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One year on, Arafat immutable Palestinian icon

by Middle East Online
Mideast peace process has made little progress despite iconic strongman’s death.
By Ezzedine Said - RAMALLAH, West Bank

One year after his death, Yasser Arafat remains the ultimate symbol of the Palestinian struggle for independence and his absence has done nothing to hasten the advent of their longed-for state.

For days, Palestinian officials have busied themselves with preparations for commemorations to mark Friday's first anniversary of the 75-year-old Arafat's death in a Paris hospital.

His successor, Mahmud Abbas, will preside over a memorial ceremony at Arafat's tomb in the Palestinian Authority headquarters in Ramallah.

The foundation stone of a new Arafat museum-mosque-mausoleum complex will be laid, Friday prayers delivered and a rally organised to honour the leader whom millions of Palestinians knew simply as Abu Ammar.

In the 12 months since his passing, visitors have continued to pay their respects at the grave of one of the Middle East's most iconic strongmen of the 20th century.

His tomb is guarded round the clock by four Palestinian security officers. A Palestinian flag flutters in the autumnal breeze.

A picture of a grinning Arafat, his trademark headscarf in place, making the V for victory sign with the Al-Aqsa Mosque of occupied east Jerusalem in the background, hangs alongside the provisional mausoleum.

"Abu Ammar remains the symbol of the Palestinian cause and our struggle for freedom," declares Nabil Abu Rudeina, one of Arafat's closest advisors and today Abbas's official spokesman.

Sitting in his office in the Muqataa, just metres from the tomb, Abu Rudeina called Arafat a "historic figure whose memory will remain immemorial".

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A recent poll revealed that the majority of Palestinians, some 74%, continue to miss the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat a full year since his death, while some 61% of Palestinians support current President Mahmoud Abbas.

The poll, conducted by Dr. Nabil Kukali and the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO), interviewed 825 adult Palestinians for the study.

"The most important finding the poll has disclosed is that the majority of the Palestinians feel the position of late president Yasser Arafat is still firm in their intuition," Dr. Kukali said, according to WAFA.

According to poll results, some 70% of Palestinians did not support the recent Hadera bombing which killed six Israelis, though the number of Palestinians who supported the current period of "calm," fell by 17%.

Some 60% of Palestinians, however, remain in favor of the renewal of the calm period with Israel set to expire at the end of 2005.

Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of the Palestinians confirmed that they would entrust the European Community to control the borders between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
by Haaretz (reposted)
The vacuum that former Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat left in the Palestinian leadership has not been filled, but Arafat's heritage is stronger today than it was a year ago, Palestinian Foreign Minister Nasser al-Kidwa said yesterday.

In an interview marking the first anniversary of Arafat's death based on the Muslim calendar, al-Kidwa said Israel is consistently and relentlessly eliminating the option of two states living side by side.

"Israel will not be able to evade the legal implications of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) about the separation fence even in 100 years," he said.

The issue of Arafat's death will remain an open case until clear evidence of its cause is found, al-Kidwa said. He added that Arafat left no political or family will.

No ceremonies marking the anniversary of Arafat's death are being held in West Bank villages, towns and refugee camps.

Haaretz: Has the Palestinian leader been forgotten?

al-Kidwa: "I don't think people have forgotten. To the contrary, the simple man is aware of the political vacuum Arafat has left behind and of the importance of his heritage. But there is a general sense of tiredness, and people are busy with everyday problems. The failure to organize commemoration ceremonies is like other failures in the Palestinian Authority. He never became a burden - that's a typical Israeli misconception based on Israel's approach to a settlement with the Palestinians. Sharon didn't want a settlement, and therefore Arafat became an enemy and an obstacle after he had negotiated with Rabin and had been a friend."

A Palestinian state is nowhere in sight. Bush said he doesn't know if it will be established during his term in office. The fence is being completed. Jerusalem is being cut off from the West Bank and marking Israel's borders, while you are not getting your rights. It's hard to say that you gained anything by diplomacy in the past year.

