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A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition: Update on Anti-War Protests

by A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (ANSWER [at]
Tens of thousands will protest in hundreds of local and regional actions on the third anniversary of the Iraq war
Media Release
March 17, 2006

Press contacts:
Sarah Sloan, D.C.: 202-904-7949
Jeanette Caceres, NYC: 646-637-6814
Carlos Alvarez, L.A.: 323-464-1636
Bill Hackwell, S.F: 415-269-7917

Interviews available upon request



"The massive aerial bombing of Iraqi towns yesterday - three years after the criminal 'shock and awe' assault on Iraq - shows that the war is about occupation not liberation. During this weekend, on the third anniversary of the start of the war, tens of thousands of anti-war protesters will take to the street in more than 400 local and regional protests," stated Brian Becker, National Coordinator of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition.

"This is a shift in tactics for the anti-war movement. On September 24, we rallied 300,000 people around the White House in one large concentrated protest, with large sister actions in San Francisco and Los Angeles. This weekend the anti-war movement is going into cities, towns and neighborhoods in decentralized actions. The anti-war sentiment is now the majority sentiment and we expect that there will be a tremendous response on the streets," said Becker.

"Three years ago, in the months leading up to the start of the Iraq war, the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition rallied hundreds of thousands of people in the streets all over the country to try to stop the war before it started. Everything we said about Bush's war has proven to be true. It was based on recycled and discredited lies and shifting rationales. More than 150,000 Iraqis are now assumed dead as a consequence of the invasion, tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers have either been killed or wounded, and the price tag for the war now exceeds half a trillion dollars. All around the country this weekend voices are being raised demanding that all U.S. troops be brought home, not next month, not next week, but today," Becker continued.


The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition joined with antiwar organizations globally in calling for March 18-20, 2006, to be Global Days of Action. A.N.S.W.E.R.'s Call to Action, which was issued on November 11, has received support and interest from people and groups around the country and the world. There will be more than 300 actions in the United States alone. (See the partial list below). Coordinated demonstrations will be held in countries around the world on this the third anniversary of Bush's criminal aggression against the people of Iraq.

On Saturday, March 18 and Sunday, March 19, 2006, locally-coordinated demonstrations will take place in cities and towns across the U.S. and around the world, including in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, Seattle, and many, many more.

- To find March 18-20 events across the country, click here:

- Read the Call to Action

Mobile, AL; Phoenix, AZ; Bodega, CA; Eureka, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Petaluma, CA; San Francisco, CA; Santa Rosa, CA; Ventura, CA; New Haven, CT; Washington, DC; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Gainesville, FL; Miami, FL; Naples, FL; Orlando, FL; Pensacola, FL; Sarasota, FL; Waleska, GA; Chicago, IL; Covington, LA; New Orleans, LA; Duluth, MN; Minneapolos, MN; Bergen County, NJ; Albuquerque, NM; Gallup, NM; Charlotte, NC; Fayetteville, NC; Las Vegas, NV; Reno, NV; New York City, NY; Fredonia, NY; Rochester, NY; Columbus, OH; Norman, OK; Oklahoma, OK; Enterprise, OR; Salem, OR; Harrisburg, PA; Charleston, SC; Knoxville, TN; Memphis, TN; College Station, TX; Richmond, VA; Seattle, WA; Milwaukee, WI; Stevens Point, WI


**On Sunday, March 19, and Monday, March 20, Youth & Student actions will take place in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other towns and cities around the country.**

- To find Youth & Student events across the country, click here:
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by Sludge
When the pigs squeal we know they are feeling the pain.

The people in the streets have been building a community of resistance to facism in this country and abroad. the Pigs who squeal and whine about the people in the streets are feeling the threat to their authority, the shrinking of their imagined manhood.

The facists build nothing positive or usefull, their power is only to repress and destroy. We have the creativity, the power to create a fair and just world. They are feeling their failure at home and abroad, in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, New Orleans, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan and in Venezuala, Brasil and Bolivia.

Imagine their fear as their grip on power slips. Imagine the terror felt by the facist toadies hiding behind uniforms and badges, as they see thier masters weakening. Their safety threatened as their crimes against the public are revealed.

We make the future by coming together, they fear what they cannot supress and hate what they cannot understand. The world has seen powerful expressions of people power in formerly repressive regimes...we see momentum building. They see power crumbling..

So squeal little piggies. Run to your masters and demand more guns, more regulations to outlaw the threat of Freedom. Demand more authority to dissappear those who oppose you. You can't help but lose.

Squeal some more!! Your squeals tell us we are on the right path, that we are winning.

by just one anarchist

marching around in goverment-permitted circles and then rushing home to see yourself on TV so that you can feel good about yourself and pat yourself on the back for having "done something" about the war... pathetic. selfish. useless.

following the leadership of thoroughly infiltrated authoritarian communists... mind-numbingly stupid. inexcusable.

there is one, and only one, way to stop the war. you simply make it cost too much for the empire to wage war. DIRECT ACTION gets the goods.

ANSWER is not the answer.
by ...but book sales are?
Maybe if they were more welcome at the book mall.... but no. That is only for those who already agree.

Either way, is a book mall a better way forward?
by why yes
This saturday, we are going shopping -- for cool shit, granted. T-shirts, texts on anarcho theory and why commies suck.

Best way to stop the terrorists is to consume and go about our business as good little sectarians. Our way or the highway is a much higher concept then something as trivial as uniting to stop an evil war. Better to be right than effective.

Just because the 8th, 9th, and 10th book fairs didn't stop the war, that doesn't mean there won't be serious networking this time that leads directly to the end of the war. It's not just a big anarchists-only circle jerk, you know?
Let's really stop the war -- for REAL!

Please help educate people about the inside job of 911, which is used by the Neocons to legitimizing their Orwellian "War on Terror" and the slaughter of innocents all over the world. The "War on Terror" was launched on September 11th. It is the cornerstone issue of the neocons and the financiers behind them and is referenced repeatedly as the all-important event to launch their globalization schemes. If this lie dies, so will their legitimacy and so will the war and future wars.

Taking a stand against the war with demonstrations has been done with massive marches all over the world, but this has not stopped the bloodthirsty, maniacal sociopaths from carrying out their wars of aggression. Expose them for who they really are. The real terrorists.

Stop state terror, stop the war, stop the bullshit. Expose the lie.
by just one anarchist

your marches have done NOTHING to turn public opinion against the war.

what HAS turned public opinion against the war are the bullets and bombs being used to wipe out your friends and relatives by the iraqi resistance.

you shoul dbe doing everything you can to support the iraqi resistance. but it's a sunny day, so marchng and shopping for books is what you are gonna do.

by in SF today?
Very small turnout this year. Very disappointing. Why are we losing popular support?
by obvious
Because you're accomplishing nothing.
by because...
...because everyone went shopping for anarchy!!

How much money did anarchy make, while others were out trying to stop the war?
by Dan
As someone who has opposed the war from the get-go, I would never attend a rally organized by ANSWER, who are every bit as intolerant and embarrassing as folks have noted here.

Problem is, most of the rallies are either organized by or commandeered by the ANSWER coalition. So, I continue to "check boxes" on surveys that I oppose the war and demonstrate when the cause is opposition to the war, and not ANSWER's menu of eclectic pet causes.
by from whiners
As long as ANSWER are organizing the only antiwar demos in town, critiques of the job they do are just so much bullshit.
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