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Your War in My Womb, My Middle Finger in Your Face

by The Project / Mara Ortenberger (projectcollective [at]
Your War in My Womb, My Middle Finger in Your Face
Mara Ortenberger, project collective
Capitol Hill is all abuzz about my uterus. Bush recently described the fight against my right to choose what do with my body as a “noble cause.” In the Supreme Court, a woman who believed in my self-determination is being replaced by a man who does not. That’s right, the anti-abortion-fascists are still around, and they are gaining momentum. So pass the Midol, plug in the heating pad, and light up the medicinal marijuana; the battle over my uterus (and yours) rages on, and you know that’s bound to cause some serious cramping.

Roe v. Wade, the epic Supreme Court decision that established the constitutional right to an abortion, just had its 33rd birthday. But as pro-choice activists tried to celebrate the occasion, opponents of the ruling emerged in full force to crash the party, throwing their own anti-choice shin-digs everywhere from San Francisco to South Dakota. While Bush bolstered these pro-lifers by stating publicly that the anti-abortion crusade “appeals to the conscience of our citizens” and is “rooted in America’s deepest principles,” the Roe party-train was further derailed by the Senate’s confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. These birthday bummers have caused many pro-choice activists to wonder if legal abortion in the United States will live to see another year.

Senate Democrats, proving once again to be totally useless, made a weak attempt to filibuster Alito’s confirmation but were unable to get enough support to extend the debate. Alito was subsequently confirmed by a 58-42 vote and became the second justice appointed to the Supreme Court by George W. Bush. He will be replacing Sandra Day O’Connor, a political centrist and outspoken supporter of the Roe v. Wade ruling. So what exactly is Sam’s position regarding abortion?

Well sisters, it doesn’t look good. In 1985, as a lawyer in the Reagan Justice Department, Alito wrote a memo outlining his master plan concerning abortion. Instead of directly overturning Roe, he advocated gradually weakening it by supporting state-level restrictions on abortion access, with the ultimate goal of a future in which the Supreme Court would uphold extreme restrictions on abortion. Also in this memo: Alito compares a woman’s decision to have an abortion with a judge’s decision to impose the death penalty.

And in 1992, as a judge in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Alito voted to uphold part of a Pennsylvania law that would require married women to notify their husbands before having an abortion. Apparently, it did not occur to Alito that women in psychologically or physically abusive marriages might not want to ask their husbands for permission to end a pregnancy. The Supreme Court eventually deemed this law unconstitutional because, as Justice O’Connor’s explained, “women do not lose their constitutionally protected liberty when they marry.” Perhaps somebody should send Alito that memo.

Alito’s anti-abortion sentiments resurfaced in the Senate confirmation hearings when he failed to indicate any change from this past record of hostility toward women’s reproductive rights. In fact, when questioned by a Democratic Senator, Alito refused to concede that Roe was indeed the “settled law of the land.”

It is unclear if the addition of Alito (along with Bush’s first appointee, John Roberts) will be enough to sway the court against abortion rights. Justice Anthony Kennedy, appointed by Reagan and also getting up there in age, would be another key vote. Kennedy has ruled in favor of abortion in the past, but is also a strong advocate of states rights and may be compelled to overturn Roe and relegate the issue to the state level.

This uncertainty may be cleared up soon enough. The recent Supreme Court shake-up has encouraged conservative lawmakers in six states (South Dakota, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, and Ohio) to propose legislation that would ban abortions totally. This would make it a felony “to perform an abortion or to provide abortion-inducing drugs,” except when the mother’s physical health is at risk. A law such as this, enacted at the state level, would directly challenge Roe and provide the increasingly conservative Supreme Court with an opportunity to reverse the ruling.

If Roe v. Wade was ever overturned it would be a catastrophic blow to reproductive rights specifically and privacy rights in general. The battle over our bodies would continue, but at a state level. And, if the proposed legislation in these six states is any indication, many states would choose to either ban abortion altogether or severely limit its availability. And make no mistake, it is already extremely difficult to get an abortion in many parts of the country for many women.

Even with Roe intact, 87 percent of U.S. counties have no abortion provider. Pro-life politicians have been attacking this issue from every angle for years, stockpiling state-level restrictions concerning a wide variety of reproductive issues. The legality of spousal notification, parental notification, refusal clauses for doctors, counseling bans and gag rules, so-called partial-birth abortions, and of course the very definition of human life is constantly hanging in the balance. Not to mention the many, many additional restrictions that are already in place for women who use federal health programs (e.g. Medicaid recipients, federal employees, military personnel and their dependents, and women in federal prisons.) This is an example of something that we have seen time and time again throughout history and in various realms of public policy: when restricting access it is the most disadvantaged groups who suffer first and most. Abortion always has been and always will be an issue of class and race.

