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Has P. Byrne's OSTK attorney covered up stock fraud and money laundering ?

by Tony Ryals (wolfblitzzer0 [at]
The following pertains to massive penny stock fraud and also a litigation proceeding filed recently in Marin,California against Rocker Partners hedge fund and Marc Cohodes by Patrick Byrne and his who donated to Swift Boat Veterans for Bush among other far right causes.

While I have no opinion re Rocker Partners or hedge funds I can say that Byrne is involved with a group who I believe were involved with illegal dumping of penny stock shares including through Charles Schwab and the anonymous person behind that Byrne supports financially made new Rueters and Barrons,earlier this year for threats and intimidations of Mr.Cohodes and his family.

Additional pertainent links can be found at bottom of this article.

Utah's Patrick Byrne and his allies himself with unidentified penny stock mafia with websites and who have threatened me with physical violence.They are defended by Utah's Senator Bob Bennett and their only known address is a striptease club named Cheetah Club in Las Vegas !!

(For those unfamiliar with my investigation you may do a 'ryals' search on this utah.indymedia website or follow links I've added to this report.)

Meanwhile Patrick Byrne,spoiled son of a Utah billionaire,buys lawyers in both Utah and Texas while I can't afford to litigate against the mafia he gives money to and allies himself with.You may see their posts on 's NFI and OSTK message boards. I would add a Salt Lake Tribune article on Patrick Byrne, and his 'Sith Lord',but it appears to have gone missing,(hee hee),from Google search.

From Woodbury Kessler,(and former SEC),attorney Brent Baker on message board :

Re: Utah Senator Bennett Duped In Penny Stock Scam
By Brent Baker on 8/12/2005 1:08:24 PM
E-mail: bbaker [at]

I left the SEC in March after 13 years of honorable service because I felt that I could do more good in private practice than I could as a "shackled" SEC attorney. I was right. Check out the lawsuit just filed against certain hedge funds and others at 's webpage. Go to the investor relations link and download the conference call from this morning. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.


If you go back to my post of of 7/25 on the website titled,'Utah Senator Bennett duped in penny stock scam',(link above),you will find that Brent Baker responded to it,on 8/12.So Brent Baker,if you're still listening, I've written this response or observation.It should be obvious by now that Texas attorney O'Quinn has been as deceitful about making false 'naked short' claims for his penny stock clients,(including Endovasc that you are most surely familiar with),as some now suspect he was in regards to making false medical and science claims to prosecute his medical litigations.

I have already presented the Schwab-Endovasc-James Dale Davidson,, 'select clients' shareholder agreement in pdf format on website for all to see the fraudulent pump and dump account set up by attorney O'Quinn's Endovasc clients.It now appears that you and your law firm in Utah,Woodbury Kessler,seem to have allied yourself with this Texas attorney,John O'Quinn,and Patrick Byrne's outrageous claims of a 'Sith Lord',who may or may not be working with Rocker Partners!!!

Below this I will,for the record,add a copy of an OSTK article by Porter Stansberry from a poster on Yahoo's NFI board. James Dale Davidson connected Stansberry touts OSTK as a victim of 'naked shorting'just as they both touted Endovasc, Genemax,and USU in Agora Publications in 2002-2003.Then Davidson began to claim Genemax was 'naked shorted' although it was really a pump and dump(as Brent Baker and SEC know so well),and he was instrumental in creating the NAANSS group in the same Blaine,Washington office Genemax office was in.And as I pointed out it probably was LOM of Bermuda's Charles Schwab account that Endovasc dumped from. KYC's ,or 's David Marchant and SEC's attorney Ungar pointed that connection out previously.

Porter Stansberry,as you may note from my post above,was litigated against by former SEC lawyer Brent Baker who now represents Patrick Byrne in his litigation against Rocker Partners and or the Sith Lord or whatever.

So now both Baker and 'famed trial attorney O'Quinn',(who aided in covering up the illegal Endovasc pump and dump under a false charge of 'naked shorting' by Charles Schwab,Refco,and Ameritrade),are defending Byrne's OSTK that neither are claiming in their litigation against Rocker,(or even the Sith Lord for that matter),is a victim of 'naked shorting. And yet's CEO Byrne surrounds himself with touters who claim,FOR HIM,that IS being 'naked shorted',which is a fraud in my opinion!!!

