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June 25: March Against War, Empire, & Capitalism in Downtown Palo Alto

by Anarchist Action - Palo Alto (anarchistaction(at)riseup(dot)net)
<b><em>Destroy the War Machine!</em></b><br><br>
<b>Meet 7pm . Saturday . June 25</b><br>
Lytton Plaza in downtown Palo Alto<br>
University Ave. at Emerson<br>
<em>2 Blocks from Palo Alto Caltrain</em></p>

Fight Bush

There's a war on - a war between the United States government and the vast majority of the world's population. This war has many faces - the struggles over globalization, corporate empire, and the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan - but everywhere the same lines are drawn. Everywhere the US government is acting in the interests of corporations, and everywhere people are being slaughtered, are starving to death, and are watching their lives be torn apart and sold for profit.

Stop the War

This war has to stop. The occupation must end, neoliberalism must be buried, and any attempt to invade Iran must be prevented. The prediction that the US may not have the military or political capacity to wage another war must be fulfilled. Already well over five thousand soldiers have deserted and recruitment is falling far short of the military's goals. It's up to us to ensure that the US government does not maintain a political or social capacity to continue its war on the world's population.


Destroy Empire

What does this mean? This means we need to step up our resistance - and we need to do it now! The US can only continue its devastating economic pursuits if it can rely on our complacency and the safety of the corporations which it serves. If we act together to take back control out our own lives, environments, and relations, present a serious challenge to government power, and inflict serious economic damage upon the corporations responsible for this war, they won't be able to invade Iran or even continue the occupation of Iraq - and they'll be in a lot more trouble than that!

Dismantle Capitalism

It is not enough to oppose one piece of this horrible puzzle - what we win one place will be taken away somewhere else. From war to globalization, occupation, and all other attacks on working and poor people around the world, to their architect, the G8 - it is the system itself which must be destroyed. As hundreds of thousands converge on Scotland to prevent the leaders of the world's 8 wealthiest countries from meeting to plan their next attack, we must mobilize here to resist it. Converge on downtown Palo Alto this June 25th - destroy their nightmare, make your dreams possible!

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by A message from Planet EARTH
Yeah, I have seen these protests and I can say that the chapter at any local fraternity can dismantle any resistance the "anarchist" palo alto anti-war morons can give. You are the type of people that can't stand up to friday night drunks much less a battle hardend military.

Protests won't dismantle shit, it takes real action. Death, destruction, mayhem, now that will win revolutions; Not whinning that some 15 year old at McDonalds doesn't make enough. Anarchists used to be willing to start wars to fullfill their goals, you kids are just looking for something to do when not skateboarding or playing Halo 2.

Shit, go home and change your huggies boy. You dime store anarchists make me sick.
by Steve
I agree. No one wants your tired juvenile crap. Go back to your bong and hackeysack.
by _
um, "anarchists used to what?" please elaborate. which anarchists where? or is it a big secret. this shit the palo alto folk are doing is pretty radical for the context.

meanwhile, haters like you sit with your thumb up your ass and complain. if youve got ideas, go make them happen. dont beg other people to champion your ideas, your cause, your strategies.
by m
i will be there to support the actions! last time was great.we will spread the word to our supportive peoples
by gEm
It is great to see the people of palo alto not putting up with this crap...voice your support for the real palo alto community...tell the "students" from out of town to go home...
by community
"The real Palo Alto community" = rich, yuppy, capitalist, white people...
by Willie Sutton
"Dime Store Anarchists"? Gimme a break. At the last Palo Alto action, an Americ an Express Office was attacked. That's a billion dollar corporation, not no dime store. Call us "Billion dollar finacial services company anarchists" at least!
by let's get real here
That is quite a different thing than attacking American Express itself. The clean up was just another cost of doing business. The action was purely symbolic. American anarchists appear to have reached a de facto detente with the capitalists. We pretend to attack them and they pretend to suppress us.

Let's get real here. The real Willie Sutton robbed real banks and stole real money. Even he was no more annoying to the capitalists than a mosquito bite on a servant's arm. Unlike that other great bank robber, Durutti, he didn't even spend the money on revolution.

If we are to have an effect, we must stop biting ankles, and go for the jugular. Otherwise, we're just having another party. Revolution is not about playing dress up and acting out. It's about making changes.

American Express does have vulnerabilities. It's offices are not among them. They grow back. To actually hurt American Express, or any corporation, we must hit them where it doesn't grow back.
by Steve
You got it! Us rich, yuppy, capitalist types don't want YOU in our town. Go to hell.
by Willie Sutton
Even tho my name implies that i only rob banks for the greed of money, i (the secret person inisde the Willie Suttton" name) do want a revolution. So prey tell "Let's get real here", How do we destroy American Express and build that revolution we all want? You can tell us, you're amongst comrade revolutionaries.
While we wait for the response, the kids in Palo Alto act. Some of them attack an office of American Express and a cop car. Others call for a militant anti-capitalist anti-war march on Saturday June 25 at7pm beginning in Lyton Plaza in downtown Palo Alto. While were' waitign for the correct way ot destroy American Express for the comrade, others (lesser than the cor=mrade, sir) do what they can do.
by Steve---get off your GW blow-up doll
give that thing a break!
by Realist from Planet Earth

Gavrilo Princip, 19 year old seperatist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand II in 1917, effectivily beginning The Great War. Thats World War One junior, just incase you failed History 101.

