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Why Bill O'Reilly Hates San Francisco

by Todd Chretien via Beyond Chron (reposted)
Last week, Fox News' "No Spin Zone" host Bill O'Reilly went on air to say, "Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead. And if al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."
On Monday I appeared on O'Reilly's show. Predictably, he tried to pass off his comments as "satire." I told him that the people of San Francisco don't think the war in Iraq is a laughing matter, and that's why they voted by 60% to oppose military recruiters in our public schools. San Franciscans want our troops home now and don't want to replace them with more of our young people to kill and be killed in Iraq. Curiously, O'Reilly insisted military recruiters had nothing to do with the war in Iraq. When I asked him where he thought the young people who joined the military went, he started to bluster.

O'Reilly is nervous because calling on Al Qaeda to blow up a monument to fire fighters (Coit Tower) is over the top. No doubt, if a professor at any campus in the country said something like this, O'Reilly would be calling for his or her job.

But O'Reilly has been exposed as a hypocrite before. What's got him frightened this time is that polls show that the majority of people in the country do not agree with him when it comes to Iraq. Instead, most of the country agrees with the people of San Francisco. Even Senator Bill Frist is now calling on President Bush to report to Congress on his plans for getting out of Iraq* someday, at least. O'Reilly is in a shrinking minority. And bullies are always uncomfortable when the odds turn against them.

O'Reilly's Al Qaeda fantasies all by themselves are not that interesting. However, I believe that he is the canary in the coalmine of the Conservative Right. Scooter Libby is under indictment, Frist and Tom DeLay are in legal hot water, and the prosecutor's sword is hanging over Karl Rove's head. Both President Bush and Gov. Schwarzenegger's approval ratings are so low that they had to fly 6,000 miles away to Asia to get some good press. O'Reilly's heroes have had it their way for the past four years, and, while it's been good for his ratings, it's been bad for most of the American people. The Conservative Juggernaut is beginning to creak at the seams.

Unfortunately, the Democratic Party leadership seems content to sit by and watch as Bush and Co. to do as much damage as possible in the time they have left. But those of us who believe that the People of this country, and not the politicians, have always had to fight to expand our rights, from the Bill of Rights, to Abolition, to Suffrage to Civil Rights, ought not be so passive.

Towards the end of O'Reilly's show, he began ranting that he wouldn't back down from his comments about San Francisco. He took a swing at San Francisco because he believes we won't swing back. He's wrong.

I challenged him to come here and participate in a 60 minute, public debate, moderated by a neutral chairperson, to discuss two questions: should the United States withdraw our troops from Iraq and should military recruiters be allowed in our public schools. So now the ball is in his court.

Bill, either put your money where your mouth is and come to San Francisco for a fair debate. Or, as you so eloquently put it to guests on your show who get the better of you, shut up.

Todd Chretien was one of the authors of Proposition I, the College Not Combat initiative.

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by I love it--put your money where your mouth is
I love it, "put your money where your mouth is" Bill-piece-of shit-O'Dumbya is a typical right wing coward who has been exposed for his lies/misinformation and inability to support his assertions multiple could this time be any different.
by Dabourge
It's hard for me to believe that you guys, who call yourself Americans, would ban military recruiters from your high schools. I completely understand your problems with Iraqi, I didn't think it was the best strategic move at the time, and I still don't. Now that we're there, however, I think it would be a terrible strategy for us to leave because it will just incite more attacks against us because these terrorist will perceive it as a weakness. But that's beyond the scope of why I am writing. I can't believe that this city would show such blatant disregard for our military. The men and women over there are fighting for us, even if you disagree with the role of our country in this war, take it out on the politicians, not the military. Your going about this the wrong way and your image is being severely tarnished in eyes of the rest of the country. If you want to protest the war then protest it and I'll support your right to do so even if I do disagree. But an act so cowardly as to ban military recruiters is reproachable and I'm ashamed of the city of San Francisco.
by from CNN
CARLSON: You're going to be on the National Mall [in Washington, D.C.] soon performing for Pepsi and the NFL and also to support our troops. A lot of entertainers have come out against the war in Iraq. Have you?

SPEARS: Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision he makes and should just support that, you know, and be faithful in what happens.

CARLSON: Do you trust this president?

SPEARS: Yes, I do.