And now Stansberry,who is coincidentally VERY connected to James Dale Davidson,as Baker knows so well,is making the same claim for being a victim of naked shorting - which is what 'Bob O'Brien',who I believe is VERY James Dale Davidson connected,and NCANS, are being paid to do !!!

We know that Patrick Byrne is paying Bob O'Brien's to make the claim of being a victim of 'naked shorting' just the same ! My personal feeling is that the claim is in part to illegally promote OSTK shares through another Barnum and Bailey tout angle, successful or not.

And it may or may not be to divert attention from the float(i.e.- number of shares available to buy and sell),or to sell 'certs' or paper stock certificates to suckers who are then dependent upon brokers and transfer agents as the stock is manipulated by insiders,and then convince them some 'Sith Lord' 'naked shorted' them as Patrick Byrne has fraudulently claimed.But that has been James Dale Davidson's strategy for some years and ncans seems to be the same scam as James Dale Davidson's NAANSS scam all over again.It must have been quite profitable the first time around for 'Bob O'Brien' and Patrick Byrne of Utah's to use again to deceive investors that they are being 'naked shorted'.

My biggest gripe is that Brent Baker NEVER charged Davidson for what he really did,i.e.-use naked short claim to mask his own illegal pump and dump of Endovasc,Genemax, and other penny stocks.And now in many ways Brent Baker is working with Porter Stansberry,(who he should have convicted),who is now promoting - a company Mr.Baker represents -as a victim of 'naked shorting' !!

Mr.Baker and the SEC,had they been doing their jobs in 2002 until he resigned, would have charged all involved with NAANS,as well as Agora Inc. and James Dale Davidson,with using the 'naked short' claim for fraud to divert attention from their own illegal pumps and dumps of mainly unaudited shares,(which is why they have made these claims endlessly in the first place),they know the SEC has been inept at auditing shares.And this problem is more between the companies and their transfer agents than the DTCC !!!

You'll note that neither Bob O'Brien nor James Dale Davidson nor David Patch of nor any of the scoundrels who claim to be victims of naked shorting EVER say investigate their transfer agents !!! Why ? Because Davidson, select their transfer agents and pay them well to conceal the float as they pump and dump and then finally cry tears of a crocodile about being victims of 'naked shorting'.It is actually penny stock investors,not those who orchestrate these illegal pump and dump ops and possible money laundering ops who are the vistims !!!

I'd suggest Mr.Brent Baker examine the Nevada Agency and Trust Co. of former SEC employee Alexander Walker and inquire how much he received for being Endovasc's transfer agent.And that scam is only one of MANY former SEC Walker
has aided in illegal pump and fraud.Mr.Baker may decide upon a career change.

The Byrnes,father and son,gave one million dollars to ads to attack former Democratic VP candidate John Edwards

A recent press release by Houston attorney John O'Quinn, below,paradoxically announced the strange case of Dr.Patrick Byrne and his claim that his of Utah is being illegally shorted by Rocker Partners Hedge Fund. Paradoxically it was Dr.Byrne and his wealthy ex-insurance magnate father(Geico) who gave one million dollars to ads to attack former Democratic VP candidate John Edwards,plus a donation to Swift Boat Captains for Bush to attack Presidential candidate John Kerry's war record.

Paradoxical because the supposed Democrat,John O'Quinn,who won billions for himself and Texas in tobacco litigation, is representing the most sleezy of Republican business and corporate interests and the only profit that Overstock has generated are shares sold to suckers.In many ways this dollar stock is very similar to the money losing penny stocks attorney O'Quinn claims were 'naked shorted' when in fact Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas,as one example,is now known to have made a false claim to cover up illegal pump and dump activities including from a Charles Schwab account,the very broker and market maker they and ' famed attorney O'Quinn' claimed was 'naked shorting' them.

