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NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwait company and Marvin Bush on 9/11

by Tony Ryals (endoscam [at]
Those behind the scenes of this UAE corporation may not even be from UAE at all for all we know.Who ever is behind it,the CIA or far right no doubt approves.But since when has our corrupt CIA,that has been gutted by Porter Goss and his ilk as it is,had our interests at heart ? Their only interest is self enrichment and corruption and they have led our military into a trap in Iraq and Afghanistan almost willfully. Why ?
It is simply a fact that hedge fund manager Marvin Bush,son of Papa Doc George Herbert Walker Bush and brother to Jeb Bush,Governor of Florida who was an insider to Wally Hilliard's Saudi terrorist flight school in Venice,Florida and 'W Doofus' Bush who calls himself President and lied about WMDS' in Iraq and who is a war criminal of the like not seen since WWII,'was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport'.

And someone should disclose just how much Marvin and his associates gained in shorting American companies' stocks on 911.This has never been disclosed.Even if they got their ill gotten based only upon Marvin's incompetence and negligence,rather than malevolence,he and they should return it on good faith.Marvin couldn't even protect his maid from being run down by a driverless automobile
gone wild on his on property and yet he was part of the very Kuwaiti company in charge of security at the NY WTC and Dulles airport !!! The Bushes,at best,are a bad acident waiting to happen and yet coincidentally nothing bad ever seems to happen to them only the country or countries they gain control of and their inhabitants !!

Sure I accept W Doofy to be mentally ill,so was Hitler only smarter,but he has plenty of help in unleashing his fascism and misery on the world from behind the scenes such as Slikkk Dikkk Cheney, President of Vice, and I suspect Papa Doc Bush behind the scenes is gaining well financially from unleashing of the military-petroleum complex on Iraq that as anyone knows had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.

NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11

Published on Tuesday, February 4, 2003 by the Prince George's Journal (Maryland)
Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
by Margie Burns

George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.

The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a ``completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center ``up to the day the buildings fell down."

9/11 Security
Courtesy of Marvin Bush

Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company, Burns noted, was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American investment firm on whose board Marvin Burns also served. [Utne]
According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down."

The company lists as government clients "the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice," in projects that "often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites."

Stratesec (Securacom) differs from other security companies which separate the function of consultant from that of service provider. The company defines itself as a "single-source" provider of "end-to-end" security services, including everything from diagnosis of existing systems to hiring subcontractors to installing video and electronic equipment. It also provides armored vehicles and security guards.

The Dulles Internation contract is another matter. Dulles is regarded as "absolutely a sensitive airport," according to security consultant Wayne Black, head of a Florida-based security firm, due to its location, size, and the number of international carriers it serves.

Black has not heard of Stratesec, but responds that for one company to handle security for both airports and airlines is somewhat unusual. It is also delicate for a security firm serving international facilities to be so interlinked with a foreign-owned company: "Somebody knew somebody," he suggested, or the contract would have been more closely scrutinized.

As Black points out, "when you [a company] have a security contract, you know the inner workings of everything." And if another company is linked with the security company, then "What's on your computer is on their computer." [American Reporter]

Bush Family Dipping Into Security Pie
by Margie Burns

The full effects of the 2001 so-called ``USA Patriot Act'' have not yet been felt, fortunately. But one of its first effects has been to benefit the president's brother, Marvin.

Marvin P. Bush, one of George W. Bush's three younger brothers, is co-founder and partner in Winston Partners, a private investment firm in Alexandria, Va. Winston Partners in turn is part of a larger venture capital entity called the Chatterjee Group, headed by venture capitalist Purnendu Chatterjee. (Venture capital firms provide money to start-up businesses and other companies, usually in return for equity and some managerial say in the company.)

Through this and other business relationships, this Bush sibling is positioned to do very well in high-tech activities as a result of provisions of the Patriot Act.

Securities and Exchange Commission filings show that the Chatterjee Group consists of Winston Partners, L.P.; and a half-dozen other entities with addresses in the Cayman Islands, the Netherlands Antilles, the Isle of Man and Delaware.

Bush's partner is Scott Andrews, with whom he went to school. Winston Partners has two branches, hedge funds and private equity funds, engaged in a variety of investments, including global ``outsourcing'' and offshore information technology.

Letter avoids hedge fund concern
Update to investors ignores partner's sanction, sheds light on fund's recent showingRICK
ROTHACKERrrothacker [at]

When hedge fund Mangan & McColl Partners sent its regular update to investors this month, the firm left out a significant event: One of the partners had been sanctioned by regulators.Instead, the Jan. 19 letter stuck to a routine rundown on performance.
In December, firm partner John Mangan Jr. reached a $125,000 settlement with regulators over charges of improper trading of a private securities offering, stemming from actions in 2001 when he was with another firm. He also was barred from the brokerage industry.
The hedge fund, whose other partner is Hugh McColl III, son of the former Bank of America chief, has said the settlement will not limit its business. But it's unclear how investors have reacted to the sanctions.

Another suspect deal, another Bush brother in the mix

By ROBERT TRIGAUX, Times Business Columnist
© St. Petersburg Times
published January 3, 2003

The new year begs for a fresh start. But business accusations of international bribery, nefarious investors and a Bush brother awkwardly involved in a troubled company all have a too-familiar ring.