And all this time you though Franz Ferdinand was just a band.

Charles Guiteau, a professed anarchist, assassinated President Garfield on July 2, 1881. Unfortunatly the shot wasn't fatal so Garfield died as a result of infection. Thats because medicine wasn't that well developed back then skippy, just incase you failed U.S. History.

And all this time you thought Garfield was just an orange cat.

So thus ends my free history lesson. These facts are the result of searching the word, "ANARCHIST" through google.

As for your statements, I AM NOT A FUCKING PROTESTOR. I just laugh at you all.
by Realist from Planet Earth.
Okay. I am posting here because I am tired of coffeehouse anarchists, communists, and socialists. You don't know the first thing about any of this stuff. You attack the office of a corporation? That ain't going to hurt shit, except the workers, because they are the first to go.

I mean seriously, don't burn down the factory because they treat their workers badly; because it defeats the purpose.

Number one, you need to look around. I mean at America. Not just your little groups across America, not IMC's of America, I MEAN THE COUNTRY ITSELF! They are not on your side. Not even the people that supported Kerry are for your radical dime store revolution. It is a 2-20 fight at minimum, simple as that. And even do take the cities, you have 1,000s of small towns and vast expanse filled with armed people who live there to fight through.

When are you going to make time for this? Finals? When you've finally gotten bored playing X-box? Or when you finally run out of XTC and Weed?

Secondly. What do you plan? I mean even if you do win a revolution? Do you think that you can make a system, i.e. Communism, work? Do you realize that people more educated than you have tried? Do ever even think about it? Do you ever think of reading up on both Capitalism and Communism?

Look I know what is like to be a young kid at college. Yeah you try to find yourself and decide that you will change the world for the better by crushing the evil establishment. I used to be like you until I met people from the Former Soviet Union, until I met people from Cuba and China and all the other examples of "Socialist Utopias".

I decided then not be of that mindset. I say read animal farm, 1984, Atlas Shrugged, the Fountainhead, Anthem, ect. Books that are on the side of democratic capitalism, not because they are right but because at least you can see a rational opposition to this thing you are trying to establish. I don't any of these 'anti-war/anti-capitalist' types have really ever stopped to think about communism. Try and make it work inside your head, and see where you get. Because you factor in reality, it doesn't work.

Thirdly, most of you have never seen war. You have never seen death. I mean up close and personal. You have never seen what revolution does to a country and a society. Most never recover. You don't how easily revolutions turn against you, or how easily they are put down by a battle hardend military. The most successful attempt at revolution in our history, besides the one against Britain, was the Civil War. It ain't going to be like that. They had weapons, infastructure, and popular support of half the people, and they got put down. A lot of people died, half country lay in ruins, and the reprecussions lasted until way into the 20th century if not even today.

You college kids don't know battle, you don't know revolution. You are bunch of little children playing Che that will just have interesting stories to tell their children years later about the college years. 90% would shit yourselves in the event of a real battle, and run the other way.

If you want to be special or different, take up a damn sport or get freaking hobby. Revolution isn't for weekenders like you, it is for people that have no other choice. Sorry to say but if anyone in the country has a right to talk revolution it is those "rich, white, yuppies" you hate so much. Because students like you are consuming their tax dollars to attack the system they support. I owe them, the soldiers, and my forefathers for what I have. At least I am enough of a man to admit that.

That isn't saying you have to agree with me, but you should at least attempt to know yourself before you try to destroy over 200 years of U.S. Democracy.
by miles
Okay Realist from Planet Earth, you are wrong on your history. First of all, doing a Google search is no substitute for engaging in real historical research. Anything can get on the internet.

Gavrilo Princip was a Serbian nationalist, a purported member of the "Black Hand," a semi-clandestine outfit that was fighting against the domination of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in what was to become a part of Yugoslavia. They had nothing to do with anarchism, which has always been an internationalist movement.

Charles Guiteau never called himself an anarchist. You (and your Google sources) are clearly confusing the assassin of Garfield with Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of McKinley. Czolgosz declared himself an anarchist. He correctly identified McKinley as the responsible party for the slaughter of indigenous people in the Philippines during the recently ended Spanish-American War, in addition to being the boss of bosses of the American capitalist system.

You should only give credit where credit is due.

And you spell it Durruti, not "Durutti"; he name is Basque, not Italian.
From the ground up. Only mass action can change the world. Remember, what we're fighting for is not between the world's sidwalks, but between its ears. Capitalism is built on humanity's shoulders. It can't stand on its own. Without us holding it it up, it cannot but fall. Create viable alternatives to capitalism, do them instead, and capitalism will collapse of its own weight.
by real
Sorry about the spelling error. I wasn't thinking clearly. It was early. My first cup of coffee hadn't sunk in yet.

