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Free Sami Al-Arian, and free the people of Palestine!



JUNE 6, 2005




(CHICAGO) (June 6, 2005) The Bush Administration is determined to make America the laughingstock of the Middle East, and to ensure that every potential opponent of America is energized to action against us.

The most ridiculous "show trial" since Stalin's purges in Russia in the 1930's has begun in a federal courtroom in Tampa, Florida. The Israeli government, using neo-con extremists in the Bush administration, is placing the Palestinian People on trial for the "crime" of fighting for their freedom.

Sami Al-Arian was a guest on my radio program, "Andy Martin's America." I have never met the man, but from what I know I am happy to call him "friend." Assuming all of the nonsense alleged by the federal government is true, the real criminal in this cast of characters is missing: Ariel Sharon, and his henchmen in the Israeli government. The real criminal organization is the Israeli military establishment that occupies the Palestinian People.

Sami Al-Arian is being tried for the crime of assisting in the fight for freedom of his people.

Consider the implications, and change for a moment the venue from Tampa to London. The British government fought an "anti-terrorist" campaign to suppress Irish nationalism. The tactics used by British police involved all of the atrocities similarly employed by the Israelis: mass arrests, torture, murder, concentration camps, etc.

But the Irish had friends in America. Both the lowly, who contributed money, and the mighty, who contributed publicity and visibility, combined to keep the hope of removing Britain from Ireland alive. As British troops massacred Irish, violence was returned by the occupied.

Through all of this extreme behavior on all sides, the U. K. government was incensed at the support shown for Irish nationalism by Senator Ted Kennedy, Representative Peter King and many others.

The charges against Sami Al-Arian are just as ridiculous as if the British Government had indicted Senator Kennedy and Representative King and other Irish supporters for supporting the war of Irish liberation. Merely to suggest the prosecution of Ireland's American supporters in British courts is to recognize how absurd the current show trial in Tampa really is.

Make no mistake who is behind this abuse of American courts: the Israeli government, which treats the U. S. Government as a puppet and plaything. Sharon's regime wants to destroy existing support for Palestinians in the United States, and wants to criminalize any future support for Palestinians, while encouraging pro-Israel Americans to immigrate and settle on stolen Palestinian lands.

The ultimate human right is the right to freedom, as Americans celebrate every July 4th. Palestinians seek the same freedom for themselves. And Israelis will never be able to deny Palestinians their right to freedom. Not now. Not ever.

It is not a crime to fight for your freedom, or to assist others to fight for their freedom. Not surprisingly, bloody tactics to suppress Palestinian freedom have begotten bloody tactics in response.

The reality is unpleasant for supporters of Israel to admit and accept: Israel is its own worst enemy. American supporters of Israel could some day be placed on trial somewhere in the Middle East for the "crime" of sending decade after decade of financial support to subsidize Israeli colonialism and occupation in Palestine.

Without taxpayer subsidized U. S. support the military regime in Israel would be forced to make peace with its neighbors. Which means it is doomed to fall some day, unless Israel awakens to its own moral duty and seeks to undo the damage it has done to world peace. Israel can survive, and even survive as a strong nation, but only if adopts the path of peace, not the paths of occupation, colonialism and imperialism.

In essence, every American--whatever his or her political beliefs--is forced to subsidize Israel through federal tax dollars. It is a counterproductive, self-destructive foreign policy and we continue to reap the rewards for this insanity, in fears of terrorism at home and in being ostracized abroad.

Now we are turning over U. S. Courts to the Israelis so they can use federal attorneys to conduct show trials against Palestinians. And we wonder why the world hates us.

I have sent a letter asking the U. S. Attorney General to end the travesty and direct that the Al-Arian trial be ended. [Copies of my letter to the Attorney General are available on request.]

The solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not lie in a Tampa courtroom. It lies in enlightened leadership, sorely lacking, in Washington, to force the evacuation of all land occupied by Israel since 1967, and the immediate recognition of a Palestinian State by the U. S. Government.

Before my e-mail in-box is flooded with the usual hate and harassment of pro-Israeli supporters let me state my stand clearly and plainly: I am not an enemy of the Israeli people; their state was created by International law, not God, and they are entitled to live in peace, once they make reparations and restitution for the damage they have caused and withdraw from occupied Palestine.

The Palestinian People are entitled to equal status, not vassal status to Israeli overlords. Attempts to make Israelis rulers, and to force Palestinians to submit to Israeli domination, will never succeed, or bring peace. The brutal confrontation between two peoples is perpetuated by political manipulators who seek to prolong conflict for political gain.

Unless sanity comes to Washington, insanity will continue to reign in the Middle East. All of the American blood that has been and is being spilled for "peace" and "democracy," rightly or wrongly, will be as wasted as if it had been poured down the drain, in a Tampa Courtroom.