It was all a lie and a fraud to steal millions and hide or launder money from investors and O'QUINN WAS EITHER PLAYED FOR THE BIGGEST SUCKER AND LEGAL BUFFOON OF THE CENTURY,OR HELPED THEM CONCEAL THE FRAUD !!! And it appears likely one person behind all of the Endovasc scam and going by the alias of 'Bob O'Brien' ,that attorney O'Quinn could tell us about,is really James Dale Davidson of of the Beltway,(who accused former President Clinton of killing Vince Foster),and of Agora Publications and, etc.,who 'pumped' ,or illegally promoted Endovasc stock and company,and who was a chief beneficiary of the dumping or inundating the market with worthless Endovasc shares from that Schwab account that Endovasc management,and possibly Montgomery,Texas'Judge Ken Reilly,(SEE Judge Ken Reilly,Endovasc and money laundering in Montgomery,Texas on this website or link below), deposited 'up to 30 million shares' for unidentified 'select clients' of Schwab and Endovasc !!

Houston attorney John O'Quinn has been claiming since 2002 that Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas,and a number of other corrupt penny stock companies and clients he has represented, are victims of 'naked shorting',or the dumping of non-existent shares by market makers such as Schwab Capital,etc.,when,in fact,he has every reason to believe his own clients were running illegal pumps and dumps of their own shares. And I have the proof.

This cover up ,or looking the other way, by attorney John O'Quinn and Wes Christian,further led to the post 911 dumping of additional millions of unaudited shares of Endovasc through a Kuala Lumpur boiler room that also has ties to Dubai,both suspect terrorist money laundering locales. So attorney O'Quinn's false claims of Endovasc
'management' being victims of 'naked shorting' may very well having aided terrorist money laundering.We don't know.

James Dale Davidson,,dumped from a Charles Schwab account and Attorney O'Quinn put his name to a fraudulent businesswire pr claiming the James Dale Davidson pump and dump of shares from a Schwab account was,instead, 'naked shorting'.

(All of this and further links are below,including a letter I personally wrote to John Reed Stark of the SEC in the last couple of days.You will also find the pdf file with Schwab's threatening letter to me of 2002.Too bad I didn't have a powerful lawyer like O'Quinn to protect me from Charles Schwab as well as O'Quinn's corrupt clients who robbed me blind.Or perhaps they woke me up to the corruption I could not believe existed.)

Can anyone provide an explanation of this 'shareholders agreement' below on pdf file ? Is this any proof of an illegal pump and dump from a Schwab account ? Does pump and dump always include money laundering as a corresponding crime ?

Do I have any right to know as an investor in Endovasc and client of Schwab and or any legal recourse ? vasc_fax_attached.pdf

Endovasc and 'naked shorting'.The pdf file I presented
IN LINK ABOVE shows that Endovasc filled a Schwab account with 'up to 30 million shares' for an illegal James Dale Davidson, pump and dump.Note that attorney John O'Quinn makes the erroneous naked short or 'oversold' claim in Endovasc's Businesswire pr of late 2002,below. O'Quinn states that Charles Schwab,Refco,and Ameritrade all had an 'oversold' or 'naked short' of over 1 million Endovasc shares.

This was immediately after an 'illegal pump and dump'.I didn't even know occured at the time,thanks to attorney O'Quinn.In retrospect it would appear that either 'famed trial attorney O'Quinn' was also conned by Endovasc,as I was,but didn't lose a dime,OR HE WAS PART OF THE FRAUD.:

MONTGOMERY, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 12, 2002

Endovasc (OTCBB:ENVC) - a biotechnology company with two new cardiovascular drugs approved for final FDA phase III trials -announced today that it has -- in the opinion of its consultants -- uncovered an oversold position in excess of 1,000,000 shares in the company's stock, held primarily by The Charles Schwab Corp. (NYSE:SCH), Ameritrade (Nasdaq:AMTD) and Refco. The findings are a result of an ongoing litigation intelligence work conducted in connection with the $216 million stock manipulation lawsuit filed by Endovasc and accepted on contingency basis by the legendary trial attorney John O'Quinn, who also won the record $17.3 billion dollar settlement for the State of Texas vs. Big Tobacco.

"The oversold position in our company's stock can actually be great news for our shareholders," says Dr. David P. Summers, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Endovasc. "The overselling in our stock in the past few weeks does not seem to have had a negative impact on our share price. But, if shareholders actually asked for physical delivery of the shares they bought, the market would probably have to pay a premium in order to deliver them."

