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Lauren Weiner's Plea Agreement
This document details Lauren's cooperation with the government.
On Tuesday, Lauren Weiner signed a plea agreement that gives extremely damaging testamony to her co-defendants, who both maintain their innocence. She is now considered a government informant and a snitch.
She, Eric McDavid, and Zachary Jenson were arrested on Jan 13 in Auburn as part of the Green Scare and charged with conspiracy to destroy property with fire or explosives, carrying a maximum of 20 years in prison. The plea agreement states that lauren will testify before any grand juries, submit to interviews with investigators, and has 'verified' the government's statement that the trio was plotting actions. She has turned on her co-defendants in exchange for a lesser sentence. Snitching is something that cannot be tolerated. She has condemned her co-defendants by signing this plea. She is not worthy of any level of support, and should be considered extremely untrustworthy at the least, if not outright eyes and ears of the government. We as a movement do not need to do the governments job for them.
Please read the plea agreement as it details that, indeed, Lauren Weiner is a snitch.
She, Eric McDavid, and Zachary Jenson were arrested on Jan 13 in Auburn as part of the Green Scare and charged with conspiracy to destroy property with fire or explosives, carrying a maximum of 20 years in prison. The plea agreement states that lauren will testify before any grand juries, submit to interviews with investigators, and has 'verified' the government's statement that the trio was plotting actions. She has turned on her co-defendants in exchange for a lesser sentence. Snitching is something that cannot be tolerated. She has condemned her co-defendants by signing this plea. She is not worthy of any level of support, and should be considered extremely untrustworthy at the least, if not outright eyes and ears of the government. We as a movement do not need to do the governments job for them.
Please read the plea agreement as it details that, indeed, Lauren Weiner is a snitch.
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Mistake one--you think you can make a difference. You should just go for the profits and leave your enemies and their belongings and networks in flames.
The USA government might as well be out of Berlin German, Tokyo Japan, or Killarabs Israel.
Best of luck. You should have just gone for the profits and set some of your worst enemies on fire. They do not care for us. 911 is a joke.
Best of luck. Pass the message. If you want to fight for green, grab some green and cook some pigs.
The USA government might as well be out of Berlin German, Tokyo Japan, or Killarabs Israel.
Best of luck. You should have just gone for the profits and set some of your worst enemies on fire. They do not care for us. 911 is a joke.
Best of luck. Pass the message. If you want to fight for green, grab some green and cook some pigs.
For more information:

Bombs and Shields has a recent photo and article:
Before you decide that Lauren should have kept her mouth shut for the good of the movement, look at the actual charges. (below) She was up the proverbial ca-ca creek. If she was a minor player, why should she rot in jai lfor 30 years? Hell, we'd all do exactly what she did. In our heart of hearts, we all know it.
Have you seen the homes in this town? She's loaded! Makes all the local towns that the rich white-leftist, anarchists come from here look like the projects! Well almost!
I would die first. Your wrong when you say we would do the same thing.
Here's a nice sampler of Pound Ridge real estate
Median household income in this town is $154,000 per year
Median household income in this town is $154,000 per year

Meet "Anna," the woman who took down the heroes of the Vail arson. Take a good long look at her. Who else have you seen with these features? Wake up.
Here's a good web page about people like Lauren Weiner and "Anna"
"For the sake of clarity, let us be uncomfortably honest: to snitch is to take a life. By words and by weapons, each day lives are taken in the most egregious of crimes. When this happens in the courtroom, we call it "cooperation". I call it violence, and I call anything done to keep an informant out of the courtroom 'self defense'."
Here's a good web page about people like Lauren Weiner and "Anna"
"For the sake of clarity, let us be uncomfortably honest: to snitch is to take a life. By words and by weapons, each day lives are taken in the most egregious of crimes. When this happens in the courtroom, we call it "cooperation". I call it violence, and I call anything done to keep an informant out of the courtroom 'self defense'."
she isnt a snitch you dont know what happened behind closed doors you dont know the situation she is in you dont know how it feel to be her you do feel the pain every night of haveing to testify agienst the peope you love so shut the fuck up assholes
First, you completely contradict yourself when you claim she is not a snitch and then describe how she is testifying against others. That's the very definition of snitching to testify against former partners.
I'll bet "the pain every night of haveing to testify agienst the peope you love" is somehow comforted by the fact that she is out on bail right now shacking up in a NY mansion while her former comrades do not have the luxury of upper class parents to bail them out. Also, "the pain every night of haveing to testify agienst the peope you love" is sure to be a lot less over time when she is free and her "friends" are doing years or decades of jailtime. They will grow old in jail. She will be another unaccountable rich kid who pretends to have strong radical values but bails when push comes to shove.
Again, you contradict yourself when you say she loves them. If she loves them, she wouldn't testify against them.
She is a snitch. There's no two ways about it. No activist should ever trust her again. But that's okay for her. She can go on to get her MBA now and forget about her youthful indiscretions and her former friends.
I'll bet "the pain every night of haveing to testify agienst the peope you love" is somehow comforted by the fact that she is out on bail right now shacking up in a NY mansion while her former comrades do not have the luxury of upper class parents to bail them out. Also, "the pain every night of haveing to testify agienst the peope you love" is sure to be a lot less over time when she is free and her "friends" are doing years or decades of jailtime. They will grow old in jail. She will be another unaccountable rich kid who pretends to have strong radical values but bails when push comes to shove.
Again, you contradict yourself when you say she loves them. If she loves them, she wouldn't testify against them.
She is a snitch. There's no two ways about it. No activist should ever trust her again. But that's okay for her. She can go on to get her MBA now and forget about her youthful indiscretions and her former friends.
