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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

SF events 4.27

by chevron BAD
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 7:00am - 10:30am Walnut Creek
important events:
fun events:
EarthDay events:
Lots of events:
groovy events:

- A billion seconds ago, it was 1959.
- A billion minutes ago, Jesus was alive.
- A billion hours ago, our ancestors were living in the Stone Age
- A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate
Washington spends it.

CIBC sees oil at $100 (U.S.)
IMF: Oil could hit $100, hurt growth
Global lending organization says prices will remain volatile through 2030, posing 'serious risk.'
Greenspan plays down oil 'frenzy'
Not Just A Spike

Rice protests deal to arm Venezuela
Colorado therapist enlists lawyer in AFA case
Pirates mock Malacca Strait security
Oil tanker fights off pirates
Violence resumes in Malacca Straits

Navajo Outlaw Uranium Mining,1282,-4955325,00.html

Dear Aliens in sPaCe
Sorry we missed you. We waited as long as we could. Hopefully you'll find the planet to your liking. Yeah, I know it looks pretty fcuked up. The air is gone to shit, the ground is polluted with everything from ConAgra food excrement to uranium 238.
You're welcome to it. If you can do us all one big favor. Do you think you could see if there is anyone still alive in crawford texas... If so, could you maybe anal probe its residents and laser beam the entire state. You better hit them a few times just to be sure. Just in case, I'm including a map link. It's a wider area than required (just to make sure)
Thanks Rob

Islais Creek in SF was destroyed so we could put in Muni cars that cost $2,800,000 each?
Graft? Corruption?
Muwekma Ohlone park is gone as of 2 weeks ago, when the Port of SF bulldozed it down
to build a new bridge (only 100 feet east of another bridge.

Wed Apr 27

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 7:00am - 10:30am

chevroncampaign [at] (sorry, no web site yet)

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 7:00am - 10:30am


COME *Support *Ecuadorian Indigenous Activists Attending the Shareholder
Meeting to Demand $6 billion in Compensation for ChevronTexaco's
Destruction of Their Homes, Lives and Livelihood!

COME *Support* Peace Activists Exposing ChevronTexaco's War Profiteering
in Iraq!

COME *Support *The Soldiers Who Do Not Want to Die or Kill For Chevron's
Bottom Line!

COME *Support* Richmond Community Members Fighting ChevronTexaco's Toxic
Pollution of Their Homes, Lives and Livelihoods!

COME *Support* Environmentalists Opposing ChevronTexaco's Intentions of
Drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve!

COME and JOIN the Protest Rally in Support of Alternatives to Oil and Oil
Addiction! In Opposition to Corporate Greed and Wars for Oil
Wherever they Are Fought!

Rally! Begins at 7:00am
Shareholders Arrive 7:00am - 8:00am
Shareholder Meeting: 8:00am - 10:00am
Report Back from Ecuadorian Indigenous Leaders Attending Meeting: 10:00am
Rally While Shareholders Depart!

We want the shareholders to hear from the Ecuadorian Indigenous
leaders who have traveled a great distance to speak truth to power. We are
therefore eager for the Shareholders to be able to attend the meeting and
for the meeting to take place.

ChevronTexaco's World Headquarters:
6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd (at Sunset, immediately East of Hwy 680)
San Ramon (Walnut Creek BART)
We Are Going to Make Shuttle Arrangements from BART and Will Also
Coordinate Car Pools – more details as they emerge – Directions Below

We are a group of bay area residents who want to join with you to stop
ChevronTexaco's war profiteering and their criminal environmental, social
and political acts wherever and whenever they occur. We
support communities in on-going struggle against ChevronTexaco. We will
stop all wars for oil. Please join us!

Want to help us organize this event? Wanto to learn More? Have questions?
Have suggestions? Please E-mail us at chevroncampaign [at]

For more info. on campaigns against ChevronTexaco and more, visit:
(these are just groups we like, we did not ask them to endorse this flyer)

"Iraq possesses huge reserves of oil and gas – reserves I'd love
Chevron to have access to."
- Chevron CEO Kenneth T. Derr, San Francisco, 1988.

"So I think this is very promising to the American investors and to
American enterprise, certainly to oil companies."
- Bush-Backed Iraqi Vice President and former Finance Minister Abdel Mahdi
plans for a new law to privatize Iraq's oil, and open it to foreign
ownership, December 2004.

ChevronTexaco has profited from Iraq's oil for a decade. It sold
Iraqi oil under the UN's Oil-for-Food Program and it was the first oil
company to sell Iraq's oil after the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It refines
that oil in Richmond. ChevronTexaco's Iraqi war profits, plus its
unprecedented profits from the increased price of oil due to the war, made
2004 the most profitable year in ChevronTexaco's 125-year

ChevronTexaco's 2004 net income was more than $13 billion, compared to $7
billion in 2003. ChevronTexaco's biggest worry? What to do with all its
excess cash. The answer? Pass the savings on to consumers in the form of
reduced gas prices? NO. Demand that the Bush
Administration end a war to expand U.S. access to oil? NO.
ChevronTexaco – like the other world oil companies, is hording the cash,
putting it into cash reserves for a rainy day and expanding
their global empire by acquiring new companies – like their recent
purchase of oil giant Unocal. The people are fighting back to oppose war
for oil and you can join us on Wednesday, April 27!

*Between 1971 and 1991, Texaco extracted more than 1.5 billion barrels of
oil from the Ecuadorian Amazon, devastating one of the most
biologically fragile places on earth by destroying rainforests and
creating massive oil spills. In order to save millions of dollars, Texaco
simply dumped 20 billion gallons of highly toxic wastes from its
operations into the pristine rivers, forest streams and wetlands, ignoring
industry standards. Now, ChevronTexaco denies the effected peoples of
Ecuador their right to compensation, and instead is trying to get back
into Ecuador for a new round of devastation. The people of Ecuador are
fighting back. They have sued ChevronTexaco for over $6 billion in
compensation for their lost health, land, lives and way of living.

The ChevronTexaco refinery in Richmond spews a deadly array of toxins into
the air, water, and land, including cancer-causing dioxins, on the largely
African American, South East Asian and Latino communities. Since 1999,
there has been a 20% increase in toxic emissions in
Richmond and most of the increase can be attributed to the Chevron
Refinery, the largest polluter in the city. The refinery and plant have
had hundreds of accidents, including major fires, spills, leaks,
explosions, toxic gas releases, flaring and air contaminations
inflicting severe illnesses including asthma and deadly cancers, on the
people of Richmond. Despite decades of requests, demands, lawsuits and
protests, Chevron has continued to place executive salaries and corporate
profits over the health and safety of the community and
workers. The people of Richmond are fighting back and demanding that
Chevron clean up or get out.

(chevroncampaign [at]


Remove Pillar #1 – THE SOLDIERS
Support the troops by brining them home. Support war resistors.
Support counter-recruitment efforts. Support alternative job
opportunities. Support the families of soldiers and the soldiers when they
come home.

