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Bohemian Grove Protest Set for July 22

by Dan Bacher
Don't miss the Bohemian Grove Protest, now in its 26th year, on July 22 beginning at 1 pm in the main Monte Rio parking lot in western Sonoma County. There is a great, diverse list of speakers before the march, along with music and food starting at 4 pm. We need a big crowd to expose the corrupt, war mongering leaders of the New World Order.
For Immediate Release
July 4, 2006

Contact: Mary Moore 707 874 2248 Bohemian Grove Action Network
Bill Hackwell 415 269 7917 or 821 6545 ANSWER Coalition
Peter Phillips 707 664 2588 (research & background) Project Censored

Bohemian Grove Protest Set for July 22

For the 26th year, the Bohemian Grove Action Network along with a wide
coalition of peace, justice and environmental groups, will focus attention
on the all male, exclusive BOHEMIAN GROVE's annual summer encampment along
the Russian River in Sonoma County.

Bohemian Grove is a 2000 acre retreat owned by the Bohemian Club in San
Francisco. For over 130 years the elite of the corporate, banking, military
and political circles have gathered for two weeks in July to ''CREMATE
DULL CARE,'' watch elaborate plays and listen to the twice daily LAKESIDE
TALKS. Since 1980 a growing coalition of peace and social justice groups
have worked to expose the speakers and subjects of these talks which often
feature ex presidents, CEOs of the Fortune 500, generals and admirals and
top financial executives such as the head of the World Bank.

''Over the years we have obtained the annual schedules of speakers and we
have noticed how the subjects often forewarn of events in our country and
the world that play out in the ensuing years,'' said Mary Moore of BGAN. ''For
example in 1981 Casper Weinberger (Reagan's Defense Secretary) spoke on
'REARMING AMERICA' and then we watched as the military buildup of the early
Œ80s happened. It is a way for the ruling elite to float ideas that affect
us all without any public scrutiny,'' she said. (See HIGHLIGHTS of Lakeside
Talks at

This year's protest will be on Saturday, July 22, 2006 beginning at 1PM in
the main Monte Rio Parking lot in western Sonoma County. Speakers will
include Cora Lee Simmons of Round Valley Indians for Justice, Casimiro
Alvarez, regional director of the United Farm Workers, and Calvin Gibson and
Gloria LaRiva of the ANSWER coalition. M.C.s will be Kris Welch and Miguel
Molina of KPFA Free Speech Radio. Native Resistance Drum Group will create
the opening ceremony. At 2 PM there will be a march to the gates of Bohemian

At 4 PM there will be a gathering in the Monte Rio amphitheater on the south
side of the Russian River. Music and food will be available as well as
networking possibilities for activists from the many issues represented by
the protesters and profited from by the Bohemians.

For more information, see above contacts.
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by Daniel
Bohemian Grove is where the Strangeloves meet the globalizers, and CEOs hang out with presidents. Every Republican president since Hoover has . . .

by Dan Bacher
I really liked your article - a great, interesting summary of last year's protest.
by Hootie
Until Bush II leaves the White House and can once again attend, this action is a total waste of local tax dollars and energy. The money the county and state pay to monitor could well be used elsewhere. I also find it interesting that
ANSWER is again leading everyone down the garden path, ie; what do they stand for and you are but sheep for their cause!
by Super Poop
It is not tax money being used, this is a private organization. And you folks really should read Jon Ransom’s “Them: Adventures with Extremists”. He does a good job explaining this event is nothing more than a bunch of rich dudes getting drunk and acting like college kids.

Sorry that your conspiracy theory isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Have fun protesting anyhow, the weather should be wonderful!
The protests have been dwindling a bit in the past few years that I've been up to the Grove as a guest at the "Cross Roads" camp. Quite a hoot! I'll be sure to sacrifice a few virigins for you all and the nuts.
by e09e9
Dwindling? There is nothing left. Let's in the Press Dem, nothing. In the Chron, nothing. But I'm sure there were "thousands" there and that it was a "massive" protest....and, and, and....
by no rest for the ruling elite's deceits
There's no reason that people couldn't continue to protest and observe the Boho grove client's activities. There seems to be an increase in bizarre activities around the Boho grove encampment as the most elite group of rich white males lets loose and has a good time. Being a war criminal isn't easy, it takes a bit of unwinding to erase all those images of dead Iraqi children and US soldiers coming home with cancer from depleted uranium..

