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Indybay Feature

November 5th: Stop the War on Reproductive Rights!

Stop the War on Reproductive Rights! Rally at Dolores Park in SF, 1:30-4:00pm
on Saturday, November 5th, 2005 followed by a Take Back the Night March
Stop the War on Reproductive Rights! Rally at Dolores Park in SF, 1:30-4:00pm
Saturday, November 5th, 2005 followed by a Take Back the Night March

Bay Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights is holding a rally in Dolores Park,
Nov. 5th from 1- 4:30.

BACORR, one of the Bay Area’s oldest direct action reproductive rights groups,
recently re-formed itself to mobilize resistance and raise awareness in response to
the attacks on women’s reproductive rights and the surge in attacks on clinics in
the Bay Area. In just this last year, San Francisco has been targeted three times by
militant, nationally based anti-choice groups, whose stated intent is to erode
California’s support for women, their reproductive rights and body integrity.
Moreover, San Francisco will once again be subjected to the misogynistic,
pseudo-feminist tactics of the “Walk for Life”, a groups headed by Feminists for
Life, Democrats for Life. The San Francisco Diocese is a major co-sponsor of this

Where will you be?

In January 2005, 5,000 members of the anti-choice community marched in San Francisco
streets, aided and abetted by the San Francisco diocese and led by two local women.

In May, Operation Rescue, harassed gynecologists at the Convention of the College
of Obstetricians and Gynecologist at the Moscone center and harassed a gynecologist
in her own neighborhood in Oakland, because of her much-needed work helping to
provide late-term abortions at a abortion clinic in Wichita Kansas.

In July, “The Crusade for Life” targeted Planned Parenthood up the coast and
harassed Planned Parenthood clinics in San Francisco for one full week.

Come for a day at the park to demand full reproductive justice! Help build a
grassroots movement to end the surge in repressive attacks on women’s health and
freedom. Learn what you can do to counter anti-choice fundamentalists coming to San
Francisco on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade in January 2006.

BACORR’s demands include:

ü No on Prop 73! The Parental Notification Initiative on the ballot November
8 targets young women’s fundamental right to abortion and will especially impact
low-income women and women of color if passed.

ü Supreme Court justices and laws supporting a woman’s right to control her
body! Expand civil liberties for all!

ü Repeal the racist Hyde Amendment! Passed in 1976 and renewed annually by
both Democrats and Republicans, this law bans funding for abortion for women in the
military or on Medicaid.

ü Universal healthcare, safe birth control, pre-natal care, and affordable

ü Defend the clinics from right-wing terrorism!

ü End forced sterilization abuse of women of color.

ü End the war on women at home and abroad!

Featuring speakers, entertainment, performances,
information tables, and art. At 19th and Dolores Streets
in San Francisco’s Mission District. Initiated by the Bay
Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights (BACORR).

Take Back the Night is a march to demand an end to
violence against women. On November 5th we will be
marching against gendered violence and to be able to walk
the streets free from violence and criminalization.
People of all genders are invited and encouraged to

BACORR is a grassroots coalition with a long history that includes defeating the
right-wing group Operation Rescue through organized clinic defense. In 2005, we
continue to build independent political action, to mobilize highly visible direct
actions and to expand our reproductive freedom and health liberation. BACORR is a
multi-issue coalition composed of passionate, intelligent, all-inclusive individuals
and groups active on all fronts of the struggle for freedom and equality for women,
people of color, poor and working people, and people of all genders, sexualities,
ages, and disability and immigrant status. BACORR sees reproductive choice as an
integral part of a larger struggle for the liberation and self-determination of all
people. Working towards our vision, we understand that we cannot depend on the
courts or cops, nor rely on Republican or Democratic officials, to defend our
rights. Instead, we need a mighty reproductive rights movement in the streets to
achieve full
liberation. Come fight back with BACORR!

For more information, to help to organize this event, or to endorse, please email
BACORRinfo [at]