"Additionally, our Board has recently approved the issuance of a tracking stock dividend plan. But according to our plan, as approved, it won't be possible to issue any dividends to anyone that the company can't identify as a legal beneficial shareholder. This is why it is imperative that our shareholders contact their brokers to ask their stock to be taken out of the street form and put into physical form," states Summers.


Insider to EVSC FRAUD:"Montgomery judge rebuked over Web site. Conduct panel balks at his use of title to promote private business": The Houston Chronicle reports here that:
A state regulatory agency has reprimanded a Montgomery County judge for exploiting his title to further his own business interests as a public speaker.

The State Commission on Judicial Conduct issued its public reprimand against Montgomery Municipal Court Judge Ken Reilly on Nov. 2 after reviewing filed complaints.

Reilly was accused of making several references to his judicial position on his business Web sites to promote his environmental seminar business. That violates the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct.

Reilly's Web sites had statements such as, "Bring 'The Judge' to your next meeting as a Keynoter," according the reprimand released Tuesday.
¶ Posted by Bradley B. Clark | Link

texaslawblogspot. com


Further down the rabbit hole

Further down the rabbit hole
Merely a random victim? Not a chance. Mary Helburn just happens to be the executive director of NCANS, the National Coalition Against Naked Shorting. This is the same organization that produced a video featuring Byrne (who claims that he's not involved in this on Overstock's behalf), as well as a person called Mary Campbell. In the video, she claims that recent portfolio losses of 50% are entirely the result of naked shorting. Some allege that Campbell is none other than Mary Helburn herself.

If you want more conspiracies, consider that Bob O'Brien, who also appears in the film, is allegedly identified (I haven't seen any proof of it) as one James Dale Davidson, founder of Agora Publishing, famous for its penny-stock promotions and other stock market absurdities.

Motely Fool


So did attorney O'Quinn aid illegal pump and dump and probable money laundering through Endovasc's unaudited shares or he was duped ? Below from a recent press release from John O'Quinn,,coming to the recue of Patrick Byrne who placed a scammy $100,000+ ad-letter to W.Bush in February 8 edition of the Washington Post warning Bush that SS funds should not be placed into stock markets until the grave issue of 'naked shorting' was dealt with.What Dr.Byrne and the unidentified 'Bob O'Brien' did not say was that no Dow stocks complained of 'naked shorting'.

The only stocks that complained of 'naked shorting' were coincidentally failing penny stock companies,O'Quinn's clients.Or companies who were net losers living on shares sold in the markets whose share price was over valued relative to their worth of which is a poster child' for.And when the stock is over valued it naturally attracts professional Hedge funds or shorters who bet on the stock going down and sell ahead of the news.

Below you will find a link to a video commercial made by Patrick Byrne's and 'Bob O'Brien's' featuring Senator Bennett of Utah who may or may not have felt he owed Patrick Byrne a little stock promotion to reward Byrne's political contributions.Also Georgetown's James Angel claims erroneously that 'naked shorting' is causing all sorts of damage,a claim he later tells Wall Street Journal's Carol Remond he exagerated.

And's Mary Helburn who is the only plaintiff complaining of a loss in share value on her shares,plays Mary Campbell to blatently hide the fact that she is really Mary Helburn,the president or titular head, of with a Las Vegas Cheetah striptease club as its only address.And even the stiptease club has an even sleezier reputation for having bribed city council memmbers in San Diego.All of these people are either committing serious fraud,or a serious mistake,Senator Bennett,not excepted:

John O'Quinn and His Legal Team File Lawsuit Against Gradient Analytics, Inc. and Rocker Partners LLP. on Behalf of, Inc.
Thursday August 11, 4:47 pm ET

HOUSTON, Aug. 11 /PRNewswire/ A civil complaint against Gradient Analytics, Inc., Rocker Partners LP., David Rocker, Marc Cohodes and others for unfair business practices was filed today by John O'Quinn and his legal consortium on behalf of online retailer (Nasdaq: OSTK - News).
ADVERTISEMENT launched its first website through which customers could purchase products in 1999. Its overall business and gross revenues have grown steadily and consistently, at a rate of approximately 100% each year since 2000. Its annual revenues for the year ending December 31, 2004 were approximately $500 million.

