the first 100 days'," recalled B., who said Katsav sexually harassed her while she was working at his office during the time he served as a minister. "I didn't understand. I was innocent. I didn't know that they were hinting about what was going to happen. I didn't know that the minister's behavior is the best-kept secret in the system. The pattern was to take advantage and toss aside. Everyone knew and kept silent."

If the women's allegations are verified in a court of law, the Knesset has the power to remove the President if his behavior is deemed "unsuitable."

The President's Residence refused to respond to anonymous complaints.

"We cannot address anonymous incidents that pretend to describe some activity or other," the President's Residence said in a statement. "Based on the information in the Haaretz request, there is no truth to the complaints, and they are apparently the symptom of the latest trend."

All the women who spoke to Haaretz reporters this week expressed fear of Katsav's power, and all those who decided to speak out requested anonymity. Some asked that identifying details - such as where they worked and what they did - be changed.

"I have been waiting for years with this story," said B. "And the truth is, I admit, I was silent. More than once I thought, 'Why do I have to get tangled up with him?'"

B. said Katsav used to make inappropriate comments to her, and would call her up at home.

"When I came to the office, he heaped compliments on me," she said. "I'm a pretty and well-dressed girl, and he started complimenting my appearance: 'That hairstyle suits you,' 'You're very pretty.' There were also comments about my chest. It got progressively worse."

Some comments were loaded with "sexual implications that could not be interpreted otherwise," B. said. "He would tell me how at night he was having a good time with Gila, his wife, in bed, and was thinking about me. He would call me at home, and the conversations were not about security matters or politics. In the morning he would come in, pass by my desk, say, 'Good morning, come in, come into my room. I couldn't wait to see you.' I would go into the room with work papers. I was still innocent. Everyone knew - it was the secret of the whole office."

Later on, B. said, the harassment moved up a notch, and she quit in anger.

"At a certain stage he tried to touch me. It happened several times," she said. "The moment I refused, he started excluding me at work. He would humiliate me, go to other secretaries who worked under me instead of turning to me. When he wanted to get me mad, he would ask me to send another girl into the room. Another time, when the whole office went on a trip, he would leave me in the office. The dirt started to get out, people gossiped. It was intolerable."

When B. decided to quit, she said Katsav sent people to offer her other work and recommendations from the minister, but she refused their offers. "They asked me, 'What can we do so it ends well?'" she said.

Other women told similar stories, including a woman who told Maariv this week that Katsav "really tried to forcibly push his hands into my shirt, my skirt, and I shoved him away."

The President's Residence said the woman who spoke to Maariv applied for work at the residence despite the alleged harassment, adding that "all the stories turn out to be baseless."

Some women encountered verbal harassment only.

"I personally didn't see anything besides verbal teasing," said one woman who worked with Katsav. "Verbal teasing can also be harassment. It was primarily aimed at small and weak clerks who were unable to shut him up."

A former senior Transportation Ministry official said that when Katsav was transportation minister between 1988 and 1992, the office was rife with stories of harassment.

"He liked them skinny and young," she said. "I remember an incident in which someone was wearing a thin shirt, and he sprayed water on her chest. The time has come to publicize it."
CIA,Khashoggi,Zwebner,Katsav,Hadid,Farkas,Al Ali Al Sabah,Kuwait,Israel,stock fraud,drugs
by Tony Ryals Wednesday June 28, 2006 at 03:22 PM

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

U.S. Trails Va. Muslim Money, Ties

Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid,Wilhemina
Entertainment fraudulent stock transfers,etc. :

Here is an example of fraudulent stock dealings between John Daly, Mark Tolner, Michael J Zwebner and Alexander Walker Jr (stock transfer agent) in a previous company called Entertech Tolner, Daly + others fraud. Here is an example of fraudulent stock dealings between John Daly, Mark Tolner, Michael J Zwebner and Alexander Walker Jr (stock transfer agent) in a previous company called Entertech Tolner, Daly + others fraud.

