San Francisco
San Francisco
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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature


by deanosor (deanosor [at]
The hateful picket line of the GodHatesFags "Church" has been moved. It will begin at 6pm outside of the GLAAD cdinner at Fort mason Center
Location and Time Change! The spirited haters from God Hates Fags crew are going to be picketing the the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) dinner at the Fort Mason Center, 1 Marina Blvd., The crew says they will arrive at 6pm.

The change occurred because GLAAD is honoring a boycott called by the Hotel Workers Union of several downtown hotels including the Westin-St. Francis.
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by if anything?
The first announcement had no credibility --
not only did it give the wrong location,
but also it advocated tactics which would make IndyBay look bad.

Now, as of Monday, where's the follow-up on the SF demo and counter-demo?

Did anything actually happen in SF on Saturday?

Or was the action all in Treacy ????

by heard it before
>but also it advocated tactics which would make IndyBay look bad.



A favorite FBI tactic uncovered by Senate investigators was to misinform people that a political meeting or event had been cancelled. Another was to offer nonexistent housing at phony addresses, stranding out-of-town conference attendees who naturally blamed those who had organized the event. FBI agents also arranged to transport demonstrators in the name of a bogus bus company which pulled out at the last minute. Such "dirty tricks" interfered with political events and turned activists against each other.


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See also:


Post some phony events. Disguise it so it looks real. Say there is some protest this weekend in SF or Berkeley, or a meeting or whatever. Then they won't know if it's spam or something real.

Post lots of events.


by anonymous
I was the post-er who posted the piece about San Francisco. I am anonymous for obvious reasons. I am not an FBI agent or any other governemental agent. I am activist tired of not dealing with fascists and otehrs that same ilk the way they should be dealt with.
The Union Squaree location came from the "GodHatesFags/Westboro Baptists Church" (GHF) website. When soemone pointed out that GLAAD had moved their eventr, I re-checked the website and saw that the GHF idiots had updated their website and was going to put up another posting. Someone else had already done so.
On the question of what i put up about past uses of fire against the Bible-thumpers, i am fed up by lame circular picket lines which accomplish next to nothing. If you don't like fire, figure out some other way to drive these assholes aways. They don't belong in San Francisco or anywhere else. I don't believe a suggested tactical deviation from the pacifist norm will hurt Indybay. Indybay is open publishing, where no one else's post represents anybody other than the post-er. That argument is called a red herring. Say why you're agaisnt using militant tactics to hcase these cretins away.
by x
From the "Union Square" posting:

"When they have appered in San Francisco in the past, they have been met with rocks, bottles and Aqua-net incited fires (Recipe: 1. get a book of matches or a lighter, light the fire, 2. Get a can of hairspray, (All the fashionable people use Aqua-net® but any hairspray or other canned spray accelerant will do. Butch-types can use Right Guard® Spray),
3. Hold the fire in front of the Aqua-net nozzle. Make sure nozzle is facing the way you want the fire to go (Fire safety is important), and spray. The flames will look very impressive), Watch the non-sissies run behind the police officers. Don't get caught. We want to see your pretty faces all week-end. None of this last paragraph is approved by Indybay, GLAAD or any responsible group.
Again its 5pm, today Saturday, Union Square. Be there or be oblong! "

by legal eagle
it's a felony
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