"Israel is rapidly closing the window of opportunity for two states. It is close to forming a binational state. Today the situation is very similar to the one in Yasser Arafat's era, and things depend on Israel much more than they depend on us. The unilateral separation is a strategic failure. It's nonsense to think you can separate yourselves with a fence from the other without asking yourself what the situation is and giving rights. Geography will prove that you are wrong."
by Vicky
Arafat became really wealthy by siphoning off hundreds of millions of dollars of international aid money intended to reach the pal people.
by The Dead Yassers
Yasser Arafat:

Born in Egypt.
Died Nov 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, 2004
Cause of Death: Who cares?
by Vicky
Some say he was poisoned. The only person who stood by him was Suha, who used to give him candy. She didn't even allowed the other PA officials to visit until. At last, she gave them permission in exchange for not being removed from the PA payroll. So she's now getting $11m a year out of the PA budget. Petty money for the hairdresser and stuff like that.
by they say it all
They capture so perfectly the zionists' murderous psychotic* hatred of anyone who legitimately opposes them.

*watch this, now they'll start caterwauling "wuddayamean legitimate?!? He was a TERRORIST you asshole!!!!" Uh-huh, just like Begin, Shamir, Sharon, Stern, Jabotinsky... Terrorism's heroic when THEY do it, see, but when someone does it to them it's demonic. What do you call a double standard this bipolar? Follow the asterisk backwards for the answer
by gehrig
toothless: "They capture so perfectly the zionists' murderous psychotic hatred of anyone who legitimately opposes them. "

Nope, no demonization there. No sir.

You mean you don't like my taste in adjectives? Well, I've already shown the substance of "psychotic." As for "murderous," go here
by excellent

if that's tw's site reference, i say kudos, my man. a beautiful summary of the criminality of the apartheid state - *very* damning i must say.

note how peretz looks to take over the israeli government. finally, we have a chance to see an arab take take the helm. when this happens, i will jump for joy. the guy is also a socialist, actually speaks for the poor.

when they get rid of the ashke-nazi creeps, the arabs will have their country back!!!

yeah dude!!!!!!
by 2 outa 3, not bad
Oooo. Ooooo. Mr. Kotter!!!! Do I see Demonization?
Oooo. Ooooo. Do I see Double stanadards?

Oooo. Could I be seeing ANTI-SEMITISM?
by re: TW's link
October 4, 2005. Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian woman who STABBED and lightly wounded a soldier at a West Bank checkpoint.

She stabbed a soldier and was shot. In my book- thats self defense, not murder. If thats the pathetic best TW can manage...he's more pathetic that we suspected
by TW
The site overall is one of the best indictments of Israel I've ever seen. Whoever created it has long experience dealing with zionist lies, and uses words and graphics masterfully to demolish them. My kudos go to them.

Look around some more:

Maps tell the appalling suppressed story of the zionists' land-grab
You should save these maps. They make a devastating statement by themselves, just presented as a bloc with no commentary.

A graphic presentation of Israel's absolute military superiority over the Palestinians
This one's good for when the zionists try to wheedle their "Israel as underdog" fallacy under the radar, which they do pretty regularly. It is, after all, a classic example of their favorite method of "persuasion," i.e. constantly playing the victim
by too obvious
Cherry-picking will get you nowhere
by israel = underdog
This one's good for when the zionists try to wheedle their "Israel as underdog" fallacy under the radar, which they do pretty regularly.

Lets try it again:
21 recognized Arab countries
50 times as many people
Extensive oil reserves

vs. one little itty bitty Jewish state.

Sure looks like the underdog to me.

The main resource of the Jewish state is the dedication, the intelligence and the tenacity of its people.
by this is how it's done

"one little itty bitty Jewish state": 400 nukes

"21 recognized Arab countries": ZERO nukes

Is Israel psycho enough to use them? Oh, no one entertains the slightest doubt

And is Israel presently engaged in war with any of these 21? Why no it's not. How many decades has it been now? Three in the case of Egypt, the most formidable. How many for Jordan? The majority of these "Arab countries," e.g. Yemen, Qatar, Algeria, have NEVER engaged with Israel.

You keep trying to push this bullshit that Palestine and the entire Arab sphere are one and the same, and meanwhile pan-Arab nationalism has been prostrated in these countries by the West while you've absolutely sealed Palestine off from all its neighbors and are now laying siege to them alone. There is no remote chance that any one of the 21 is going to come to their military rescue, so the David v. Goliath page of is very germane

Go away Tia, you disgusting little liar. You remind me of a fucking chattering rat that just squirmed out of a whole in the wall
by nail on the head....again!!!
<<<<<<This one's good for when the zionists try to wheedle their "Israel as underdog" fallacy under the radar, which they do pretty regularly. It is, after all, a classic example of their favorite method of "persuasion," i.e. constantly playing the victim>>>>>

yeah, exactly, the creep squad - pack of filthy mouthed liars - they move around in packs like rapid dogs - hungry to attack truth where-ever it rears its ugly head.

funny, since the second intifada began, 7357 palestinian deaths, 29,000 injured, 53,000 homeless (again) - many no doubt died later. the victim card is really big - sniff, sniff, tears....hanky, wipe. hey, let me call one of the settler caste so we can commiserate. i'll bring my little beanie cap and chin beard.

yeah, victim, right, play that victim card*** all the way to the bank!!

