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Indybay Feature

U.S. gov't uses 'Bait-N-Switch' trick to charge Padilla

by DLi
3 years ago, with great fanfare & sycophantic coverage by corporate media, U.S. gov't dramatized the arrest of Jose Padilla & labeled him an 'enemy combatant.' He was alleged to be planning to set off a 'dirty bomb' to kill U.S. citizens and also was said to conspire to blow up an apartment building in NYC. Yesterday, the Feds changed their tune completely when they charged Padilla with planning to kill & maim people overseas!
Highlighting the Bush regime's lack of evidence, torture apologist Alberto Gonzales refused to comment when asked why the earlier allegations were dropped. Hiding under the scam claim of 'national security,' the 'Justice' Dept. refused to reveal its evidence against Padilla(most likely it did NOT have any reliable evidence--other than 2nd or 3rd hand hearsay--to be presented in a court of law).

So, instead, the NeoCon cabal resorted back to the classic 'Bait-N-Switch tactic, charging Padilla with a completely different crime. Even worse, it was obvious that the Feds only made the latest charges in order to avoid having the Supreme Court's upcoming ruling on the illegality of holding 'suspects' indefinitely & without legal representation--under the creative label of 'enemy combatant.'
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