The complaint alleges that Gradient Analytics, Inc., an influential company that sells reports and analyses on publicly traded companies to hedge funds, traditional mutual funds, and provides them to financial commentators such as MSNBC, is closely aligned with various stock hedge funds. The complaint alleges that Gradient and Rocker Partners LP, which is owned and controlled by David Rocker and Michael Cohodes, individually and/or through Rocker Offshore or Rocker Management, conspired to denigrate's business so as to reap personal profits for themselves.

Dr. Patrick Byrne, founder and president of, commented: "What's at stake here is innovation and entrepreneurship in America. My company has been attacked and I'm not going to take this lying down. In joining forces with John O'Quinn and his team of lawyers, I think we have what it takes to win. We certainly have what it takes to fight."

Attorney John O'Quinn also commented: "We have an expression in Texas about the skill of matching the mules. Combining our lawyers and a-level experts with the tenacity, verve and commitment of CEO Dr. Patrick Byrne is a powerful alliance, hitched up for the long haul to win this battle. It is time someone stops these offshore hedge funds from taking advantage of average working Americans and American Public companies. That someone is us."

Attorney Adam Voyles added: "I am speaking for the entire consortium when I say that we are prepared to obtain justice for our client from these Defendants and all others who aided them in these illegal acts. It is time our government authorities and regulators pay attention to the large number of offshore hedge funds that are taking advantage of hard working Americans."

In the actions, filed in Marin County California Superior Court, is represented by the law firms of O'Quinn, Laminack & Pirtle, Christian Smith & Jewell, and Heard, Robins, Cloud, Lubel & Greenwood, LLP, all of Houston, Texas, Woodbury & Kessler, PC of Salt Lake City, Utah, the Siegler Law Group, Inc, of Beverly Hills, California and Koerner Silberberg and Weiner, LLP of New York, New York.

Source: Christian Smith & Jewell


To SEC : James Angel,Georgetown University,Aids Penny Stock Fraud
by Tony Ryals

See video infomercial below that
Georgetown University's Dr.James Angel made for a fraudulent penny stock promotion organization called ,(with Beltway connections), that uses a striptease club, called Cheetah Club,in Las Vegas as its address !! Also see link to the story at bottom of this page,'James Angel :Does Haas School of Business Teach Ethics or Fail Securities ?' ,as well as other links This story is as wide ranging,as is the scam.
The father and son owners of Cheetah Clubs of Las Vegas and San Diego,named Galardi,have already been convicted for bribing San Diego city council members to condone 'lap dancing' and they have been accused in Florida of running a prostitiution ring !!! Is this what Georgetown University stands for ? Shame. Dr.Angel,as I explain,is as wrong intellectually and professionally about the subject matter of which he speaks,'naked short selling',(hee hee),as he is ethically and morally in promoting a penny stock scam out of a Las Vegas strip club,or anywhere else for that matter.

see Georgetown University professor James Angel's video infomercial for :

(Note in email to SEC's John Reed Stark I jokingly switch between the names 'James Dale Davidson',Beltway insider and known securities fraud,and 'Bob O'Brien' an alias he uses as founder of

Securities Exchange Commission
Office of Internet Enforcement
August 9,2005
Dear John Reed Stark,

I was hoping to reach you in some capacity other than just as the head of the SEC Internet Division,or as a Georgetown professor,and ask you,human to human, what the hell is going on in the penny stock securities fraud and internet securities fraud business ? Just how big of a business is it and who does it really benefit ?

A David Marchant ,'KYC' ,'Know Your Client', or inspired article in 'The Royal Gazette' last year,quoting one SEC lawyer and a broker at VFinance said this.:

'"The volume of LOM's US trading, whether on behalf of its customers or its own accounts, is staggering," stated Mr. Ungar. "For example, in LOM's account at Schwab, during a two-week period in 2003 – the same year in which the SHEP and Sedona transactions in question occurred – LOM bought or sold, on over 4,000 different occasions, a total of 151 million shares of US securities traded over various US securities markets."
The trader at Florida-based vFinance who was in charge of LOM's account testified that "LOM's trading over the US markets was more than the trading of most US regional banks" and that he "either accumulated or liquidated millions of shares a day for them", stated Mr. Ungar.'

