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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

"Army of One" vs. "Army of Fun"

by Major Mischief (circasf [at]
The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) occupied the
military recruitment center in downtown Oakland for about 45 minutes
until we were forced out and the center shut down for the day.
Gooooo Clowns! (Lots of silly pictures)
The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) was out in force in Oakland today. Inspired by another group that played music and blockaded the recruitment center a few weeks ago, we decided to pay it a visit of our own.

We went to see if us clowns could fly big planes and drive big cars too, but the army people were too serious and tried to kick us out. Once we played some games and explained consensus to them, they were a little happier with us. We decided their army was boring and set up our own recruiting table for the "Army of Fun" outside while the rest of us tried to get them to laugh.

After like 45 minutes, the Oakland Police showed up and made us all leave. We were sad to leave the fun party inside, but I think the army people just wanted an excuse for a day off, because right after we left, they shut down the office and headed home. We stuck around and convinced a number of pedistrians to join our army, then marched around downtown Oakland spreading an anti-war message.

Thanks to the Permaculture Army and Copwatch for their support.
Thanks to Matt Leonard for these photos.

§(Just Kidding)
by Major Mischief (circasf [at]
§And kicked us out.
by Major Mischief (circasf [at]
§And left.
by Major Mischief (circasf [at]
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by good job clowny
Is there a local website or group to contact?
by Bigbadwolf
GREAT!! Don't let anyone convince you that reality doesn't depend on perception and credible mythology. Soldiers are no more our enemy than junk yard dogs. They're just the blood sacrifice which provides credibility for the power brokers among the elite and their interests. The ultimate horror for the elite is for 'power' to be laughed at. It endangers their credibility image. Artists are about changing perception....But AS THE SONG SAYS,"ONLY THE DUMB WILL DIE" -for an elite who wouldn't let soldiers marry their daughters or invite them over to dinner. BBW
by perplexed
way to go !!!
by DC
Everything seems to be accurate except for the part where you guys state that the recruitment center was shut down. It was not shut down and remained opened for business.
by ucsc student
what a good idea!!
Very cleaver....I like!
by jlg impressed and i really hate clowns.
by marlene
so good to explore with humor alternatives to war in the midst of such a violent world.
We need a war in the United States to rid ourselves of those controlling and robbing us. Your clown act will not stop the poor from signing up to kill. They should have their own militia, built upon profits seized in war in the United States.

The VA forced injections and medical procedures on myself in 2001 at the LA VA Westwood and they did the same thing to others in 1999.

It is my hope a global army of the Americas strips the regime of everything and sustained war is waged by our people agains those fascist pigs.

Support the international militias and freedom fighters.

Mobile Audit club, videos of abuse with music and links to proof of horrors allowed in the filthy USA.

If a full sclae war breaks out, attack the corrupt rich. Strip them and burn their mansions. Filthy thieving opigs deserve death. Who cares. WE are no longer allies in the USA
by Mel
You have to remember only that everything works in cycles. The bright outlook from the 60's and after the war ended in the 70's has cycled into a period of corporate greed never before seen. The easiest and quickest way to change the politics of this country is to get out the vote. Register as many people as possible while showing them how they can effect that change is going to benefit them as well as the rest of the world. We have had two fraudulent elections. If enough people show up on election day, the attempted fraud will be meaningless. You are young. This is your world, your future. You don't have to accept what you know is wrong. Get the vote out and change it.
by Mele
What a great idea and a positive action! You're an inspiration.
by LoneWolf
Powerful Government Accountability Office report confirms key 2004 stolen election findings ...

Quote of the Day: Diebold CEO promises Ohio to Bush
In a fall 2003 fundraising letter sent to Republicans, from Diebold CEO Walden O'Dell:
"I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president."
E-voting machine maker
by wheelbarrow
Get this on Amy Goodman/Democracy Now! NOW
by Michael Klown
Great stuff. Clown armies should invade all recruiting areas. Afterall, they did shut down.

Support clowns, indy media and indy books like "America Deceived" by E.A. Blayre III (which were pulled off Amazon).

