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Calphine Energy Corporation intent to pollute Medicine Lake Highlands.

by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]
Calphine Energy Corporation refuses to pay heed to the First People and more to reason to butt out of the area know as Medicine Lake Highlands. We have met with the authorities and have explained to them that this is not about money and greed but about respect for Mother Earth. Again and again some greedy corporation such as the Calphine Energy Corporation will not pay heed but this time we will gather in force and fight this war - one battle at a time.

The First People and those that respect the Medicine Lake Highlands have tried their best to explain to the Calphine Energy Corporation and the various agencies that are out to give this greedy corporation the required permits that Calphine Energy Corporation should butt out of the Medicine Lake Highlands and stop the plans to construct a geothermal power plant.

Again and again some greedy entities fail to understand that the rape of the land, the water and the pollution of the air is not the right of thieves that stole the land. Few remember that the 18 treaties signed by the United States government and the First People of the surrounding land were not ratified.

Fewer people remember that up until 1924 many Whites killed the First People and fetched money for a scalp. As little as $5. Whites used rape and the worst crimes any human being could carry on including buring women and children and entire villages to steal the land.

The California Governors for decades issued edicts that encouraged Whites to grab the land that belonged to the First People and stole the land.

Again and again the respect given to Mother Earth by the First People for thousands of years was nullifed by Whites. Within 200 years much of the area around Medicine Lake Highlands was polluted and vast areas destroyed with the mining of Mercury and other resources - all in the name of greed.

A Geothermal Power Plant will trigger earthquakes and will pollute the air, the land, and the water. This will adversely impact the First People of the area and the other folks that live in the area. In the many hearing this has been explained to the permit authorities but no one want to listen to the truth.

Any detail Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will reveal the facts. In this case it is not about an EIR only - it is about Spirituality.

The Medicine Lake Highlands are Sacred Lands. Whites fail to understand this and will in the name of the dollar and greed defile the Sacred Values that only certain human beings understand. These chosen people understand this fact because they have gone through the fire.

The time has come to stand united - every child, woman, and man and fight the Calphine Energhy Corporation.

Today, in San Jose the protest was simple but very powerful. It was peaceful and yet the message sent was direct. We will not sit down and take insult after insult heaped on us - just because in the past we did it.

In the year 2006 we still have not learned that entities like Calphine Energy Corporation adversely impact millions by polluting the air, the water and the land. Very few take a stand to protest but as time goes on this battle will signal the world to stand united for our common good. Quality of Life issues are being compromised by thugs that have no respect for Mother Earth.

Thank you to the protestors that came from far away places you all have done Mother Earth - proud.

Butt off Medicine Lake Highlands now - time is running out. Calphine Energy Corporation - you have failed us before and you will fail in the future. You are not to be TRUSTED.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]

Medicine Lake Highlands and adverse impacts by Caphine Power Energy:

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