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DAVIS: PROTEST Aerial Pesticide Spraying -- WEDNESDAY!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Davis at Central Park (between 4th & 5th & C St.)

Please attend the public protest (near Davis certified organic farmer's market) in Davis Central Park (between 4th and 5th and C st.) on Weds Aug 2nd at 7pm. If you are able to, please leave Davis for at least the duration of the aerial spraying (8/3-8/4) and possibly longer as synthetic pyrethroids used in aerial spray DO NOT breakdown in non-sunlit areas (eaves of houses, under trees, etc..) for several weeks..

Protest against the wishes of the public; Davis City Council (4-1) votes against the opt out proposal. Aerial pesticide spraying continues the petrochemically derived pesticide spraying cycle of dependency termed "chemical pesticide treadmill."

In a 4-1 vote (Lamar Heystek dissenting) the Davis City Council voted against a resolution for Davis residents to opt out of aerial pesticide spraying as a community. Placing the entire public at risk of exposure to known breast carcinogen (estrogen mimic), endocrine disrupter, etc.. from aerial spraying of synthetic pyrethroid pesticides (this year's generic brand name is specified as "deltamethrin") in not an effective solution at reducing West Nile virus in mosquito populations..

To the contrary, during aerial spraying pesticide corporations sell and spray their products at greater amounts, building up larger populations of pesticide specific resistant mosquitos. In addition the beneficial insect population is lowered by pesticide spraying, though predator insects rates of recovery are slower. As a result the following year sees another population increase in mosquitos who will be resistant to last years generic pesticide components. The county/regional mosquito vector control district will again contract with pesticide manufacturers (Bayer/Aventis, Dow, DuPont, Monsanto, etc..) for a variation of another generic different from "deltamethrin" who financially benefit form the continued dependency on pesticides. In this case the pesticides are likely contracted with Bayer IG through a subsidary. Similar to DuPont, Bayer's history of human rights abuses via chemical warfare is documented as far back as WWI..

"Bayer has a long history of giving profits precedence over human rights and environmental concerns. During the First World War the company invented Chemical Warfare ("moisture gas") and built up a "School for Chemical Warfare." Thirty years later Bayer was part of the conglomerate IG Farben, which worked closely with the Third Reich. IG Farben exploited several hundred thousand slave workers at their plant in Auschwitz. It also took over companies throughout Europe and used human guinea pigs for pharmaceutical research. IG Farbens subsidiary Degesch manufactured Zyklon B, the poison gas used in the gas chambers. In the late 1930's organophosphates (sarine, tabun) were introduced, after the war marketed by Bayer as pesticides (E 605, Folidol, Nemacur, Fenthion). IG Farbens managers were convicted as war criminals at the Nuremberg Trials. After the war Farben was broken up into BASF, Bayer and Hoechst (now called Aventis), and the three firms still cooperate closely and exert a large influence on German and European politics."

more on Bayer's crimes @;

From the source of manufacture to the final results of spraying petrochemical pesticides are a bad deal for humanity. The only beneficiaries are the CEOs and shareholders of large pesticide corporations who ensure the public continued position on the pesticide treadmill. The current US military occupation of Iraq and taxpayer support of US colonial outpost Israel is primarily for extraction and sales of petroelum depositis in the Middle Eastern nations. Petroleum refinment processes include byproducts that are manufactured into the many generic varities of pesticides sold to farmers and vector control districts. The scientists who manufacture the pestcides are coherent enough to understand that pests evolving resistance to specific pesticides will result in a yearly dependency on different generic pesticide variaties..

Monsanto, Dow and Dupont are also liable of human rights violations from Bhopal to New Zealand. WTO Globalization agreements prevent citizens in Bhopal from getting any justice from Dow's (formerly Union Carbide) pesticide factory explosion in Bhopal, India. The symptoms of WTO globalization coming to the US are evidenced by indiscriminate spraying of petrochemical pesticides over unwilling sub/urban and rural valley populations..

"Dow purchased Union Carbide in 2001, thereby acquiring its assets and liabilities. Union Carbide was responsible for the 1984 gas leak in Bhopal, India, which remains the worst industrial disaster in human history. Dow refuses to clean up the site, provide safe drinking water, compensate the victims, or disclose chemical information to physicians."

more on Dow's crimes @;

In Davis we are dissappointed in Sue "Da Waffler" Greenwald's choice to isolate Lamar "Da Lone Ranger" Heystek in his support of the opting out of aerial pesticide spraying proposal. Sue's vote of "NO" to greater public involvement in the prevention of aerial pesticide spraying (postpone for further research into cancer risks, public education & discussion, etc..) echoed the traditional far right opinions of councilmembers Don "Da Capt'n" Saylor and Steve "Da Snooza" Souza who used their seniority positions to intimidate recently elected councilmember Lamar into silence following the opt out proposal's defeat..

We thank Lamar for having the courage to speak out despite the condescending remarks made by Don & Steve, remaining steadfast in supporting the public's rights to opt out of dangerous public science experiments like aerial pesticide spraying..

Davis's "opt out of widespread pesticide spraying" proposal's text will be available on imc at a later date, it would be great for other communities in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley to have greater public involvement and education about human/ecosystem health risks of pesticide spraying and recommending safer, more effective alternatives to reducing mosquito populations..

more info on proposal for Davis "opt out" of pesticide spraying @;

Currently the pesticide spraying for Davis is announced by Sacramento Yolo Mosquito Vector Control District (SYMVCD) to occur on between Thurs Aug 3rd and Friday Aug 4th. At least they're not overt enough to spray carcinogenic pesticides on Aug 6th (61st anniversary of Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings) like they did in Natomas last year..

Added To The Calendar On Tuesday Aug 1st, 2006 6:47 PM
Added to the calendar on Tue, Aug 1, 2006 6:55PM
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