BACORR meets regularly in SF and the East Bay. We welcome groups to join our


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by Bartholomew Nagle
The postions of Democrats for Life are not pseudo-feminist, they are feminist in the best sense of the term! Simply look at their new major policy proposal, the 95-10 Initiative. It is a progessive effort to reduce the number of abortions by 95% over 10 years. This bill was announced from the DNC Headquaters, at the invitation of Howard Dean. Among other things it provides for contraceptive equity, federal funding for college daycare centers, fully funding WIC, and will increase funding for domestic violence programs. The 95-10 Initiative will reduce the number of abortions not by overturning Roe but by providing help to women who need it most. It is exactly the type of policy we should be promoting!
by are as psuedo as it gets
The very same proposals for enlarging and expanding women's reproductive rights have been fearlessly and consistantly pushed forward by women's reproductive rights/health care movement for the last thirty some odd years (more, actually). They didn't need Democrats, much less Democrats that willfully and persistantly mis-charecterize abortions, to show them the way.
Demo's for Life have a patriarchal, traditionally christian perspective on the act of abortion and the female body. Their ideas do not in any way derive from feminist thought/tradition/ theory of practice.
by Ed
I was told core feminist principles were justice, non-violence and non-discrimination. See the feminists for life website at They are non - sectarian, and I don't think they'd take too kindly to being called 'patriarchal'.
by Fuck Democrats, Fuck Republicans
Pro-choice. It has nothing to do with either corporate party.
Keep your religion out of our panties.
by They arent feminist
The feminisim I grew up with never claimed to enlarge ones rights by systematically eroding them. this is the same mindset that brought us the phrase work will make you free. Feminisim invess and recognizes authority over ones body in the woman, not in an external power structure that is authoritarian in the extreme. they ain't feminist.
by Hmm.
I thought it was all about choices. It's a bad thing when the government will only fund some of the choices, or otherwise restricts them. On the other hand, what's wrong with more choices? It's just as oppressive when a woman has no choice but to abort because she cant afford a(nother) baby because the economy is shit and so is her place in it.

What's really wrong is the Demos want to use abortion to keep its supporters voting for their sorry asses out of fear, and then have the temerity to stab even those stalwarts in the back when they get their asses kicked by those who refuse to vote for any of 'em.

Democrats for Life indeed. Democrats for what kind of a life? That's the real question.
by IS about more(not less)choice
Thats why the term reproductive rights is the accurate one. Anyone who want's to impose or restrict is coming from a classicly authoritarian and fascistic position. They can cloak in in any rhetoric they want(that word gets tossed around a lot; I know. I am using it deliberately)
by Bart N
Check out their 95-10 proposal. It doesn't restrict anything. It gives women options. It helps those who need a little extra help. It DOESNT ban any procedures; it DOESNT impose any burdens.

