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Environmental + Anarchist witch-hunt under way, a very coherent summary

by my name is ruth (re-post)
Environmentalist Witch-Hunt Underway. (Hopefully) Coherent Summary.
author: my name is ruth
Fight the Corporate Media Spin. This summary was written to help spread the word to family, friends, progressively minded comrades about the Green Witch Hunt currently underway. So get to it - spread the word
Environmental Witch-Hunt Under Way!

Re-posted by deanosor who is responsible for the changed title
In Germany, they first came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Catholic. Then they came for me -- and by that time there was nobody left to speak up.
-Martin Niemoller

The environmental community is under attack. Speak up before they come for you...

In 2002 a federal jury found the FBI and the Oakland Police guilty of violating Judi Bari and Daryl Cherney's first amendment rights by framing them as terrorists following an assassination attempt made on Bari and Cherney in order to discredit Earth First! Right now environmentalists across the country are being swept up in an eco-activist witch-hunt that many suspect is similarly designed to discredit the environmental movement.

On January 20, 2006 11 individuals (a 12th died in custody) were indicted on 65 charges addressing almost every unsolved act of earth liberation vandalism, including the infamous arson of the proposed ski resort in Vail, Colorado. The bells and whistles' announcement of these indictments by Attorney General Gonzales corresponded almost simultaneously with the start of unofficial congressional hearings on the Bush administration's illegal wiretapping program. Some have suggested that this timing may not be coincidence combining wide-spread discrediting of the environmental movement with a distraction from the Bush administration's own unlawful surveillance of United States' citizens.

Of the individuals in custody, almost all have publicly proclaimed innocence. Some have very openly stated that they have no affiliation with the ELF or any like organization. We very possibly have many individuals facing decades in prison for crimes of vandalism they didn't commit. This is not the time to be silent. What happened to Judi Bari and Daryl Cherney could happen again, and this time under the increased public hysteria over "terrorism."

Nor are these individuals alone. The FBI and the Bush administration seems to believe if they can successfully label an individual as a "terrorist" they can prosecute them for protected free speech, crimes that were not even committed, and put innocent people in jail (for questionable recent convictions look up Lynne Stewart, Sherman Austin, and Rod Coranado's December 2nd, 2005 conviction).

In these times, we desperately need to remember 3 things:

1) Innocent Until Proven Guilty
2) Free Speech is Not Terrorism
3) Vandalism is Not Terrorism

The only apparent evidence the government has against those indicted are the statements of two people - a police informant former friends believe to be a heroin addict offering information either to avoid a long jail sentence on unrelated charges or in return for government payment, and Stanislas Meyerhoff , an arrestee turned snitch "cooperating" to reduce the time he might serve if convicted based on the testimony of the informant. Meanwhile, how many innocent people are being swept into this FBI net?

Those facing charges include:

• Daniel McGowan, an unjustly arrested environmental and social justice activist from New York. Daniel has been an active member of the community, working on diverse projects such as the demonstrations against the Republican National Convention, Really Really Free Markets, and supporting political prisoners such as Jeff "Free" Luers and others. Daniel was a graduate student earning a Master's degree in acupuncture and working at Women's Law, a nonprofit group that helps women in domestic abuse situations navigate the legal system. See:
• Chelsea Dan Gerlach, a peaceful environmentalist who has lived almost her entire her life in Oregon. At the time of her arrest she worked as a talented DJ in demand in the Portland area. As Chelsea's sister states, "The person we know and love is incapable of such acts and we have absolutely no reason to believe in her criminal involvement in these cases." See:
• Darren Todd Thurston, a well-known Canadian activist who is deeply concerned about his ability to receive fair treatment as a Canadian being held on US soil. See:
• Jonathan Paul, a long-time environmental and animal rights activist who helped co-found America's Whale Alliance and Ocean Defense International.
• Suzanne Savoie, an environmental activist who has been helping to organize a campaign to preserve the Bald Lick roadless area on Oregon's Black Mountain. Suzanne's support group can be reached via friendsofsuzannesavoie [at]
• Kevin Tubbs: See
• Joseph Dibee: Joseph is not currently in custody.
• Josephine Overaker: Josephine is not currently in custody.
• Rebecca Rubin: Rebecca is not currently in custody.
• Sarah Kendall Harvey, currently out on bail. She has requested that she receive no prisoner support.
• Stanislas Meyerhoff, who according to the Associated Press is now cooperating with the authorities as a snitch.