Indiana State Representative Troy Woodruff, republican author of a law to criminalize abortion in his homestate, recently told the press: “on an issue that’s this personal, it should be decided as local as possible. We either want these procedures, or we don’t…and I don’t.”

Yes Troy, it is a personal issue that should be decided locally. And I can think of no better locality than my own fucking body.
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by Utopia Bold
In the movie "Rain Without Thunder" (out in video) the plot takes place 50 years in the future when abortion is criminalized.

A character in the movie, an elder women who remembers when women had reproductive rights said

"Men fear a women's right to choose.
It influences their politics and religion.
They can not see it as a fish can not see water.

So, women are forced to bear surplus males who will someday wage wars and kill women.

Wrap your mind around that! It the dirty little secret that motivates the anti abortion patriarchs.

by man
"Men" do not forbid abortion. Some men forbid abortion. Other men promote, provide and/or encourage abortion. To lump all men together in *any* category is more than merely irrational, it also flies in the face of the facts. It's also sexist.

It's also worth noting that some women forbid abortion, while other women promote, provide and/or encourage abortion. This issue does not generate gender demographics. Both genders are split on this, and on everything else, too.
by Utopia Bold
Men own and control the global power institutions of media, organized religion, the economy, the military, technology, medicine, law, education and finance.

Just because *some* blacks such as Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice side with white power does not change the fact that anti black racism in the US was/is overwhelmingly perpetuated by whites.

In the same way, just because some women side with male supremacists doesnt change the fact that it is overwhelmingly men who forbid the worlds women to use birth control or to have abortions even though a minority of men do not trample womens reproductive rights.

Men own and control the anti women's reproductive rights movements.

Men who respect women and womens rights know who they are and so *dont have to get all defensive* when the finger is pointed at the men who deny women birth control and abortion.
by man
I'm not being defensive. I'm being precise. Imprecision hurts the cause.
by in the anti choice movment
I think the patriarchy analysis holds, yes, yes, yes...but there's a new wrinkle to the debate- some anti choice womn may unknowing hearken back to patriarchy to reach their conclusion that abortion is muder, but some get to the same place by concluding that motherhood is a disrespected and de-valued undertaking, and so look to ban abortion as a way of uplfting motherhood- I don't garee with them at all, but! Ive talked to women like these, and they don't feel ...patriarchal to me.
by Tia
Why should you demonstate alongside Utopia?

Easy answer:

Because sometimes you need to put aside your differences and join together for the common goal.
The forces that would limit our individual freedoms are more than happy to exploit our differences. Now is the time for solidarity.

by charismatic megafauna
Forget about these petty differences. Yes, you have a different opinion on WHY the injustice is occuring, but the fact remains: there IS an injustice. It is much more important that women in South Dakota can get an abortion than that you feel comfortable with every single person who works on making things right.
by which begs the question
whatre we gonna do for the women in South Dakota...AND Mississippi...they just pased a similar ban
by We were warned this would happen
And it is. We'll see other anti choice states in the grip of this fever step up to the plate.
Um, well, (i'm with BACORR) I think we should at least have a press conf/rally when/if South Dakota signs the bill. you know i'd love to shut down the streets, but seeing as we could barely get 600 people to the Counter protest for the "Walk for Life" it doesnt seem viable. But i could always be persuaded otherwise.
It's worth noting that the guy who introduced the bill in Miss. is a Dem. Remember that when someone tells you not to watse your time protesting, but to turn to your elected officlas instead(i hear that all the time)
Our sisters in SD and Miss (and Arkansas, and Missouri, other states which are considering these bill, I bet) are living in gulags now. We all are.
by Becky Johnson
...birth control was illegal. Thanks to Margret Sanger and others acts of civil disobedience, birth control methods became legal and available to women and men.

Back in those days, there was a great fear of immigrants coming to the USA and having large families. The white, Christian people feared they would lost their majority rule because their own women were not bearing them enough white, Christian children. So while some posters argue the laws are paternalistic, I argue, they are also racist in origin.

