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Self starting protests @ Mexican consulate

Thursday, July 13, 2006
12:08 PM - 3:08 AM
Event Type:
by Todos los votos, voto por voto!!
Location Details:
MEXICAN CONSULATE IN SACRAMENTO 1010 8th St. Sacramento, California

Theft of the election by Calderon comes at a perfect time for the Bush regime and their money hungry NAFTA/WTO/PPP sponsoring corporations thirsting for the agua, labor, bosques and cultural lifeblood of Mexico's southern Sierra Madre mountains, petroleum reserves etc.. Let's not allow Calderon, another imperialist lapdog from Fox's PAN party, to steal the Mexcan presidency! Choicepoint and other corporate voter fraud devices need to be removed from interfering with the democratic electoral processes..
Calderon's theft of elections was congratulated by fellow election commander in theif GW Bush immediately after the first day, before all the votes were counted. ChoicePoint Inc. is the corporation responsible for the database that deletes undesired voters at will. It is believed by journalists that ChoicePoint Inc. was directly involved in the theft of the Mexican election by Calderon..

"Greg Palast, a first-rate left-wing investigative reporter, suggested this weekend, in a truthout article, that the U.S. government may have been taking action to disenfranchise poor Mexican voters.

Palast obtained a copy of a secret FBI document marked “Counterterrorism” and “Foreign Intelligence Collection” dated 9/17/200l (just six days after 9/11). The document targets not Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or Egypt, but Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, and a few others:

All the target nations had one thing in common besides a lack of terrorists: each had a left-leaning presidential candidate or a left-leaning president in office. In Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez, bete noir of the Bush Administration, was facing a recall vote. In Mexico, the anti-Bush Mayor of Mexico City, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was (and is) leading the race for the Presidency.

Most provocative is the contractor to whom this no-bid contract was handed: ChoicePoint Inc. of Alpharetta, Georgia. ChoicePoint is the database company that created a list for Governor Jeb Bush of Florida of voters to scrub from voter rolls before the 2000 election. ChoicePoint’s list (94,000 names in all) contained few felons. Most of those on the list were guilty of no crime except Voting While Black. The disenfranchisement of these voters cost Al Gore the presidency."

article cont's @;

(any connection to missouri democrats is random)

This Zmag article explains why Obrador may be a threat to the Bush regime and the corporate oligarchy that benefits from NAFTA/WTO/PPP/etc.. and other negative effects of "free" trade (read: corporate slave) policies..

"Mexicans close to the campaign said in interviews that Lopez Obrador would insist on basic revisions to NAFTA, the trade pact that has only widened inequality in Mexico since 1994. As the Los Angeles Times noted in 2002, "few would argue that NAFTA has been anything but devastating for Mexican farm families." In 2003, farmers stormed the doors of the Mexican legislature on horseback and threatened to seize customs checkpoints at the U.S.-Mexico border (L.A. Times, Jan. 1, 2003). With the situation worsening, Lopez Obrador would preserve subsidies for Mexican farmers that were set to expire under the NAFTA agreement.

He would make a priority of labor standards for immigrant workers, turning every Mexican consulate in the U.S. into a procuraduria, a kind of legal aid center. He also opposes the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border as an inhumane affront.

There would be major consequences for the American immigration debate with a new Mexican government that forcefully defended workers' rights and blamed NAFTA and U.S. multinationals for the conditions forcing Mexican workers to emigrate northward. Pro-immigrant and anti-corporate forces here would be fortified. A majority in the U.S. Congress might consider seriously reforming NAFTA for the first time. Right-wing conservatives would become more frenzied about the radical "threat" on the border."

article cont's @;

So it seems that the corporate elite and GW bush have a great deal to lose if Obrador wins the popular election. Any wonder why these pros at election theft were so quick to declare Calderon the winner??

Following the obvious blunder (what 'appened to brainiac Karl Rovester?) by Bush congratulating Calderon on his victory, is now being reversed after the Rovester woke up from his extended nap and made up for his PR booboo..

