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Israel cannot be criticized (by Latuff)

by Latuff (latuff [at]
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
"Right now, this has become a subject that you can barely talk about without people immediately trying to silence you, immediately trying to discredit you in various ways, such that no American politicians will touch this, which is quite remarkable when you consider how much Americans argue about every other controversial political issue. To me, this is a national security priority for us, and we ought to be having an open debate on it, not one where only one side is being heard from."

(Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, on a University of California, Berkeley, TV show called Conversations With History last fall, speaking about the chilling effect of the Israel lobby).

Read "Ferment Over 'The Israel Lobby'" by Philip Weiss (The Nation):
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by Latuff rocks
Latuff rocks. He keeps it honest, speaks truth to power through his art.
by psychological & physical trauma from ADL
Great cartoon by Latuff and graet article by Norman Finkelstein. Much more needs to be written about the effects of psychological harrassmento of activists who speak out against Israeli apartheid policies. Sort of a COINTELPRO for the new american century project. Maybe after a few decades the people who critisized Israel and were suppressed by various means can have support groups for psychological trauma. Those in positions of limited power (ie., Cynthia McKinney) saw their voices muffled the minute after they critisized Israeli policies. Their political careers also became nearly non-existant, slander and insults abounded. Enough to make the strongest person experience stress disorders. What type of psychological stress did they have to deal with after speaking out against Zionism, especially in the southeast (dominated by Christian zionists)..

Then there's all the incidents of violence and various forms of harrassment that regular people who critisize Israel endure. There's not yet any proof, though some organizations are experiencing harrassment from organizations like the Anti-Defmation League (ADL) & the Southern Poverty Law Center, a former watchdog group that monitored hate crimes now includes surviellance and plants informants to discredit anti-globalization and anarchist movements..

"After all, why would an ostensible member of the anti-globalist movement join forces with the Southern Poverty Law Center and Playboy to denounce his own movement as “fascist”? Is there a danger that Coogan is involved in fingering members of that movement and turning that information over to SPLC, who is known to share information of that kind with the FBI and other anti-globalist organizations?"

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The SPLC is facsist neo-liberalism at it's finest. Then there's the incidents with La Voz de Aztlan, a website that has numerous articles on immigrant rights and also touches on the oppression of Palestinians by apartheid policies of Israel. It is apparently these articles that attracted the attention of the SPLC. Not everyone always agrees with the language and ideas represented by La Voz de Aztlan, yet do they deserve harrassment and censorship from the SPLC? They also have some great informative articles on the Chevron oil tanker named "Condoleeza Rice" and the recent attacks on the community farm in LA by real estate developer Ralph Horowitz. Initially i believed the on-line hype that La Voz de Aztlan was homophobic and anti-Semetic, yet with the info on SPLC harrassment of anti-globalization anarchists including Noam Chomsky, maybe the SPLC are the real fascist sympathizers..

"Los Angeles, Alta California - September 23, 2002 - (ACN) Our readers and subscribers who have been with us since we first published our premiere issue on January 1, 2000 are well aware of the numerous attempts by Zionists to permanently silence La Voz de Aztlan. These extraordinary efforts by U.S. based, as well as by Israeli, Zionists are a consequence of our editorial policy that questions U.S. military aid to Israel provided for the purpose of enforcing the brutal occupation of Palestine. We are sad to report that their efforts to deny us our First Amendment Rights, as written in the U.S. Constitution, may have taken a more sinister approach.

The cowardly attempts by the Zionists to silence us have each time escalated to the point that they have now become clearly criminal in nature. At first the attempts were out in the open and consisted in simply applying political pressure on our publisher and staff through the arm twisting of Mexican-American elected officials and of officials in national Mexican-American organizations to force them to issue condemnations against La Voz de Aztlan. This phase produced a strongly written letter from Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina, a nationally published condemnation by the National Counsel, Thomas Saenz, of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) and a condemnation published on the website of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) authored by its National President Raul Yzaguirre. In addition, during this phase, the ADL of B'nai B'rith and the Zionist front organization called the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published a series of lies against La Voz de Aztlan that were intended to destroy the credibility of our news and information service."

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Monitoring dialogue on Israeli apartheid is not limited to the US. Overseas in Europe, the Zionists also hold sway over the minds and thoughts of political leaders. Support for Israeli policies is not up for debate there either. Thought police continue to influence the direction of the pro-Palestinian movements..