Since it's close enough to SF and the Sonoma activists are aware of the actions of the Boho grove clientele, there could be evening vigils to remind the war profiteers at the grove that the public is indeed aware and paying attention despite the Homeland Security Propaganda Minister Bill O'Reilly providing the people with contradictory disinfo..

The public road to Boho grove was blocked during Sunday's (8/22/06) protest by a wall of CHP officers & Sonoma sheriffs, refusing the protest march access to taxpayer funded public roadspace. We protest the US military occupation of Iraq, US taxpayer funded Israeli military occupation of Palestine, Israeli military bombing of Lebanon, the lack of amnesty for NAFTA induced poverty stricken immigrants, biocott of Sonoma corporate vinyards Mondavi y Krug for abuse of farmworkers, and many other injustices that economically benefit the wealthy Boho grove clients at the expense of lower income people and other nations..

Some local action needed against Mondavi-Krug;

"Napa Valley vineyard workers at Charles Krug winery--operated for generations by the Peter Mondavi family--need your help. On Friday, all 36 workers were fired just after the state Agricultural Labor Relations Board told the winery it was filing a formal complaint against the winery. The ALRB complaint will allege Krug-Mondavi has no right to refuse to bargain with its vineyard workers over renewing their UFW contract and has no right to fire the workers.

Thirty-three-year company veteran worker Jorge De Haro describes the situation:

Our contract between the United Farm Workers and Charles Krug-Mondavi expired and the company has refused to return to the bargaining table to re-negotiate an agreement.

On July 7, the company fired me and all of my co-workers...This occurred despite the fact the company had been notified by the Agricultural Labor Relations Board that are investigating the companies’ decision to replace us with a land management company. [This was after the state of California said it would issue its complaint alleging Krug-Mondavi broke the law.]"

take action @;

Despite the searing heat several hundred people did turn out to march and rally at the CHP wall barely within earshot of the Boho grove parking lot. We amplified our voices in unison and shouted out a call for justice, amnesty and withdrawal of US troosp from Iraq, including corporate plundering outfits like Halliburton & Bechtel. Iraqi oil is not for sale to the highest bidder!!

Bohemian grove itself is a lovely grove of redwoods that could be a public park accessible to everyone, instead it has become an exclusive playground for wealthy war criminals who urinate and defile the sacred redwoods and mock human sufferings and genocide in their "cremation of care" ceremony..

"The Cremation of Care ritual is over one hundred years old and is always the first order of business when these men of industry, government, and military gather each July. At sundown on the first Saturday of their encampment they enact a bizarre short scripted play (always the same) in which they burn an effigy of "Dull Care" at the bottom of a forty-foot stone owl. Their rationale is that they carry the cares of the world around on their shoulders and they need a symbolic ritual in order to put it down and enjoy their holiday. Since 1980, activists in Sonoma County have brought this to the attention of anyone who will listen and we began a new tradition with a Resurrection of Care event on the same day."
by Stacey E.
Originally, the whole point of the "protests" against this campground for rich guys was that they supposedly participate in occult-like practices. Getting people to show up for a "protest" against this under the guise of an anti-war demonstration is twisted and wrong. These people aren't going to show up because they care about what is in reality, a not at all occult activity. They are just part of the waste of time that is protesting the war. I attended one, in Arizona, years ago. Do you suppose it made any difference? Nope. And it never will. They aren't going to stop the war no matter how many people hold protests. They don't give a damn whether we approve of it or not.
Someone mentioned the film made of the inside of the compound. Nothing is revealed at all, except that it's revealed that this guy apparently sees signs of Satan everywhere he turns. It's all symbolic. The ceremony is symbolic. It might have roots in ancient occult practices, but so does Christmas.
New World Order? Put on your detox foot pads and your tinfoil hat and just wait for the end to come.
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