Check it out, and then comment.
by I have checked it out
There are women's groups, many of who have been organizing for the last thirty years. National Black Womens Health Project, African American Women Evolving, Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center to name but a few, have been working tirelessly to promote exactly what the Dems for Life are promoting now, AND they have by and large managed to do it NOT because they want to strip a women of her right to choose to have an abortion, but because their vison of reproductive rights is infused with the notion that women are the authorities on what they need.
"Dems for Life", on the other hand, specifically pathologize abortion. Go to their website. And consider the fact that they are co-sponsors of the 2006 "Walk for Life", a march that will take place in San Francisco that convenes anti-choice activists, drawn from both secular and non-secular backgrounds, all of whom hold that abortion is a moral wrong.
Dems for Life may avoid anti-abortion rhetoric in this one example (95-10) of their activism, but by and large, they seek to create a cultural consensus that abortion is wrong, and should be abandoned and left off the roster of reproductive rights altogther. This is not my tradition, it is not feminist, and in any case, I can and am already doing work that seeks to expand, not shrink or denude, women's access to a variety of choices. And I do this without selectively picking those choices which appeal to me most. And why is that?
Because I am a FEMINIST. And I believe that by presenting women with options, I am allowing those women to act in accordance with their sensibities, spiritual practices, environments and powers of reasoning. I believe that women, when presented with a variety of options will pick that option which best suits them. Even if it doesn't correspond with what I would do. Imagine that!
In other words, I'm not interested in controlling women. Dems for Life are.
Dems for Life, and other anti-choice groups are opportunistically entering into an ongoing dialogue, not because they are interested in expanding women's rights, but because they see an opportunity for more control.
Read "Undivided Rights: Women of Color Organize for Reproductive Justice". Great book. Covers the often obscured history of women of color and their comprehensive and highly informed work to ensure that women have what they needed to make decisions about and take care of their bodies.
Dems for Life are anti-choice opportunistic party crashers. If they're interested in assisting women in making manifest their control over the only thing anyone ever really can own- one's body- they should stop sponsoring anti-choice marches, stop creating an atmosphere in which women who have had abortions like myself) are told they did something wrong, and do their job as legislators who have control over the pursestrings to fund the women's health centers that have been shutting left and right because of gross neglect of women's health on the part of the US governement. When they do these things, they'll be for life. Until then, they are MERELY anti-choice.
by "Wisa" Roguerriz
You fail to see why they oppose abortion. I'm not saying you're stupid or something, but your mind is not open enough to see why they think abortion is not a good thing. Only once you understand that (and no, its not about control......), you'll be ignorant of the breadth of the issue. You must understand their reasoning before you accuse them....
by I do understand
They think it's murder. They also tend to think that it is an unnacceptable form/expression of human divinity- the fertile female dictating and overseeing the course of life instead of a disembodied, heavenly god. They see personhood as a cosmic endowment imposed /granted upon the fetus at the moment of conception. I could go on, but I assure you I've practiced due diligence and am quite familier with their arguments.
Which, considered as cultural practices, I have absolutely no dispute with. And can respect. There are a multiplicity of unreconciled attitudes towards human fertility. Some of them directly contradict each other. Which is why I work for reproductive rights. My work represents women who want to bear children in safe, ordered predictable environments. My work represents women who do not intend to use or view their wombs as reproductive organs (there is no body part that has one assigned or essentialized function) As a legal foundation for ordering the type of plurarlistic society I believe is needed, any ruling that takes the right of refusal away from women dooms not only fertile women, but any human body seeking to self determine.
I have had (just so's you know) more than one passionate debate with anti-choice organizers,in spite of the damage and outright harm they would impose on me to satisfy their view of the world. I recognize their humanity and do not hold myself separate from that. For that, I should be roundly applauded.
I assure you, I have read their arguments and live in daily consciouness of them. And I do not agree with their LEGAL perspectives or prescriptions. But thank you for joining this debate.
by Calm down
Lets look at the ovaries, that part of a woman's body which is so zealously sought out by the anti-choice communities (which has leftists in it; see George Galloway's remarks for an example)
Overies produce eggs and they also produce hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. They belong to two major physiological systems- the reproductive and the endocrine. Within the reproductive system, the hormones act to regulate and oversee the menstrual cycle (in women) The hormones secreted by the ovaries(those little anarchists! Don't they know they're ONLY supposed to assist in the Reproductive cycle! Get thee to a nunnery! ) also assist in support for the body's other systems.
For instance, the female skeletal system is a direct recipiant of active and healthy ovaries. Osteoporosis or bone loss can be a result of suppressed menses. Suppressed or delayed menses itself is also a function of available nutrition- below 1,000 or so calories a day, females run the risk of impeding their menstrual cycle. This is why women's reproductive health emphasizes access to healthy food.
All this to say that it is a gross misunderstanding - and it typifies patriarchal ideology- to insist that eye's or overies or uteri have one function. They don't.
I don't use my reproductive/hormonal or endocrine systems for reproduction. I use them to bond with other humam beings, for pleasure (I fuck to come, not concieve, in other words) and to ensure the stability and health of an emmeshed, integrated whole.
I'm sure your response to this will be outraged pseudo-bafflement, and some more name calling. You could simply open a book of Grey's Anatomy and start exploring your body. But ultimately, you don't agree with me, I'm sure, and I don't agree with you. I'm content to politically contest you whenever I can and in as many ways as I can, and I'll either be successful in stopping you in your attempts to dominate me or not.
And I'm at peace with that.
by stunned
....and it typifies patriarchal ideology- to insist that eye's or overies or uteri have one function. They don't.

What in the hell does knowing that Stevie Wonder will never regain his sight have to do with FemiNazi idiocy?

Either something takes over the function of the eyes, or they don't. You said, quote:

"there is no body part that has one assigned or essentialized function"

That is bullshit! What else takes the place of the eyes, ears, heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, stomach?

You are insane, and that's the truth. It's not name calling. It's simply recognizing the truth. You are nuts.

by accidental listener
I accidentally attended this rally and I swear on my own life that this event was sponsored, supported, organized, and funded by RIGHT WING, EVANGELICAL, CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS because I've never in my days been so embarrassed to hear so many unintelligent, inarticulate speakers talk about things I agree with in such a disagreeable fashion. It was a blow, backstep, and outright betrayal to the progressive agenda. These people need to be stopped before they ruin it for the rest of us. Idiots all of 'em. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
by that you have a personal gripe
with someone speaking, 'cause that wasnt my experince at any case, if you think you could do better...organize your own rally! It's always much easier to scream from the sidelines than it is to actually play the game.
Go ahead. No one's stopping you. Although, as I've said, this posting smacks of personal animus.
by concerned citizen
Personal? No. As I said I attended this rally by coincidence, just trying to enjoy a day at the park Forgive me but these public gatherings I thought were meant to educate and unite. Neither of which seemed to be on the agenda.

So if I am a supporter of forward movement and I feel alienated and embarrassed by your speakers, wouldn't it be a good idea to refine those tactics instead of point the finger at me, a concerned citizen with a valid point?

Clearly missing from the roster were: educators, political historians or legal analysts, women-of-color health service representatives, and above all, any person with intent to reach out. Instead, there's a fucking astrologist! And smart-ass remarks like "If you're so against abortion, stop acting like you should have been one." I could go on and on.

