Ringling Bros. Circus: Please Mark Your Calendar!
Ringling Bros. Circus will return to the Bay Area on August 17.
Please join us to educate circus patrons about the cruelty of using animals in the circus.
Wednesday 8\17 6 PM Saturday 8\20 *1:30 PM & 6 PM
Thursday 8\18 6 PM Sunday 8\21 *3:30 PM
Friday 8\19 6 PM
SAN JOSE ARENA-Autumn & Santa Clara St. in San Jose
Wednesday 8\24 6 PM Saturday 8\27 *1:30 PM & 6 PM
Thursday 8\25 6 PM Sunday 8\28 *3:30 PM
Friday 8\26 6 PM
COW PALACE-Geneva and Santos in Daly City
Wednesday 8\31 6 PM Saturday 9\3 *1:30 PM & 6 PM
Thursday 9\1 6 PM Sunday 9\4 *3:30 PM
Friday 9\2 6 PM Monday 9\5 10 AM
To Car Pool or For More Info. Call 650\654-9955.
*It's especially important to be prompt, as we leaflet two shows at that time - people coming out of an earlier show and people going into the next show. The people come out all at once, if we're late we'll miss them.
Also, see:
Facts vs Ringling Fiction
(note many of vary same quote above debunked)
Fact Sheet
(documents numerous animal deaths and violations of humane laws)
Deceptive Advertising
Circus Spies
(so afraid of the truth coming out, they spied on animal groups)
Harrassment of Animal Activists, Using Police as Tools to Protect Profits in Fresno in July '05
I see intimidation of activists' free speech rights just last week in Fresno. I see reports of questionable animal deaths, reported abuse (Oakland Trib), and a USDA investigation all last year, in 2004, and in almost every year preceding it. In those links, I see the circus being called on using spies to go after "enemies" four years ago. I see the very same pro-circus talking points "anonymous" just made debunked.
Why would "anonymous" lie? To discourage people from following those links and reading the stories Ringling would rather people not know about. "Anonymous" would much rather people only go to the company's website and hear about how wonderful Ringling is to the animals. It does not serve Ringling's profit-margins to tell potential customers anything else.
While the phrase "mutual respect, trust and affection" is clearly subjective, and it is possible that "anonymous" believes the phrase fits animals dieing due to poor ventilation, breeding animals too young, forcing animal compliance to perform with bullhooks, and so forth, it is farce for "anonymous" or the company to assert that the animals feel this way about their captors.
People are catching on and animal circuses are declining in popularity as attendance drops and sponsors pull out. Feel-good corporate platitudes and lies cannot overcome the truth of the matter.
The "animal rights protesters" will continue to pursue their cause and the circus (animal & human acts) will be enjoyed by thousands of parents, children and grandparents as it has for generations. Those people who want an afternoon or evening of good wholesome family entertainment will continue to attend regardless of the information distributed by the "protesters".
I have seen parents, in my opinion, who treat their children and their pets with less love and care than the Ringling Bros circus animals receive. To me, this is a cause most worthy of change.
A relationship “built on mutual respect, trust, and affection,” eh? You mean the way prisoners respect, trust and love their jailers and kidnappers who hold the power of life and death over them? Did these animals tell you that they preferred to be “trained” in your methods rather than live in their native habitats with their own kind, having the amount of space needed to roam and food to eat that Mother Nature intended for them? As for the animal welfare regulations, don’t make me laugh. They’re not as callous as they were 100 years ago, but they’re certainly not crafted for the benefit of the animals.
Bottom line: an animal circus is a commercial enterprise benefiting from the enslavement of other creatures. No amount of attentive veterinary care or vitamin-infused food excuses the basic immorality of such a business.
By buying a ticket to the circus you are not only saying that it's ok to do this to animals, but you are contributing to it by paying them to do it. Please, anybody considering going to the circus, think about the animals imprisoned inside - it's a modern day slave trade and those trapped inside can not speak for themselves - it is up to us. There are many other circuses that do not have animal acts, and every year more and more people are choosing compassion over cruelty by boycotting anima acts. Please join.
a little undercover PR perhaps? someone else is trying to get fame when they talk about the circus and you're just an honest broker untainted info? no vested interest?
it's a farce to suggest that the elephants and other animals are satisfied in conditions like these...
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