Likewise, Middle Easterners must accept that much land all over the world was partitioned after World War II. Religious extremism will never succeed. Arabs have been badly led and sadly misinformed. Just as I criticize Israeli imperialism I also criticize Arab intransigence. And most of all, I implore President Bush to stop kowtowing to religious fundamentalists that have consistently and continuously corrupted our policies in the Middle East. Peace between two peoples is possible.

Attorney General Gonzales: Free Sami Al-Arian, and help free the Palestinian People from the yoke of Israeli colonialism and imperialism. Help us all to live in peace; let us all forgive the sins of the past, on all sides, and let us all come together as brothers and sisters, not as parties to an ugly show trial in Florida.

My final prediction: As a lawyer, I am painfully aware that no federal criminal trial is ever "fair." The power of the federal government is overwhelming and corrupting to the administration of justice in any case, let alone in a political show trial. But from what little I have seen of how the trial will be managed, I will make an outlandish prediction: the Palestinian freedom fighters will be acquitted of many, if not all, of the charges against them.

I hope and pray Sami Al-Arian takes the stand, and I hope he is allowed to tell the American people and the world the truth about why people of good sense and godly direction favor peace for both peoples, and not just peace for one people. I predict the Al-Arian trial will backfire on the federal government, and, ultimately backfire on the Israeli regime that created it, orchestrated it and controls it.

We all must condemn terrorism and violence, but we must condemn them on both sides, not only the side of the victims of occupation. Israel has provoked a war of national liberation. It should make peace now, before it is too late and before the American people say "enough" and withdraw their support.


ANDY MARTIN serves as independent Contrarian Columnist and chief national/foreign correspondent for Martin has been Baghdad Bureau Chief since April 2003; he has been a Middle East expert for 34 years and is America's most respected independent foreign policy analyst. He is executive director of the Revolutionary War Research Center, a Washington, DC consortium that studies guerilla war and unconventional military and political tactics. MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639. Comments/reaction: andymart20 [at]

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by Freedom Fighter

Also note that Ireland's soccer team recently played Israel. When Israel's national anthem was broadast at the stadium there were was a huge wave of protest by the sons of Eire when hundreds and hundreds of them all waved the famous red-black-green Palestinian flags, a strong symbol of world civil society's revulsion with the criminal enterprise, Israel.

Let's keep up the good work Pro-Palestinians.
by Arthur Richards
"hundreds and hundreds of them all waved"

I was there mate. There were about five jerks who raised the terrorist flag. Most who attended were proud to be Irish and not palstinian, and enjoyed the match.
Consider County Tyrone, as described in this passage from *A Secret History of the IRA* by Ed Moloney, page 308:

* * * * *

Tyrone had always played a crucial role in the annals of Irish republicanism, and a setback to the IRA in Tyrone would be bound to damage the cause throughout Ireland. It had been that way for over three hundred years.

Ever since the great Tudor campaigns against the remnants Ireland's Gaelic chieftains, Tyrone had stood out for the strength of its resistance to English rule. The defeat and death in 1648 of Owen Roe O'Neill, great chieftain of the Tyrone clans who had returned from European exile to lead his people into battle, marked the end of opposition throughout Ireland to the English occupation.

It was not until a hundred and fifty years later that the flame of Irish rebellion was lit again when a Southern Protestant, Theobald Wolfe Tone, made common cause with the Northern Catholic Defenders to mold the United Irishmen.

The defeat of O'Neill also consolidated the plantation of Ulster by lowland Scots and Northern English Protestants whose seizure of Catholic land gave England a buffer against French or Spanish invasion through its Irish back door but left a deep and enduring scar on the Tyrone psyche.

"Rural memories are long," commented one Tyrone republican. "People know which land they lost in the plantation and who took it. They can identify their fields, and in all probability the same Protestant families who took it from their ancestors are still living there."
by Birds of a Feather
"Irish/Palestinian solidarity is based on common historical experiences."

And common training in the terrorist camps of Libya.

Such Hypocrisy and Double Standards….
It is “O.K.” for the U.S. to give billions of dollars a year to the Israeli Government so they can use the money to confiscate Palestinian land, demolish Palestinian home, and drop bombs from helicopters on Palestinian People….

But it is not “O.K.” for anyone to help the Palestinian People financially so that they can defend their lands and their People from such atrocities.

Free Palestine and let them have that tiny State called for in the Road Map to Peace…so that both Peoples can at last live in Peace.

by Financing Terrorists is a no no
"But it is not “O.K.” for anyone to help the Palestinian People financially so that they can defend their lands and their People from such atrocities."

hey, that gives me an idea! Let's arm the KKK so they can defend white people, just like the palestinians are "defending" their people!
Why not offer Al Qaeda a few nukes? That'll surely help the cause of peace!
That's an invalid analogy. In Palestine, it's the IDF that's defending white people. Israel is a Euro-American colony, founded by the dispossession of the indigenous people and maintained by their ongoing oppression.
by Israeli terrorists for peace
Two sides to the story
by not for suicide or bombing
Israel is quite diverse, it is not majority white. In addition to the 20% that is Palestinian Muslim/Christian, there are another 40-50% that are Mizrahi i.e. Jews from Asia and North Africa. So that means 60-70% of Israeli citizens are either Palestinian, Arab or African.