Remove Pillar #2 – THE CORPORATIONS
Eliminate the profitability of the war. Expose corporate war
profiteering. Expose the lack of rebuilding taking place in Iraq.
Expose corporate war criminals. Expose the crony capitalism fueling the
war. Cut the fuel by cutting the profits.

Remove Pillar #3 – THE CORPORATE MEDIA
Expose the lies being told to the public by the corporate media.
Expose the lies being told by the Bush Administration. Listen to
Alternative media and spread the message of resistance!

Public Transport/Bike Info to ChevronTexaco World Headquarters in San Ramon:

County Connection Bus 121:
Leave W.C. BART
Arrive San Ramon Transit Center (Bollinger
Canyon at S.R. Central Park)

County Connection Express Bus 960B
Leave Walnut Creek BART
Arrive Chevron-Texaco
County Connection fare is $1.50 regular and
$1.75 for the express bus

Leave West Oakland BART
Arrive Dublin BART

County Connection Express Bus 970B
Leave Dublin BART
Arrive Chevron-Texaco

For more information and additional connections, or
Bike options:
Leave MacArthur BART
Leave Pleasant Hill BART
Cross Treat Blvd., at corner of Jones Rd.
Ride bike on Iron Horse Trail south for about 9
miles to San Ramon Central
Park and Bollinger Canyon Rd.
Leave West Oakland BART
Leave. Dublin BART
Ride bike on Iron Horse Trail (from right outside
BART station), north for about 5 miles to San
Ramon Central Park and Bollinger Canyon Rd.
"There is a vision of where we want Iraq to be that would make sense in
terms of the resources we've put into this place and our overarching goal
for democracy." - anonymous Bush Administration official in Baghdad,
quoted in the Wall Street Journal.

"Your silence will not protect you." Audre Lorde

# Free Lecture on Globalization Wed April 27 at 1pm
UC Davis, MU De Carli Room
With humor and energy Dr. Michael Greger will tackle the issue of Corporate Globalization and the impact it has on animal protection worldwide.
What: Film showing why people go veggie and a doctor telling people how to do it!
Encore Presentation of the film Peaceable Kingdom* with guest speakers Gene Bauston with Farm Sanctuary (featured in the film) and Kim Sturla with Animal Place. Both run farmed animal sanctuaries in the area.
# And Dr. Michael Greger (graduate of Cornell University) will speak on how to go about being a healthy and eating delicious vegetarian!
Wed April 27 at 7:15pm
Veteran's Memorial, VMC Club Room (203 East 14th Street), Davis
*Peaceable Kingdom is a film where you hear the riveting stories of people struggling with their conscience around some of our society's most fundamental assumptions. An inspiring story of personal redemption, compassion, healing and hope, Peaceable Kingdom is described by many of its viewers as "a life changing experience."

# World Week for Animals In Laboratories (WWAIL) is happening from now
until April 30, and IDA is looking for people to help educate the
public about animal experiments being done at the University of
California, San Francisco (UCSF). We need as many people as possible
to do outreach and distribute leaflets.

What: WWAIL event at UCSF
When: Wednesday 4/27 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., and Thursday 4/28 from
noon to 2:00 p.m.
Where: On the UCSF campus in front of the Millberry Union at 500
Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco

If you can spend a couple of hours with us to make people aware of the
cruel experiments taking place at UCSF and elsewhere, please contact
alicia [at] or (415) 388-9641 ext. 228 and let her know when you
are available. For information on UCSF animal research, visit

# 4/27: Emergency rallies to stop the judicial takeover (oakland downtown)

Please join us for a demonstration at the Oakland Courthouse on Wednesday at 5 pm. This issue is incredibly important. To get a sense of just how insidious the religious right's tactics are, read the article by Frank Rich in Sunday's New York Times. See the link below. We'll demonstrate at the Oakland Courthouse 1301 Clay St Oakland 94612

We'll meet at the corner of Clay and 13th to get maximum visibility. The artistic among you, please make signs and banners!

ps. just because the election is over we can't roll over and play dead. Let's stop this travesty!!

pps. if you can't come yourself (and even if you can), help get the word out about this event. Please forward to all your friends.

OPINION | April 24, 2005 Op-Ed Columnist: A High-Tech Lynching in Prime Time By FRANK RICH

Tonight's "Justice Sunday," the judge-bashing rally being disseminated nationwide by cable, satellite and Internet, has a gay agenda.

# ADPSR members and supporters,
Please attend the upcoming debate sparked by ADPSR's Prison Design Boycott:
"Should Architects Design Prisons?" Panel Discussion at AIA SF with:
San Francisco Sheriff Michael Hennessey
Frank Greene, AIA (former head of AIA Committee on Architecture and Justice)
Raphael Sperry, ADPSR National President
moderator: Nicole Sawaya, KALW Station Manager
Wed April 27 5:30 - 7:30 PM Free 2 AIA LU's
130 Sutter St., 6th Floor SF Montgomery BART
to learn about and sign the prison boycott:

# Architects Without Borders -Bay Area will be meeting again at :
Jupiters brewery at 2181
Shattuck Ave. in Berkeley across from the bart station.
Craig will be sharing information with us about his recent trip to
Asia. Please join us at 630pm on Wednesday the 27th. look for the
AWB sign on the table.

# Wed April 27 Urban Futures: Planning for Sustainable Urban Development

Join us for a presentation by Professor Raquel Pinderhughes, author
of "Alternative Urban Futures: Planning for Sustainable Development
in Cities throughout the World." Any consideration of sustainable
development must focus on utilizing processes and technologies that
are less damaging to the natural resource base, produce less waste,
and do not pose a threat to human and environmental health. Focusing
on water, waste, energy, transportation and food systems, and using
examples from cites around the world, Professor Raquel Pinderhughes
will discuss how alternative planning and policy approaches, and
appropriate technologies can reduce the negative social and
environmental impacts associated with urban infrastructure and lead
to improvements in public health, the natural resource base, economic
development, and an increased standard of living and well-being for
urban residents. Professor Pinderhughes is Director of the Urban
Studies Program and Professor of Urban Studies and Environmental
Studies at San Francisco State University. She teaches courses on
environmental planning and policy focused primarily on sustainable
development and environmental justice. She is a resident of Berkeley
and a member of the Ecology Center Board of Directors.

7pm - 9pm Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley.
Free. Info: 510-548-2220 x223, jill [at]

Fellini, 1401 University Avenue, Berkeley
Info: Over a delicious Italian vegan dinner, learn how you can get
involved in local advocacy efforts with East Bay Animal Advocates.

Thu Apr 28

# Thu Apr 28 6-10pm benefit for Last Planet Theater
The Gallery Lounge 510 Brannan @ 4th St.

# Thu Apr 28 7:30 am Stop Bus Fare Hikes!
please come out, y'all. fighting for public transit is a great way to
undermine oil wars - and support low-income communities who are already
getting hit with the bill for the war . . .