"The international support for Israeli withdrawal asserted by Chomsky has very little value, for none of the international bodies and/or states dares to say "boo" to Jews. In the US, Bush and Kerry compete over who loves Jews the most. In Europe, the most recent act of political will expressed by Germany was providing Israel with nuclear-capable submarines, by France - reciting mea culpa for Israel-organised anti-Jewish actions, and by IAEA - turning a blind eye to Dimona and demanding the disarmament of Iran. The PNA has very little authority and its popularity among Palestinians is in rapid decline. Arab states have no will to challenge Israeli dominance. Even the pro-Palestinian activists, instead of forcefully moving forward, argue endlessly what one may say without being targeted as "antisemitic".

Chomsky writes: "Israel would oppose it (forced democratisation) by any possible means: that includes the ultimate weapons, which Israel has available and can use". The world can't acquiesce to the threat of Israel's "ultimate weapons". It is too much of a danger, much more than the weapons of peaceful Iran."

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Seems like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is expanding the criteria for hate groups. By working with the FBI, the ADL has managed to infiltrate these and other groups mentioned below..

"Bullock liked to pick through the garbage of his victims, and once infiltrated an Arab-American delegation that visited Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in her Washington, D.C. Office. (Pelosi is the daughter of Baltimore's late Mayor Thomas J. D'Alesandro, Sr.) According to a Los Angeles Times article (04/09/1993), Bullock worked as a paid informant for the FBI, as well as the ADL. On April 8, 1993, police carried out a five hour raid of the ADL offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles. They discovered the ADL had copies of computer files on 12,000 Americans and more than 950 groups. According to police reports and court documents, Bullock acknowledged he obtained the information from Gerard, who traded police files, criminal histories and license plate numbers in exchange for Bullock's data on so-called extremist groups. It is feared by some that this confidential information may have been filtered to spook networks in Israel, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Gerard had tied earlier in his career to the CIA.

The ADL boasts of keeping its eye on extreme right-wing groups, like the Skinheads, the Klu Klux Klan, and Aryan Nations. Their role in this mess indicates they may have reached too far in search for "Anti-Semites." Police found files on the African National Congress: the ACLU: Irish Americans; the United Auto Workers; AIDS activist groups like ACT-UP; Mother Jones magazine; Pacifica News Network; Lesbian Agenda for Action; Greenpeace; Christic Institute; Rep. Roy Dellums (D-CA); the National Lawyers Guild; NAACP; CISPES; Carpenters Local 22; Jews for Jesus; and many Arab and Palestinian individuals and organizations. The ADL had denied any wrongdoing in the growing scandal. Gerard has pleaded "not guilty" and released on $20,000 bail. Bullock has not been charged. The probe is continuing. Abraham Foxman, the head of the ADL, lashed out at the San Francisco district attorney for "trying us in the media", according to an interview he gave to the Northern California Bulletin, a local Jewish weekly. Foxman said the ADL would continue to monitor people or groups that "pose a threat to Jews" and defended the organization's probe of the African National Congress on grounds the ANC "were violent, they were anti-Semitic, they were pro-PLO, and they were anti-Israel." (See The Washington Report on the Middle East magazine,08/1993)."

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also ADL index;

ADL Watch;

If the ADL isn't enough to silence people, meet the Jewish Defense League. Initially formed as a Jewish self-defense group against neo-nazi skinheads, the JDL has expanded the definition of self-defense to include arson attacks against leftist professors..

"There is nothing new about Zionist attacks on Palestinian intellectuals. Sometimes the attacks have been violent. In 1985, right-wing extremists set fire to the Columbia University office of the late Edward Said, the most prominent academic defender of the Palestinian cause. Right-wing terrorist groups like the Jewish Defense League are notorious for carrying out acts of violence and terrorism against leading defenders of Palestinian rights."

Then there's FOX media mouthpiece Bill O'Reilly's ol' pal Danial Pipes, founder of "Campus Watch". Pipes encourages college students to snitch on their professors and fellow stundents in the event they dare question US/Israeli policies in the classroom..

"It is no coincidence that one of the students featured in “Columbia Unbecoming” also works as an agent for Campus Watch, a notoriously anti-Palestinian website run by arch-racist Daniel Pipes. The website encourages students to report on professors with “unpatriotic” views of U.S. foreign policy."

Think we're in a police state yet? BTW, many of these articles about ADL spying are several years old. It hasn't gotten any better since 9/11 and the Bush regime's "Patriot Act", Homeland Security, etc..

Welcome to the Fourth Reich of Zionism Evangelism..

Christian Zionists like Pat Robertson are quite friendly with the ADL and other pro-Zionist organizations like Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), who recently gave him an award for being a "friend to Israel". The ADL was told by ZOA & other right wing Zionists to swallow their outrage over Robertson's frequent anti-Semitic comments. After all, settlements and militarization in Israel wouldn't be so easy without the financial support of Robertson and other Christian Zionist evangelicals like John Hagee..