Even today, the Bush Administration does not want to fund any family planning health program, domestically or abroad, unless they push abstinance only. The Catholic Church goes further denying married couples, in which one spouse is HIV positive, from using condoms.

I remember when abortion was illegal in the United States. Women would still get abortions, but they would be back alley affairs which were brutal experiences for the women, had questionable hygiene, and were not conducted by professionals in most cases. One girlfriend of mine got so sick after an abortion, she nearly died. She could not report the butcher who hurt her, for fear of her own prosecution.

Do we really want to go back to the bad old days?

If you are against abortion, don't have one.
If you are not a women of child-bearing age, then you are a busybody.
Abortion is a private matter, between a woman and her doctor.
And nobody elses business. Not her parents. Not her church. Not her legislators and not her boyfriend/husband.

The inseminator already cast HIS vote!
by My view
What about the life of the child. What about responsibility for one's actions. Sex can result in pregnancy. Face it. People need to accept that and act accordingly. If two people create a child then they should act responsibly and raise the child or give it up for adoption. Killing it because it is inconvenient is horrific. No to war, no to abortion, no to violence.
by is responsibilty
What about the life of the child. What about responsibility for one's actions.

Abortion is taking responsonsibilty for ones actions. Its saying. "I don't have the emotion and practical resources to nuture another, at this point in my life".

Sex can result in pregnancy. Face it.

This is why access to birth control and education on how to use it is vital. Yet the same people who would limit our abortion rights would also limit our access to birth control. Go figure? But even used correctly, birth control can fail.

Killing it because it is inconvenient is horrific.
No more horrific than bringing a child, unwanted and unloved, into the world. No more horrific than perpetuating a cycle of poverty and neglect brought on by an unwwanted child

by zshopgirl
The argument that we should fight for full abortion rights so we can get better access to birth control is just ridiculous. The fact is that many women use abortion as a "morning after" solution and that was not and should not be the legal definition. I'm a woman...but I think you need to raise your daughters to be responsible for their actions. Abortion should remain legal but it shouldn't be the wide open door policy it is right now. It should not be your right to should be the option of last choice. Birth control is the answer and that's the right fight.

Roe v Wade is in no danger of being overturned. It probably is in danger of getting some much needed restrictions. I could get behind a law that would leave abortion legal but put some checks and balances in place so that ignorant women who screw the wrong guy can't use it for their excuse while it remains viable for those who truly need it.
by charismtic megafauna
It is not up to us to decide if a woman's choice was "ignorant" or frivolous. First of all, I highly doubt that women would continually have such an invasive procedure done when they can...use the morning after pill! Also, how do you judge from one woman to the next if her abortion is merited (by your standards)? Any woman can say that the birth control failed. Would you deny everybody who said this abortion?

Yes, birth control is a VERY worthy battle that is being waged. It should be overwhelmingly emphasized. However, the reality of the situation is that right now abstinence only sex ed is being taught in schools, and I'm sure that you know as well as I how ridiculous the program is. Perhaps in richer neighborhoods, good resources are accessable, but in more impovershed areas it is harder, furthering the class divide. Without legal and accessable abortion clinics, girls may be forced to at least carry to term unwanted children, delaying and possibly alltogether stopping their education, furthering the class divide.
by **
Roe v. Wade should be overturned for no other reason than it is a horrible legal decision. The logic is incoherent and the decision even more so. How can the Supremes claim to have some legal knowledge about whether a fetus is a child or a bundle of cells? This is not an area for the federal government, it never has been.
by to **
"How can the Supremes claim to have some legal knowledge about whether a fetus is a child or a bundle of cells"

How can you? You know better than the court of the land and you're willing to decide that for all of us?

