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Truth Will Always Out

by Carol Brouillet (repost)
Green Party Congressional Candidate Carol Brouillet posts an op-ed she wrote recently at her website's blog.

In it, she tells how the powers-that-be use tactics to distract, divide, and conquer the people-- but will ultimately fail because the truth will out.
Distract, Divide, and Conquer

The case for impeachment grows daily, as more egregious, self-serving, war provoking, Presidential lies are revealed. Theologian, David Ray Griffin, has also shattered the credibility of the 9/11 Commission Report, exposing the lie at the foundation of the Bush regime.

Yet, the press attacks Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who bravely raised questions about 9-11, and who organized "The 9/11 Omission: What the Commission Got Wrong" panel at the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference. McKinney stars in Guerrilla News Network's award winning film, American Blackout, which questions the legitimacy of the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections.

Congress fails to support McKinney, and attacks immigrant’s rights, causing the most vulnerable part of the population to organize resistance in defense of themselves, their families, their friends, and justice.

The tactics of fear, terror to confuse, divide, contain, and misdirect popular outrage are ancient. Emotional issues, like immigration, shaped by fears of job loss, overpopulation, racism, violent ‘imagined’ threats are a foil, to counter the direct evidence of lying to the public, admission of high crimes, and misdemeanors. In the game of chess, the best defense is an offence, and those who seek to maintain power choose to attack the most vulnerable, rather than focus their attention on the gravest threat to the country and world, the executive branch of government.

The leaks about impending nuclear attack on Iran, a bird-flu pandemic, are designed to terrorize people and distract them from the cornered rats, those capable of destroying the world, who will not willingly give up power. The situation makes me think of a game of chicken, with two vehicles careening towards one another, daring each other to get out of the way or face annihilation. Will the Bush cabal destroy the planet? Will the planet destroy the Bush regime? Will one survive the other?

Carol Cross, returning from Venezuela, told the story of Hugo Chavez, a victim of an attempted coup, orchestrated by the CIA in 2002. Chavez was kidnapped. The press, in the control of those behind the coup, said that Chavez had resigned. Throughout the country, newspapers, radios, televisions repeated that Chavez had resigned, and that is what the military was told. One soldier, who was supposed to be guarding Chavez, lent him a cell phone. Hugo called his wife and told her that he hadn’t resigned. She did not have the press to relay the news to the people of Venezuela, but through phone, word of mouth, text messaging, word got out. The people gathered, in huge numbers, they demanded the return of their President, their Constitution, their elected representatives, and they got them back. The coup failed.

We can learn from this story. Here, there has been a coup, a powerful faction, has stolen not one, but two Presidential elections, and has lied to the people, shredded our Constitution, committed treason, started multiple wars. The press has ignored the crimes.

There is no single woman to get the truth out to the country, but there are many women and men, working very hard to wake people up, and alert them to the truth. They are using every means of communication to break the spell of the Big Lies that have been repeated by the press. They are calling for impeachment; they seek to rein in a criminal government that has hijacked our country, and seeks to hijack the entire world.

Truth unites all of us, but hoaxes are used to distract, divide, and conquer. We need to discern the truths from the avalanche of deceptions. David Ray Griffin, speaking recently in the Bay Area to full houses and responsive audiences, suggested a non-violent, "anti-imperialist movement." The truth is our best tool, to bring all of us together, and to disarm those whose power is built upon a pyramid of lies.
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by consider the content, not the source!
Connect the missing dots.

The way the 9/11 perpetrators would work their limited-hangout disinfo campaign to protect themselves would be to "Distract, Divide, and Conquer". Here's how they'd do it:

They'd get out front, plenty of them (if the entire MSM can be corrupt regarding 9/11, how hard could it be to manufacture a bunch of web sites and some "leaders"? Anyone can claim to be a 911 truther), and stake out a position which would be closer to the government's official version of events than to full disclosure of the actual version of events.

They'd then promote each other and their activities. They'd seem to oppose the government in much the same way that Democrats seem to oppose Republicans (but those of us who know the truth about 9/11 have seen through that fake opposition). And the way to know if we were being misled by a bunch of fake 911 truthers would be to notice if they "pulled their punches", and failed to pursue the most incriminating pieces of 9/11 evidence, and perhaps even tried to discourage others from taking other approaches, or disparage those who did.

