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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Multi-Racial Educ Forum on Immigration/Foro Educativo

Saturday, July 15, 2006
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Oakland or San Francisco - exact location to be announced

BAIRC is one of the coalitions helping to organize this community forum. Please spread the word!

BAIRC es una de las coaliciones ayudando organizer este foro comunitario. ¡Favor de pasar la voz!


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Traduccion al español abajo y en ROJO VIVO!


Community Forum on Immigration, Labor, and Racial issues

Saturday, July 15th @ 10AM - 1PM

Oakland or San Francisco - exact location to be announced

Organizing the community to stay strong and active!

Building unity among workers, immigrants,
and people of color!

Educating our base to demand justice and equality!

The Regional Unity Coalition - a coalition made up of several regional coalitions working together to leverage their collective power - invites your organization and members to come to this educational forum and publically discuss issues of immigration, unemployment, racism, workplace rights, and civil rights. This is part of a NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION on JULY 15th CALLED FOR BY GROUPS NATIONWIDE!

We will also announce plans for the next great march and other activities to win fair working and living conditions for our communities.

Program will be translated into several languages!

Childcare available...bring the whole family!

Snacks provided!

Donations welcome


Foro Comunitario sobre Inmigracion,

Labor, y Raza

Sabado, 15 de Julio de 10AM - 1PM

en Oakland o San Francisco - local exacto a ser anunciado

Organizando a la comunidad para ser fuerte y activo!

Fomentando unidad entre obreros, inmigrantes,
y gente de color!

Educando nuestras bases a exigir justicia e igualdad!

La Coalicion de Unidad Regional - una coalicion compuesta de varias coaliciones regionales para trabajar con mas fuerza y efectividad - invita a su organizacion y a sus miembros a participar en este foro educativo donde la comunidad publicamente discutira temas de inmigracion, falta de empleo, racismo, derechos laborales, y derechos civiles. ESTE FORO ES PARTE DE UNA LLAMADA DE ACCION NACIONAL PARA EL 15 DE JULIO!

Tambien anunciaremos planes para la proxima, gran marcha y otras actividades para ganar condiciones justas y dignas de labor y de vivienda para nuestras comunidades.

Programa traducido a varios idiomas!

Cuidado de niños disponible...traiga a toda la familia!

Comida para picar proveida!

Donaciones bienvenidas
Added to the calendar on Sat, Jul 8, 2006 11:57AM
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$70.00 donated
in the past month

Get Involved

If you'd like to help with maintaining or developing the website, contact us.


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