Thursday, April 28
Meet at 7:30 AM at 16th and Mission

MUNI's directors voted last month to raise bus fares to $1.50, raise the
price of Fast Passes and senior/disabled fares, AND cut back services.
MUNI raised fares just a year and a half ago, but its managers still
haven't been able to run the system within their budget. Now they want San
Francisco bus riders to pay the costs of their own mismanagement. This
fare hike amounts to a stiff new tax on the students, seniors, workers,
children, immigrants and low-income people who depend on public
transportation - people who are already strained by high housing costs,
social service cuts and the Bush economy.

But it's not too late to stop this attack on our communities. The Board of
Supervisors can override the fare hikes and service cuts - and bus riders
can organize to tell City Hall that we won't pay more for less!

On Thursday, April 28, come ride the buses during the morning commute.
Help us do outreach and street theater, inspire fellow riders, and stand
up for our right to affordable transportation!

Meet at 16th and Mission at 7:30 AM to get plugged in - meet back in the
same place at 9:15 for a rally and press conference.

Questions? Contact Sarah at 775-7110 or sarahn [at]

# Thu Apr 28 1:30-10pm The U.C. Berkeley Teach-in on Torture
Noon at Sproul Hall Plaza: Rally to stop torture!

The date for the UC Berkeley Teach- in on Torture is Thursday, April 28. The following speakers have confirmed their participation: Barbara Olshan s ky, CCR lead Guantanamo lawyer; Lucas Guttentag, ACLU case against Rumsfeld; Marjorie Cohn, International Human Rights Law Professor and Vice President of NLG, Uwe Jacobs, Director of Survivors International, Terry Karl, Stanford Political Science Professor expert on Latin American Torture; Carlos Mauricio, torture survivor and human rights advocate and As'ad AbuKhalil.

There will be four sequential sessions on Thur., April 28 :

1) 12:00-1:00 p.m. Teach-in at the SproulHallPlaza (Upper Level)

2 ) 1:30-3:30 p.m. Human and Political Impacts of U.S. Government Promotion of Torture

Panel to include: Carlos Mauricio, a survivor of torture, Marjorie Cohn, Vice President of the National Lawyers Guild, Professor of Law and expert on International Human Rights, and Uwe Jacobs, Director of Survivors International (which counsels torture survivors).

3 ) 4-6 p.m. Defending U.S. and International Laws on Torture from Government Impunity

Panel with: Barbara Olshan s ky, Center for Constitutional Rights lead lawyer defending Guantanamo detainees, Lucas Guttentag, ACLU’s lead lawyer in the U.S. case filed against Secty of Defense Rumsfeld, and Terry Karl, Stanford Professor of Latin American Studies and Political Science, chief witness in several war crimes trials pertaining to torture in Latin America.

4 ) 7-9 p.m. To Construct a Successful National Movement Against U.S. Sponsored Torture and War Crimes

An open plenary discussion session to engage attendees, develop plans and follow through efforts to build a movement to end U.S. sponsorship of torture. This session will be guided by an experienced facilitator toward formulating implementation strategy; participants will be asked to define their own roles in future local, regional and national activities against torture. The International Human Rights Initiative (IHRI) consisting of many activist organizations will participate.

Further details to come.

Please help us circulate the call to other faculty, especially at UCB. We especially need people to join the working committee to energize an effective effort. You do not have to be faculty, but only need to be committed to the aims of the Call and willing to work.

Professor L. Ling-chi Wang, Co-convenor
Dr. Marc Sapir, M.D., Co-convenor
lcwang [at] 510-642-7439
marcsapir [at] 510-848-3826

# Thur April 28 (5:30 pm) 14th Business Enviro Awards Reception Palo Alto
Hewlett-Packard Company will host the hors d'oeuvre reception.
Packard Grove at the Hewlett-Packard Company: 3000 Hanover St , Palo Alto
Acterra members $20, General $30 per ticket
Tickets: Ann Singer, 650-962-9876 X310, Awards [at]

# Reality TV: Images From Contemporary Civilization Thu April 28 5:30pm-8:00pm free
Creative Growth Artists create work influenced and remarking on contemporary pop culture and sub-cultures. Work by John Martin, William Tyler, Kim Clark, Stanley Rexwinkle, Gerone Spurill and others.
Creative Growth is the oldest and largest independent art center for adults with developmental, physical, mental and/or emotional disabilities. Creative Growth serves over 140 adult visual artists and provides an opportunity for personal growth and artistic development.
Creative Growth Art Center 355 24th St. Oakland

# Dining out for Life Thurs April 28 SF Thirsty Bear Brewpub
Thu Apr 28 6:30 pm 661 Howard St @ 3rd. (415) 974-0905
Join Queer Beer as part of Dining Out for Life, an annual SF AIDS service fundraiser, takes place this year on Thursday, April 28th. The beneficiary is The Stop AIDS Project, which provides services to HIV + & - men and TGs in the Castro area. This night, 25% of our FOOD tab goes directly to the Project.

# Haunted Thu April 28 7:00pm-10:00pm free art show exploring ghosts, memories, inner demons, and the numinous. Haunted features paintings, printmaking, digital imagery, photography, and sculpture. Crucible Steel Gallery at Cell Space
2050 Bryant St btw 18/19th St. 415-648-7562

# Know Our Rights! A Self Help Legal Workshop on Safety and Protection for
Sex Workers & others

# Thursday April 28 7:00-9:00pm
Pier 5 Law Office, 506 Broadway, San Francisco
Donation $5-10 (no one turned away)  Refreshments
© What are the prostitution laws and how are they implemented?  
© Your rights as a victim of rape or sexual assault including when reporting to the police and going to court.   
© How the prostitution laws make sex workers and other women more vulnerable to violence.  
© Fighting ‘stay out of areas of prostitution’ (SOAPS) and municipal police code citations. Dealing with sexism, racism and other discrimination.
© Getting financial help and compensation for rape or sexual assault.
© Women in prison demanding protection against sexual abuse and rape and other basic human rights. Saying no to pat searches by male guards.   
© What is being done to make it easier for prostitute women to report rape and other violence? How women are pressing the City of San Francisco to make the safety and protection of sex workers an urgent priority?  
The In Defense of Prostitute Women’s Safety project (IDPWS) is an anti-sexist, anti-racist, independent community resource that provides legal advice, other support for prostitute women who have been raped and/or sexually assaulted and builds public awareness campaigns to end violence against sex workers.  Run by women from similar backgrounds, IDPWS respects women’s confidentiality and privacy.
For more info: (415) 626-4114, PO Box 14512, SF, CA. 94114  sf [at] <mailto:sf [at]>
Partially funded by the Commission on the Status of Women
SEE ALSO MAY 3 11 am

)'( Thur April 28 9pm - 2am Plug4 Fundraiser $5-15 slid
Bringing funk, soul, hip-hop, reggae, and dancehall to the playa for 7 years
This year P4 is building a plug the playa has never seen
Come to Element Lounge for the funk, soul, hip-hop, reggae and dancehall sounds of Plug Four
DJ Solomon, Nomadeeq, and Code538 will rock the decks to raise the funds
Element Lounge is located at 1028 Geary Street between Polk and Van Ness.
http://www. )'(

