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Indybay Feature

July 8 Video Footage

by Josh Wolf (inthecity [at]
Here's a 6:08 video from footage I shot last night. Didn't really take my time editing it. A more polished video of tonights action will be posted within a day or two.
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by deanosor (deanosor [at]
This is ggreat video, especially the almost surreal part where the cops are holding someone and then holding the crowd away at gunpoint.
by not by the book
From Riot Control: Material and Techniques by Col. Rex Applegate (U.S.A. Ret.):


Do not be forced to resort to the unplanned use of fire arms under panic conditions. . . .

by just a suggestion
maybe some of the IMC videographers could use night vision so we could see what's actually happening there in the dark.
by Josh Wolf
I've also uploaded a video in which the video has been enhanced and you can sort of see what's going on. The video was shot on a fairly high-end DV camera that doesn't have night-vision.

If you'd like to donate money so that I can get a high-quality camera with night-vision, please drop me an e-mail and I'll be happy to put it in a bank account for that very purpose.
by J (libertarian [at]
you are against capitalism yet you ask/require/beg for money.
since all who support you know the evils of capitalism why would they want to give you that which is the symbol of!!?
Barter and trade but be true to your socialist ways
by deanosor (deanosor [at]
give Mr. Wolf a camera, rather him joking about asking for money to get one, i'm sure he would not turn down, and you, my friend, would go down in the book of life as a spporter of the igft economy, a definte anarchist plus.

But seriously folks if people do show things in better light than Josh's great video, please do not film faces or other identifiers of people especially those who are engaged in things the cop consider illegal.
by Gary
Don't be stupid. Anti-Capitalists are not against capital. Even the USSR needed capital.

Anti-Capitalists are opposed to a TINY minority of extremely wealthy corporate-political persons controlling all the capital, and with it, controlling the lives of the vast majority. Such as the Wall Street Crash of 2008, which even Paul Craig Roberts was speaking to in the mid-2000s, him being the architect of Reaganomics. (He believes his "free market" efforts and plan was good at the time, but not in a later time when the same conditions no longer exist.)
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