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National Day of Action on August 6: Why We Will Gather to Stop Nuclear Weapons
We invite you to join with us in Livermore this August 6th and 9th to stop the bomb where it starts.
National Day of Action on August 6: Why We Will Gather to Stop Nuclear Weapons at Livermore Lab and Other U.S. Nuclear Bomb Sites
By Tara Dorabji
From Tri-Valley CAREs' June 2005 newsletter, Citizen's Watch
"On August 6, 1945, I heard a tremendous blast. My hands, head, shirt and trousers were covered in blood," Keijiro Matsushima explained recently when he visited the nuclear center in Livermore. Mr. Matsushima described the people he saw in the streets of Hiroshima after the U.S. dropped the atom bomb: "I couldn't tell if they were crying because their faces were burnt, swollen, and disfigured so badly. Their hair was singed and skin was actually hanging and peeling off."
We must never forget the devastation wrought by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On this, the 60th anniversary of the use of nuclear weapons, there will be a major rally and march at the Livermore nuclear weapons Lab.
The Livermore Lab acts as the "brains" of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex. Located in the eastern corner of the Bay Area, Livermore is where new nuclear weapons are created. The Bush Administration selected Livermore Lab as the sole site to complete development of the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator, a new "bunker-busting" bomb. Livermore Lab is also where a new nuclear weapon design mega-laser, the National Ignition Facility, is under construction. Its stated purpose? To train the next generation of nuclear bomb designers.
We invite you to join with us in Livermore this August to stop the bomb where it starts.
On August 6th, the day the bomb was dropped on the people of Hiroshima, we will protest the government's plan to double the plutonium at Livermore Lab. The Dept. of Energy envisions keeping more than 3,000 pounds of plutonium at Livermore, enough for 300 nuclear bombs.
We will gather to demand an end to nuclear weapons development at Livermore Lab - and we will plant the seeds of a more peaceful future for the next generation.
The "Seeds of Change: No Nukes! No Wars!" rally and march will take place from 5 - 7 PM on Saturday, August 6th at William Payne Park, located on Vasco Road just north of Livermore Lab.
Join us to resist the further development of nuclear weapons of mass destruction at Livermore Lab. We will also celebrate our deepest aspirations for a nuclear weapons-free world with music by Clan Dyken, Utah Phillips, Dave Lippman - and much more! During the rally there will be children's activities including painting and origami. You are invited to bring a picnic dinner to share with friends and family.
The rally will culminate in a half-mile march to the Livermore Lab. At the gates of the nuclear weapons site, we will join with members of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship who will conduct a special commemorative meditation. There will also be a closing ceremony at the gates and an opportunity for participants to "plant" seeds of change and sunflowers of hope along the fence line at Livermore Lab.
People from all over the country are invited to symbolically participate in the Livermore rally by mailing in paper sunflowers. For paper cutouts and information on where to send sunflowers, visit
The rally in Livermore is part of a national day of actions, which will include August 6th rallies at the Nevada Test Site, the Y-12 Production Plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee and the Los Alamos Lab in New Mexico.
There will also be a nonviolent direct action at the gates of Livermore Lab on Tuesday, August 9th at 8 AM (the day the plutonium bomb was dropped on Nagasaki).
For more info, and to volunteer to help on either August 6th or 9th, contact Tri-Valley CAREs at (925) 443-7148.
By Tara Dorabji
From Tri-Valley CAREs' June 2005 newsletter, Citizen's Watch
"On August 6, 1945, I heard a tremendous blast. My hands, head, shirt and trousers were covered in blood," Keijiro Matsushima explained recently when he visited the nuclear center in Livermore. Mr. Matsushima described the people he saw in the streets of Hiroshima after the U.S. dropped the atom bomb: "I couldn't tell if they were crying because their faces were burnt, swollen, and disfigured so badly. Their hair was singed and skin was actually hanging and peeling off."
We must never forget the devastation wrought by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On this, the 60th anniversary of the use of nuclear weapons, there will be a major rally and march at the Livermore nuclear weapons Lab.
The Livermore Lab acts as the "brains" of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex. Located in the eastern corner of the Bay Area, Livermore is where new nuclear weapons are created. The Bush Administration selected Livermore Lab as the sole site to complete development of the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator, a new "bunker-busting" bomb. Livermore Lab is also where a new nuclear weapon design mega-laser, the National Ignition Facility, is under construction. Its stated purpose? To train the next generation of nuclear bomb designers.