April 28-May 1st, 2005 Witch Well, Arizona
Announcing Toast! the Arizona regional burn 2005, brought to you by the Azburners, Burning Man's Arizona regional community. Come out to Witch Well Arizona and enjoy 4 days of artistic creation and interactive participation within the ethos and culture of Black Rock City. Toast 2005 is April 28th -May 1st . Tickets are already on sale. For more info see
Be there or be square!
For more info on Arizona based regional events contact Arizona [at], Phoenix [at] or check out the regional website,

Fri Apr 29

# Mill Valley, KFC Demo, Friday, April 29th, Noon - 1:00pm 510 Miller Ave, Mill Valley, CA
Hey Everyone,
We need your help to speak on behalf of chickens being tortured by KFC!
Please join Valerie Mizuhara, Bay Area Vegetarians and PETA to
protest KFC at 510 Miller Ave in Mill Valley, CA. For more
information, please contact Valerie valkikumizu [at]
Please come out and show people that the secret in KFC's secret
recipe is the torture of millions of chickens.
KFC is responsible for slitting conscious birds' throats open, and
scalding them while they're still alive. They cut the beaks off of
mother hens without pain killers and drug their chickens with
antibiotics to keep them alive through conditions that would
otherwise kill them. Please join our worldwide campaign against KFC by attending this

# 4/29 Mac OS X Tiger Release! 6-9pm 689 3rd Street @ Townsend
4/29 Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger launch! Free 3839 Emery St., Suite 100, Emeryville 6-9pm

# 4/29: Dyke March Benefit Show @ Dolores Park Cafe (mission district)
7pm Much better post:

# New Order/Chemical Bros April 29 Oakland
HJ Kaiser Arena, right at Lake Merritt BART Stn

# Synergia Wed 29 April 2005 Greetings,
We are pleased to announce the resurrection of the much talked about Synergia events.

We aim to present the best of the underground art community in a unique context, a few short live performances focusing on the synergy between performers and then an art gallery like reception and mingling at the end without having to yell over blasting dance music.

The next event features and all star line up of curiosity piquing performers and artists. Read Below for bios and descriptions of each.

Fri April 29 8:00pm doors / 9:00pm show $5 - $10 slid
Live Performance by: Rena, Phidelity, & Kyrian (30 minutes)
Interface Oblivion (30 Minutes) The Beat Box Puppet show (10-15 minutes)
Artwork Visionary Art of Victor Olenov

Light Sculpture Installations by Andres
Live VJ'ing by Mickey T of Drum Machine museum

Raw/Organic food bar by guerilla organics

Location 136 Taylor street @ Turk / Eddy
1.5 blocks North of 6th and Market.
(6th turns into Taylor going North.)
I door South of Original Joe's Restaurant.
sign up for the synergia mailing list

Victor Olenov
Victor's visionary art deals with two magical aspects inherent in the transformational power of IMAGE and its reflection of the ongoing continuous simultaneous creation underlying the static "surface reality."

The first aspect is what is called a "totemic portrait." Totemic portraits are a shamanic approach to healing as well as to the cultivation and storage of power through the image of a personal totem - manifested personal spirit.

The second aspect of the work deals with images that are spirit-catchers for the spirits that are not personal, but rather are the energetic entities acting as agents of Eternal Life. http://

Andres Amador
The most developed of my explorations into the principles of sacred geometry, fractals, chaos, and patterns in nature has been my light sculptures. Using the basic constituent of string on a frame to create curves from solid lines, I bridge the analog and the digital, displaying the place in reality where substructures are revealed. My latest series, "Pixels' examines the most fundamental components necessary to relay a message. Individually the parts in the 'Pixels' series have little to say, but when arranged properly in large numbers, whole new universes of possibilities are born.

Rena Jones
Electric violinist & cellist Rena Jones is currently celebrating the release of her newest album "Transmigration" which is already receiving radio play and rave reviews.

this international man of mystery will be laying his unique multi-layered soundscape percussive psychedelic dubbed out beats to the mix.

SO the first thought that comes to mind is... psychedelic Tuuvan beat boxing? huh... multi-harmonic drones done up in a tight hiphop beat boxing framework with a stylistic quirkiness only Kyrian could muster... ok I get it now...errr. Kyrian will be doing a Beat Box Puppet show as well as the jam session with Rena and Kris.

Interface Oblivion
IO has been tripping out with their own musical vibe since 1993. They blend a distinct sound of syncopated electronic backing beds with ripping beats, live melodic compositions, heavy bass, dub and vocals. IO's evolving blend of live improv with triggered looping and energetically charged compositions shake up the current musical molds.

IO's performances blend the open structure of improv fusion with meticulously composed songs. They perform with bass, keys, guitar, vocals, dub and tight algorithmic beats to elevate the soul. http://

VJ Mickey T
Mickey is a Vj in the truest sense of the word, rather than trigger low quality compressed video loops, Mickey's style is clean high quality with his analog gear and effects couple with his distinct style. He also hosts the Whitebox VIP lounge which does events similar to ours and is highly recommended. http://

# Be'er Now, a benefit concert for Zen Hospice Project
Fri April 29 Doors 8:00, show at 9:00 $12 advance, $15 door
This unique event will celebrate the confluence of two mystical traditions. The Buddhist tradition of developing mindfulness toward the realization of impermanence and the emptiness of self and the Eastern European tradition of drinking foamy, hopped beverages until the realization of the emptiness of the stein is achieved and madly dancing the polka until the ecstatic insight of the impermanence of energy to continue dancing is revealed.
TOYS!- the all-woman toy band Toychestra!
GRACE!-the mind-bending contortion talents of Leslie Tipton! (she's top notch)
POISE!-the elegant and heartbreaking aerial ballet of duo trapeze act The Starlings!
DRUNK!-Local music legends Polkacide!
ALTERBOY!-MC Sister Mary Mayhem!
Broadway Studios (in North Beach) 435 B-way @ Kearny SF
chicken [at]

# Aphrodesia - Front Lines - CD release party @ THE INDEPENDENT friday
628 Divisadero st. @ Hayes SF with
APHRODESIA - (super aphro beat)
WISDOM (hip hop ) and
get your super crazy funk on

Sat Apr 30

# really really free market Sat april 30 noon-4 dolores park
everything's free much fun will be had by all

# The Really Really FREE Market (mission district)

The Really Really FREE Market is just like Craigslist
Free stuff section, except it is a bit more personal
and live all in one place. Instead of listing your
item(s) on CL, you can come and bring them to the
Really Really Free Market and give whatever it is away
there! While you are there, take things as well. But
unlike CL Freestuff, this is more than just Free
THINGS, there will be FREE services, FREE
performances, and FREE workshops.