In fact, "multicultural" San Francisco is more "white" than Israel! So much for "bunk logic's" bunk polemic.
San Francisco Population and Demographics
White 49.66%
Asian 30.84%
Black 7.79%
Latino 14.1%
by apartheid
just like apartheid era South Africa, which also had a diverse population, but where real power was held by a privileged ethnic group. If Israel was *truly* a non racist society, it would not object to the Palestinian refugees' Right of Return.
by Een Jordan won't let them back in!
"Palestinian refugees' Right of Return."

The only ones stopping the "palestinians" from returning from whence they came are the governments of the Arab nations of their birth!
Why would they want to live in "apartheid" Isreal anyway?
by more
Protest over Israel Quran abuse report

Wednesday 08 June 2005, 17:42 Makka Time, 14:42 GMT

Reports of Quran desecration have enraged Muslims

Pentagon confirms Quran desecration
HRW: US Islam abuse genuine
Newsweek retracts Quran report

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Palestinian prisoners at an Israeli prison have gone on hunger strike after reports accused Israeli soldiers of desecrating the Quran while searching Palestinian prisoners.

Aljazeera's correspondent in the occupied territories reported that Palestinian prisoners at Megiddo prison, north of the West Bank city of Jenin, went on hunger strike for one day on Wednesday.

Israeli Arab member of parliament Ahmed Tibi, who represents an Israeli Arab political party, said he received complaints from prisoners at the Megiddo prison that soldiers tore and stepped on three copies of the Quran - the Islamic holy book - while searching Palestinians and their possessions on Tuesday morning.

"This is vulgar, primitive behaviour that cannot be allowed to happen," he said, calling for a special session of parliament to discuss the affair.

Tibi said he called Public Security Minister Gideon Ezra to complain.

However, Israeli Prisons Authority spokesman Ofer Lefler said there was no such desecration.

Israeli denial

Lefler said 260 soldiers went into the prison to search for weapons, setting off unrest.

A soldier was inspecting an old copy of the Quran, according to Lefler, when three pages fell to the floor. The soldier put the pages back in the holy book, Lefler said, and that was the extent of the incident.

"This is vulgar, primitive behaviour that cannot be allowed to happen"

Ahmed Tibi,
Israeli Arab politician

Later the Prisons Authority issued a statement saying the whole incident was a "provocation" by the prisoners, and the incident never happened.

The prisoners presented the book that was said to have been desecrated, the statement said, and officials discovered that pages from another book had been inserted.

The extra pages were larger than the book and had not fallen out of a Quran.

Worldwide protests

The statement added that the search revealed cellular telephones, knives and other forbidden articles.

Tibi has often been embroiled in controversies involving Israeli security forces.

He was criticised by a parliamentary committee for an incident in which he slapped an officer at a West Bank roadblock.

Israeli authorities have accused him of provoking police and soldiers in order to reap publicity, but he has denied the charges.

A recent report of US soldiers desecrating the Quran at the lockup in Guantanamo, Cuba, set off deadly riots in the Muslim world.

by ?
"The only ones stopping the "palestinians" from returning from whence they came are the governments of the Arab nations of their birth!"

" The only ones stopping the "palestinians" from returning from whence they came"
If you mean where people were born that would be the West Bankand Gaza. If its where poeple's parents where born the majority may have been born in what is now Israel proper. If you look at peoples great great great grandparents, who knows. The idea of Arab as an ethnic identity is pretty recent (almost a 20th century concept) and with a relatively high number of Christain Palestinians its hard to believe myths about them all moving from Yemen.

The Jordanian King's grandfather came to Jordan at the request of the British and had no ties to the area and no popularity (he was chosen since the British had briedly tried to make his father caliph of the whole Muslim world and when it obviously failed they wanted to make it look like their choice of him wasnt a complete mistake). The whole Jordan is Palestine myth is strange. When Britian promised a state to the Zionists (which everyone including the Zionists assumed would be a binational state) it was suggested that it would be what is now Israel and some of what is now Jordan. Only a few years later when the British drew up the colonial boundaries Palestine and Jordan were seperate. If some promise by some British administrator to the Zionists to encourage their help during WWI makes Jordan Palestine then British said a lot of things to a lot of peopel at the time and didnt keep their world to the Kurds or just about anyone else. Before the British attempt to carve up the region it was all Ottoman with boundaries that were in many ways more administrative than reflective of the local population. Dure to all the shifting borders of the 1st and 2nd mellinum one can assume there were identities tied to familial relations, villages and shared beliefs but any talk of Palestinians really being Syrians, Jordanians, Arabs or anything else doesnt make any sense. In the 1800s there werent Palestinians but there were people who were the ancestors of the modern Palestinians who had identities tied to Jerusalem, Bethleham, Gaza City, Haifa, and other cities in what is now Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

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