Here's the latest Robert Ludlum-style financial spat.

Former investors in South Florida's Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. recently filed a $60-million lawsuit accusing majority shareholders IAT Group and Palestinian chairman Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh of paying bribes to buy the banana and pineapple produce company in 1996 at a "ridiculously low price." The company denies wrongdoing.

Marvin Bush, the brother of President Bush and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, joined the board of directors of Fresh Del Monte in 1998, after the alleged events took place. Marvin Bush was re-elected to the company's board this year for a term ending in 2005, and served on the board's critically important audit and compensation committees.


USIVE TO WMR: Marvin Bush and his maid's death

First ,I am biased as regards this administration's offshore activities whether it be the rape of Iraq or the flow of herion from Afghanistan.I was defrauded by a U.S. penny stock boiler room working out of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai called or just Bellador Group. (Do a google search,'bellador group')

They used a Stanford patent promoted by frauds posing as legitimate researchers to rip me off and the corrupt Stanford University and Chris Heeschen and John Cooke made off like bandits from the fraud they aided and abetted. And what did Stanford U.give us in return ? Possibly the only fascist black woman in all of academia,Kindasleezy Rice.Fitting,that they also brought us the white supremacist and anti-free speech Nobel prize winner William Shockley as well.

There are reasons to believe the Dubai boiler room is
protected by our own government and believe it or not SRA International that trades on NYSE,so it is NOT a penny stock,has been recommended and thus promoted by Bellador Group in Dubai ! And,fact,SRA International is a CIA investment through its scammy penny stock operation called In-Q-Tel !! Furthermore it is the CIA'S source of daily briefings to our Resident in Chief at the White House and no doubt,part of,and probably a great part of, the NSA's internet spying and trolling machine that tracks us on the world wide internet ! In fact based upon its monopolistic contracts and corporate welfare it receives it should not be a public company trading and dumping its shares on the international markets at all.A real president would not want to get his 'WMD' briefings from a company also controled by unknown individuals manipulating its shares from onshore much less offshore in terrorist suspect money laundering countries !!
SRA International is a scam that should never have been allowed to go public and use its Beltway contracts to pupm and dump its shares.

In a sane society citizens would not be the enemies of the state,offshore boiler rooms like Bellador Group that is using unaudited and unregistered shares of U.S. securities in terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai or Saudi Arabi and UAE would be !! Instead W Bush,war 0,has
become the money launderers and terrorists best friend and thus he has allied himself against Ameica.Not the kind you want making decisions on national security and war.He has done more damage to our military than China,Russia or North Korea could have done working together !!

SRA International also developed Mantas,the supposed anti-money laundering arm of various brokers and bankers including Charles Schwab who has aided many illegal pump and dump frauds through LOM of Bermuda alone.Charles Schwab allowed Endovasc,Stanford University,and James Dale Davidson to deposit up to 30 million shares of worthless Endovasc shares into one Schwab account so the Beltway securities fraudster Davidson who also has Dubai and LOM connections to promote it with lies in his Agora Inc. 'Vantage Point' and illegally dump those shares through Schwab !!

In-Q-Tel's last CEO,Gilman Louie, left suddenly and his role in various penny stock pump and dump scams and who knows what else should still be investigated if only we had a government.The new CEO,Amit Yoran, who came to the Beltway by way of West Point and sold his government subsidised Riptech, Inc. internet security business, ,to Symantec was only recently our Homeland Securty 'cyber czar'.

SRA International also developed a spunoff to another
corrupt penny astock called SafeGuard Scientifics it Mants anti-money laundering or AML business while
Barry Landew who may have a gambling habit(best way to launder money)guaranteed it would retain its original employess selected by SRA International. Seems more a case of Beltway military-intrernet complex economic incest and spying to defraud us rather than protecting national security if you ask me.

I have sent direct email to In-Q-Tel and its new CEO Amrit Yoran and asked he just close In-Q-Tel down in light of known offshore stock fraud involved including allowing SRA International to be promoted or manipulated by Bellador Group of Dubai who may be involved with money laundering with U.S.penny stock shares themselves and the fact that SRA International that gets untold hundreds of millions of devalued U.S. dollars from our U.S government.For all intents and purposes a mafia has taken over our government and when an American speaks out we are met with either silence or threats and intimidation.

Bellador Group and its Brit CEO Mr.Taylor et al. is still in business thanks to our incompetent and corrupt SEC or those in the W Busholini administration who control it and I suspect that aside from an illegal pump and dump operation from a Charles Schwab account,money laundering was involved in these terrorist suspect money laundering regions.Who does this benefit that our government sides with them rather than me,the defrauded American.

Florida's 9/11 Terrorist Flight School linked to Jeb Bush

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Israeli President Katzav touts penny stock scam for
British-Israeli penny stock con artist Michael Zwebner

CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

pdf file :Schwab letter and Endovasc's 'shareholder agreement' to
deposit 'up to 30 million shares in ONE FRAUDULENT Schwab pump and
dump account ! :

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