"It’s no secret that the Bush administration has rooted for Calderón, the right-winger in the Mexican contest. The U.S. president even called Calderón to congratulate him last week. The best evidence that political reality has changed in few days is how the White House is suddenly hanging Calderón out to dry. Part of the story is that Calderón, in a political maneuver designed to mask the volatile fact that he has been Bush’s boy all along, issued a statement last week – after Bush called him – that postured to be against the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. At Monday’s White House press briefing, reporters asked the Bush press secretary for a response. In the transcript, the reporters’ questions are indicated by the letter Q, and the White House press secretary’s responses by the words “Mr. Snow”:

Q All right, then what do you think—or what does the administration say about a foreign politician denouncing domestic legislation in the United States, and particularly Calderon’s denunciation of stronger border security and an extended fence?

MR. SNOW: Last time I checked, Calderon did not have any official authority over the activities of the United States government.

Q Can I follow up on that?

MR. SNOW: Yes, very quickly. Sure.

Q The call the President made to Calderon to congratulate him, that means that the U.S. government already recognized him as the President-elect of Mexico? Can you explain what —

MR. SNOW: Well, I believe the electoral commission had, in fact, declared him President. And according to the laws of Mexico, at this point, he is President. Should there be a recount, should there be another adjustment, should there be a change, then the President will acknowledge that, as well—Mexico, obviously having the ability to decide who, as a result of transparent elections, is the President of the country."

follow-up of interview @;

Zapatistas and supporters of Candidate Zero's Other Campaign are not endorsing Obrador specifically, though are aware of fraud and deception coming from the PAN party's Calderon. The Other Campaign is oppossed to the neo-liberal NAFTA/PPP globalization programs that Calderon endorses. Even moderate socialists admit that Obrador is just another capitalist, though remains a lesser evil when compared to pro-corporate globalization PAN candidate Calderon..

"In the midst of the elections, the Zapatistas have embarked on a national struggle that they call “The Other Campaign.” They call for mobilizing the masses in opposition to the electoral parties and their candidates.


López Obrador’s political program could hardly be called radical or socialist. But the U.S. government is worried about the prospect of his victory. Although the PAN’s red-baiting campaign is sheer fantasy—López Obrador has pledged not to oppose globalization, but to make it work for Mexican capitalism—in some ways, it is completely understandable. López Obrador’s victory could represent a setback for Washington’s neoliberal vision for Latin America."

entire article @;

The Beehive design collective's Mesoamerica Resiste tour continues to edutain people about the effects of globalization in many locations around the US, coming to the west coast in Oct 2006.

"With three giant illustrated portable murals, a six foot tall fabric storybook “slideshow”, and an engaging narrative (available in Spanish or English), the Bees take audiences on an interactive VISUAL tour of the connections between COLONIZATION, MILITARIZATION, and RESOURCE EXTRACTION in the Americas. We will be exposing the agendas of the Free Trade Area of the Americas, Plan Colombia, and celebrating resistance to the “Plan Puebla Panama” in Mesoamerica. Join in as we deconstruct the complex and overwhelming issues that are shaping our world, using bioregionally accurate depictions of animals and insects as metaphors to link cultural and ecological diversity.

Our swarm is currently booking a flight path for the next few months, visiting SCHOOLS, ORGANIZATIONS and EVENTS with presentations of our educational graphics. "

Book the collective in your city/town @;

What people can also do here in CA is protest at the Mexican consulate to count every vote, vote by vote! Todos los votos, votos por votos!!

protest Calderon's theft of election @ Mexican consulate nearest you!!

MEXICAN CONSULATE IN SACRAMENTO 1010 8th St. Sacramento, California (916)441-32-87

MEXICAN CONSULATE IN SAN FRANCISO 870 Market St., Suite 528 San Francisco, California (415)392-55-54

San Diego;
MEXICAN CONSULATE IN SAN DIEGO 1549 India St., San Diego, California (619)231-84-14

What can one little ant do?
Added to the calendar on Thu, Jul 13, 2006 12:10PM
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