The Really Really FREE Market!
Saturday April 30, 2005 12-4pm at Dolores Park
between Dolores, Sanchez, 18th and 20th Streets, SF

We would love for you to come and offer your special
gifts and talents at this event.

The RRFM is based on the idea of a gift economy,
namely that giving feels good; that if we were to all
to share what we had, we wouldn't have less than we
have now, we'd actually all have more than we
currently have. Giving is a pleasure in itself. Gift
others with your clutter. Gift others with your
talents. Gift others with your presence!

Bring *your thing* to the event, whatever that is!
Material goods, a
service to provide, a skill you have that you want to
teach to others, a performance, or anything else!

The Really, Really Free Market consists of the sum of
its participants. The gift you bring to the event,
helps create what the event is for others, just as
what others bring to the event, creates what the event
is for you.

This is not an event for bartering. This is not an
event to advertise your company or yourself, leave
your businesscards at home! It's about gifting without
the expectation of anything in return, and it's about
taking without feeling the need to reciprocate to that

Material goods to give: Books, clothing, odds and
ends, etc.; healing
arts: massage, reiki, yoga; circus arts (performing
and teaching):
juggling, poi, stilts; sports and games: soccer,
frisbee, etc.; bicycle
repair; there will also be a kids' space with
facepainting, games, and
more; and of course, food!

We are hoping to make this a regular event in San
Francisco. The first Really, Really Free Market is
being held on:

Saturday April 30, 2005 from 12-4pm at Dolores Park.

If you like what you just read, get involved! Come to
the event! Bring your own gifts to share! Spread the
info and get more people involved! This event takes
YOU to make it happen!

Please respond with your thoughts, ideas, what you
plan on bringing to the event, etc.

See you April 30th!

# Sat, Apr 30 9am Peta Campaign: March-of-Dimes Counter Demo Oakland

We need you to help us convince the March of Dimes to stop funding cruel, worthless experiments on animals. March of Dimes experimenters have sewn shut the eyes of newborn kittens, then killed them after they had endured a year of blindness; administered alcohol, nicotine, and cocaine to pregnant and newborn animals; and performed other agonizing experiments on primates, ferrets, sheep, and other animals.

We will be holding a protest at the March of Dimes WalkAmerica fundraising event on

4/30-9AM to 10 AM-Oakland's Lake Merrit-1520 Lakeside Dr

Your presence at this event is vital to helping us educate March of Dimes supporters about the charity's choices when it comes to what to fund. It is critical that caring activists encourage WalkAmerica participants to designate that their contributions be used for only the best tests, i.e. for non-animal projects, like a Birth Defects Registry that could save countless babies' lives.


Easter Seals, Birth Defects Research for Children, Child Health Foundation, & the Heimlich Foundation, put all their funds into programs that directly benefit families affected by birth defects and never spend a penny on cruel animal experiments.

Peta has supplied me with awesome posters and leaflets..some of them are in the shape of large, round "dimes" that are splashed with blood and say "Don't Take another step...".

This will be a peaceful educational outreach to the well-intended walkers...not a harrassment! We will NOT be walking..(unless you want to continue leafletting along the walk on your own) we will just greet the crowd as they sign in and prepare for their there will be LOTS OF PEOPLE THERE!!!

If you have any questions or are interested in attending, please contact Paris Harvey 925 788 8296 bitebackvegan [at] It would be helpful to let me know if you will be there so I can make sure I have enough leaflets, posters etc

# Please mark your calendar to join Bay Area Vegetarians next week as we stick up for the chickens.  Carpool pickup from Daly City BART available.  See link below for full details.  No previous experience necessary!  If possible, RSVPs appreciated so we can plan accordingly. 
KFC Protest (Monthly) Pacifica 4/30/05 Saturday, 1:00 pm
Please spread the word about the KFC demos.  If you can't make Pacifica, there are others happening, including SF (just posted) and San Jose this weekend, and next week Mill Valley.  Details on the BAV calendar at for details.

# Saying No to War: When Conscience Requires Refusal with Kevin and Monica Benderman
Saturday, April 30, 2005 ~ 2 PM to 4 PM
Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center
747 Front Street (Third Floor), San Francisco. Free to the public

Army sergeant and Iraq War veteran turned conscientious objector Kevin Benderman currently faces a May 11 court martial for refusing a second deployment to Iraq. He is currently stationed in Fort Stewart, Georgia.

Also featuring:
Jeff Paterson: First military objector to the 1991 Gulf War; Not in Our Name organizer
William K. Bruff (Discussant): Vietnam era conscientious objector; Saybrook Associate VP of Academic Affairs
Hosted by the Social Transformation Concentration, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, and Not in Our Name.
Co-sponsored by American Friends Service Committee, Bay Area Saybrookians, and Bay Area United Against War.
For more information:

# 4/30: Old-Time Anti-War Square Dance Benefit (potrero hill)
Benefit for Military Resister Pablo Paredas and Iraq Veterans Against the War. Featuring Live music by The Stairwell Sisters, The Squirrely Stringband, Bernal Heights Stringband and Special Guests. April 30. Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St., SF. 6:00-7:30pm Intro to Square Dance and Social. 7:30-11pm Dance. Hosted by NotIn Our Name, International Socialist Organization, Iraq Veterans Against War, CODEPINK, Queers for Peace and Justice SF, and others. $10-30 sliding scale, $5 for students. For more info call (510) 601-8000.

# 4/30 JOIN RAMSEY CLARK and SF Labor & Community Leaders
for a Public Rally Against the Bush & Schwarzenegger Programs
Saturday, April 30 7:00 pm, Mission High School
3750 18th St. @ Dolores in San Francisco (parking lot available)
Labor and Community Rally to DEFEAT THE BUSH PROGRAM!
Stop the Budget Cuts Stop Schwarzenegger
Hands Off Social Security Full Rights for All Immigrants
Fund People's Needs--Not War & Occupation in Iraq, Haiti, Palestine...
On the 30th Anniversary of the End of the Vietnam War,
Join us to say: Bring the Troops Home Now!
with former U.S. Attorney General RAMSEY CLARK,
Initiator of the Impeach Bush Campaign,
Speakers include:
Ramsey Clark, Initiator of the Impeach Bush Campaign
Trent Willis, President of ILWU Local 10
Eric Mar, President of San Francisco School Board
Denise D'Anne, Senior Action Network
Mike Casey, president of UNITE HERE Local 2
Elias Rashmawi, National Coordinator of National Council of Arab Americans
Tim Paulson, Executive Director of San Francisco Labor Council
Gloria La Riva, President of Typographical Sector of No. Cal. Media
Workers Union Local 39521
and other labor and community speakers

2005-04-30 8:00 PM Station 40 3030 16th St @ Mission St NorthWest Corner.


Truth and Lies of the Biscuit Fire is a recently released documentary by Portland Indymedia exposing Bush Administration attempts to push through the largest logging project in Forest Service history in Southern Oregon's Siskiyou Mountains. Electronic musician Random Rab's tracks provide the sound track for this compelling 35 minute film. Recent action footage from the past month of arrests and civil disobedience will be shown as well, and direct action activists and organizers will be present to speak about the campaign.