We invite you to join with us in Livermore this August to stop the bomb where it starts.
On August 6th, the day the bomb was dropped on the people of Hiroshima, we will protest the government's plan to double the plutonium at Livermore Lab. The Dept. of Energy envisions keeping more than 3,000 pounds of plutonium at Livermore, enough for 300 nuclear bombs.
We will gather to demand an end to nuclear weapons development at Livermore Lab - and we will plant the seeds of a more peaceful future for the next generation.
The "Seeds of Change: No Nukes! No Wars!" rally and march will take place from 5 - 7 PM on Saturday, August 6th at William Payne Park, located on Vasco Road just north of Livermore Lab.
Join us to resist the further development of nuclear weapons of mass destruction at Livermore Lab. We will also celebrate our deepest aspirations for a nuclear weapons-free world with music by Clan Dyken, Utah Phillips, Dave Lippman - and much more! During the rally there will be children's activities including painting and origami. You are invited to bring a picnic dinner to share with friends and family.
The rally will culminate in a half-mile march to the Livermore Lab. At the gates of the nuclear weapons site, we will join with members of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship who will conduct a special commemorative meditation. There will also be a closing ceremony at the gates and an opportunity for participants to "plant" seeds of change and sunflowers of hope along the fence line at Livermore Lab.
People from all over the country are invited to symbolically participate in the Livermore rally by mailing in paper sunflowers. For paper cutouts and information on where to send sunflowers, visit
The rally in Livermore is part of a national day of actions, which will include August 6th rallies at the Nevada Test Site, the Y-12 Production Plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee and the Los Alamos Lab in New Mexico.
There will also be a nonviolent direct action at the gates of Livermore Lab on Tuesday, August 9th at 8 AM (the day the plutonium bomb was dropped on Nagasaki).
For more info, and to volunteer to help on either August 6th or 9th, contact Tri-Valley CAREs at (925) 443-7148.
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The Third Annual SpeakOut at StratCom Current rating: 9
by Cary Vigneri
Email: nfpomaha (nospam) (unverified!) 07 Jul 2005
Peace activists will gather in Omaha on August 6th, for the third annual SpeakOut at StratCom, to emphasize the dangerous connection between nuclear war, modern precision warfare and current US foreign policy.
More than 60 years ago, the United States took the lead in developing nuclear weapons. Now it must take the lead in ridding the world of these most heinous weapons of mass destruction. Instead, our government sanctions research and development of exotic weapons, “bunker busters,” nukes in space, et al, all the while spouting inanities about waging war to create a peaceful world.
Public opinion in America and in the world is decidedly in favor of the abolition of nuclear weapons. Since our ‘leaders’ are in full opposition to our wishes, it is incumbent on everyday Americans to lead the way to nuclear disarmament. We, the sovereign citizens of the United States, must remember that we are the government. If we are to regain some respect among nations of the world, we must renew our efforts and we must succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons.
August 6, 2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. Peaceful people all over the planet will mourn the devastation of past and present wars and they’ll honor the memories of slaughtered innocents, brutally sacrificed to the false gods of war. The plea and the promise of the hibakusha, Japanese survivors of the atomic bombs, will repeat throughout the world: “Never again.”
Peace activists will gather in Omaha on August 6th, for the third annual SpeakOut at StratCom, to emphasize the dangerous connection between nuclear war, modern precision warfare and current US foreign policy.
The rally will begin at 10:00 AM outside Strategic Command headquarters at Kenney Gate, Offutt Air Force Base. Following the rally later in the day at 3:00 PM, there will be a gathering in Bemis Park at 33rd and Cuming Streets. Food and beverages will not be provided or available for sale. It is recommended that attendees bring lots of goodies to share at a communal meal to celebrate the values of cooperation and to acknowledge the uses of prosperity, abundance and generosity for team-building and peace-making. Entertainment, theatre, speeches and workshops are planned for the afternoon; as well, a lantern-lighting ceremony to commemorate Japanese atomic bomb victims will be the final activity of the event.