James Dale Davidson and the Lord Rees-Mogg were both shareholders when they recommended LOM in their book,'The Sovereign Individual',(again information gleaned from David Marchant's,KYC,or,without disclosing that fact,of course.I am almost sure Endovasc and Davidson dumped from the Schwab LOM account but Schwab will not disclose to me even though it appears obvious it was an illegal pump and dump account and their Beltway located 'anti-money laundering,anti-pump and dump expert,Mantas Inc.,with all its software,didn't catch it.Why ? !

James Dale Davidson definitely touted or fraudulently promoted Endovasc through Agora's 'Vantage Point'in late 2002.He did not simply send out mailings to private clients as the SEC claimed,he was involved in and benefitted from illegal pumps and dumps of Endovasc and Genemax,among many many others over the years, then fraudulently claimed they were 'naked shorted' knowing full well,as an insider to the illegal pump and dump from a Charles Schwab account,that this was a lie.

Now he,I mean 'Bob O'Brien',is using the same 'naked short' scam that I consider to be of Beltway origen to rob naive Americans and perhaps launder money,just as the Nigerian letter scam has Nigerian origens,to tout Patrick Byrne's OSTK and NFI. James Dale Davidson,I mean 'Bob O'Brien,is claiming in both cases they are victims of 'naked shorting' and that investors in either should buy 'certs' to protect
themselves .

I believe because NFI is more a ponzi scheme where dividends are paid to recruit more suckers and more shares are sold to pay the dividends among other things,,this puts the lie to the 'naked short' claim because no one, to my knowledge, has claimed having shares that are not receiving their dividends.I don't know why James Dale Davidson,excuse me,I mean 'Bob O'Brien' didn't figure that flaw in his fraudulent 'NFI is being naked shorted' scam.As for OSTK,'ncansd3' or 'Bob O'Brien has been touting it furiously since the recent SEC filing,and claiming the 'float' is only 100,000 shares!!! And to buy 'certs' to protect yourself from 'naked shorters' of course.

Also can you or anyone provide an explanation of this 'shareholders agreement' below on pdf file ? Is this any proof of an illegal pump and dump from a Schwab account ? Does pump and dump always include money laundering as a corresponding crime ? What other purpose would such an account filled with millions of EVSC shares for 'select clients' be for ?

I was able to get this letter and 'shareholders agreement' from Schwab in 2003 but never able to get any documentation of 'trading activities' for that account for late 2002 when James Dale Davidson promoted or touted through Agora and trading volume hit the ceiling for a couple of weeks.Then the 'company' and attorney O'Quinn claimed I was being 'naked shorted'! This I am now sure was a fraud to conceal a pump and dump but Schwab remained silent. So I bought a 'cert' from former SEC employee Alexander Walker and his 'NATCO' tranfer agency in Nevada,not knowing he was also an insider to the fraud and would receive $200,000 in freely dumpable shares as an 'insider' a year later and no telling what under the table.

I've wanted to put this letter from Charles Schwab and the Endovasc shareholders agreement online for a couple of years but couldn't do the simplest of pdf posting skills.The format or whatever made it fairly straight forward so here it is. And is the fact of no money changing hands being mentioned in the 'agreement' to deposit up to 30 million shares - two months in fact before a 'reverse split' would supposedly reduce all shares to less than three million - unusual !?

I don't understand.It would appear Schwab Capital and other market makers would not allow the reverse split in June if already that many shares would be deposited in a Schwab account,thus making the 'reverse split' null and void ? Yet they did. Can anyone explain ? I'm as confused as I was defrauded.I feel Charles Schwab and Endovasc and their 'select clients' all worked togather to deceive and deraud me and among other things,Schwab working as both broker and market maker and accounts holder benefitted from illegal insider information in being able to know the trading or dumping patterns from the very stocks the were market making with.

And I do feel the failed their fiduciary duty to me by not providing a heads up as to what was going on,much less in hosting a pump and dump account that would destroy my investment,however naive that investment might have been in retrospect.