# Comedian Bill Santiago: Comedic Excursion into Latino USA
Sat April 30 8PM (doors open at 7:30pm) $10 donation at the door
Over the course of two evenings (Apr. 30 final evening) Santiago will share and develop his SPANGLISH 101, which surveys the full sweep of Latino expression in the United States, and examines our country's "new biggest minority", the vida loca people. Fusing a journalist's rigorous curiosity with a stand-up comic's satiric instincts, Santiago takes on the realities of, and misunderstandings about, life in Latino USA. Laughs for Latinos and the Latino-curious. As part of the development process of this show, Bill invites all audience members after the show to share their favorite Spanglish words, anecdotes about growing up Latino, living in Latino USA or interacting with Latino culture, & any other thoughts or observations the subject matter may inspire.
OPENING ACT - 4/30: SPOKEN WORD WITH PAUL FLORES, a Chicano-Cubano spoken word poet who began performing nationally as a member of the San Francisco based Latino performance ensemble Los Delicados. He has since published the award-winning novel Along the Border Lies, and appeared on two seasons of HBO Def Poetry. His playwriting credits include No Man¹s Land with Marc Bamuthi Joseph and The Fruitvale Project with Elia Arce.
The Red Poppy Art House 2698 Folsom Street (@ 23rd St.)
SF 415-826-2402 arthouse [at]

May 2005

# Sun May 1 10am Dig the Hippy in May Day! Sunday, May 1.

Meet at 10 am on the steps of Buena Vista Park on
Haight Street at the end of Lyon Street in San

Help dig up the Hippy! We will dig up a spoonful of
sacred hippy soil from Buena Vista Park, and march
with it to the steps of San Francisco City Hall. We
will sprinkle the earth on the City Hall steps to
fertilize and renew the spirit of the hippy in the
City of St. Francis. Bring a hippy poem or a story if
you have one, to share either at Buena Vista Park or
City Hall. Come as you are.

The Hippy was buried in effigy October 6, 1967, in
Buena Vista Park, after the Summer of Love in 1966,
when the original hippy message of peace, love, and
care for Earth had been changed so much, especially by
the media, that many felt that the hippy movement had
'died'. But the spirit of the hippy has remained
safely underground, as it helps to renew and restore
the Earth from its roots.

We will start walking from the Haight Street steps of
Buena Vista Park at Lyon St., then we'll drop down (.1
mi.) to Oak St., turn right and go (1.2 miles) to make
a left on Franklin St. (.2 mi.), then right on Grove
St. (.2 mi.) down to Polk St., to the Civic Center
steps of City Hall, where we will fertilize the city
with good hippy earth. Total distance is about 1.7
miles, which should take less than an hour.

Let's fertilize San Francisco with hippy spirit for
World Environment Day, June 1-5:

And remember what James Gallivan said, 'Old hippies
don't die, they just lie low until the laughter stops
and their time comes round again.'

contact: greenvango [at]

# 1st Annual San Francisco Mer-May-d Parade Sun May 1 11:00am Sharp
Free To all, But we encourage you to dress up!
A Parade of Floats, Art Cars with sexy Dressed or Undressed Mermaids,Sailors,Pirates and Tiki Clad People.Ladies only in mermaid costumes. Bring your friends,your family and most of all yourselves in costume with noise makers,signs,bike made up like fish,sharks and all things aquatic. "This is The First Annual Mermaid Parade done in the tradition of Coney Island The Masterminds of the Mermaid Parade idea. Please contact Mystic Marlow if you want a spot in the parade,want to Volenteer,Donate some cash to off set costs of just say hi! 415-756-5799
PS: Look us up on We are The "Bay Area Mermaid Parade Tribe"
Moss Street off Howard "Staging Area" 10:00am
Down Howard Street to The How Weird Street fair.
mysticmarlow [at] 415-756-5799

# Sun May 1 12-8pm Howard @ 12th HowWeird street faire!
7 stages: 7 sound systems!
Here is the line-up for the trance stage at How Weird, produced by Tantra,
Mistress of Evil, PsyBooty and Ceiba Records.
Noon - 12:30 Jesi (Synchronize)
12:30 - 1:30 David Justin (PsyBooty Records)
1:30 - 2:30 Spook (Phoenix Family)
2:30 - 3:30 Kode IV (Ceiba Records)
3:30 - 4:30 Chromatone (Mechanik, VaporVent Records)
4:30 - 5:30 Natan (Parvati Records, Inpsyde Media)
5:30 - 7:00 Goa Gil (The Nommos, Avatar Records)
7:00 - 8:00 Liam Shy (Tantra, Nü)
20,000 watt Mackie Fussion Sound by Tantra.

Sunday May 1, 2005 - Noon to 8pm
All the usual suspects are coming together once again for one amazing day
of consciousness raising and dancing in the streets! Four city blocks with
fun, entertainment, and education. The How Weird Street Faire is centered
at Howard and 12th Streets, in the SOMA district of San Francisco. This
year will feature a Peace Pavilion in the center, a place to relax,
connect, and learn about fostering peace. There will be even more music
and more styles of collaborative sound. There is something for everyone!

There will be music stages by:
El Circo/Get Freaky/Fusion
Sound of Mind/Moontribe/Xeno
Sunset/Naked Funk/Pacific Sound System/Dax Presents
Unimog/Space Cowboys/False Profit
Low Pro Lounge with capoeira and breakdancing artists
A Performance Stage by Anon Salon and Opel Productions
and much more!!!

There will also be vendors from around the world, providing unique and
interesting wares. Environmental non-profits will focus on our need for
peace with the earth. Street performances and artists will entertain
throughout the Faire. Costumes and festive attire is strongly encouraged,
and there will be a Fashion Show. The How Weird Street Faire is an
assortment of collectives and individuals collaborating together in sound
and art, uniting in a vision of peace. Please join us!

For more info, visit -
Requested donation of $5 in costume ($10 if not, kids free). All proceeds
benefit two Bay Area non-profits.

# Build It Green Home Tour - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!
May 1st, 2005 11am-5pm Locations throughout Alameda & Contra Costa Counties

# SF LiFE May Potluck Sun May 1 1pm in the Community
Room of the Police Station at 630 Valencia St (nr 16th, 5 mins walk from 16th
and Mission BART).
Please bring a raw vegan potluck dish to share sufficient for 10- 12, with a
serving utensil, and your own plate and silverware. Potluck is free to members
and $3 to non-members - an additional $5 if you don't bring food to share.
Our speaker this month will be Mahendra aka Briksha: he will be presenting to
us Gabriel Cousens' new book 'Spiritual Nutrition' and also taking us through some
breathing exercises.

