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More Pics of 4-10-06 San Jose Immigrants Rights March and some demands

by Somos un pueblo sin fronteras
Demand total amnesty!
We demand total amnesty for all workers in our communities. Workers go where there are jobs and infrastructure. White supremacists have been stealing land, liberty, and labor from the 3rd world for 500 years. That is why people immigrate to the U.S. That is why my ancestors came. I would do the same to feed my family if I had to.

Our power comes from disrupting business as usual. If you are a worker, strike, slowdown, sabotage. If you are a student, walk out. If you make it out onto the streets, block them. Especially on May 1st, international workers day.

"El Gran Paro" has been called for May 1st, check out

No work, no school, no shopping. Shut it all down. Not because we can "speak truth to power", because power knows exactly what it is doing. Shut it all down because our labor, liberty, and land are being stolen and we can produce what we need.

If we do not escalate and disrupt, then the politicians will think they can tell us what we want and what we should do... which will be to vote... for them...

They are the problem. Governments lie. And we will need to take direct action to defend ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and our communities. Call a popular assembly like in Argentina to make up your own minds on how to help each other. Then network with other assemblies. No party can do this for you, you have to do it for yourself.

Don't wait for instructions. Don't ask for permission.
§Marchers on King
by Somos un pueblo sin fronteras
§Raza banner p.1
by Somos un pueblo sin fronteras
§Raza Banner p.2
by Somos un pueblo sin fronteras
§Marchers on Alum Rock crossing 101 overpass
by Somos un pueblo sin fronteras
§Marchers entering City Hall plaza from Santa Clara St.
by Somos un pueblo sin fronteras
§Rally at City Hall
by Somos un pueblo sin fronteras
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It was beautiful to see our people untied to make change. We need the powers of many voices for people to hear us. Make a chnge, participate in the wlaks anf in the political aspects. If are a citizen you have a voice use it, vote, vote for your peoples rights. We are all immigrats to thisa country, this land was once ours. The african American people were brouth here as slaves and no one asked them for their citizenship papers.
Together anything can happen .
by daniel romero
Today Bush only want to give imagrent temporary visas.He wants to give imagrents the jobs that no leagle person want only the jobs that benifites him .why not the better jobs for them. I was bor here and i'm oly 15 years old but my perents are from Mexico they're fixing papers but its so hard.We need to show this goverment that they need us. I mean if they are talking about imagrents then they sholw leave to.I say that because in there history they cane here from England and took the land from the native americans.also in the constitutional rights it says that all men are created equaly. so I say give imagrent papers.

from daniel romero
sanjose califoria
by Robert G.
I was very impress on how many people attended the march. I was honor to attend something that will go down in History and I pray that we made a big enough statement that the Senate feel the presure on doing something. I only wish that the teens behave a little better. I seen some treating this day like Cinco de Mayo.
by Robert G.
I was very impress on how many people attended the march. I was honor to attend something that will go down in History and I pray that we made a big enough statement that the Senate feel the presure on doing something. I only wish that the teens behave a little better. I seen some treating this day like Cinco de Mayo.
by Guadalupe Martinez
" And if going home is denied me, then I will have to stand and claim my space,
making a new culture--una cultura mestiza--with my own lumber,
my own bricks and mortar and my own feminist architecture."
--Gloria Anzaldua, Borderlands/La Frontera

Often times Latinos from all over Latin America including Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean are grouped together into a single, common culture with experiences assumed to be the same. However, this is not the case. Some similarities that do exist include: being conquered at one point in history, being oppressed and the effects of U.S intervention throughout history. But the way in which they differentiate and the way in which immigration has shaped such experiences is necessary to understand and take into account in order to comprehend the intricate culture, socio-economical, and political culture in all of the Latin American countries.

The bulk of the marchers are from Mexican-decent. Both Mexicans and Chicanos feel they do not have to assimilate because they have been discriminated upon and have suffered tremendous prejudices in the U.S. In Always Running, by Chicano author Luis Rodriguez, such concepts are illustrated. These include being segregated in schools based on the English language command, skin-color, and resources of society. They have always been invited to the U.S when needed for cheap labor and then banned or forcefully thrown out. Thus, Chicanos have gone through a history of being colonized, discriminated upon in their own lands (through educational institutions their language and culture was devalued), and being told to ‘go home’ when their home is in the Americas ( es su tierra natal), struggling and fighting for respect, dignity and justice.

Of the same name,
In a country that has wiped out
All my history,
Stifled all my pride,
In a country that has placed a
Different weight of dignity upon my age-old burdened back.
Inferiority is the new load…
The Indian has endured and still
Emerged the winner,
The Mestizo must yet overcome, and the Guchupin will just ignore
I look at myself
And see part of me
Who rejects my father and my mother
And dissolves into the melting pot
To disappear in shame…

Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales

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