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Malnutrition in Africa #1 Killer

by Pharma cartel profits from AIDS hype
Malnutrition mimics the symptoms of "AIDS", yet improving diet is not as profitable as selling pharmaceutical products like AZT believed to "cure" AIDS..
Corporate media encourages the public to believe that HIV/AIDS is responsible for millions of deaths in Africa and pharmaceutical corporations can offer the solution in the form of cytotoxic products like AZT..

This myth ignores the fact that malnutrition in Africa also results in immune system malfunction similar to "HIV/AIDS". The solution to death and disease from malnutrition in Africa is return of stolen land from plantation export corporations to the indigenous communities. Time tested permaculture multicropping farming would increase nutritional diversity of food plants available to Africans. When this happens we will see a decline in immune system suppression mortality resulting from malnutrition..

List addresses of some permaculture projects in Africa;

Wangari Maathai's Green Belt movement indicates that indigenous Africans are capable of solving local problems like deforestation resulting from European colonialism;

Evidence indicates that Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is not Aquired via sexual relations and transmission of HIV virus, instead Immune Deficiency Syndrome in Africa is a result of chronic malnutrition and poverty of living conditions..

Here is an exceprt of an article by one of the many scientists challenging the pharmaceutical hype surrounding "AIDS"..

"AIDS in Africa is Caused by Starvation and Medications"

7 March 2002

Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati,
President, Toxicologist, and Pathologist
Toxi-Health International, Dixon, CA 95620

I reviewed many published studies that described the impact of malnutrition on the functions and the structure of the immune system of people in Africa. These studies clearly demonstrate that the main cause of AIDS in Africa is severe starvation and not HIV. I described these studies in my book “ Get All The Facts: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS”[1]. The functions of the immune system, especially the cellular immunity, are impaired in malnourished individuals. For example, the size of the thymus of 42 malnourished children was reduced by 90% as compared with a case-match normal controls[2]. In a second study involving 110 malnourished children, the thymic area was found to be 20% of the size in healthy children[3].

High prevalence of malnutrition in Africa and other developing countries has been documented by Fauci et al.[4]. They stated that the magnitude of malnutrition problem worldwide is immense. Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) may be present in endemic form in developing nations and under famine conditions the prevalence may approach 25 percent. In 1983, the World Health Organization estimated that 300 million children had growth retardation secondary to malnutrition. Cell-mediated immunity is impaired as indicated by all standard tests in individuals suffering from PEM and common infections and opportunistic infections can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. In addition, nearly every aspect of reproduction is impaired in the woman with PEM, including implantation, fetal growth, lactation, and parturition. The infants are stunted in size and may have cognitive impairment if they survive [4] Yet, Anthony Fauci and the AIDS establishment have continued to overlook these facts and maintained the claim that HIV is the cause of AIDS in Africa. "

above from;

"In South Africa millions of so called black and colored were forcibly removed from their land and treated as third class citizens in their own country. Education received by the oppressed people was designed in such a way as to prevent them from ever empowering themselves or to compete against "white" counterparts in the local job markets. Special homelands were created so as to isolate blacks from the mainstream of the economy.

The "white" minority government during this time incurred huge debts to fund the monstrosities they committed against the black people of South Africa. This triggered massive defiance campaigns by all opposing political movements against the Apartheid regime, spearheaded by the ANC. When the country headed for total disaster, they released Mr. Nelson Mandela unconditionally and started negotiating a new South Africa, which led to democratic elections in 1994, the first in the history of South Africa.

All over Africa, poverty is a common denominator and it is not surprising that peoples immune systems have been damaged. WHO (World Health Organization) classes malnutrition as the number one killer on the African continent, poverty being the primary factor for AIDS.

In 1998 the report by WHO lists HIV, 8th on the killer list."

above from;

other writings from Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati about effects of malnutrion and inaccurate "HIV/AIDS" diagnosis in Africa;

"Unlike in the United States, AIDS in Africa is most frequently diagnosed based on four very imprecise clinical symptoms--diarrhea, fever, persistent cough, and weight loss greater than 10% over two months. HIV antibody tests are not required to diagnose a case of African AIDS. These four clinical symptoms are identical to the problems created by conditions of poverty that have troubled Africa and other developing areas of the world for centuries. In fact, symptoms of the so-called African AIDS epidemic are indistinguishable from the effects of malnutrition, unsanitary drinking and bathing water, and common curable conditions like malaria, cholera, tuberculosis, and parasitic infections.

Rather than solve the problems of African poverty caused by centuries of ruthless Western exploitation, the U.S. government insists on broadcasting the doomsday notion that Africa is suddenly gripped by a deadly, spreading sexual plague. According to these American health authorities, salvation from sickness can only be found in profitable pills manufactured by the white West and exported to black Africa."

above from ACT-UP SF;

info compiled by luna moth

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