Also around November 2002 James Dale Davidson began his touting in Agora-Vantage Point and that is when the volume exceeded a million shares per day.I couldn't believe it for a couple of weeks,thinking nearly half existing shares were being bought and sold every day,then it all ended as fast and Endovasc and attorney John O'Quinn put out a businesswire pr claiming I was 'naked shorted' by Schwab,Ameritrade and Refco !I learned next year of course they had dumped perhaps 10's of millions of shares, so it was no 'naked short'.

Schwab remained quiet and I only got this 'shareholder agreement' a year later after complaining to the SEC.Schwab will still not say if it was LOM or Davidson or who.Is there any way I can find out ? Did SCHWAB knowingly host an illegal pump and dump account ? Who are they protecting ? LOM of Bermuda as you may know has come under some investigation from SEC for unusual volume manipulation and dumping of penny stocks from their Schwab account.Davidson and or Agora Publications was accused of touting Endovasc, Genemax,and 'USU' but they may have gotten off,I'm not sure.

Do I have any right to know as an investor in Endovasc and client of Schwab and or any legal recourse ? Or will the SEC stop coddling the criminals,whether they are of Beltway origen or foreign citizens ?

Would this account not go a long way in explaining what many,including your colleague James Angel of Georgetown,James Dale Davidson of the National Tapayers Union and 'NAANSS' and 'NCANS', and Texas' 'famed trial attorney John O'Quiin ' claim to be 'naked shorting' ? Why not provide them an explanation? They appear even more confused than I am.But I admit they all had me confused enough to defraud me or let me be defrauded with their mis-information, and Charles Schwab was not 'naked shorting' but providing illegal pump and dump accounts !!! Is that not what really happened ?

Does Jonathan Katz know that he was being misled,to say the least,by both Endovasc attorney John O'Quinn and Georgetown professor James Angel about 'naked shorting' when they both wrote letters to him decrying it? Does Georgetown realise their reputation is being used to support a securities fraud ?

Dr.Angel can provide no proof whatsoever for his erroneous claims to either the SEC or to the public through his ncans video.This appears to me a great mistake or a form of academic fraud.While economics may not be an exact science there comes a point when some statements can and must be backed by figures and examples or one should, and Dr.Angel is an example,simply remain silent,if he does or did not know,what he is talking about. Instead he makes video infomercials for a scam 'naked short' promoting website,that has no address other than a striptease joint in Las Vegas,funded by James Dale Davidson and Patrick Byrne,who pretend it's 'moms and pops' backing it and that they,(Davidson and Byrne),don't really know each other!!! Hello !!!???

In sum,as I'm sure you know,in penny stocks which Dr.James Angel places himself in the position of an authority,the naked short claim' has been erroneously used for fraud on a massive scale. Why ? Because for some reason the SEC is unable,or unwilling in my opinion,to audit penny stock shares.One cannot audit money flow if one cannot monitor share flow.You see,the joke with Dr.Angel's statements is the same delimma I faced when 'famed trial attorney O'Quinn and Endovasc's phoney Dr.David P. Summers put out a Businesswire pr in late 2002, just after Davidson's touting with his Agora Publications and the dump that followed.(I,of course,knew nothing about the pump and dump or even that Davidson was touting at the time because I was not an insider.)

Angel has no data to prove his case of 'naked shorting' or lack thereof in penny stocks because the SEC provides none and allows fraud companies like EVSC,GMXX,CMXX,USXP,JAGH,and on and on, not to provide any !!! Georgetown's James Angel made an eroneous claim that,only coincidentally,aided and abetted Senator Bennett's false claim re Global Links,etc.,based upon no empirical data for the very reason the SEC does not monitor penny stock floats.Why doesn't Dr.Angel mention that fact and not make erroneous claims that aid and abet the penny stock fraud market based upon no data ? In many areas of academics and perhaps even in his own field in a rigorous academic environment he would be thouroughly discredited for his false claims based upon 0 data.