# Teach-In: Using Primarily Audience Ideas to SOLVE and CURE Problems
Sun May 1st 2-5pm FREE New College 777 Valencia @19th St., SF
We will present Logical Types and Logical Levels, a social mathematics system created by SF high school students in the late 70s and early 80s. The work was never published, from the 80s up until today.
Throughout the initial presentation, and then during the formal teach-in, we will have many pieces of paper that attendees of the teach-in can write THEIR ideas on, and ALL of them will then be placed on the wall and then configured according to the most helpful ideas of the audience. A REAL teach-in.
There will also be some light refreshments for participants.

What: May Day March and Rally in Solidarity with Local Labor Struggles and

Immigrant Workers.
When/Where: Sunday May 1st.

3PM- March from Jefferson Square Park (Gough/Turk 10 minute walk
from Civic Center BART)

5PM- Rally at Dolores Park (18th/Dolores)

7PM- Town-Hall meeting, food, music, film screening at CellSpace (2050
Bryant near 18th St.)
Who: Anarchist Action, Bay Area Anarchist Council, Industrial Workers of
the World-Bay Area Chapter.

# Celebrating Beltane - The May Pole to The Wicker Man!
Spiral Muse Home of Well Being
3387 22nd St, at Guerrero, SF, CA View Map
Sunday, May 1, 2:00pm to 8:00pm 415-819-2588

This month the Salon Des Conversées is partnering with another celebration during the day in honor of Beltane, the traditional time of celebrating the union of the God and Goddess.

The daytime festivities, from 2:00 - 5:00pm, will give you a chance to enjoy this time of year, with new and old friends alike.

~Explore the Enchantment and Richness of May; a Time to Appreciate All that We have Planted and Seen Manifest
~Spin Round and Round in the May Pole Dance and ritual, scheduled for 2:30pm
~Plant a Seed and Fertilize the Garden with our Seeds of Creation
~Sip a Cup of Afternoon Tea
~Listen and Feel your Heartstrings pulled with our Live Musicians
~Find out what the Angels have to say to You through Angel Card Readings
~Be Playful and Come dressed in Elegant, Colorful, "Sunday Best" Clothing

This is a fundraiser for community member, Cynthia Stringer for her participation in the Arete Experience.

After the daytime celebration, the Salon portion of the evening will begin, 5:00 - 8:00pm. We’ll move inside and introduce another Beltane tradition, the showing of The Wicker Man. If you have not heard of or seen this film, you are in for a lively cinematic introduction into Pagan ritual and lifestyle through this farcical dark comedy.

Each year, in honor of Beltane, the Wickerman is built, consisting of twigs, wood, debris, corn husks, or anything flammable. At Beltane, the Celts would burn the Wickerman in an elaborate nighttime ceremony to release the previous year and rejuvenate the prosperity of the coming year. Sound familiar?

We are sharing this film with you to offer another perspective on the legacy of Beltane, with the hopes that you will find laughter, intrigue, and appreciation for yet another expression of welcoming Spring and all its prosperity and abundance.

In addition to bringing a pillow, bring an open mind! This is sure to provoke some lively discussion before and after the film.

The cost for the entire day is $15 - $20, sliding scale. If you plan to attend the daytime festivities only, or plan to arrive later to watch and chat about The Wicker Man, the cost is $10.

We look forward to seeing you at this month’s Salon Des Conversées, and we invite you to make a day of it at Spiral Muse!

# BORG2 on the Bayou - Lavish Dinner Event May 1, SF
Benefiting the BORG2 Playa Art Fund
Located at the Pink Mammoth Collective Space
Full Event Details:

# Newsbreakz afterparty for the HowWeird St. Faire!
2005-05-01 7:00 PM This is the (un)Official Afterparty for the How Weird St. Faire!
From 7:30pm - 2:00am at Mighty ~ 119 Utah @ 15th (1 block East from 16th & Potrero)
This is only 8 blocks from the Faire, and we will have the infamous CAMO BUS shuttling folks from 7pm until 9pm! You'll probably park your car somewhere close to Mighty, anyhow... so quit your whining.
Pia D. Donger Donna Matrix Smoove the Geometrist Rrruss
More updated info on and

# 4th Sex Workers Film and Arts Festival Art Show Opening
Sun May 1 7:00pm - 10:00pm $10.00 - $20.00

The visual carnival of the Sex Worker Film and Arts Festival has become more provocative. A new show, "After Hours" has been featured in the weeklong event. Some of the most prominent names in the Bay Area art world will be featured. There differences in style and approach will have one common link among them. They have been or continue to be sex workers.

"From artists' models to muses, from hetaera to geishas, sex workers have been vital participants in arts communities through the centuries," says sex rights activist Scarlot Harlot, "despite their influence on the arts and culture, polite societies rarely acknowledge the contributions of the demimonde who have also been painters and poets themselves. " The show will be a first time opportunity for some artists to come out about their involvement in the sex industry. Other artists have seen their work in sex and the arts as being inseparable.

Jane Cassell, a former sex worker, is the curator of the show. "The variety in which sexuality can be embodied by artists, along with the diversity of vision is apparent in this show of painting, prints, collages and photographs by former or current sex workers." comments Jane Cassell, also an artist. "There is a power in the artist's brazen playfulness that, in this current political climate, is enchanting!"

The list of contributing artist for the event is sizeable and includes many artist/activists from the Bay Area. Included in the exhibit are Katie Gilmartin, Annie Sprinkle and Mim Weisburd. Elizabeth Stephens will be showing her photography, and Carol Queen will display her most recent collage work. The opening party will be held Sunday, May 1st from 7 pm to 10 pm at the Epicenter Gallery, 398 11th Street, Suite 303. Kitten on The Keys and other fine performers will be performing, and an Auction will be held at 8 pm. Proceeds will benefit the St. James Infirmary!

For more information contact go to or call 415-751-1659.
Tickets can be purchased online at

The Epicenter Gallery 398 11th Street, Suite 303 SF 415-751-1659

# CounterPULSE Opening May Day Celebration Sun May 1st
Doors @ 7, show @ 8, dancing 'til midnight
$10 - $15 sliding scale, NO ONE turned away for lack of funds
Sunday May 1st, come celebrate the opening of CounterPULSE-- a gorgeous, low cost, wheelchair accessible performance and rehearsal space located on Mission St. at 9th, at the opening night party, silent auction and show, featuring:
Extra Credit Crew/Sisterz of the Underground -Young female breakdance crew
Conspiracy of Beards -Acapella men's choir performing the songs of Leonard Cohen
Meliza Bañales -The poet with the sense of humor of a jackknife
Samsara -Passionate, revolutionary a capella
Molotov Mouths -Outspoken Word Troupe, jump-starting creative works of the political imagination
Brass Liberation Orchestra -Make LOUD not war!
and dancing till midnight with Audio Angel!
For thirteen years the beloved 848 Community Space has woven together spoken word, dance, song, improvisation and activism to create a rich tapestry of community. Now that we've moved to our new location and become CounterPULSE, please come be a part of this sparkling community of artists and activists on the radical people's holiday of May Day.
For more information, or to volunteer, call 415-642-9099 or go to 1310 Mission Street (at 9th)

# Bicycle Film Festival: Call For Entries
Sunday, May 1 2005 - Tuesday, May 31 2005
New York, Los Angles, San Francisco, Tokyo, and London! Haight Ashbury
212 726 8505

# San Francisco Sex Worker Festival 2005
Sunday, May 1 2005 - Sunday, May 8 2005
Roxie Cinema 3117 16th St @ Valencia
Providing information about sex worker rights and issues.
BAYSWAN is specifically geared towards sex workers as well as activists, students and faculty. BAYSWAN, Bay Area Sex Worker Advocacy Network, is a collaborative project providing information for sex workers and about the sex industries. BAYSWAN organizes to improve working conditions, increase safety and services for workers, and to eliminate discrimination on behalf of individuals working within the sex industry.