"In addition to buying land and subsidizing settlements, Christian Zionists have played a major role in supporting Jewish immigration from the former Soviet Republics to populate the settlements. From Donald Wagner:

John Hagee, pastor of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, announced in February 1997 that his church was donating over $1 million to Israel. Hagee claimed the funds would be used to help resettle Jews from the Soviet Union in the West Bank and Jerusalem. "We feel like the coming of Soviet Jews to Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy," Hagee stated."

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Christian Zionists may be using the state of Israel as an extention of "Manifest Destiny" ideology of Eurocentric supremecy. The ADL doesn't have alot to say about this continuation of racism..

"An historical conflation of the United States and the biblical Hebrews is as old as the country itself. Many American feel a sense of purpose that they say comes from God and constitutes a parallel manifest destiny with both the ancient and modern Israelites. …this belief can be found in the speeches of Americn political leaders at all levels. It is a deeply held belief that manifests itself in the rationalizations and policies of Congres and American presidents. Today this orientation is backed up by organized religious groups"

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by I'll check them out
I'll check them out--always interested in a different perspective.
by TH
Don't you love, how Latuff can freely publish his material, insisting he's not allowed to?

The louder people bray that there is some all-powerful Jewish lobby trying to censor them, the more they disprove their own point.
by Not true
Latuff doesn't "insist" that he's not allowed to do his art--he points out (accurately) that US/Israel people in power would silence him if given the chance...He effectively utilizes underground/alternative media to get his art out there, in spite of the barriers.
by good job Latuff
Good art provokes a reaction, so does truth.
Amazing how the zionist fanatics futily attempt to shout critics of Israel down with false cries of antisemitism.
We will continue to speak truth to power here, criticizing all abuses of power--from the U.S. to Israel (both right wing terror-states)
We will not be silenced.
by rather than remain silent
Some Israelis are not willing to remain silent.

Israel: Outside the Wall, an interview with Anarchists Against The Wall

By Asafa Peled - Yedioth Aharonot 14/4/2006
Translation: Adam Keller

"The Separation Fence is closing in upon more and more Palestinian villages. Their inhabitants are cut off from sources of livelihood. Some Israelis are not willing to remain silent.

Matan Cohen lost an eye because of it. Shai Karmeli-Polak gave up for its sake a promising career. Leila Mosinzon is going to prison for its sake, next month. The Separation Fence has become their obsession. What is it about this wall, designed to separate Israelis from Palestinians, which is bringing young people to give up the well-fed bourgeois life and get tear gas blown in their face every Friday afternoon? The border inside."
Their website has Haaretz & Jerusalem Post articles about them and this statement:

There are currently over 40 indictments and counting, a summery of a few of them can be found below, but all of them are of similar nature. There have also been hundreds of arrests that didn’t end as indictment but required a lawyer and legal aid. The costs of these legal battles are very high, and any donation to our legal fund will be highly appreciated.

1) 11 people are charged with rioting and illegal assembly. Some of them are also accused of assaulting a police officer and spray painting. They were arrested at a demonstration in which the road in front of the ministry of "defense" Tel Tviv was blocked, after the demonstrators were not let into the territories by the army.

2) Two people are accused of rioting after being arrested at a demonstration in the village of Budrus. The demonstration tried blocking the bulldozers from building the wall on the village's land that day, and it ended with the army invading the village. The two were arrested inside the village.

3) A minor is accused of assaulting a police officer under severe circumstances, after taking part in a demonstration in the Hebron area. Israel was building a road to an illegal settlement through a Palestinian farm, and the demonstration attempted stopping the bulldozers from doing that. The indictment reveals that the assault under severe circumstances refers to the dearresting of a Palestinian.

4) Two people were charged with assaulting a police officer under severe circumstances and incitement to break the law. They were simply snatched from a vigil after supposedly calling on people to block the road. They were severely beaten up by the police. The woman’s hand was broken and the guy suffered fractured ribs. They were acquitted, but legal fees still need to be paid.

5) Three people are accused of blocking the road in Tel Aviv. The charges are for a demonstration that took place in Tel Aviv after Itay Levinsky, one of our comrades, was shot between the nose and the eye at a demonstration in the West Bank village of Kharbatha. Following this incident he lost some of his vision.

6) Six people are accused of obstructing a police officer and disobeying a legal order after barricading themselves on the roof of a house the army was trying to demolish in the village of Kharbatha. The house belonged to one of the main organizers against the wall in the village and was demolished a few days after demonstrations in the village started.
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