Bill Rodgers remains an unindicted co-conspirator after dying in custody through an apparent suicide. Bill was a well known Arizona community activist who ran the Catalyst info-shop out of his home.

Their indictments resulted in part from the Grand Juries with which the FBI has been harassing environmental activists across the Pacific Northwest with for quite some time. Grand Juries are at odds with the professed American vision of a fair judicial system. The defendant is not represented by counsel, does not have the right to call witnesses, and consequently cannot present a defense. In contrast, the prosecutor presents any and all evidence (verified or not) and coerces testimony during secret hearings whose records are closed to the public. As Judge Sol Wachtler, the former Chief Judge of New York State, stated, "A grand jury would indict a ham sandwich." Even more worrisome, many prosecutors use Grand Juries as a fishing expedition to coerce witnesses to providing information linked to unlawful surveillance and harassment of progressive organizations. Those who refuse to answer even irrelevant questions can and have been sentenced to six months in prison.

Right now, you can support the prisoners individually through their support groups and websites. Many are requesting letters and books. Spread the word not to blindly believe the media or prosecuting attorneys (whose job it is to make these individuals look guilty). Those charged are innocent unless (and perhaps even if) proven guilty. Demand a fair trial. Help start local groups in your area to spread the word about grand juries, patriot act abuses, and those facing political repression.

It is also important to remember that this is not the time to romanticize these individuals who are proclaiming their innocence as "revolutionaries who sacrificed it all for the cause." Possibly innocent individuals are facing up to life in prison and their plight should be no one's platform for the morality or immorality of political vandalism. Rather, we need to focus on ensuring these individuals receive fair trials in the midst of 9/11 McCarthyism, and remind everyone of the little evidence indicating their guilt.

Remember Martin Niemoller. This could be you! When the Bush administration comes for the peace activists, where will you be? When the Bush administration comes for the labor movement, where will you be? When the Bush administration comes for progressively-minded individuals, where will you be? And who will be left to stand up for you?

Another Important Case We Should Keep An Eye On:
The SHAC 7 ( begin trial on Feb 6th in Trenton NJ facing an aggregate 23 years in prison for what should be protected free speech. They are alleged to have operated a website that reported on and expressed ideological support for protest activity against Huntingdon and its business affiliates. For this they are charged with "terrorism" under the controversial Federal Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. The Bush administration started this renewed attack on civil liberties with the animal rights movement hoping they would be marginalized even within progressive movements. This case will produce a dangerous precedent resulting in the government's ability to successfully persecute more mainstream progressive organizations and organizers.
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by PI
"I think they are the biggest ELF cell ever," said one of the sources of those named in the indictment. "They did UW, they did Vail," the source said, referring to a 1998 arson at a Vail, Colo., ski resort.

The cell, which the indictment says called itself "The Family," is also accused of "......

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Three accused in 2001 torching at UW
FBI working on pinpointing who carried out attack


A federal indictment unsealed Friday accused three reputed members of the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front of being involved in the firebombing of the University of Washington's Urban Horticulture Center in May 2001.

All three were arrested by federal agents in a series of raids around the nation on Dec. 7 but were not accused of the UW firebombing until indicted by a federal grand jury in Eugene, Ore. The 65-count indictment charges 11 people, including one Seattle man, with conspiring to commit arson in 17 locations in five states. Two of the fires were at the UW horticultural center and a government laboratory in Olympia.

Accused of involvement with the torching of the Urban Horticulture Center -- and destroying years of botanical research, forcing the UW to spend $7 million to rebuild the facility -- are Stanislas Meyerhoff, a Charlottesville, Va., man also known as "Country Boy," and William Rodgers of Prescott, Ariz. Chelsea Gerlach, a Portland woman also known as "Country Girl," is accused of having conducted reconnaissance of the center before the firebombing. Meyerhoff, 28, and Gerlach, 28, are both in custody. Rodgers, who was named as an unindicted co-conspirator, committed suicide in an Arizona county jail shortly after his arrest last month.

