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Indybay Feature

300,000 Protesters Surround White House

by ANSWER Coalition
Three hundred thousand people marched through the streets of Washington
and surrounded the White House on Saturday, in one of the largest U.S.
demonstrations to date against the war in Iraq.
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
1247 E St. SE Washington DC 20003
(202) 544-3389 Fax: (202) 544-9359

Attn: Assignment Editor
September 24, 2005


Press contact:
Caneisha Mills 202-544-3389
202-321-3837 (cell)




Three hundred thousand people marched through the streets of Washington
and surrounded the White House on Saturday, in one of the largest U.S.
demonstrations to date against the war in Iraq.

Initiated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)
Coalition, the protest was endorsed by thousands of organizations.

"The massive turnout today shows the depth and breadth of opposition to
the war in Iraq," said Brian Becker, national coordinator for the
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition. "The anti-war sentiment is now clearly the majority
sentiment in the country."

The morning of the demonstration, train and subway stations in D.C.
were jammed as more than 1,000 buses from over 300 cities - including from
New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Detroit, Chicago,
Cleveland, Atlanta, Birmingham, Charlotte, Gulfport, Mississippi; Eau
Claire, Wisconsin; Des Moines, Iowa and elsewhere - arrived in the city for
the massive protest.

The rally featured such speakers as former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey
Clark, Cindy Sheehan, actress Jessica Lange, British Parliamentarian
George Galloway, civil rights activist Mahdi Bray, Congresswoman Cynthia
McKinney, Reverend Al Sharpton, Anita Dennis, mother of Iraq war
veteran/resister; human rights attorney Lynne Stewart, A.N.S.W.E.R. national
coordinator Brian Becker, civil rights attorney Mara
Verheyden-Hilliard, Elias Rashmawi, National Council of
Arab Americans; Gloria LaRiva, National Committee to Free the Five:
Peta Lindsay, A.N.S.W.E.R. Youth & Student Coordinator; and many more.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition is the national organization that has
organized all of the large-scale antiwar protests in Washington DC since
September 2001, which have cumulatively brought over 1 million people into
the streets of DC. September 24 represented a broad show of unity among
thousands of antiwar and social justice groups in the U.S.

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by Carl Weis (cmxarts [at]
Reopen 9/11 under civilian authority! (/11 was not what it has been made to appear! Explosives set BEFORE 9/11 brought down those towers. No commercial plane hit the Pentagon. Barbara Olson was arrested in Europe very recently. If Barbara Olson is alive, then nobody on Flight AA 77 died from a hit on the Pentagon, so something ELSE struck that bldg! That there was NO MILITARY INTERCEPTION that day is proof itself of worse than funny business. This is extremely serious business.

Cheney and Bush must BOTH be impeached. Justice Scalia must be impeached for bribery in connection with Bush v. Gore which corrupt decision gave us the illegitimate presidency of George W. Bush. There is no worse chapter in American history, unless it is the Civil War itself. I accuse Bush and Cheney of Murder One on a mass scale on 9/11/01. Let's get the full truth and ACT for a change!
by Nunyabiz
Well I was IN the Washington protest on the 24th, I can tell you without any question whatsoever that 300,000 is actually a a severe UNDERcount, there were easily 500-600,000+ MINIMUM.
CSPAN stated 500,000....CNN stated 600,000.

I personally think there were more than that.

by Casual Observer
Also, the moon landing was faked, and Hitler is running a Jamba Juice franchise in Richmond.
by Nunyabiz
Here is a photo showing just a tiny fraction, this is just one street corner, at the same time this photo was taken Elipse circle was jam packed with 200,000+, this crowd you see here continues exactly like this sidewalk to sidewalk for 3 MILES.

Here is another tiny section of the crowd which looked exactly like this for 3+ miles.

Can deny all you wish, wont change the facts that 1/2 a MILLION+ were in Washington DC protesting that POS Dubya.
by sue
the rally on the 24th at the white house was not only to stop the war, it was also a motion for the upper heads of state, namely bush and his cronies to be impeached as seriously crooked politicians that want to have two classes of people in america, the ruling class and the working class. we need to get the idiots out of the white house; i've just recently found out thru a different article, no one bid on the repairs in new orleans and friends and cronies of cheney got most the contracts there. does that sound sneaky to you? they are trying to get rid of our way of life and make the rich people richer and get rid of any hope of any of us of ever succeeding here; I am a new member of the original advocacy ink founded by doug demilo over 25 years ago, am also trying to start my own business... MAMMA SUES JAMS AND BREADS. HOW is the little person to succeed if he's trying to crush us down?
by Peter
Steve "get a grip" could not have been at the March in Washington last month. I've participated in every major march in DC for the past 20 years, and this was one of the largest EVER. Yes, there were at least 300,000 people representing millions who are sick and tired of the criminals in the White House.
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