CARLSON: Excellent.
by stupid or lying?
The biggest question of the day is are they stupid or lying? Many prefer to think "stupid" but that's highly doubtful.
by yup
Stupid is too innocent, and that they definitely ain't
by interpret this one - i'll translate
<<<<<<Now that we're there, however, I think it would be a terrible strategy for us to leave because it will just incite more attacks against us because these terrorist (sic) will perceive it as a weakness.>>>>>>

2000++ americans have needlessly died, 16,000 brutally injured (for life), more than 100,000 innocent iraqis are dead, their country is rendered uninhabitable with depleted uranium and will continue to be for the next 4.5 billion years, we invaded to steal their oil to run our greenhouse gas producing SUVs, which will eventually cause death and destruction world wide - literally hundreds of millions will die in the coming decades - mostly the poor. since the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere now will take 50 to 100 years to eliminate even if we STOPPED ALL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS THIS VERY DAY..........

thus, best strategy would be to continue.

by Me Again
I want to preface what I’m about to say by making it known that I’m not writing to belittle anyone or their ideas. I’m very concerned with understanding an opposing point of view only so that there can be some since of dialogue between different perceptions. What I still don’t grasp is the fact that this city decided to pull military recruiters from their high schools. While I can understand opposing the Iraqi War and protesting against it, disrespecting the military is not the way to go about making your point. Saying to this country that the military is not a worthy pursuit does constitute a slap in the face of these brave men and women. It is not the military’s fault that this war has been waged. I clearly remember that the individuals that keep killing our soldiers could care less who they kill as long as they are a Westener (or anyone who supplies any assistance to the West or Western ideals.) Once again, I’m not claiming the Western paradigm is better than other views, but I am claiming that we, in the United States, need to be protected from those who would try to kill us. The terrorists killing us in Iraqi would just as soon be killing us in Houston, New Orleans, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, or Chicago. Do you believe it is a fallacy to try to prevent this from happening? I would prefer not to live like the people of Israel and Palestine, who must constantly consider that a bomb may detonate while going to school, or shopping, or worshipping. I want to once again reiterate that I’m writing not to incite, but to understand. Thanks for taking the time to read these thoughts and questions.
by to &quot;ME again&quot;
Here's a response:
Your quote: "disrespecting the military is not the way to go about making your point."
This is not about respecting the military, it is about respecting the children. The military has a well documented history of predatorial and deceptive practices in regards to recruitment. It is absurd that education dollars should be tied to this. If young people are interested, they can go seek this out--outside of school.

Your quote: "these brave men and women.."
That is debatable. Many men and women in the military are there because of opportunity (opportunity that they didn't have otherwise) and weren't hoping to have to commit murder in the name of Bush administration lies/propaganda/aquisition of power.

Your quote: "but I am claiming that we, in the United States, need to be protected from those who would try to kill us. The terrorists killing us in Iraqi would just as soon be killing us in Houston, New Orleans, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, or Chicago."

Oh boy, where do I begin? This is regurgitation of Bush propaganda at its best. Iraq was not a threat--even remotely. Suicide bombings were unheard of before the US aggression/invasion/occupation. Most of the resistance in Iraq consists of Iraqis--there are some foreign fighters there, yes---but make no mistake--the biggest presence of foreign fighters in Iraq is the US.

And Bill O' Reilly is a complete lunatic, a joke amongst anyone who checks the facts---I'd be glad to direct you to numerous sites that smash his many lies and false claims to smithereens.....
Don't believe everything you hear on Fox news.....
by Impaler
I was in Army ROTC at USF, does the bill stop students from joining ROTC, and if not are they allowed to still give scholarships? I served in the Military, as did my forefathers since the 1670's. But i think O'Rielly's point is I would not defend the City at all, those days are over, I run my own media company, and am a former editor of the San Francisco Republican Newspaper, ( Small Circulation) even in the 80's.
now SF has banned Guns, banned the Military, the SF episode on COPS was really funny because the DA let everyone arrested on the show go, ( declined to press charges) so O'Rielly's comments offened some....

Having grown up in the Bay Area, there is nothing left to defend..... is there? just a question.

So Sayeth the Impaler!
by Impaler
As stated in another post I am a bay area native, and attended USF and their ARMY ROTC program, I am a combat expert in MOUT - Military Operations Urban Terrain, and I would not except such an offer, and I am not a coward by any measure. But Bill O'Really or anyone else that has an opposing view, would be attacked in the City, and possibly terminated.... so DON'T BE SILLY TODD. Oh and by the way even though I still have family in SF, I wouldn't lift a finger to help save anyone in the fair city. nothing personal, but I don't belive SF is worth saving....P.S. I may have been gone for a while but what happened to Treasure Island, is it not military anymore? Just curious.

So Sayeth the Impaler!
(still love the top of the mark)
by Here's the impaler
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