Well, I think that's exactly what the vast majority of the "leaders" of the 911 truth movement are doing. Here are some missing dots that I've noticed...

On 12/4/01 and again on 1/5/02, President Bush evidently revealed the existence of some secret video of the very beginning of the 9/11 attacks (if Bush got to see it as he has twice told us, that means that he was "in the loop" on the supposedly-secret attack!). No member of Congress has ever publicly asked Bush about his statements, which would seem to indicate that Bush had breached perpetrator security by blabbing about his classified first glimpse of 9/11. Now I see that Carol Brouillet, a large figure within the 911 truth movement, is running for Congress. She says that 9/11 is a lie, and that Bush should be impeached, but nowhere do I see that she intends to be any different than the existing Congresscritters when it comes to demanding that Bush be questioned about his incriminating 9/11 witness statements. Basically, the media, Congress, John Kerry For President 2004, Michael Moore, Republicans, Democrats, and the leadership of the 911 truth movement all seem content to let Bush's self-implicating unimpeached (except by some of the misleaders of the 911 truth movement, interestingly enough) statements slide.

Another example is the set of 5 video frames from the Pentagon parking lot security camera, released March 7, 2002. There are a lot of questions about the frames, the first of which reveals that the obscured aircraft is too small to be a 757! Given that this is the only look any of us have had of the incoming Pentagon aircraft, that's big lie-breaking news. So this fact has been ignored by the MSM, Michael Moore, Republicans, Democrats, and the 9-11 Commission. But what have the 'leaders' of the 911 truth movement said about them? Either nothing at all (John Judge, legal staffer for Congresswoman McKinney, wrote a 149 page "omission report" detailing the omissions from the 9-11 Commission Report, and he "failed" to mention the glaring omission of this extremely damning evidence!), or else folks like Mike Rivero and Jim Hoffman and others have told us that there are too many questions about the evidence for us to use them for "our theories" (think about that!). And so more government-incriminating 9/11 evidence gets ignored and disregarded -- even when 'leaders' of the 911 truth movement are writing huge documents about what the 9-11 Commission did not tell you.

There are other examples, such as that phenomenal single-video-frame burst of light upon impact in the Naudet video of the WTC1 aircraft (whatever it was). Again, all the same major criteria: all our institutions which claim to oppose Bush and investigate 9/11 just totally ignore it. Same as with the 'leaders' of the 911 truth movement! And as long as the government and those who've been set up to (appear to) oppose the government (that is "both", or "all two", sides) don't bring it up, the government's coverup needs are being well-served.

At critical junctures, the fake 911 truth leaders pull their punch, like a pro wrestler, or just take a wrong step. They're there to lead us, and hold our hand every wrong step of the way. But they're our leaders, and they tell us (mostly) what we want to hear. They tell us that the government lied to us about 9/11, so they must be opposing the government. They're here to save and protect us from the renegade lying government. They said so. So we trust them. We can't think anything bad about them. Oh, sure, they're not perfect, but they're ours. They're all we have. We must trust them. (Kind of the same way people who don't get it about 9/11 can't bring themselves to even consider that 9/11 was an inside job, or that Bush could ever be involved in, or lie to them about, anything like that.)

And that's why, IMHO, The Big Lie of 9/11 remains standing more than 4.5 years after the worst crime in U.S. history (followed by the criminally bungled/negligent government investigation). The few 9/11 truthers who've been given a voice on, say, C-SPAN, haven't taken our best shots for us.

Our 'leaders' have held us back as much as anything. By staking out first a position which is less than in full opposition to the lies of 9/11, they've insterted themselves between those who nurture the lie and those who are working for its full disclosure. They've thus divided all dissent from the official version of events. And if any full-disclosure types they've thus marginalized complain, they (the significant number of dividers, jointly) denounce the complainer as just being divisive. Meanwhile, a little distractive divisive squabbling amongst themselves over certain aspects of 9/11, plus human nature on the internet, is sufficient to divide and divert and distract people from what the fake 911 truthers are really up to (just like Dems and Reps) and what honest 911 truthers are really up against.

In the wake of 9/11 awareness, do you really think that something like that could happen to our government and to our media, but that it couldn't happen to the 911 truth movement?

Fake opposition seems to fool nearly all of the people nearly all of the time...

by questioner
what was the point of the original post and the response?

Neither makes much sense nor sheds light on the way forward to expose the truth about 9/11 and remove Bushit from office.

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