While even the Belladorgroup,of Kuala Lumpur and terrorist suspect money laundering haven Dubai,has acknowledged a business relation to Endovasc both in an 'Endovasc scam warning' on their own website and on posts on the message board,there is nothing of this in SEC filings.So how could a novice investor such as myself who has trouble still with SEC filings have known Endovasc's Dwight Cantrell and Robert Johnson had made a deal with them and more shares were going to be dumped in to the float even as they continued to cry 'naked shorting' ?

And although David P. Summers and Attorney John O'Quinn released businesswire prs in late 2002 claiming my own broker, Charles Schwab,had an 'oversold position' after the 40 for 1 'reverse split' and pump and dump,there were no records of massive shares released for dumping until an SEC filing the next year !! And even that concealed the parties involved who I believe mainly dumped from the Schwab account.

Below is material I have already begun to put on internet although I plan to try and edit and do a better job of explaining the fraud and the use of Georgetown University to promote it.Also one final,although to me,certainly no less significant point.Why has the SEC and you as the head of their internet division done nothing to clean up that any fool knows is the center for organised penny stock cyberfraud in the U.S. ? It was even the source of the first insider chatter about a letter being published in the Washington Post to W. Bush,on February 8 by Patrick Byrne of and'Bob O'Brien',or James Dale Davidson as I prefer to call him,claiming fraudulently, that 'naked shorting' was the biggest danger to SS investing in the stock markets,aside from that was organizing it, which I didn't know at the time !!!

This site has been used by so many penny stock criminals it isn't funny and if you fight back as I did,(using the alias wolfblitzzer0),you are as likely to be accused of being a criminal yourself,even though you are really only trying to prevent fellow Anmericans from being riped off by international criminals touting and dumping unaudited U.S. penny stocks with fraudulent lies!! Susan Blumenthal who did run the athena-sword website warning others about ADOT and the potential losses an investor who is not an insider might suffer, is a good example as well of harrassment by what I see as the internet mafia that dominates that you do nothing about.Why ?

Since the time I faced the fact by early 2003 that I was defrauded in an illegal pump and dump of every penny I had from an inheritence,(only trying to support a Stanford patent I believed in at the time of Dr.Heeschen and Cooke of that university),I have been on everyday trying to warn others away and watching touter aliases I know to be part of the fraud always there day after day touting Endovasc shares and that the company was a victim of 'naked shorting'.

And yet the SEC does nothing.Why ? Why even have an internet fraud group when you do nothing ? Ignoring the fraud and organised internet crime and touting on rb makes a joke of the SEC internet and cyberfraud efforts.Even the touters knowingly laugh at the SEC internet division and laughingly provide the SEC complaint email link and dare you to waste your time with and email complaint.Just as another fraudulent James Dale Davidson connected,(by way of David Patch who used to tout Genemax),website called, promotes fraudulent companies who all claim to be victims of 'naked short selling',as well.Why ? The most disheartening aspect of their dare or tease is knowing they are correct,the SEC does nothing. Do you all like it that way ?

So remains the central organizing point of penny stock touting and organized penny stock crime.Besides the occasional,or obsessive and fraudulent Businesswire prs,the main source of spreading fraudulent lies,or directing victims to specialized mind control penny stock websites such as the many CMKX sites as an example,or the old 'naanss' website,or or,and on and on is probably became acquainted with the scammy FinancialWire scam 'publication' Senator Bennett used as his proof that Global Links was being 'naked shorted' was by way of the website. You could have raided that site years ago but have never touched it.Why ?

In fact I have noticed over the years and particularly when my ' wolblitzzer0' alias made it to google search by way of ending up on various law and internet speech and law blogs,that the is NEVER search engined by Google or any other search engine for that matter.Is this on purpose ? Are someones blocking Google etc. searches there ? Are those running afraid or ashamed to put what goes on there into the public view through search engines ? Don't you think something strange and corrupt is going on ? I do.

Ragingbull is a site for fraud and fraud prefers a dark alley of the internet if possible to do its thing.


Tony Ryals

Has Texas attorney O'Quinn covered up stock fraud and money laundering ?

Judge Ken Reilly,Endovasc and money laundering in Montgomery,Texas

Senator Bennett duped in penny stock scam

Charles Schwab and share-money laundering

James Angel:Does Haas School of Business Teach Ethics or Fail Securities ?

The Man Who Conned Senator Bennett

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