Actually, Durruti was only half Basque. His mother was Catalan. He was the second son of Santiago Durruti Malgor and Anastasia Dumange Soler. The Durrutis were French Basques and the Dumanges were Catalans, but both families lived in Leon.
For what it's worth, Abel Paz, on page 19 of his excellent biography, Durruti: The People Armed, says:

The name DURRUTI comes from the Basque. URRUTI. meaning far. It seems that Basques who lived in isolated houses were given this name. It probably came originally from the French Basque province of Labourd (Lapurdi).


. . . (Durruti's mother, Anastasia) writes that her father-in-law. Lorenzo came to live in Leon and spoke Spanish very poorly. As to her father, Pedro Dumange, Anastasia says that he had to leave Catalonia for obscure reasons and came to live in Leon, where he opened a textile shop and married Rosa Soler. Anastasia was born in 1875 and she married Ignacio Durruti when she was 16.

by flying monkey
soviet russia failed... cuba failed... damn, our plan is a failure.

oh wait... we're not communists!

i guess it's on then, mofo!

read up on Parecon before you try to bring the hate.
by A message from Earth
Your not communists? No you just believe in the elimination of capitalism and the collective ownership of all property. There is nothing communistic about that at all. Maybe you should actually show up to class and not smoke so much mj.

You would know that what you are describing is exactly the definition of communism, dumbass.

As for everyone else, it seems your little paragraph long rants never answered any of the points brought up by realist as to why you will fail at you goals.

What, finding it hard to accept reality? Well we all have to grow up sometime losers. I am sorry the fraternity didn't let you in, but that is no reason to overthrow western civilization cocksmith.
by deanosor (deanosor [at]
George Orwell the writer of !984 and Animal Farm was not a supporter of democratic capitalism, but was anti-capitalist. At one point he was a Trotskyist adn later mmoved on to a democratic socialsit postion, but all througout he was anti-cpaitalist. He suppored the anarchists in Spain, accordign to his book, "Homage to Catalonia".
by miles
Hey Real, nicely done. You latched onto my smallest point in an attempt to deflect my stinging corrections of your absurd and untrue assertions about Gavrilo Princip and Charles Guiteau being anarchists. Did you learn that neat rhetorical trick in college or by being in middle management?
"Realist from Planet Earth" and "let's get real here" are two different people.
by aaron
Miles destroyed "Realist From Planet Earth's" google-inspired dis in a few quick paragraphs.

RFPE bats down straw-men. We're not stalinists; we oppose *all forms* of capitalism, including state capitalism.

RFPE seems to think invoking Ayn Rand books and adopting a world-weary posture is a stand-in for reasoned political analysis. I propose he take his defense of market capitalism to the shanty-towns and slums that ring every city enjoying the proceeds of the global system he seeks to defend. I tend to think he wouldn't make it back alive.
by flying monkey
oh wait, NO IT'S NOT


since Communism involves having The State which is...umm... wow, exactly what anarchism opposes!

again, read some Parecon *before* you run your mouth on shit you obviously don't understand
some of these posts seem to be fighting about anarchism itself, and most seem to be extremely condicending. I will just have you know that the palo alto/ bay area collectives are aware that they are not overthrowing capitalism in a single blow or succesfully instilling revolution, but, they are for the cause, and doing something is better than doing nothing. Anarchism is so radical that it is hard or impossible to imagine it occcuring in America in the near future, and that has been taken into account, but to deny revolution itself is only spreading apathy further and showing that one has absolutly no capacity to help those who are suffering. In many of these posts, you or others are putting out the point that, Palo Alto is an upper class and upper middle class society, therefore, the residents invloved with this protest are inherently against a working class revolution. This is true in many cases, but it is not true that all south/pensula bay area anarchists sit around playing X-box all day, smoking pot. In fact, very few of them do anything of the sort, and the fact that they are organizing anti-capitalist actions shows that they are at least doing something. Many of these folks have working class jobs temselves, while some are still going to school, but really what are you expecting of them? Should those who are younger, but still interested in the movement quit school alltogether and run away from their parents homes to become squatter punks? While this is a very admirable action, one can not completely live free from class or capitalism in a purely capitalist society. In conclusion, those who are fighting for anarchism are doing quite a bit, even though hypocracy may be inevitable, especially when your against the whole system that is surrounding you. Just because someone is privaleged doesnt mean that is a valid excuse for staying stagnant or apathetic. in saying that, I assure you that i'm not looking for an argument, i dont want to be surrounded with history or people constantly reminding me that i spelled some words wrong or that my cause is hopeless. All i can say is that critisizm is not getting much done, if you feel like palo alto is filled with rich white yuppy capitalists, come protest them on saturday and being condicendig about it is only showing that you do believe in hierarchy. woot woot
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