Wilhelmina & Trans Continental Media Shuffle ripoff Pearlman sues Defrawy, Anthony Toma, Mickie Parris while Dieter Esch fires Ray Lata and Deidre Kilmartin in Criminal Cover Up, many paid to keep their mouth shut New York City New York *UPDATE ..This Reader has done the homework: Pearlman lawsuit is an acknowledgement that the amount of fraud involved is close to $100 million and as accurately portrayed

Lou admits that their criminal background made no difference to him if they bring in the bucks. What he cares about is the negative press. That is when he had to take action. What thinking people in the press should be asking is why Pearlman is not suing those people involved closely in the scam or were officers in the company like the following: Mohamed Hadid, Rafiah Kashmiri, Cortes Randell, Neil Eric Mauskapf, Anthony Ruben, Michael Zwebner, Roger Serrero, Geoffrey Button, Tom Weinard, Paul Glover, Richard Walk, Jeremy Schuster, Herbert Becker. Many of these people got paid hefty severance packages to keep their mouth shut. How ethical is that?

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Subsidiary Millennium Electric T.O.U., Inc., Ships Exclusive PV Solar Powered Mobile Oil Tanker "Pump" for Immediate Use by the Israeli Army

Universal Communications Systems Inc. Closes Transaction to Supply 18 AirWater Machines to the Israeli Army June 18, 2003

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Secures First Order for AirWater Machines for Immediate Delivery to US Army / Coalition Forces in Iraq

Universal Communications Systems, Inc. Subsidiary, AirWater Corporation, Receives "Approved Vendor Status" from US Government/Military

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary, AirWater Corporation, Announces a Major Breakthrough and Secures First Official Order for Two AirWater Machines for the US Army

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Completes Construction of Special Sized AirWater Machines and Ships First Two Units to U.S. Army/Coalition Forces in Iraq

Out Of Thin Air

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Subsidiary AirWater Corporation's Activities in Sri Lanka Dubbed Huge Success and Service to Humanity at Official Handing Over Ceremony

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Hosts Official Visit by Sri Lankan Ambassador to Israel at the AirWater Production Facility

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Together With Company Chairman, File Suit Against Turner Broadcasting System, CNN and Wolf Blitzer for $100 Million


Charles Schwab,Dwight Cantrell,Endovasc,Stanford U. and stock fraud in Dubai,UAE

Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud

Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian and John O'Quinn

Do Houston accountants McConnell & Jones accept bribes to cover up Endovasc's fraud ?

Endovasc,Stanford University,C Heeschen, J.Cooke,penny stock money laundering

More on Charles Schwab's illegal pump and dump accounts,possible money laundering

Schwab:SF SEC Uses McCarthy tactics to protect right wing stock fraud

Open letter to SEC, John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud

Yahoo protects stock mafia , death threats

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's ,Attorney John M O'Quinn's stock fraud

Judge Ken Reilly,Endovasc and money laundering in Montgomery,Texas

Endovasc,Texas Joseph Grundfest,Stanford Law,defends Journalistic McCarthyism stock scam

Gov. Jon Huntsman,Senator Bob Bennett,Patrick Byrne in welcoming stock fraud to Utah

Did Utah SEC's Brent Baker cover up for National Taxpayers Union Founder ? Senator Bob Bennett enlists SEC Chairman Cox to aid Byrne's NCANS Fraud

Utah Senator Bennett's favorite constituent, Patrick Byrne buys Yahoo for cyberfraud


Israeli President Katsav's sex scandal,stock fraud,Senator Joe Lieberman's Semitic Lie

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud

Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud

Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?;

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers...

CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

by George Truthi
They say an article containing one lie makes it worthless. The author has painted a picture of Mohamed Hadid that is laughable. Hadid is as secular as they come. He was married to an American and a Dutch model. His only link to what could be labeled Islamic is he is a defendant of the last Amir of Palestine and therefore a Sayed. He engaged in Real Estate transactions with Arabs and Jews alike. Hadid is beloved by his brethren in Palestine and he could easily have chosen a route to the higher chambers of government. Instead, he has dedicated his life to fufilling a dream of becoming the most prominent developer. Today, Hadid has hundreds of offers to build the most spectacular homes. He takes very few. His ex wife is a reality star and his brother is a top lawyer. He is the pride of Palestine.
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