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Michelle Malkin - Worst Person in the World?

by Keith Olbermann, MSNBC
Keith Olbermann of MSNBC declared Michelle Malkin the 'Worst Person in the World' today after she posted phone numbers and emails of members of UCSC Students Against War.
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This is the video from his show.
by right-wing thugs
she whined for days on her site about the job fair protest, sedition and all that crap

she sent fans of her site to haunt this site for days on end and to call SAW members on the phone, and they proceeded to make verbal death threats

no one ever threatened the life of the recruiters

but her people sure did

proves the difference between people like her and people like SAW trying to save lives

the following is an email exchange with her regarding her posting the number and the threats she implicitly encouraged by posting those numbers to her right-wing site

I'm glad she got burned on national TV -- she deserves it!!

On 4/12/06, I first wrote:

>>>what's your personal phone number? can people publish that on lefty websites in order to forment hate calls against you?

>>>people are getting death threats from your publishing of personal information

>>>once again, the right wing proves itself to be the most violent by far. no one threatened the recruiters lives. if anyone actually gets hurt, you can pat yourself on the back for that with your hyperbolic talk of sedition

>>>hope you're happy with yourself

At 03:18 PM 4/12/2006, she wrote:

>>if you are talking about the contact info for the SAW people, blame them. they posted their own phone numbers and e-mail addresses on the web themselves:

I wrote back and she never replied again:

>no, I blame you for posting them on YOUR site, encouraging YOUR RIGHT-WING READERS to call them. these death threats came from visitors to your site. definitely your fault.

>real nice group of meathead readers you have there, talking about blowing people's heads off over the telephone

>you right-wingers just can't accept responsibility for anything, just like your man Bush. "not my fault" you all whine. it's the media, it's this, that, and everything but you

>and your people's solution to everything is violence

>pathetic (and dangerous)
by diving dollar

imagine for a moment that you are in germany and the year is 1933.

you could save the world a whole lot of trouble by shooting the nazis NOW.

(of course you wont because you "love" peace so much...)

by t
the police are turning violent and protect rightwing assaulters. seen it personally .
by mmmm, maybe
imagine for a moment that today is actually more like 1938 or 1939 and the nazis already run the place, are locking it down on citizens with secret police actions, and are using their military for foreign conquests

or do you have a time machine for us to jump from 2006 to 1933 via 1939? we can kill baby hitler in his crib! but then what will be your frame of reference for everything in the world today if hitler never existed? we would have upset your political time-space continuum by pre-emptively taking out baby hitler

imagine for a moment that not every last thing in the world today is literally comparable to hitler and nazi germany


(of course you wont because you "love" nazis so much...)

perhaps, Mark Twain put it best: "The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes."
by Steven Argue
Yes, Michelle Malkin is a scum bag.

But I digress.

The previous post “quotes” Mark Twain saying, "The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes." Good "quote" but did Mark Twain really say it?

I liked this "quote" when I read it and thought I may use it, but thought I better check its authenticity first. I've been curious lately about checking out quotes attributed to various people since I've found some to be widely circulated, but not authentic.

One of these falsely attributed quotes has Joseph Stalin saying, "It's not who votes that counts. It's who counts the votes." Besides not sounding like Stalin, the word play with the two different meanings of the word "count" didn't seem likely to be part of the Russian language as well as the English. I ran it past some scholars of Stalin and they confirmed that there is no known historical record of the quote, and that it has only recently popped up and been put into circulation.

I found the following on the Mark Twain “quote”:

[Eugene Volokh, February 18, 2005 at 2:51pm] 3 Trackbacks / Possibly More Trackbacks
"History Doesn't Repeat Itself, But It Rhymes": A while back, I got several messages from readers attributing this quote to Mark Twain. I'm always skeptical of such attributions, since Twain -- plus a few other people, such as Winston Churchill, Dorothy Parker, George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde, Ambrose Bierce, Benjamin Disraeli, and H.L. Mencken -- seem to be magnets for loose quotations. If you're not sure of the source, credit Twain, and that'll be plausible enough. So I asked the indispensable UCLA Law School research library to track it down. (Yes, I can legitimately do that, since I plan on using the quote in my law review article.)

Here's what seems to be the scoop, courtesy of Jenny Lentz: The quote has indeed been often attributed to Mark Twain, but there doesn't seem to be much proof that he indeed said it. The most detailed source she could find was this note in an article by Lawrence P. Wilkins in 28 Indiana Law Review 135 (1995):

[The quote was a]ttributed [to mark Twain] by Allen D. Boyer in Activist Shareholders, Corporate Directors, and Institutional Investment: Some Lessons from the Robber Barons, 50 WASH. & LEE L. REV. 977, 977 (1993), who saw the attribution in ROBERT SOBEL, PANIC ON WALL STREET 431 (1988). Professor Sobel saw the attribution some time ago in an editorial column in the New York Times, the author of which he cannot recall. He has consulted with several Twain scholars across the country, and all agree that the quotation sounds very much like something Twain would say, but none seems able to find the actual words in Twain's papers. Telephone conversations with Allen D. Boyer and Robert Sobel, March 3, 1995 and March 7, 1995. It is somewhat ironic that this quotation cannot be definitively traced to Twain, whose energies were spent in great measure to protect his rights of authorship. . . .

In any case, I can still easily use the quote, just giving it as "Attributed to Mark Twain." But it's worth noting that there's some uncertainty about it. If anyone can resolve this uncertainty by a specific pointer to a written work by Twain -- and not just by a pointer to someone who has attributed the quote to Twain -- please let me know.
by jeff
Thanks Steven, the left does at times need to be more careful in checking our facts. Not that the right is careful, but they own the major media so they don't have to be. Besides, their whole set of philosophies are based on lies, so for them the facts are their enemies. For us the truth is one of our most important weapons.
by Steven Argue
OK, here is another important historical error that is in this thread:

"or do you have a time machine for us to jump from 2006 to 1933 via 1939? we can kill baby hitler in his crib!"

Hitler took power in 1933. You'd have to go back a bit further than 1933 to kill a baby Hitler in his crib, to 1889 to be exact.

I must add that as much as I dislike our current capitalist imperialistic system, it has key differences with the fascist capitalist imperialistic system of Adolf Hitler. The most important of these is that ALL democratic rights were terminated under Adolf Hitler. As much as democratic rights have been eroded and trampled in the United States, we are not yet suffering under the iron boot of fascism. If we were this discussion would not likely even be happening.

A book I recommend that you can read online is "Fascism, What It Is And How To Fight It" by Leon Trotsky:

by justice
it is amazing to see the same group that made posting the addresses and phone numbers of those they disagree with are now complaining about some one doing the exact same thing. Whats the matter can't take the heat?
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