I'm really not taking a side in this conversation, but I have a question. And it may be that this is wholly hypothetical, because none of us know all of the details of the case, but...
Suppose you were in a situation (which this one may or may not be) where it appears like your co-defendants are pretty much screwed when it comes to the evidence against them. They have everything on tape, etc., etc. Not "snitching" is likely to do nothing but get you 15 more years in jail. Would you cooperate? Does that help the movement?
Suppose you were in a situation (which this one may or may not be) where it appears like your co-defendants are pretty much screwed when it comes to the evidence against them. They have everything on tape, etc., etc. Not "snitching" is likely to do nothing but get you 15 more years in jail. Would you cooperate? Does that help the movement?
Fuck the "movement"! It's all about getting yours, as every good little rich republican knows.
What are you stoopid, caring about other people when they could be your stepping stone?
What are you stoopid, caring about other people when they could be your stepping stone?
yea first off she isnt living in her fathers house she is living in her mothers small house so fuck off asshole you dont see her every other weekend and every wensday you dont see her cry evey night youre ther you dont ee her shake. and she is not a snitch she is going to help them you fucking moron
how is testifying against them helping them. have you READ her plead agreement? she basically confirmed the whole indictment. with friends like her who needs enemies? remind me to never ask her for 'help'
regardless of her intentions, she is most definately playing into the government's hands and is not 'helping' by any means.
regardless of her intentions, she is most definately playing into the government's hands and is not 'helping' by any means.
one more thing. you might not want to publish on the internet that you are visiting her. that is against her terms of release and her rich parents could lose $400,000 vaccaro bond they put up.
no its not i am her brother
would you feel so strongly in her defense if it was you she was selling down the river? apparently this is what she does to people she claims to love
Okay, I can't fault you for taking your position, that's the loving thing to do. However I also can't accept your opinion on this as one that carries equal weight. Your bias is clear. There's more at stake here than your sister. This planet is DYING. If we can't restrain the people killing it in any other way, direct action becomes necessary, and it's completely predictable that they would turn around and equate this with superviolent criminality (their gig). They're lying subhuman filth. What your sister did is unacceptable to those on the heroic side of this fight
if she aint a snitch out of coercion by the feds, then post trial, some explaining needs to happen. her lawyer needs to answer what the fucking logic is behind this. why the hell she didn't fight this and use entrapment as a defense and expose this so called green scare scam the federallies are perpatrating to get monies in their budgets is beyond imagination. if these idealistic kids are the best that the bushy cronies can produce for enforcing the laws, then there surely will be more 911's in the future. you see the guy made it into the department of homeland security with a fake id. federal government scape goats people for their incompentence and she had a perfect opportunity to expose that.
to the fbi: your fools. why aren't your taking down polluters like PG&E, dupont, and others who pollute the water your kids drink. why aren't you taking out the drugs companies who manufacturer the chemicals that make meth? your a bunch of idiots.
to the fbi: your fools. why aren't your taking down polluters like PG&E, dupont, and others who pollute the water your kids drink. why aren't you taking out the drugs companies who manufacturer the chemicals that make meth? your a bunch of idiots.
is the Ren will have to continue to cooperate in order to insure that whatever sentence she gets will insure her safety in the future. Fact is, snitches - whatever excuse they offer for their cooperation generally don't do well inside prison - like child molestation, it is frowned upon by others in the cellblock - unless they are placed in protective custody, receive a suspended sentence or early parole ect. All deals that are conditional on continuing cooperation. The threat of having to serve a sentence in a prison's general population in the future is a pretty potent weapon. Plea bargains that call for testimony against codefendents in exchange for lesser sentences are renewable assets the State will fully exploit as this investigation continues across the country.
No matter what, happens, Ren will now have to live with the consequences of betraying her friends for the rest of her life. Relocating, taking a new name, college, job won't cut it. The story is out there now and will continue to haunt her. She'll always have to look behind her and wonder ..... as will those who have contact with her in the future.
No matter what, happens, Ren will now have to live with the consequences of betraying her friends for the rest of her life. Relocating, taking a new name, college, job won't cut it. The story is out there now and will continue to haunt her. She'll always have to look behind her and wonder ..... as will those who have contact with her in the future.
Wow, you people are kinda pathetic - i knew ren before all this shit happened - i always busted on her because it hought she was just a bit paranoid about the feds and shit - then this crap happened. You see ren was a bit of a lost soul, like i'm sure the majority of you are. She needed something in her life that made her feel important made her fell liek she was makjing a difference - AN EXTREME difference. But she nevere knew how far to go and never had any barriers. It seems like a lot of you are exactly like her. Young, lost, hurt, and in need of something big and rebelious to excite your poordistressed souls. i'll bet you people talking about her community and how rich she is are probabaly pretty well off yourselves or at leats were when you were children and if not than your might have been spoiled rotten in other ways. If you have a calling in all this and if you have any conviction in the cause you would stop caring about all this petty bullshit about whos informing who and how much property costs in someones home town. How are you any better than the FBI or the government in their own little war on petty bullshit. I'm sure you are all on your little mac labtops typing away without a clue in teh world what this entire situation is. All i'm sayin is whats the point of accusing someone you don't know who is in a siituation you know nothing about other than what your hearing from prison support and Indy Media. Get educated and get lives.
All of you petite bourgeois ' radicals ' would sell out your own mothers,if you were facing 20 years in the federal pen. Hell, I'd bet my last dollar half of you would not last 6 months locked up. I like the pseudo populist slogans about her ' rich parents ' though. Drone on McRadicals...
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