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Indybay Feature

April 10 San Jose Immigrant Rights March

by Peter Maiden (pmaiden [at]
On April 10, tens of thousands of people marched from East San Jose to City Hall--a three mile trek--to support immigrant rights. It was part of a national groundswell in support of the undocumented.
§Aztec Dancers
by Peter Maiden (pmaiden [at]
§Family Marching
by Peter Maiden (pmaiden [at]
by Peter Maiden (pmaiden [at]
§Crowd at Rally
by Peter Maiden (pmaiden [at]
§Crowd at Rally
by Peter Maiden (pmaiden [at]
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by Adam from SJ
I just want to say it was the most beautifull day ever in San Jose. Many are already calling it the largest march ever in the cities history with 30-40,000 representing. The mach stretched from City Hall at 7th and Santa Clara all the way to Alum Rock and King at the Mexican Heritage Plaza!! That's almost 30 blocks. I think this time, as well as March 25th, San Jose held it down for the Bay!!!
by thanks!
those are some nice photos~ we had a great march in SF too!
by Sonya McKay (photofreak_ [at]
I just wanted to say you captured a great moment from this day. I was one of the dancers in the group and it was incredible to see us captured. The picture alone was amazing, with the sky behind......Great job
by native
I think it was a joke, bar none. La gente del supuesto pueblo no tienen verguenza. Such tactics (white shirts, ameriKKKan flags) to woo the US regime is vendidismo and down right foolish. Andan como payasos con sus banderitas ameriKKKanas que realmente representa el genocidio y la esclavitud, aparte de otras cosas. nosotros los mexican@s no tenemos que andar de rodillas pidiendoles y rogandoles como pendejos -la mayoria de nosotros siendo indigenas ya de por si nos corresponde estas tierras desde Alaska hasta Tierra Del Fuego (IXACHILAN -aqui en la area de la bahia siendo territorio OHLONE). y es por eso que detesto la palabra inmigrante porque no los somos. ya quiten ese bendas de tus ojos y ponguense conciente. dejen de estar liderados por los supuestos izquierdistas gabachos. And shame on the "Aztec Dancers" for exploiting our sacred, native panquetzalli under the US Flag. But you know, this isn't the first time this group has honored the stars and stripes, or corporations for that matter.

Yes I was there, but I did not march. I AGITATED!!!! BURN THE FLAG!!!




Are you a revolutionary or are you a SLAVE?
by Xmeoxn
Dont hate on the MEXICAS that were present , sure there was vendidismo all around but if we the MEXICA dont speak up then we have no right to complain they did not exploit our indigenous roots our indigenous roots exploited the protest. MEXICA TIAHUI!
by The photographer
I usually think of the flag as a symbol of 21st Century American Fascism. But what I saw at this march was a claiming of the flag as a symbol of inclusion. There's no reason we can't take their flag away from them and make it ours! That's my take on it.
by John Thielking (pagesincolor [at]
To see more pictures of the San Jose march, go here:

To see my report, go here:
by garra charrua
First, great photos! Second, "Native"'s comments I agree with, but... consider, just consider this: I don't know how old you are, but some of us who might feel just like you, have learned that what some call "vendidismo" al final se convierte en nuestra mejor arma para lograr el objetivo, y entonces si, el que rie ultimo rie mejor. "Agitacion" es bueno siempre que con eso no logres poner todavia mas en contra a los que se supone quieres a tu favor. En la vida hay dos caminos: la paz o la guerra, y en el medio, la diplomacia. En este caso, a menos que uno solo quiera sacarse el enojo que lleva adentro pero no lograr nuestros derechos, quemar la bandera, por ejemplo, definitivamente no va a alcanzar el objetivo deseado. Entonces, pa que peleamos? Para terminar dandoles el gusto a "ellos" y se llenen la boca diciendo: ¿ven por que no se les debe legalizar?
Creeme que comparto tu enojo; mis hijas son indigenas. Y como siempro digo, en este pais los unicos que tendrian derecho a decir quien se va o quien se queda, son los nativos. De ahi para aca, todos son inmigrantes o sus descendientes. Pero, cuando vas a duelo, si las armas no son compatibles, lo mas probable es que pierdas. Y como dice el sabio refran: Muerto el perro se acabo la rabia. Y aqui se trata de ganar. Yo no quiero que la rabia se acabe. Hay miles de familias separadas, destruidas, agobiadas por la incertidumbre y el temor. A los politicos no les conmueve eso, ni nuestro orgullo de Raza, ni nuestra valentia, ni nada de eso; y tampoco se van a amedrentar porque quememos unas cuantas banderas o incluso levantar armas. Que va! A ellos solo los mueven dos cosas: el voto y el bolsillo. Y cuantos mas educados y unidos estemos, mas miedo nos tienen. Porque saben que con mas educacion, adquirimos mayor poder economico, social, y... representantes en las areas de gobierno. Y eso es justo lo que no quieren.
Asi que, no seas tan duro con tus hermanos Aztecas. Yo se que enfurece ver esas imagenes, pero piensa en el objetivo. Primero a lograrlo; luego pondremos cada cosa en su lugar.
Just consider it.
by ----
There were MEXICAS in the march? Hmmm, ask them then where the hell were they when an undocumented danzante brother needed help when a so called maestro jipped him out of thousands of dollars? You know where?

"Well, he CHOSE to come here!"
"It's a personal problem"

That's where and that's a shame, because it's downright racist minuteman speak. And you say "Mexica Tiahui"? Go hook yourself up with a nahuatlato, 'cause I think you're having trouble figuring out what that phrase means.

And now you talking about indigenous roots exploiting the flag in the marcha. Sounds more like opportunism to me. So, I'm sorry I do not recall seeing any mexicas in there because those genuinely walking the path don't fuck our people over one instant and turn around and act like they're for the struggle the next. Real mexicas in struggle don't go and dance before Cruz Bustamante. They also don't aid and abet the bombing of a centro in an attempt to kill an elder MEXICA woman. Real natives in struggle, in general, don't allow themselves to be suppressed in the awful manner that was carried out that day. The very organizers themselves behaved like a police state and expected everyone to follow along like sheep, "yes sir, I will."

Warrior societies simply don't function that way.

MEXICA TIAHUI to the agitators who truly chose NOT to be on their knees!
by ---
garra charrua, I think I hear your shepherd is calling you. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Tenemos que Rejistrar nuevos votantes y derrotar alos congresitas -
rasista y senadores .
y atodos los politicos locales .
comensando con el cha cha nega el Governeitor de California . le
bamos a patiar el trasero en noviembre. y <si se ba a poder>
by Born American, Bleeds Immigrant
Why is there a constant discussion of taking someones flag or burning it. Here in lies the problem of seperation between two communities that should be learning how to work together to help break down the social segregation of both parties. If taking my flag will make you happy, fine then, it is nothing more than material. But if we took your spirit and our democracy imagine what we could accomplish. It's not perfect, it's not immediate but it's better than living somewhere you hate, twice.
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