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EZLN Red Alert issued

by Clare Bayard
The EZLN has issued a red alert for only the third time in eleven years- this is important to watch closely. The communique is below, followed by an article from La Jornada with an analysis of the situation and answers to some questions. Let's keep a close ear out for more news coming from local support committees that are directly allied with the EZLN like the Chiapas Support committee (based in Oakland), the situation looks ready to blow and we need to be prepared to demonstrate our support however it's called for. Clare, Heads up collective
>Communiqué from the Clandestine Revolutionary
>Indigenous Committee - General Command of the
>Zapatista Army of National Liberation.
>June 19, 2005
>To the People of Mexico:
>To the Peoples of the World:
>Brothers and Sisters:
>As of today, the Zapatista Army of National
>Liberation has declared, throughout all rebel
>territory, a
>Based on this, we are informing you:
>First - That at this time the closure is being
>carried out of the Caracoles and the Good
>Government Offices which are located in the
>zapatista communities of Oventik, La Realidad,
>Morelia and Roberto Barrios, as well as all the
>headquarters of the authorities of the different
>Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities.
>Second - That also being carried out is the
>evacuation of the members of the different Good
>Government Juntas and the autonomous
>authorities, in order to place them in shelter.
>Now, and for an indefinite time period, they
>will be carrying out their work in a clandestine
>and nomadic manner. Both the projects as well as
>the autonomous government will continue
>functioning, although under different
>circumstances than they have been up until now.
>Third - That basic community health services
>will continue functioning in the different
>Caracoles. Civilians will be in charge of these
>services, and the CCRI-CG of the EZLN is
>distancing them from any of our future actions,
>and we are demanding that they be treated as
>civilians and with respect for their life,
>liberty and goods by government forces.
>Fourth - That there has been a call-up of all
>members of our EZLN who have been engaged in
>social work in the zapatista communities and
>those of our regular troops who have been in
>their barracks. In a similar fashion, all
>broadcasts by Radio Insurgente, "The Voice of
>Those Without Voice", in FM and in short wave,
>have been suspended for an indefinite period of
>Fifth - That, simultaneous with the publication
>of this communiqué, national and international
>civil societies who are working in peace camps
>and in community projects are being urged to
>leave rebel territory. Or, if they decide freely
>of their own volition, they remain on their own
>and at their own risk, gathered in the
>caracoles. In the case of minors, their
>departure is obligatory.
>Sixth - That the EZLN announces the closing of
>the Zapatista Information Centre (CIZ), not
>without first thanking the civil societies who
>have participated in it, from the time of its
>creation until today. The CCRI-CG of the EZLN
>formally releases these persons from any
>responsibility for the future actions of the
>Seventh - That the EZLN releases from
>responsibility for any of our future actions all
>persons and civil, political, cultural, citizens
>and non- governmental organizations, solidarity
>committees and support groups who have been
>close to us since 1994. We thank all of those
>who have, sincerely and honestly, throughout
>these almost 12 years, supported the
>civil and peaceful struggle of the zapatista
>indigenous for the constitutional recognition
>of indigenous rights and culture.
>From the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast. By
>the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous
>Committee - General Command of the Zapatista
>Army of National Liberation.
>Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
>Mexico, in the sixth month of the year 2005.


Originally Published in Spanish by La Jornada
Mexico City, Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Section: Política

Montemayor: There Is an Imminent Risk of Violence

* The planting of drugs (marijuana), counterinsurgency strategy

BY: Blanche Petrich

The writer Carlos Montemayor said that the EZLN’s “red alert” is a
warning about the “imminent explosion of violence” in a zone of Chiapas
in the five years of the Fox government tensions have accumulated and the
structures of paramilitary groups remain intact. They (the
paramilitary groups) continue under the protection of the state and
federal governments and the Mexican Army.
In an interview with La Jornada he emphasized that this alert, only
the third which it has put out in eleven (11) years, “denudes of ski
masks the concealed policy of aggression of the paramilitaries in
Chiapas, behind which the state and federal governments and the Army are
hidden. It is an important political message, not only military or
In no way, he points out, can the intention of a unilateral aggression
by the EZLN be read into this text. “To the contrary, he adds, what are
announced are previous plans which they will be deploying as defensive
actions before the degree of violence that institutional forces may
eventually deploy.”
The author of important novels about insurgency in Mexico (War in
Paradise, Weapons of Dawn, Secret Reports), Montemayor warned, at the
same time, about the “evident artificiality” of the bulletin from the
National Defense Ministry, which yesterday reported about the finding of
marijuana plants in zones under Zapatista control in Los Altos of Chiapas
(the Highlands). “The sewing of plants in territories which it plans to
attack,” he pointed out,” he pointed out, has been part of the
counterinsurgency manuals of the armed forces for a long time.
He defined the Zapatista comunicado as a “multiple political message,”
which begins with the “15 minutes” that the candidate Vicente Fox
destined to the solution of the conflict in Chiapas and which “were
converted into five years of construction of a wave of dangerous
Warning about the danger of a violent explosion soon, latent since
years ago because of the presence of paramilitaries “encouraged, armed,
trained and protected by the federal armed forces,” does not equal an
announcement of unilateral warlike actions by the EZLN, he insisted. He
recognized that in that text they announce “future actions” by this force
of which they remove of responsibility all civilian
collaborators, but, he analyzes, “it is a defensive strategy regarding
offensive strategies that they must resist.”
He considered that the central part of the “red alert” is in the
warning that the structures of the Caracoles and the Good Government
Juntas will not be dismantled, rather that they are going to work in a
clandestine and hidden manner. “In other words: they will become
politically stronger, they will become better established, they will be
in the medium term more indestructible.” He added that by marking that
course for the project which he classified as the “political and
judicial heart of the proposals of Zapatismo,” the EZLN conferred on its
document “a highest political value.”
Before the danger of a new stage of instability in Chiapas, Montemayor
proposed that “the social reaction which requires a warning like that
ought to be not only of absolute opposition to the military and
paramilitary violence, but a reevaluation of the pacifist, judicial and
social essence of the Juntas.”
Q: The comandancia of the EZLN foresees governmental actions and asks
for respect for civilians who remain at the front of their communities.
Are there indications of attacks by the government?
Ans: There are too many tensions in the zone: displacements, water
conflicts, conflicts over land, kidnappings, which are leaving a wake of
growing tension. The lack of information makes us believe that there is
stability. The red alert is looking at the facts which we have refused to
see, to follow, to track and to attend to.
“It is not possible to believe that the paramilitaries have continued
amassing weapons and training for nothing. It is part of a strategy in
movement. The apparent abandonment of military camps leaves a territory
without obstacles, ‘free’ for paramilitary action. This already
happened: Acteal.”
Q: The Zapatista Army’s declaration coincides with a bulletin from
Defense which denounces the existence of marijuana plants in Zapatista
Is it accidental or the construction of an argument of narco-guerrilla
which could justify an armed offensive?
Ans: In documents discussed within the Army’s breast between October
and December of 1994, which are presented in the final part of my novel,
Secret Reports, these types of actions are proposed as
counterinsurgency strategies.
A fistful of coke and marijuana can not only be planted in the streets or
in a residence. It can also be planted in a territory that it wants to
Translation by: Chiapas Support Committee
P.O. Box 3421
Oakland, CA 94609
Tel: (510) 654-9587
email: cezmat [at]

by clare
My browser wasn't showing the whole page so I didn't see the other postings on this-- thanks to the folks who are up on distributing the news and had already posted here. I think the La Jornada interview with Montemayor is still useful, especially some context for those of us like me who are somewhat out of the loop.
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