***copyright israel and david projects and 11,000 affiliates

by TW/JA switched at birth?
JA why don't you take TW out for a hazelnut liqueur and you can talk about how EEEEVVVVIIILLLL the Zionists are? That will get both of you off this bandwidth, and you can stop the hatin and baitin.
by Allison says you're wrong
And btw, "you disgusting little liar. You remind me of a fucking chattering rat that just squirmed out of a hole in the wall"(you were always such a charmer) Allison Weird, your personal diety , on her website that you love so much doesn't support your figures of Palestinian casualties- they are 50% less.. Liars have short memories, boys. And Allison includes "work accidents",suicide bombers and collaborators that just happen to turn up dead.

by quotes
Jennifer Loewenstein Lecturer, University of Wisconsin, USA
"If your blood doesn't run cold when George W. Bush calls Ariel Sharon a 'man of peace' then you're getting nothing but lies packaged as news by a massive propaganda machine. Americans, you are paying for the dehumanization and destruction of an entire people."

recently moved to oxford for more schooling. lived in a rat-infested palestinian refugee camp in lebanon for 2 years, helped scrub lice infested hair of palestinian children. - personally familiar with israeli peacemaking and professional victimhood.

nuff said.
by more from Jennifer
Forget about the Road Map. Don't be seduced by the talk of peace. Israel is an offshore US military base and weapons testing ground. It is a westernized colony for white supremacists seeking ways to discreetly dispose of its nigger population. It is an American franchise for the new global economy, a consumer outlet, an ad for Disney-World-gone-native, a terrorist training camp for Jewish fundamentalists, the most well-funded terrorist organization outside the mainland United States, a strategic foothold in the Middle East for oil-thirsty, power-hungry neo-cons.

In the pantheon of progressive deities, we can file her right under Barbara.....
by absence of war is NOT peace
The Absence of war is not peace. If you buy a map in any Arab country, (or if you look at a map displayed by the Islamic relations Council on Soalno Ave in Berkeley), Israel won't even be on it. This is not a question of borders but of existence. The Arab rejection of Israels right to exist is the cause of the conflict. Until the Arab nations accept Israels right to exist, there cannot be peace. This is the first step.

This article in the Egyptian government-backed daily newspaper Al-Ahram appeared "Israel – the Plague of Our Time and a Terrorist State.". Really looks like they are interested in "normalizing" relations

The following are excerpts from the article:

"What exactly do the Jews want? Read what the Ninth Protocol of the `Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ says: We have limitless ambitions, inexhaustible greed, merciless vengeance and hatred beyond imagination."
"The destruction of the Church, the destruction of the Papacy, the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the destruction of the Dome of the Rock, the destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher are all (a part of) their (Jewish) goals and dreams."
Israel is the real problem, she is the radical, she is racism and she is the religious blindness. Israel is the plague of our time … and a terrorist state.

by And have we forgotten about IRAN, already?
Ahmadinejad Calls for Israel's Elimination and Declares War on the West:
A Case Study of Incitement to Genocide
Manfred Gerstenfeld

· Iranian President Ahmadinejad's call for the elimination of Israel led to many condemnations, including from the UN Security Council and the European Union. This censure - though only verbal - differed from the usual Western silence concerning genocidal statements of Iranian leaders in previous years.

· Possible explanations for the West's reaction include opposition to Iran's nuclear program and Iran's support for terrorism in Iraq. Moreover, Ahmadinejad directly threatened the West in his address: "We are in the process of an historical war between the World of Arrogance [i.e., the West] and the Islamic world." He also stated that "a world without America and Zionism" is "attainable."

· The official Iranian News Agency headlined the speech: "World Without U.S. Achievable," indicating one of the Iranian president's main messages. In that spirit, a top Iranian military commander, Maj.-Gen. Ataollah Saleh, stated that a clash between the Islamic Republic and the U.S. has become inevitable. A few days later, the Iranian Ministry of Education announced that 20 million students in primary schools would chant "Death to America" to mark the anniversary of the occupation of the U.S. Embassy in Teheran in 1979.