Guest speakers are Medea Benjamin of Global Exchange and Code Pink; Loring Wirbel of Citizens for Peace in Space; and Frank Cordaro of Des Moines Catholic Worker. David Rovics, international folk-singer and war-resister, and Omahans, Michael Murphy and Nils Anders Ericksson will entertain.
A weekend of events will include the Des Moines Catholic Workers’ four-day vigil extending to Monday, Aug. 9, the day of the Nagasaki bombing. Please go to to find out more and to sign up for workshops and/or a place to stay.
For the last 40 years StratCom has been the primary authority for targeting nuclear weapons against other nations. Since Sept. 11, after having merged with the U.S. Space Command, StratCom’s mission has greatly expanded. It is responsible for combined spacelift and airlift missions, it manages a program ominously named Global Strike, and it’s developing numerous detailed plans to wage war within 30 minutes at any point on the earth.
Anyone who thinks that nuclear warfare has become obsolete since the end of the Cold War has not been paying attention to U.S. doctrine. When the Pentagon merged Strategic Command and Space Command at the end of 2002, it sent out the clear message that nuclear weapons doctrines will be merged with the latest doctrines on first-strike warfare, and fighting war from space.
The political climate that infects America is belligerent to an extreme, as evidenced by the savaging of Iraq([search]) and Afghanistan. The US policy of first-strike, ‘preventive’ war against any nation suspected of having the mere intent to acquire WMD, is radical, outrageously arrogant and ensures proliferation of nuclear weapons and greater geopolitical instability. The impossible goal of “full spectrum dominance” is a gargantuan deterrent to peace and holds every person on earth hostage to the US’ demonstrably insatiable appetite for power and control. Learn what you can do to educate yourself and your neighbors and to organize for peace.
SpeakOut at StratCom on August 6th.
Participating organizations and planners include Nebraskans for Peace, Des Moines Catholic Workers, Omaha Catholic Workers, Spirit of Peace Community, Food Not Bombs, Citizens for Peace in Space, Code Pink, Global Exchange, editorial collective, The Nebraska Green Party, Physicians for Social Responsibility and other concerned citizens.
Currently, SOS 2005 organizers have achieved half of their financial goal. Donations to fund outreach, printing, facilities, hospitality for speakers and other costs are appreciated. Please mail to OmahaSOS c/o Frances Mendenhall, 3719 Hamilton St. Omaha NE 68131
Yard signs announcing SpeakOut at StratCom are available for display at your residence or business. Call or email the NFP Omaha office at 453-0776 or nfpomaha (at)
by Cary Vigneri
Email: nfpomaha (nospam) (unverified!) 07 Jul 2005
Peace activists will gather in Omaha on August 6th, for the third annual SpeakOut at StratCom, to emphasize the dangerous connection between nuclear war, modern precision warfare and current US foreign policy.
More than 60 years ago, the United States took the lead in developing nuclear weapons. Now it must take the lead in ridding the world of these most heinous weapons of mass destruction. Instead, our government sanctions research and development of exotic weapons, “bunker busters,” nukes in space, et al, all the while spouting inanities about waging war to create a peaceful world.
Public opinion in America and in the world is decidedly in favor of the abolition of nuclear weapons. Since our ‘leaders’ are in full opposition to our wishes, it is incumbent on everyday Americans to lead the way to nuclear disarmament. We, the sovereign citizens of the United States, must remember that we are the government. If we are to regain some respect among nations of the world, we must renew our efforts and we must succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons.
August 6, 2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. Peaceful people all over the planet will mourn the devastation of past and present wars and they’ll honor the memories of slaughtered innocents, brutally sacrificed to the false gods of war. The plea and the promise of the hibakusha, Japanese survivors of the atomic bombs, will repeat throughout the world: “Never again.”
Peace activists will gather in Omaha on August 6th, for the third annual SpeakOut at StratCom, to emphasize the dangerous connection between nuclear war, modern precision warfare and current US foreign policy.
The rally will begin at 10:00 AM outside Strategic Command headquarters at Kenney Gate, Offutt Air Force Base. Following the rally later in the day at 3:00 PM, there will be a gathering in Bemis Park at 33rd and Cuming Streets. Food and beverages will not be provided or available for sale. It is recommended that attendees bring lots of goodies to share at a communal meal to celebrate the values of cooperation and to acknowledge the uses of prosperity, abundance and generosity for team-building and peace-making. Entertainment, theatre, speeches and workshops are planned for the afternoon; as well, a lantern-lighting ceremony to commemorate Japanese atomic bomb victims will be the final activity of the event.
