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Indybay Feature

South Central Farmers International Solidarity Days (July 7-10)

by South Central Farmers!

Support the South Central Farmers!
Save the South Central Farm & Support Small Farms Worldwide!

South Central Farm International Solidarity Days
July 7-10

“You are never strong enough that you don't need help.”
- Cesar Chavez
Call to Action:
Join the South Central Farm International Solidarity Days to defend the rights of small farmers so they may continue to live and farm with dignity while producing a healthier, safer community for all! We will be raising awareness for the small farming movement and its critical place in the green/environmental landscape with special attention paid to urban farms, family farms, global environmental justice, food security, and green development.

The Struggle Continues!
Although 350 family farmers were evicted from the 14 acre South Central Farm on June 13 the movement to protect this community grows each day. We are now gearing up for a July 12 court date that will set the wheels of justice in motion and challenge the legality of the sale of the farm. We are raising global awareness for our cause – and for the cause of social justice worldwide. Join the international social network committed to justice for people and the planet.

Host a Solidarity Event in Your Community!
Join in solidarity with L.A.’s South Central Farmers and their supporters from Friday July 7 to Monday July 10. We are asking you, our global allies, to host an event in your community on one of these four days. The city hubs will be Los Angeles and Oakland, CA.

Solidarity Events are a way for YOU to make a difference now!
Host an event in your community and raise awareness about the South Central Farmers and the ‘Little Farm that Could.’ Together we are activating the global movement for food security, urban and small family farms, and environmental justice.

What to do:
1. If you do only one act of solidarity, then call or e-mail L.A. City Council Woman Jan Perry. Ask Ms. Perry to work with the people of Los Angeles and broker a win-win deal for the farmers, the land developer and the city. Implore her to help negotiate the sale the land to the farmers. Councilperson.Perry [at] , or jan.perry [at] and telephone here (213)-473-7009.

2. Organize a local rally, prayer vigil or parade.

3. Print flyers from our Web site and distribute at supermarkets, farmers markets, Church or temple

4. Protest in front of your local City Hall or Supreme Court to let authorities know that feeding families with fresh, organic, affordable produce is a basic human right

5. Wear a green ribbon or green t-shirt

We encourage local creativity that is respectful and nonviolent.

Register your local event with us

Downloadable Flyer
Search for an event in your area
For more information about the July 12 court date click here
For more information about the South Central Farmers click here
For a downloadable questions & answers form click here
To download the South Central Farm brochure click here [TRIFOLD]

The Struggle Continues! La Lucha Sigue!
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petroleum dependant monoculture
Thu, Jul 6, 2006 9:50AM
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$50.00 donated
in the past month

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