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Indybay Feature

Impeach Bush/Sebastopol Town Hall

by michael kozart
Another local city votes to Impeach
The local impeachment process is building energy and
gathering strength:

Already in California, Arcata, San Francisco, Berkeley
and Santa Cruz have passed municipal resolutions to
impeach Bush. Sebastopol will be next!
An important Town Hall meeting, called by the City
Council, will take place in Sebastopol at 7 p.m. May
18, at the Masonic Center, 373 N. Main St., to
discuss, amend and vote on Sebastopol’s Impeachment
Resolution. People
will be given three minutes each to address the City
Council pro or con on the Resolution and to propose
additions, deletions and/or amendments to the
Resolution. Spread the word. (Full Text of the Resolution Listed Below)

This will be an opportunity for activists in Sonoma
County and around the Bay area to exercise direct
democracy, learn about the impeachment process, and
take impeachment resolutions back to their own local
governments. We hope you can join us. If this builds,
we'll get the counties to vote on impeachment
resolutions, then we'll take it to the state
legislature, and then to congress, and Bush will be
thrown into the ash heap of history.

* * *
Draft Text of the Articles of Impeachment

Sebastopol City Council Resolution to Impeach:


Resolution calling for a full investigation, impeachment or resignation of President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

WHEREAS, President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld intentionally misled the citizens of the United States and the Congress regarding the threat from Iraq in order to justify a war, a High Crime under Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution and a violation of Title 18 United States code, Section 371; and

WHEREAS, President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Secretary Rumsfeld authorized and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales defended the torture against human beings in violation of the “Federal Torture Act” Title 18 United States Code, Section 113C, the UN Torture Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhumane, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and the Geneva Convention, which under Article VI of the Constitution are part of the "supreme Law of the Land”; and

WHEREAS, President Bush disregarded his Presidential duty when he and his administration failed to quickly and adequately respond to the victims of and devastation rendered by Hurricane Katrina, and the needs of these United States citizens and communities are still ignored in a continuing display of gross incompetence and reckless indifference to execute the laws faithfully; and

WHEREAS, President Bush and Attorney General Gonzales have admitted to ordering the National Security Agency to conduct electronic surveillance of United States civilians without seeking warrants from the
Congress in 1978, in violation of Title 50 United States Code, Section 1805; and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney acted to strip American citizens of their constitutional rights by ordering indefinite detention without access to legal counsel, without charge and without the opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the President of a U.S. citizen as an "enemy combatant", all in subversion of law; and

WHEREAS, President Bush, under the guidance of Attorney General Gonzales, has taken the law into his own hands over 700 times to-date by the flagrant and secretive issuance, upon the signing of legislation, of the “Statement of Intent”; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, The Sebastopol City Council requests that Congress demand a full investigation, demand accountability and take appropriate action, up to and including impeachment; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That Congress be assured of the City Council’s endorsement of House Resolution 635 to create an investigative committee to establish grounds for impeachment, H. Res. 636 to censure President Bush and H. Res. 637 to censure Vice President Cheney and Senate Resolution 398 to censure President Bush; and the Council’s endorsement of the State Legislatures of Illinois and California resolutions to impeach; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council directs the City Clerk to send copies of this Resolution with a covering letter from Mayor Sarah Glade Gurney to our California Congressional delegation: Representative Lynn Woolsey, Senator Barbara Boxer and Senator Diane Feinstein; to Representative F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., chair of the House Committee on the Judiciary and Senator Arlen Specter, chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary with a request that they copy it to all members of their respective committees; to Representative John Conyers and Senator Russ Feingold; and to the State Legislatures of Illinois and California.

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