Guest speakers are Medea Benjamin of Global Exchange and Code Pink; Loring Wirbel of Citizens for Peace in Space; and Frank Cordaro of Des Moines Catholic Worker. David Rovics, international folk-singer and war-resister, and Omahans, Michael Murphy and Nils Anders Ericksson will entertain.
A weekend of events will include the Des Moines Catholic Workers’ four-day vigil extending to Monday, Aug. 9, the day of the Nagasaki bombing. Please go to to find out more and to sign up for workshops and/or a place to stay.
For the last 40 years StratCom has been the primary authority for targeting nuclear weapons against other nations. Since Sept. 11, after having merged with the U.S. Space Command, StratCom’s mission has greatly expanded. It is responsible for combined spacelift and airlift missions, it manages a program ominously named Global Strike, and it’s developing numerous detailed plans to wage war within 30 minutes at any point on the earth.
Anyone who thinks that nuclear warfare has become obsolete since the end of the Cold War has not been paying attention to U.S. doctrine. When the Pentagon merged Strategic Command and Space Command at the end of 2002, it sent out the clear message that nuclear weapons doctrines will be merged with the latest doctrines on first-strike warfare, and fighting war from space.
The political climate that infects America is belligerent to an extreme, as evidenced by the savaging of Iraq([search]) and Afghanistan. The US policy of first-strike, ‘preventive’ war against any nation suspected of having the mere intent to acquire WMD, is radical, outrageously arrogant and ensures proliferation of nuclear weapons and greater geopolitical instability. The impossible goal of “full spectrum dominance” is a gargantuan deterrent to peace and holds every person on earth hostage to the US’ demonstrably insatiable appetite for power and control. Learn what you can do to educate yourself and your neighbors and to organize for peace.
SpeakOut at StratCom on August 6th.
Participating organizations and planners include Nebraskans for Peace, Des Moines Catholic Workers, Omaha Catholic Workers, Spirit of Peace Community, Food Not Bombs, Citizens for Peace in Space, Code Pink, Global Exchange, editorial collective, The Nebraska Green Party, Physicians for Social Responsibility and other concerned citizens.
Currently, SOS 2005 organizers have achieved half of their financial goal. Donations to fund outreach, printing, facilities, hospitality for speakers and other costs are appreciated. Please mail to OmahaSOS c/o Frances Mendenhall, 3719 Hamilton St. Omaha NE 68131
Yard signs announcing SpeakOut at StratCom are available for display at your residence or business. Call or email the NFP Omaha office at 453-0776 or nfpomaha (at)
KPFA will be broadcasting from the rally, from 5pm to 7pm. Tune or listen online via the internet if you can't be there.
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EADS is coming to Alabama and I have been beaten repeatedly for trying to intervene in the German Nazi and Forced Federal War Regime in Alabama.
EADS is the remnant of Chrysler through German managed Daimler Chrysler. Because I have been beaten and abused as an auditor from San Francisco to Los Angeles to Alabama, and now with EADS in the horrific state in Alabama, I hope some nuclear bombs take us out very quickly.
The government has been taken over with people who force others out, assassinate them, or make them just give up. They have no face except in their battlefield and of course when they are in procession to torment and rob the poor.
Nuke us in Alabama and you win, because EADS will not destroy you also. Never again serve the regime. Forced experiments and procedures at LA VA Westwood. See and search for Veterans Administration and look for the article on Los Angeles, our mortal enemies domain in many respects and disrespects.
EADS is the remnant of Chrysler through German managed Daimler Chrysler. Because I have been beaten and abused as an auditor from San Francisco to Los Angeles to Alabama, and now with EADS in the horrific state in Alabama, I hope some nuclear bombs take us out very quickly.
The government has been taken over with people who force others out, assassinate them, or make them just give up. They have no face except in their battlefield and of course when they are in procession to torment and rob the poor.
Nuke us in Alabama and you win, because EADS will not destroy you also. Never again serve the regime. Forced experiments and procedures at LA VA Westwood. See and search for Veterans Administration and look for the article on Los Angeles, our mortal enemies domain in many respects and disrespects.
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