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Cindy Sheehan speaks about Iraq war, Powell at De Anza

by La voz (reposted)
When asked what one thing she would say to Colin Powell tonight, Cindy Sheehan replied that she would ask, "When are you going to show some integrity and expose the lies?" The anti-war activist spoke at De Anza College this afternoon as part of the Voices of Camp Casey and the Crawford Peace Movement presentation.
Sheehan and other speakers were part of the "Camp Casey" protest in Texas last summer. The camp was named after Sheehan's son Casey Sheehan, killed in Iraq in April 2004.

Sheehan's appearance was part of the three days of protest planned by students, faculty and community members in response to speeches scheduled tonight through Friday by Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State. Powell will speak at De Anza's Flint Center over three nights as a part of the Celebrity Forum Series.

During her speech, Sheehan referred to Powell as an "ex-military killer," and said, "Some of us are covered in blood, and Colin Powell is one of those people."

She said Powell was a highly respected figure, and war in Iraq might have been averted if Powell had spoken against it or resigned in protest. She called Powell's endorsement of military action in Iraq "the final nail in my son's coffin."

She said people should stop military recruitment on school campuses. Casey Sheehan attended Solano Community College in Fairfield, California. He joined the military after a campus recruiter talked him into it. He was 21.

She laughed as she talked about when she was asked if she really called President Bush a "lying bastard." She said someone who tells lies is a liar. "It might not be politically correct to say that, but who cares," Sheehan said. "I'm not running for anything."

During her speech, Sheehan said she plans to return to Crawford, Texas this Thanksgiving, and said that George and Laura Bush are invited. "Laura can bring the turkey," she said, followed by laughter from the audience.

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by tim
Cindy Sheehan ought to be running for something, she ought to run to be president of the U.S.A on a peoples independant ticket and against the Pro-war faction of the U.S. ruling class. It is time to put some meaning into democracy and womans liberation once again. Return the troops of the U.S. from all the countries they have invaded. That is over one hundred countries now, which shows just how far the neo-cons and the Bush administration has gone to Build the New U.S. Empire. The numbers of killed, burned, destroyed and terrorised, is in the tens of millions since the fifties. It makes me wonder if they really believed in free entrerprise, when will they start practicing it. Shehans anti-war stance is really a call by the majority for economic justice at home and abroad. Without an anti-war foreign and homerule policy all the worst will happen and that the Bush administration has determined that the worst is inevitable for down home Americans. Change in direction is needed and so is the first woman president in U.S. Herstory.
by Oh, shut up Steve, you're a coward
Are you still crying about the election??? BWAAHAHAHAHAH!
Poor stevie.... You are a typical, irrelevant coward troll. When you gain the knowledge and skills to engage in a coherent debate where you actually support your assertions without running the second your shallow argument is refuted, then maybe things will change. So far you have proven yourself to be a joke here and you will continue to be laughed at and deleted.
You're dismissed.
by CindySheehanLiedaboutNightlineEmail
Cindy Sheehan has lied (in not having the courage to stand by what she had so accurately written in the 'Nightline' email about Bill Kristol's PNAC Neocon cabal) and comes across as a hypocrite as a result:

JINSA/CSP/PNAC Neocons moving for swift action against Syria (for Israel) in accordance with their long desired 'A Clean Break' agenda...

Even Cindy Sheehan mentioned that her son died for a PNAC Neocon agenda to benefit Israel (even if she is disingenuously denying it now) as one can scroll down to the 'Rhetoric' paragraph of the following URL for more:
by Tia
"Using her dead son as a tool to bash the Bush administration is disgusting, as her own family has stated"

