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Indybay Feature
Sat Jul 1 2006 (Updated 07/04/06)
Emergency Protest Against Assault On Palestinians
SF: Emergency Palestine Protest
On Monday July 3rd there was an emergency protest in San Francisco against the U.S.-Israeli assault on Palestinians. The protest was at 4:30 PM in front of the Israeli Consulate on Montgomery St. Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Israel launched a brutal assault on the entire population of Gaza in the early morning hours of June 28. U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter-bombers destroyed the main power station in Gaza and destroyed bridges on the only major roads linking the northern and southern sections of the region. Round-the-clock Israeli artillery shelling is taking place. Most of the people of Gaza are now without water and electricity – Palestinians are dying. The use of U.S. planes and other military equipment against illegally occupied land is a violation of both international and U.S. law. In a further act of act of colonial aggression, the IOF has arrested a third of the members of the Palestinian Authority governing body.

While a great outcry is heard in the mass media about one captured Israeli soldier, the same media pays no attention whatsoever to the 9,000 Palestinian political prisoners being held in Israeli prisons. At least 335 of these prisoners are children.

Israel Revokes Residency Rights of Four Palestinian Government Officials | Israel overruns Gaza | Threat of wider Middle East conflagration | Israel Arrests Dozens of Hamas Lawmakers | Israeli missiles pound Gaza into new Dark Age | Israel Detains Palestinian Ministers | The political calculations behind Israel’s assault on Gaza | IOF Punishes Civilians in the Gaza Strip | Fmr. Israeli Foreign Minister: "It Was Wrong" For Israel to Invade Gaza
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