By the way you already posted this on another thread. That would make your post here SPAM.
No one has the right to decide for any woman what she can do with her own body except for she herself.
by your attitude SUCKS
I've had more than one abortion. I have news for you, you ninny. it IS birth control.. It IS fertility control. It always has been and it ALWAYS will be. Yes, I've also used birth control, more often than not, but some times i didnt, and then I got an abortion. It's the oldest method out there. And quite frankly, it's none of your beeswax how I use abortion or how I control my fertility. Ultimately, I managed it, and did not add life to this overtaxed, overburdened planet that can scarcely accomodate another drop of humanity (go read about the melting ice caps. Thats will put our fertility in some perspective) I'm tired of uptight women who so effectively do the job the patriarchy has laid our for them. (yes it exists, and arguments like yours make YOU the handmaiden)
And as for your assertion that fighting for abortion rights detours us away from birth control, just wait until Roe is overturned and they, having convinced the american public that women's fertility is better managed by someone else, trun their sights on borth control! hello! Did you ever wonder why Plan B wasnt /hasnt been released (the morning after pill) They have tried to make it over the counter for two years now so women could acccess it, and Dr, David Hager, the ultra right conservative Christian head of the FDA has basically blocked it. Abortion and contreception are linked, inextricably.
Wawke up and stop judging other women.
by is based on scientific data
Duh. If you don't accept the developmental differences between a zygote, blasocyst, fetus and child, you probably believe the earth is flat, too. It's called science, babe.
by Utopia Bold
Women have abortions because they don't want to give birth.Whether for convenience or due to rape or incest , she doesnt have to give anyone a reason. Its no ones business but hers. Also most women are relieved after an abortion.

Its time for women to learn about home abortion and birth control since they have no chance in a legal arena owned and controled by anti choice men who want to mandate pregnancy to keep their global economy expanding.

Google "menstrual extraction" and "Sister Zeus" and read A Womans Book of Choices. We can learn from sympathetic nurses and midwives how to SAFELY control our reproduction inexpensively at home using safe methods and strict standards of hygene while avoiding being harassed by the fetus freaks at the clinics

Men who dont get pregnant have no right to shoot off their mouths about abortion. Nor do their little brainwashed trained little helper - barbie dolls.

If women all over the world had access to abortion and birth control, **women would take over the global economy** since anti choice men could no longer use womens uteruses for the industrial mass production of consumer worker breeder soldier units. There would be no economic projections since the production of fetuses couldnt be controled

Also, there would be a shortage of soldiers and rapists.

Anti abortion men want to use women as their factory farms and make themselves into little tin gods who control life and death. Its "murder" if a woman aborts HER fetus but its "collateral damage" when ex fetuses get drafted into the military and killed in wars started by MEN.

Anti choice men reserve the right to force birth and end life. Its time to overthrow them and their tin gods by ignoring them and not listening to their stupid rules concerning the factory farming of women.
by Women dont need to justify abortion
Theres way too mcuh justification of abortion in cases of rape, incest, etc...but the reason most women have abortions is extactly waht Utopia stated above. They didnt want children. End of story. I ahd more than one elective abortion and every one was a releif.
by Becky Johnson
...because they are economically unable to bring a child into the world. The fundamentalist Christian right, which is ACTIVELY trying to repeal Roe vs. Wade, ALSO denies women welfare funding and supports the death penalty.

So much for their "pro-life" positions!!

The real reason they want to ban abortion, is racist in nature. They fear that too many white babies are being aborted while Catholic countries (like Mexico) are rapidly increasing the non-white population. They want to compell white women to carry their babies to term---and then adopt them out if they are unable to keep them.

The women in essence becomes a baby factory producing---against her will---- more workers and soldiers of the proper demographics---i.e. WHITE!

Keep abortion legal and safe. Let's not turn the clock back to the bad old days.
by Utopia Bold
Regarding Becky's post,

Bush defunded the UN Population Fund and denied tens of millions of impoverished women of color access to abortion and even birth control. Many of these women dont have enough food for themselves and their children and many die in childbirth. These defunded womens clinics also provided other health services to the poor.

Bush is thus murdering women of color by defunding their clinics.

Its not a white vs women of color issue. Its an issue that affects ALL women.

Men are making the rules that force women to invountarily breed consumer/worker/soldier/breeder units to keep the male dominated global economy endlessly expandingl

All women have the right to choose if and when to give birth but most are still under the control of "husbands" who deny them birth control

The word "husband" means "to use for greatest purpose" like animal husbandry.

Most of the worlds women are still "husbanded" by men who regard them as their private baby factories.
by Becky Johnson
Utopia Bold wrote: "Its not a white vs women of color issue. Its an issue that affects ALL women."

BECKY: You are right. Both white women and women of color are disaffected. And since women of color have less economic power, their situation must be even harder.

What I am addressing is that old, rich, white, male legislators have been regulating women's wombs to their own ends. While the babies of women of color can grow up and become workers and soldiers, (hence the limiation on abortion rights and access for women of color/3rd world) they don't trust their own wives and daughters with these rights. They want to compel them to have more white babies out of a demographic fear of too many babies of color.

These right-to-lifers are ALWAYS talking about someone other than themselves!
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