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Military veterans stand behind “illegal war” refuser Lt. Watada

by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name (jeff [at]
Hundreds of military veterans welcome Iraq war refuse Lt. Ehren Watada as a keynote speaker of Veterans for Peace convention with chants of "thank you LT!"
SEATTLE (August 12, 2006) – Hundreds of military veterans rose to their feet this evening in an impromptu chant, “Thank You Lieutenant Watada!” Lt. Ehren Watada publicly refused to deploy with the Fort Lewis, Washington-based 3rd Stryker Brigade on June 22 becoming the first military officer to take such a stand. At least here at the closing banquet of the national Veterans for Peace convention, his courage was clearly appreciated by the 500 attendees of the more than 5,000 member national organization.

As Lt. Watada took the stage to the chorus of “thank you,” three dozen members of the growing Iraq Veterans Against the War filed on stage to stand behind him. All of them members of the U.S. military since September 11, 2001 – most of them Iraq War veterans.

Lt. Watada outlined his case to put the war on trial in the course of the military’s prosecution of his resistance. On August 17th, in a military courtroom on Fort Lewis, Washington the first test of this strategy to help end the Iraq occupation war will be put into play. At this Article 32 pre-trial hearing, the defense will have former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations Dennis Halliday take the stand. Additionally, U.S. Army Colonel Ann Wright (ret.) and international law professor Francis Boyle will also appear for the defense.

Lt. Watada also challenged attendees to take up the defense of all members of the military who look into their conscience and find themselves unable to follow illegal orders with greater efforts. Currently facing over five years in a military prison for his speech and opinions alone – contempt of the president and conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman – his appearance before the convention held extra gravity. At the end, the hall rose for a final standing ovation.

Many conference attendees supported Lt. Watada battle against the illegal occupation war prior to hearing him speak Saturday night; however, many expressed that they didn’t really understand what “the big deal” was regarding his case until this evening.
§Lt. Watada welcomed to the stage
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
TOP: Lt. Watada backed by three dozen members of Iraq Veterans Against the War
§Lt. Watada backed by members of Iraq Veterans Against the War
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
§Lt. Watada backed by members of Iraq Veterans Against the War
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
§Lt. Watada backed by members of Iraq Veterans Against the War
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
§Lt. Watada finishes his presentation
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
§Lt. Ehren Watada with Veterans for Peace National President David Cline
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
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by Phil Davis
LT, there is very little this 75-year old Korean War Veteran can do to influence the Military, and especially our two Senators who support the Administrations version of the so-called War on Terror.
However, please know that this is one more citizen who stands solidly behind you and in your corner.
Phil Davis
Douglasville, GA

by Don Curtiss
Lt Watada, congradulations. The intensity of your Amercanism, your Convictions, your Understanding of the US's role in the international community --- I whole heartedly give you my support. the two senators from my state stand in terror behind the Bush administration.
Don Curtiss
Goodyear, AZ
by Al S. Alcala
Lt. Watada.......Sir, your display of courage in standing up for your convictions is an act of bravey that will set the standard for all future generations of military personnel that choose to stand up against government leaders who dare to ignore the United States Constitution and basic human decency. You have my total support.
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