Sure does sound like "peace" to me, don't it Billy Bob?
by israeli hr group b'tselem
<<<<<Torture of Palestinian children

The issue of torture or other ill treatment of children in Gush Etzion police station was raised in a report by B’tselem,13 the Israeli human rights organization.
The report reviewed the cases of ten children held in Gush Etzion between October 2000 and January 2001, and noted that interrogation methods commonly included severe beatings, dousing in cold water, putting the detainee’s head in a toilet bowl, threats and curses.

Ten months after B’tselem’s report and six months after the CAT specifically raised its concerns relating to Gush Etzion, Amnesty International declared that was still receiving reports of detainees, including children, being subjected to torture or other ill-treatment while detained at Gush Etzion police station.>>>>>>

so there we have it ladies, small samplling of the TORTURE OF PALESTINIAN CHILDREN, denied by certain rabid dogs trying to mask the truth on this site.

by Suicide Bombers for Peace

Israel should take the modu operendi from the palestinians, and just blow the kids up...
by anti-zionist truth enemy's spew
Sorry, there's not much faith in a mindlessly posted cut and pasted text. Also noteworthy is B'tselem's questionable record in reporting truthfully. Anyway, who exactly vouched for the accuracy of these children's complaints about having been "severely beaten, doused in cold water, having their heads put in a toilet bowl".

Also Amnesty has a spotty record of adherence to truth in reporting. Not that you actually give a hoot about the evidence.
by zionist/right-wing/racist methods
bash the messenger if you don't like the message.... so predictable

by ...and Bush = Sharon = Hitler
Hey, don't forget to post the Palinazi Latuff cartoon too.
by Pappe's admission
Ilan Pappe's admission to the efect that furthering ideology is more important than truth really sums up the anti-zionist's game.
by pas de israeli torture apres '99?
I believe it was becko’s chit-chat that mentioned “no more torture” after the Israeli supremes “declared it illegal.” In “Flawed Defense” the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel reported:

“The court avoided adopting the position of international law that rejects torture in any situation, and left intact the applicability of the “necessity defense,” for torturers during the “ticking bomb” situation, thereby creating an opening both for the existence of torture in practice, and lending legal and ethical legitimacy to this deplorable crime. The Court allowed, under limited conditions, sleep deprivation and prolonged tying of detainees, creating cracks into which the GSS hastily squeezed through to find ostensibly legal methods of torture and ill-treatment. The result is that protection for Palestinian detainees from torture and ill-treatment is still lacking.”

Although “the use of torture declined or stopped in the days immediately after the 6 September High Court ruling,” the PCAG found, in a subsequent major study, Back to the Routine of Torture, that the GSS – with active complicity of the Supreme Court – resumed systematic torture of Palestinian detainees.

“The State Prosecutor’s Office and the Attorney General have….transformed themselves from guardians and protectors of the law into sentries at the gates of the GSS torture chambers.”

And again:

Amnesty International: “many of the methods used in the past had been revived, and torture of Palestinians held by the GSS was once again widespread.”

2001 study B’Tselem

“an infant of three, whose hand was broken by border police-men.”

“border police “all the time” not only assaulted Palestinians, but “even took pictures of their acts.”
by torture is illegal in Israel
In 1999, the Israeli Supreme Court decided that all forms of torture were prohibited- even in cases were thee purpose was to locate a "ticking bomb".

The court decided "Likewise, we declare that the "necessity" defence, found in the Penal Law, cannot serve as a basis for authority for the use of these interrogation practices...."
by And, as a rule
When "citations " are given in this incomplete, unverifiable form, they are often fabrications, or at the least are taken out of context.

Amnesty International: “many of the methods used in the past had been revived, and torture of Palestinians held by the GSS was once again widespread.”

2001 study B’Tselem

“an infant of three, whose hand was broken by border police-men.”

“border police “all the time” not only assaulted Palestinians, but “even took pictures of their acts.”
by natch
A compulsive zionist liar wrote: "In 1999, the Israeli Supreme Court decided that all forms of torture were prohibited- even in cases were thee purpose was to locate a "ticking bomb"."

Actually, the decision included AN EXCEPTION for "ticking bombs." It's as if zionists can not make a statement without twisting the truth on its head. Weird, huh?
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