FBI agents, who worked closely with investigators from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms after the UW arson, are in the midst of an intense effort to pinpoint who was responsible for carrying out the firebombing. That is unlikely to be Meyerhoff. On the day of the arson, he is accused of having placed a time-delayed firebomb at a tree farm in Oregon. Once agents discover who set the UW fire, an indictment is likely to be returned in U.S. District Court in Seattle, according to two federal criminal justice sources.

"I think they are the biggest ELF cell ever," said one of the sources of those named in the indictment. "They did UW, they did Vail," the source said, referring to a 1998 arson at a Vail, Colo., ski resort.

The cell, which the indictment says called itself "The Family," is also accused of the June 1998 arson of a U.S. Department of Agriculture lab in Olympia. Rodgers and Kevin Tubbs, according to the indictment, put 5-gallon buckets filled with fuel around the lab and ignited them by hand.

The indictment also accused Josephine Sunshine Overaker and Joseph Dibee of involvement in the lab fire. Overaker fled to Europe after 2001, according to the federal agents who are searching for her. Dibee, 38, of Seattle, is also a fugitive and is believed to have left the United States after federal agents contacted him on Dec. 11.

But one source said that the dismantling of the cell does not spell the end of the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front.

"I think this group (cell) went out of business in 2001," said the source. Federal law enforcement began turning the heat on that year. Federal grand juries in 2001 started calling in several known activists on the fringes of the environmental and animal-rights movements to testify about arsons.

Since then, there have been several less ambitious attacks primarily against new homes being built in Snohomish County, the Issaquah-Sammamish area and, just last week, on Camano Island. Asked about those attacks, the source said the sabotage and security techniques used were considerably less sophisticated than those allegedly employed by the people indicted this week.

Also named in Friday's indictment was Jonathan Paul, a 39-year-old Oregonian, who was arrested Tuesday on arson charges and accused of torching a horse-meat packing plant in Redmond, Ore., in 1997.

Paul and Dibee were deeply enmeshed in 1999 in efforts to sabotage a whale hunt by the Makah Tribe on Washington's Olympic Coast. Both men were involved with the Sea Defense Alliance, a group that operated a small, inflatable boat and repeatedly tried to scuttle the hunt by getting between tribal members and the whale.

At one point, there was an apparent falling out between Dibee and Paul. Messages on an anti-whaling Web site discuss an apparent power struggle over control of the Sea Defense Alliance that pitted Paul and allies such as Seattle resident Josh Harper against Dibee and two other men. Harper is facing trial in New Jersey, accused of using illegal methods in an attempt to shut down a company that uses animals for medical and consumer-product testing.

Attempts Friday to reach Dibee's father, Khalil Dibee, a retired Seattle University professor, failed. Public records show that Joseph Dibee owns property in Kenmore, Anacortes and Fall City.
by shepherd
by sea shepherd
by If they want terrorists....
If the Feds are so worried about domestic terrorism, where are the dragnets related to all those unsolved abortion clinic bombings?

That alone inherently proves the political nature of these persecutions disguised as prosecutions.
by James Stein
The government claims eco-terrorism (eco-vandalism) is a top priority for the nation. Please compare this with the figures from abortion clinic attacks. You can get all the stats you need to see the hundreds of violent attacks that have happened and the many deaths. Christian terrorism is a significantly greater threat than eco-vandalism, see the numbers for yourself now:

The reality is that eco-vandalism has been made to be greater a threat than it is and a political issue. If law enforcement was pursuing threats according to threat levels, then christian terrorism would be a greater priority.
by TW
The explanation for the dichotomy is that the multiple killings and bombings aimed at abortion clinics are coming from right-wing extremists whose agenda (destroying liberalism) the corporate/fascist state is pretty comfortable with, while "eco-terrorism (booga-booga!)" is a direct threat to those same interests. This is not a new story. Our government and media were subverted by fascist billionaires back in the '50s. People are just now beginning to understand this because under Bush II the symptoms have become blatant, but the real power struggle concluded in November '63 when Kennedy got his brains strewn all over the presidential limousine. All that's going on now is the fascist regime is getting really bold because it's sure Americans are too deluded and powerless to stop them
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