Mon May 2

# EVERY monday night donation only kundalini yoga class 8p - 9:30p
1805 divisadero north of geary at bush (next to king of falafel)
what to bring: a yoga mat & donation (suggested min $5, notaflof)

Tue May 3

# Erotic Service Providers Meeting Tue May 3 11:00 a.m. 1188 Franklin Street # 203, SF Ca
(Sponsored through the San Francisco Labor Council)
This meeting month’s meeting will be dedicated for all erotic service providers who’ve had run-ins with Law Enforcement.  If you have support to give from your experience or you need support so that you don’t have to go through it alone,
Stop on buy and gather support from those of us who’s been thru it!
An Erotic Service Provider is someone who provides erotic service either as a service by itself or in conjunction with other services or any combination there of.

• You may be a sex worker who works in a variety of places but not limited to, the street, a hotel, your home, a private incall /or outcall service, by yourself or with others.  

• You may be working as a masseuse or masseur who only provides erotica touch to one or all of your clients.  

• You maybe a therapist that provides sexual surrogate services.

• You maybe a dancer, striptease or performance artist or the one who is compensated for your erotic attention.

• You might provide erotic attention in the form of being a dominant and/or a submissive.

• Your erotic attention maybe in the form of conversation or communicating your erotic images or conversation over some communication or media device like a web cam.

• Erotic Service providers are female, male and transgender providing erotic service to other females, males and transgender and/or any combinations thereof.
SEE ALSO APR 28 7-9pm

# MINDSHARE II May 6-8, 2005
415-820-9652 $25 tix: Ceiba Records (1364 Haight St. @ Masonic).

# Food & Justice Tours: Join us on a hands on tour of People¹s Grocery¹s
office, gardens and Mobile Market. Learn more about we and other community
groups are finding creative solutions to address the issues of access to
healthy affordable food in West Oakland. Tours are led by a People¹s Grocery
co-founder and youth staff every other Saturday.
Upcoming dates: May 7th, May 21st, June 4th, June 18th
12pm M. Robinson Baker YMCA, 3265 Market St. Oakland CA 94608

# Sat May 7, 5-8 PM  Celebrating National Masturbation Month at the Parkway Theatre -- There are many reasons to masturbate, but probably none as important as pleasure -- so to welcome this year's National Masturbation Month, we're going to celebrate orgasm with Good Vibrations Founder Emerita Joani Blank and her unique movie Orgasm! The Faces of Ecstasy. Joani and her colleagues from Libido Video interviewed twenty-two Bay Area residents (male, female, and trans, aged 22 to 68) and then asked them to have orgasms for the cameras. Shot only from the shoulders up, the resulting movie is an intensely intimate yet non-explicit exploration of human sexual response, and you've never heard anything as thought-provoking as their interviews. (Note for masturbation purists: a few orgasms in this video result from partner sex.)
Joani Blank will be on hand to talk about making Orgasm! Faces of Ecstasy -- and she'll bring some of the movie's stars to talk about their
experience getting intimate with the camera. Hosted by Dr. Carol Queen (who is one of the performers in Orgasm!), and co-sponsored by Good
Vibrations and The Center for Sex & Culture.
Parkway Theatre, 1834 Park Blvd., Oakland -- directions:
ADMISSION: $8.00, 21 and over only please

# Gabriel Cousins Comming to SF B e c o m e F r e e !
TREE OF LIFE FOUNDATION An Oasis for Awakening
May 7, Sat 7 -10 p.m. Global Yoga—Sea Cliff Location
6300 California St SF QUESTIONS & TICKETS: 415-751-6908 / 816-6174
$25 A blueprint for creating the critical mass of conscious people
for planetary transformation—from the founder of a living model for
the Culture of Liberation.
The book is written by a spiritual teacher coming from the direct
experience of his
own life. Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life
and the
Awakening of Kundalini creates the conditions for experiencing
divine bliss,
which is the primary motivation for Liberation. Spiritual Nutrition
gives you both
the technology and the inspiration to do this, revealing certain
aspects of
Kundalini that have not been discussed even in the ancient Indian
scriptures. Dr.
Cousens is now becoming public in this book as to his role as a
Kundalini master.
When the Kundalini is awakened it can take you to the subjective
experience of
the Divine and inspire you to live in a way that enhances its own
"Dr. Gabriel Cousens is a true Yogi.
Spiritual Nutrition is a cosmic how-to
that focuses on methods to spiritualize
the physical body, thus creating a vehicle
for Enlightenment, here and now."
- Sharon Gannon, co-founder of Jivamukti Yoga
An Evening with
Gabriel Cousens, M.D. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
Spiritual Nutrition Lecture
and Q & A
and Shaktipat Kundalini Initiation
Book Signing!
A Mapping to Liberation
Prepare the vehicle of the body-mind to hold
more grace & light until the glass ceiling shatters
and we become the destination itself.

# May 7 Whole Earth Festival outdoors...early evening, 12 subwoofers....
a winning combo. -Lorin

# May 7 SUB SCIENCE! SF -Lorin

# o( THE TAURUS PARTY )o Saturday May 7th
@The California Modern Art Gallery - 1035 Market
Full Bar 21+ / Red Bull Drink Specials / Free Water
Free Before 11 PM / $10 After / 9 PM - 5 AM
o( Free for Taurean's All Night )o
Taurean Birthday Celebration 9 PM - 10 PM
:: ODEED vs. WISH vs. SP4C3R :: (Special Birthday Sets)
:: FROGGER - LIVE SET ! :: (Special Birthday Set)
:: DJ MISHA :: (Special Birthday Set)
:: FREYA :: (Breaks Set !)
:: DJ RIPPLE :: (
:: DJ KIRILL :: (
:: CUBEHEAD :: (

# Help Stop Male Genital mutilation (circumcision) May 7-11

# Sunday, May 8, 2005 (10:00 am - 11:30 am)
Multiple Dates: 2nd sunday of every month
Palo Alto Raw Food Potluck Bay Leaf Cafe
Bring Raw organic, vegan dishes
Your own serve ware, napkins, plates, forks, cups etc.
Items you would like to share, t
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dirty old man
Wed, Apr 27, 2005 11:03AM
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$470.00 donated
in the past month

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