Wrong. She can say whatever she wants about her son. She is *his* mother. If continually pointing out that her son's death was for a lie makes people pissed off and uneasy that is THEIR problem.
As for members of her family not agreeing with her talking about Casey, well boo fucking hoo. They can get over it.
They were not Casey's mother.
Do you know how funny it is to see Cindy get all of you little neo's riled up? It is DAMN funny.
If "using" her son's senseless untimely death to stop a war and bring peace to our nation is what it is going to take, then so be it. You will have to deal with the 1st Ammendment and suck it up.
by TW
My hat's off
by Heil Mary
Cindy risked her life and health giving birth to her son. Bush thanked her by trashing Casey for Halliburton profits and to squelch Bush Nazi war crime and pedophile blackmail by Israel (my Jewish ex-boyfriend ran into Neil Bush at a Bangkok child brothel). The U.S., Israel, and the pedophile-serving Vatican wouldn't be in this planet-ruining death dance against competing, growing nations if the U.S. media exposed Bush/Dulles/Ford/Rockefeller/Vatican treasonous support of the antiabortion Nazis who exploited pro-slavery, pro-dead mothers, pro-pedophelia Catholicism to arrest Jews for "communist baby killing". The future Paul VI knowingly funded the gruesome slaughter of a half million "infidel abortionist" Christian Orthodox Serbs by Catholic Nazi Croatian Utashis in 1942, then turned all of Europe's convents and monasteries into Nazi bed and breakfast hideouts until Cardinal Spellman, the Dulles brothers, the Bushes, and the CIA could smuggle 10,000 war criminals to North America to revive their pro-slavery, anti-safe motherhood pedophilocracy. These Nazis and their progeny joined the military industrial complex and the GOP to get out the useful fool broodmare vote of "prolifers" who breed fresh cannon fodder and molestable altar boys. Connect the dots, people!--birth control spoils the fun and profits of warmongers and false prophet pedophilemongers like the pro-war antiabortion GOP and Catholic fascist Tom Monaghan's evil Ave Maria empire. If peace- and fair wage-mongers are serious, they should stage a global birth strike, not unlike Lysistrata. Why should women risk smelly, deadly bladder and bowel childbirth tears (fistulas), eclampsia, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, paralysis, chest and face cancer, MS, etc., just so Cheney and Pope Pedophile can have fresh meat?? Hollywood should turn "Unholy Trinity" and "The Secret War Against the Jews" by Nazi hunters John Loftus and Marc Aarons into a movie series so Americans, Europeans, Russians, Africans, Middle Easterners, and Far Easterners can understand and OVERTHROW the greedy pedophile corporatist theocrats who've raped and poisoned continents for centuries. If there are no new children for the next 5-20 years, there can be no new recruits, altar boys, child sex and sweatshop workers, or pharmaceutical guinea pigs. Don't worry about elite "pro-life" Repugs outpopulating: they abuse their own wives and kids--why do you think scorned Sharon Bush and I vote Democratic??
by Heil Mary
Cindy risked her life and health giving birth to her son. Bush thanked her by trashing Casey for Halliburton profits and to squelch Bush Nazi war crime and pedophile blackmail by Israel (my Jewish ex-boyfriend ran into Neil Bush at a Bangkok child brothel). The U.S., Israel, and the pedophile-serving Vatican wouldn't be in this planet-ruining death dance against competing, growing nations if the U.S. media exposed Bush/Dulles/Ford/Rockefeller/Vatican treasonous support of the antiabortion Nazis who exploited pro-slavery, pro-dead mothers, pro-pedophelia Catholicism to arrest Jews for "communist baby killing". The future Paul VI knowingly funded the gruesome slaughter of a half million "infidel abortionist" Christian Orthodox Serbs by Catholic Nazi Croatian Utashis in 1942, then turned all of Europe's convents and monasteries into Nazi bed and breakfast hideouts until Cardinal Spellman, the Dulles brothers, the Bushes, and the CIA could smuggle 10,000 war criminals to North America to revive their pro-slavery, anti-safe motherhood pedophilocracy. These Nazis and their progeny joined the military industrial complex and the GOP to get out the useful fool broodmare vote of "prolifers" who breed fresh cannon fodder and molestable altar boys. Connect the dots, people!--birth control spoils the fun and profits of warmongers and false prophet pedophilemongers like the pro-war antiabortion GOP and Catholic fascist Tom Monaghan's evil Ave Maria empire. If peace- and fair wage-mongers are serious, they should stage a global birth strike, not unlike Lysistrata. Why should women risk smelly, deadly bladder and bowel childbirth tears (fistulas), eclampsia, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, paralysis, chest and face cancer, MS, etc., just so Cheney and Pope Pedophile can have fresh meat?? Hollywood should turn "Unholy Trinity" and "The Secret War Against the Jews" by Nazi hunters John Loftus and Marc Aarons into a movie series so Americans, Europeans, Russians, Africans, Middle Easterners, and Far Easterners can understand and OVERTHROW the greedy pedophile corporatist theocrats who've raped and poisoned continents for centuries. If there are no new children for the next 5-20 years, there can be no new recruits, altar boys, child sex and sweatshop workers, or pharmaceutical guinea pigs. Don't worry about elite "pro-life" Repugs outpopulating: they abuse their own wives and kids--why do you think scorned Sharon Bush and I vote Democratic??
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