And for the record, I am an organizer and I do my part. I also firmly believe that expressing concern and offering feedback on this matter goes beyond my right; it is a responsibility. I only wish everyone took their responsibilities as seriously. I really do believe the right wing would've had damaging footage had that event been recorded to represent "our" movement.

by You just revealed yourself
There were no less than three women of color from health organizations there-go back to trolling your freeper territory, cause you just totally blew your cover(LOL)
by freeper?
Are you serious? There were "3"? Wow, do I feel stupid! The event ran from 1:30pm to 4:00pm and there were "3" women of color representatives! I just blew my cover, you're right, negating all my valid points. Anyway, in reference to your LOL, I'm glad you're geting a kick out of all this.
by It shows youre paying attention...
I'll make sure that Kimberly Alvarenga, Mimi Solomon, Nancy Mancias, Nancy Reiko, Becky Lyman know they weren't there. That must have been a confusing experience for them
Grow up. If you think you can do better, then don't talk. Just do.
Pro-Choice does not mean you have to have an abortion, it means you can have one if you want one.
We went to Iraq and Afghanistan, and one of the missions is to bring freedom to women.
So why right here in the U.S. are we trying to take freedom of choice away from women after having fought for so many years to obtain it.
Have we already forgotten about the botched back alley abortions that took the life of many young women.
One of the virtue of the U.S. is freedom of and freedom from religion.
A person who is pro choice does not say every pregnancy is to be aborted.
If you want a baby and you do not believe abortion is right, then because you are free you do not have to have an abortion.
People who are anti abortion should not deprive others of a right to have an abortion.
Instead they should concentrate their efforts on things that will lessen the need for them.
They should have homes for unwed mothers.
They should be willing to support the mothers and their children once the child is born.
The same people who say they are against abortion are the same people who complain about welfare for those children once they the born.
These same people are the ones who complain when these children grow up and commit crimes, because they have been deprived of decent food and shelter.
These people complain about the high numbers of people in prison now.
Can you imagine if all the unwanted children had been born and had grown up in unbearable conditions, how many of them would add to the now high number of people in prison?
Some of these same people are for the death penalty, so is taking a life right or wrong?
If you are anti abortion, then don’t have one.
But don’t force people who are pro choice not to have one if to choose to have one.
A women who had been abused as a child once said if she could not afford to care for her child, she would rather have an early stage abortion, and know that it was gone. Then to have the baby and spend the rest of her life wondering if it was out there suffering or being abuses or who knows what.
Look at the news….Children raped and killed…teenage prostitutes feeding their drug habits, etc. etc.
by reproductive rights defender
I'm not clear why you were embarrased and alienated by a 100% grassroots reproductive rights rally that featured a diverse and dynamic program with representatives from the disability rights, queer, women of color, immigrant rights, labor, youth, and feminist communities, plus clinic providers, health organizations, elected officials, poets, and um, yes, two well-known, political and funny astrologists (sorry you left your sense of humor at home). Your rude comments about these leaders are completely arrogant, racist, sexist and ignorant. Please!

The demands of this rally were all about inclusion and building a multi-issue movement to defend and expand reproductive rights. Person after person in Dolores Park on Saturday, expressed thanks for the visible and powerful voices speaking out against Prop. 73 as well as for free healthcare, childcare, and end to sterilization abuse and unsafe birth control and for a united movement against rightwing attacks. Women talked about their personal experiences and why they believe in the right to abortion. So sorry you were offended.

Of course you are free to add your criticisms, and certainly there is always room for improvement in any action, but I think your comments say a lot more about you than anything else. You wouldn't by any chance be part of the group that tried to disrupt this coalition effort, would you? Or a rightwinger. In any case, if you can't lead, and offer your ideas in a constructive and courteous manner, get out of the way of people who are doing so! And good riddance.
by jamie
I just want to say a big THANK YOU TO BACORR for putting on a public event where reproductve rights could be promoted and discussed.

I'm sure the professional political parties or large nonprofits could have put on a more slick presentation that would have been easier on the sensibilities of some of the posters here.

But guess what? Those big money operations (Democratic Party, NARAL, NOW) that claim to be pro-choice are not putting on pro-choice rallies or demonstrations or teach-ins, or anything. They are content to run big direct mail fundraising campaigns and having lovely lunches in fabulous hotel ballrooms where they can rub elbows with party operatives and lobbyists and look for their next career move.

In other words, the pro-choice "movement" leaders are perfectly happy to have no movement at all, in any direction. As long as reproductive rights are under attack, they can ride the wave of money and pretend to be players.

I'm so grateful for grassroots groups like BACORR who keep the issue alive and are willing to confront the right wing nuts face to face.

One last thing about "feminists for life" and other such ridiculous entities; forcing women to bear children against their will is not - and will never be - a feminist position.


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