Last link (before Google Books gets a call from a clown in gov't):
by moderateindependent
one of these days the government won't be so cowardly and clowns of any stripe that disrupt, sabatoge, interfere or otherwise prevent the military from performing its job will be shot, not lethaly injected, but shot. who cares what you think you know about war, government, america, oil or your miserable little "freethinking" (leftists are no different than nazis, deal with it!) life - treason is treason. March against war all you want, just don't fuck with the troops!
by eattherichrightantichrist
Lethal Injection of clowns? If you look at true history, not the rightwing government controlled version, but the truthful history of the world, Bush is enacting a fascist reign comparable to Hitler. I agree don't mess with the troops, bring them home, send war mongering republicans.
by c
yes vote and all that go ahead, pls do, and still one myself will state again that in order for change to begin we must strike out stike through, and unbind the box within our own selves and within the matrix of society, to vote in short is not enough, what is enough is to say'enough' and take the actions toward dismantling the systems which are destorying our planet, make it sustainable and wreak havok on those companies and individuals who would make it not so.
by Gordon Soderberg (gordon [at]
Just love the love tatics! I hope you inspire many new recruits in the Clown Army! There was a call last year at the School of the America's Watch to turn Fort Benning into a Clown School. Martin Sheen said that as the Acting President! New Orleans Voices For Peace would like to share our media playroom with your legeons. Please visit our sage
by christopher robin
i applaud the clowns. this is an old tradition that can enlighten others and create change along the way. Short of outright rioting, clowns are the way to go. the machines are rigged, the emperors have been stripped and in your face action is the only way to go in this time of urgency. Do it with flair! Shut 'em down!
by Cpl. Funny Bones (myths16 [at]
I can just imagine the support this will get here in Tulsa OK!!!
I kid you not.
Tulsa Codepinkers and Hopefully OKC Codepinkers will Jump on this idea of
"Army of Fun" with Both 16 " Feet!
Thanks for Leading the Way!
Corporal Funny Bones.
I'd love to see a site where others that are inspired can post pictures etc.. you're onto a
Nat'l movement of Ragin' Granny proportions which might get Generation X and Why? Involved!
Keep up the great work! Let me know where i can send photos!
by Colonel Cupcake
As a service connected disabled veteran, I find this totally hilarious! If I had to do it all over again I would have joined CIRCA. Keep ultra-pranking the masses. Get Wavey Gravey in on this. Peace!
by Dot Com (the clown)
Now, I know why I've saved all those rainbow wigs! Maui recruitment office, look out.

Dot Com (the clown)
by FCKCLOWNS (fuckoff [at]
Fucking Hippys, because peace and love will prospere in the end? fuck that shit theres a war going on and your either supporting the troops who are doing their job or sitting on your fat ass's complaining about the "wrong war", Ive got news for you "FUCK THAT SHIT" and stop thinking its funny, because its not...

by TerryM
This has to be about the 20th time I am posting this, but liberals are hypocrites and are NOT for freedoms and choices and don't want voices other than their own heard.

Are you REALLY that immature? Oh wait, you're liberals. Never mind. Stupid bad. You have my sympathy. Your actions are just par for the course. You're basically uninformed, listen to the (also liberal) media, and are most likely (judging solely by your costumes and behavior) a bunch of dope-smoking love children who don't actually KNOW anyone IN the armed forces...the people who can actually SEE the good we are doing over there. And of course some of you are the SAME whiny idiots that were whining previously because the women over there were so oppressed and being treated like crap, and why wasn't the US doing anything about it? But most liberals ARE hypocrites! I just love how you use everything to your own advantage and twist everything to mean what you want it to.

My advice is to GROW UP. This is America, Land of the FREE...there IS NO DRAFT currently, so stop living in the Vietnam era (with your whiny war protests) and evolve with the rest of us. And if you don't like living in America...where most of us are PROUD to be.....then you can always MOVE! I am sure the insurgents in Iraq (who you are basically defending) would just love you to come and "chat" with them....since they are such a "friendly" bunch. I am sure they would especially appreciate the WOMEN in your group taking a stand...they REALLY love THAT kind of thing.

Unbelievable. What a bunch of brain donors.

Maybe this time you won't erase my comments. But wait, you are the only ones to have opinions, right? Because CHOICE is your motto, right? But only if it's YOUR choice. Now, weren't we JUST talking about hypocrisy? I believe so!
by an editor
I have hidden some of your comments because they fall under the provocative insults category. this is a news website and your comments are not contributing to news coverage.

You said, "Are you REALLY that immature? Oh wait, you're liberals. Never mind. Stupid bad."

this is a waste of bandwidth.

"You're basically uninformed, listen to the (also liberal) media, and are most likely (judging solely by your costumes and behavior) a bunch of dope-smoking love children who don't actually KNOW anyone IN the armed forces..."

not based on actual fact or experience in relating personally to the "liberals" who read, post on, and edit this site.

"I just love how you use everything to your own advantage and twist everything to mean what you want it to."
(didn't back that up)

"My advice is to GROW UP. This is America, Land of the FREE."

by Ponderoza
It is clever and nice to see a more light hearted approach to demonstrating. It is good to see folks being involved creatively. The army seargent looked like he was really trying to do his part to be a good sport in the picture. Not whoever grabbed the camera though. That is disrespectful. But it might be a bit over the top to actually go into the place. All in all. It looks like no harm done. How much good did it do? I guess that's up in the air. Good to see folks doing something instead of nothing though. This all just my opinion, and you'd be a good sport to post it I guess. Thanks.
by Ross Kaplan
The clown army is awesome only if we had some clown to protest the coruption in family courts and judges we can make so head way and would do the same and get the clown out we would make a big difference in the lives of children.
by hsg1437 (lightisfast [at]
the HackeySackGuru is kickin' it to you.

...a kind jester if i do say so myself...

...soul of clown...

...clown of us all...

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